I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 265 Ascension Period: 100

Chapter 265 Ascension Period: 100
"Now, now I don't know." Zhou Yun shook his head, smiled apologetically, and said, "I'm only twenty-three years old, and I haven't experienced many things, but love and career must be an either-or choice? I would ask myself that.”

The interviewer gave a knowing smile.

"Thank you, Xiaoyun."

Zhou Yun smiled embarrassedly.

"Can I give you a hug?" the interviewer asked.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, nodded, and said, "Of course."

After the interview, Zhou Yun returned to the hotel accompanied by Zheng Xiaoju.

On the way, she thought of this question again.

Which one can give her a greater sense of security, career or love?
At that time, she actually had an answer in her heart.Without hesitation, of course it is a career.

At that time, she could actually choose to answer the question of career.

However, this answer is to be written into the interview.Zhou Yun subconsciously felt that if Song Chi read this interview and saw her answer, he might be unhappy.

"How should I put it, in fact, if we have to analyze this issue rationally and objectively, I think both Song Chi and I will choose a career, right? That is, the moment we may be dazzled by love, we may I feel that love is bigger than the sky, but it’s really hard to calm down. But, I said no, we can’t stop ourselves from liking someone, even if we say that career is the most important, the balance in our hearts will continue to change. Leaning towards love, when you are tired and busy at work, when you are alone, when you see people around you in pairs, when you sleep alone at night, remembering the kind of time when two people stay together. When my heart overflows with happiness, there will also be times like that, I don’t care about anything, I just want to be with him, and get out of everything else.”

Zhou Yun, Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju sat on the fluffy carpet in the room, forming a triangle.

There is no work tomorrow, you can rest.

Therefore, Zhou Yun chose to indulge a little, and took them to drink some wine together.

As soon as he drank too much wine, he began to chatter.

Zhou Lan shook his head with a smile when he heard that Zhou Yun had said such a long sentence as soon as he opened his mouth.

"You are only twenty-three years old, where do you have so many ideas?"

Zhou Yun stared at the bright eyes and said: "Sister Lan, to tell you the truth, I really thought about it for a few moments before, I don't want to be an artist anymore, I like Song Chi, who cares, I just want With him. Why should I take care of this and that? I want to give up on work and so on, as long as I can be with Song Chi."

"You have a good idea!" Zhou Lan said, "Zhou Yun, let me tell you, don't even think about it."

"Don't rush, I woke up the next morning, and such thoughts disappeared." Zhou Yun smiled and waved his hands.

Zhou Lan sighed and said, "You know I've been in this business for so long, and I've seen too many people who get carried away when they encounter love. They obviously have a great career prospect, and everyone around them thinks highly of you and is willing to help you. , the whole industry is pushing you to go up, and as a result, you met love at the best time, and now it’s all right, you can only focus on falling in love, and your whole heart is hung on another person, so you can’t work Heart, career is also suspended, delayed for a year or two, love is yellow, at this time I want to go back and work hard on my career, but I'm sorry, no one is still waiting for you where you are, and no one is willing to give you a chance , you have already learned from the past, and no one dares to block it again. You know that there was once a female celebrity with a very good momentum. The cover of a fashion magazine took the initiative to invite her to shoot. Because she wanted to accompany her boyfriend, she had already agreed to shoot Just don't go, let the pigeons go, if there is something serious and urgent, everyone can forgive me, it's just because you want to accompany your boyfriend and fall in love. Once this kind of news spreads, who else will trust you? Work is not you alone Human, if you are not professional, it will not only affect yourself."

Zhou Yun asked: "Is it true that you can't have career and love at the same time?"

"Of course you can, but don't act like I want love but not career or I want career but not love. It's stupid." Zhou Lan said, "Love can be romantic, but you can't lose your mind. Career can be hard work, but There can be no restraint."

"Sister Lan, you speak like a philosopher." Zheng Xiaoju giggled.

The little girl was drunk, her cheeks were red.

Zhou Lan: "Where is the philosopher, I just read too much."

"Sister Lan, when was the last time you fell in love?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Since the two partnered, Zhou Yun had never seen a man with an ambiguous relationship around Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan suddenly looked a little lost and in a trance. After a while, he smiled at himself and said, "The university is actually my high school classmate. At that time, the two of us made an appointment to be admitted to the same university and we were together. I went to the same university, and then we got together. Later, he chose to continue his graduate studies, but I didn’t. After I graduated, I went out to work. The time we could spend together became less and less, and then we broke up.”

This was the first time Zhou Yun heard Zhou Lan talk about this matter.

She asked, "Sister Lan, do you still keep in touch now?"

Zhou Lan said: "I still have friends on WeChat, but I never chatted with them again."

"Why didn't you delete your friends?" Zheng Xiaoju asked in surprise, "If the friends around me break up, they will delete their exes."

Zhou Lan smiled and said: "We are not only a couple, but also high school classmates and college classmates. We have many mutual friends. Moreover, when we broke up, we didn't break up in an ugly way, and we broke up peacefully. "

"Sometimes I also look at his circle of friends and want to know how he is doing."

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan, you still like him, don't you?"

To Zhou Yun's surprise, Zhou Lan nodded directly and said frankly, "I like it."

"You still like it?" Zhou Yun confirmed in surprise.

"I still like him." Zhou Lan spread his hands, showing a little helplessness on his face, "I'm also surprised that after so long, I still like him."

"Wow." Zheng Xiaoju's eyes widened exaggeratedly, "Sister Lan, you really have a longer relationship than my friends."

Zhou Lan chuckled.

"Sometimes I wonder if I will never like someone so much in my life."

"Sister Lan, don't say that, there is no grass anywhere in the world." Zheng Xiaoju patted his chest, said seriously and firmly, "Believe me, there will definitely be a better person waiting for you in the future." yours."

Zhou Lan looked at the drunken Zheng Xiaoju and smiled, "Does this kid watch too many love movies?"

(End of this chapter)

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