I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 266 Ascension Period: 101

Chapter 266 Ascension Period: 101
"Then...is he married?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan shook his head and said: "I don't know, probably not. I didn't see him posting a marriage message in his circle of friends. Moreover, we have many classmates and friends in common. If he gets married, I should know some news. Unless they collectively block me, don't tell me."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then have you ever thought about getting back together with him? If you still like him now, why don't you get back together?"

"I have been separated from him for too long, I don't know what he is doing now, and he doesn't know what I am doing now, do you understand what I mean?" Zhou Lan smiled helplessly, "I can't go back gone."

Zhou Yun said, "I just feel it's a pity."

"If you do it all over again, you will still break up."


"At that time, the conflict between us was already very big. We just endured each other and didn't lose our temper at each other. You have to believe me. If there was any chance between me and him at that time, I would not have broken up with him. I believe he is the same." Zhou Lan recalled the past, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

Zhou Yun hugged Zhou Lan.

"It's okay, the little sentence is right, there must be better people waiting for you in the future."

Zhou Lan smiled lightly, but did not speak.

Surely there will be someone better waiting for her in the future?

No, not anymore.

She knew who the best person was, and no one would be better than him in this life, but they had separated.

That night, the three drank a lot of wine.

They slept in the same bed, unconscious.

Until the next day, someone's cell phone rang.

Zhou Lan was the first among the three to wake up when he heard the bell.

Supporting her head, she looked for the source of the sound with sleepy eyes, and finally found it on the carpet.

It's Zhou Yun's phone.

Zhou Lan picked it up and poked Zhou Yun with his elbow.

"Get up, call."

Zhou Yun opened his eyes in a daze, "Who is it?"

The voice was very vague.

"Song Chi." Zhou Lan stroked his hair and lay down again.

Zhou Yun answered the phone, still buried in the pillow, with the phone on his ear.

"Hello?" Zhou Yun snorted softly.

Probably because she drank too much last night, Zhou Yun felt as if something was weighing on her mind, and she couldn't keep up her spirits.

"Are you still sleeping?" Song Chi's voice sounded energetic.


"I'm coming to Sanya." He said, "I'll be at your hotel in about an hour."

"What?" Zhou Yun was startled, and his spirit was instantly refreshed.

"Let's have lunch together later, it's already half past ten, and I have to get up." Song Chi said with a smile.

Zhou Yun slapped himself on the forehead, "It's already half past ten? I'm so sleepy."

"How much did you drink last night?" Song Chi asked with a smile.

Zhou Yun asked in shock: "How do you know that I drank last night?"

Song Chi said, "You called me, don't you remember?"

"I also called you?" Zhou Yun sat up from the bed in shock.

She felt as if her head had been swung with a hammer, and she panicked.

"I, I, I really don't remember." Zhou Yun asked cautiously, "What did I say? I didn't say anything that shouldn't be said, did I?"

Song Chi smiled and asked, "Is there anything you shouldn't tell me?"

"Don't talk to me, tell me quickly, what did I say to you when I called you yesterday? How come I haven't remembered it for a year, are you fooling me?" Zhou Yun doubted.

Song Chi said, "You'll find out after looking at the call records later. You've been talking to me for more than half an hour."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Now she couldn't stand her disbelief.

"Then what did I say?" Zhou Yun was inexplicably mad.

She was full of distrust of herself.

Song Chi refused to say anything.

"It's nothing, get up quickly, I've already left the airport, and I'll be at the hotel soon."

The phone hangs up.

Zhou Yun sat on the bed, dazed for a long time.

"It's dead." Zhou Yun kept muttering.

Zhou Lan heard her mumbling, woke up, frowned, and asked, "What's dead?"

Zhou Yun covered his face and said, "I called Song Chi after drinking with you last night, but I don't remember it at all, and I don't remember what I said to him at all. I must have said something I shouldn't have said!"

Zhou Lan comforted him and said, "Since you don't even remember what you said, how could you know what you shouldn't have said? You are a person with numbers, so you will definitely not say anything out of line."

"If I didn't say what I shouldn't, why didn't Song Chi tell me what I said?" When Zhou Yun thought of this, his whole body fell into a predicament of self-entanglement, and he slapped on the bed. Get out, and try to cover your head with the quilt.

Zhou Lan grabbed the quilt and pulled it over.

"So what if I said it? Anyway, I've already said it." Zhou Lan kicked Zhou Yun's buttocks and asked, "Why did Song Chi call you? Just to tell you about the phone call last night." ?”

"No, he said he came to our place. He just left the airport and will arrive at our hotel in an hour." Zhou Yunmu said with a straight face.

Zhou Lan's expression paused for a moment.

She thought about it for a few seconds, and then said: "It seems that what you said to him on the phone last night was a bit serious. I'm going to catch a plane early this morning."

Zhou Yun took a deep breath, really wanting to suffocate himself to death.

God knows what she said.

But no matter what, Song Chi will arrive at the hotel in an hour.

It was impossible for Zhou Yun to go back to sleep again.

She got out of bed and went into the bathroom barefoot.

Zhou Lan then came to the door of the bathroom and stood, with his hands folded on his chest, looking at Zhou Yun who was squeezing toothpaste for his toothbrush, and said, "What we said last night is only between us and cannot be spread outside."

"Understood, who can I tell." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan emphasized: "Including Song Chi."

Zhou Yun gave her a white look and said, "Can you stop mentioning his name now?"

"Stealing one's ears and stealing one's bell won't solve the problem." Zhou Lan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, turned and left.

Zhou Yun looked at himself in the mirror, ok, the word "hangover" was almost written all over his face, especially his eyes were swollen as if he had been crying all night.

"What exactly did I say?" Zhou Yun asked himself in the mirror with a puzzled expression, "Zhou Yun, you shouldn't lose your mind, right?"

At this moment, Zhou Yun could only deceive himself and others.

She shouldn't lose her mind and say something completely out of her usual style.

After she finished washing her face, she went out and was about to wipe something, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhou Lan looking at her mobile phone, her whole face was cast in gloom.

"what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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