I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 267 Ascension Period: 102

Chapter 267 Ascension Period: 102
Zhou Lan raised his head, looked at Zhou Yun, opened his mouth, but made no sound.

Zhou Yun realized that something was serious.She walked over, sat down beside Zhou Lan, and asked, "Sister Lan, what happened?"

Zhou Lan's pupils seemed to be hollowed out, and he looked straight at Zhou Yun, as if he wanted to look into Zhou Yun's eyes.This appearance made Zhou Yun feel particularly uneasy, even a little nervous.

Zhou Lan said: "The man who has been secretly following you and trying to sneak into your room is dead."


Zhou Yun was stunned, at a loss, and couldn't recover for a while.

"It's a cerebral hemorrhage, and he died." Zhou Lan said, "I just received the news about what happened last night."

The two looked at each other.

Zhou Yun opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't say anything.She didn't know what to say.

"The police found a lot of photos of you in his mobile phone, all of which were stalking you and secretly taking pictures." Zhou Lan said, "According to what they investigated, he has been stalking you for a long time."

Zhou Yun felt cold all over his body.

A person, without her knowing, followed her for a long time.Just thinking about it for a moment made her hair stand on end.

"Sister Lan, what does that person look like? Do you have a picture?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "There is no photo left, I'll ask the police who dealt with this matter."

"However, do you want to know what he looks like?" Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun worriedly, "He is dead, and there is no point in knowing what he looks like."

"No, I have to know what he looks like, he has been following me for so long, I have to know who he is." Zhou Yun said.

She is such a character.If she doesn't know who this person is, she won't be able to sleep well at night, she will be cranky, and she won't be able to be peaceful during the day, she will be suspicious and doubt everyone around her.Only by knowing who that person is, can she feel at ease "seeing is believing".

Zhou Lan sighed, nodded, and went to the other side to make a phone call.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought of the text messages he had received before, took out his mobile phone, and found them.

The last text message stayed last year, then disappeared, and there was no more news.

Could those text messages be from that person?

Is that him?

Who the hell is he and why is he doing this?
When Zhou Yun thought that that person almost entered his room, a layer of goosebumps immediately appeared on his skin.

At this time, a weak voice sounded from the side, with a sound of just waking up: "Sister Xiaoyun, what's wrong with you? Is something wrong?"

Zheng Xiaoju finally woke up.

The little girl rubbed her eyes and yawned again.

Zhou Yun smiled hastily and gently, shook his head, and said nothing.

At that moment just now, she wanted the little girl not to know what happened.

Zhou Lan came back to the room after making the phone call.

"Xiaoyun, I got his photo."

Zhou Yun's heart, which had been softened by Zheng Xiaoju just now, suddenly lifted up again.

She said, "Sister Lan, send it to me."

"Are you sure you want to send it to you? Or you can just watch it on my phone." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and nodded without further arguing on this matter.

Zhou Lan handed over the phone.

Zhou Yun held it in his hand, and a somewhat familiar face emerged from the screen in front of him, from the long memory.

Her pupils quivered.

Zhou Lan has been paying attention to Zhou Yun's reaction. Seeing her like this, Zhou Lan asked, "Do you know this person?"

Zhou Yun was silent for a long time before he said, "He was my neighbor when I was young."

Zhou Yun still remembered this person, of course she did.When she was a child, her father beat and kicked her frequently, and sometimes when she drank too much, he would call her bad luck and drive her out.At that time, she often sat alone in the corridor, and sometimes she would bump into him coming in and out.He saw her sitting alone in the corridor, as if she knew what happened, or as if she didn't know anything, occasionally smiled kindly, occasionally took out a few candies from her pocket, or took a few pieces from home. Bring out the biscuits for her.

Although they were all small things, for a long time, Zhou Yun was very grateful to him and remembered his kindness.Later, she ran away from home, lived in her grandmother's house, and never went back.Sometimes, Zhou Yun would think of that neighbor's uncle.

Who would have thought that it was him?
He was old, wrinkled and fatter, but he was still recognizable.

When Zhou Yun saw him, he thought of the dark days when he was a child.The cramped atmosphere overflowed overwhelmingly.

"You're a loser!"

"Bad luck! If it wasn't for you, how could your mother die!"

"Get out of here! Get out!"


In the already blurred memory, the rough and fierce curse still lingered in my ears, as if a beer bottle would fly over from the other end of the long river of memory at any time.

If she didn't get over in time, the beer bottle would hit her on the head.

Zhou Yun returned the phone to Zhou Lan, bit her lips in a daze, and said, "I'm going to take a shower."

Zhou Lan nodded.

After Zhou Yun entered the bathroom, Zheng Xiaoju raised his head and asked innocently: "Sister Lan, what's wrong? I think Sister Xiaoyun's face is not very good, she must be sick, right?"

Zhou Lan raised his hand and knocked on Zheng Xiaoju's forehead.

"Small crow's mouth, get up quickly and go back to your room."

"Oh." Zheng Xiaoju responded blankly, nodded, got out of bed and left.

Zhou Lan sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the bathroom door worriedly, and sighed.

She didn't know what kind of impact this incident would have on Zhou Yun.

She only hoped that Zhou Yun could recover as soon as possible.

Fortunately, by accident, Song Chi came over at this time.Zhou Lan thought to himself, if Song Chi was by his side at this time, Zhou Yun would feel much better in his heart.

Another question popped up: Should she tell Song Chi about this?
Twenty minutes later, Zhou Yun came out of the bathroom with a rosy face.

She seemed to have returned to normal, she smiled at Zhou Lan while wiping her hair.

"Have Xiaoju gone back to the room? Sister Lan, you go back too, I'm fine." Zhou Yun said, "I'm just a little shocked, I didn't expect that person to be someone I know."

Zhou Lan shrugged and said, "It's okay, I just stay here to say sorry to you."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun said, "What did you suddenly say sorry for?"

Zhou Lan said, "I told Song Chi about it without your permission."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Zhou Lan: "I know you will definitely not agree with me telling Song Chi, and I also know that you don't want Song Chi to know about it, but as I said, you can blame me or be angry with me, I accept both, okay I'm going back to my room now."

(End of this chapter)

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