I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 278 Ascension Period: 113

Chapter 278 Ascension Period: 113
The red carpet has always been a must for stars, especially female stars.

How many female stars have gained a lot of fans just because of a red carpet photo that went out of the circle. Fashion and beauty have a natural appeal, which is the weight of the red carpet.

Zhou Yun walked forward slowly according to the instructions. The photographers in each area came from different countries and regions.

The red carpet is actually not long.

On the red carpet, Zhou Yun was completely centered, taking positions in the order of the group photo, Zhou Yun and Wen Bing's group photo, and Zhou Yun's solo photo.

The moment Zhou Yun stepped onto the red carpet, his heart beat really fast.

But she rationally warned herself not to be nervous, and she would show timidity when she was nervous.

Therefore, Zhou Yun walked onto the red carpet almost with the mentality of going all out, and the strange thing is that when she walked on the red carpet, her nervous mood calmed down.

With a short red carpet, Zhou Yun could hardly feel the flow of time.

When it was time to go up the steps, Zhou Yun felt like he had just woken up from a dream.

The chairman of the festival receives all the guests on the steps.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that this old man with gray hair and suits and leather shoes showed that he knew her, not only hugged her actively, but also called out a pronunciation similar to Yun.

Zhou Yun looked at the other party in surprise and disbelief, and asked in English: "Do you know me?"

"Of course, your performance in "Days" was very good." The other said, "Outstanding performance."

Zhou Yun was astonished.

On the side, Yao Yuanfeng didn't understand English, so he didn't know what they were talking about.

But he knew who the old man was.

Just because he knew it, Yao Yuanfeng was even more surprised.

You must know that not everyone in this chairman will take the initiative to say a few words.

There are still many camera lenses pointing at this side.

The chairman's attitude actually represented a certain meaning.

Yao Yuanfeng turned to ask Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan translated the conversation between Zhou Yun and the chairman to Yao Yuanfeng.

Yao Yuanfeng was even more shocked after hearing this.This is simply unbelievable.He suddenly thought that if this sentence was sent to the country for publicity, it would definitely cause an uproar.Due to the dissemination channels and the quality of the film itself, the number of Chinese actors who can be praised internationally has not been many.It is even rarer to be praised by a person of the level of the chairman of the film selection committee of the Venice International Film Festival.

For example, some actors who often bring their works to film festivals have never been praised for how well they acted. They are all praised by the domestic media and use international film festivals to gild people.

The number of Chinese actors who can win performance awards in the world is even smaller, so the circumstances of those who won the awards basically changed directly on the night they won the awards.Several actors who were not known to the public before they went to the film, once they won the award, have continued to make film appointments since then, no matter whether it is a big production or a big director movie, they suddenly have their presence.Such as Liao Fan, such as Yongmei.

It is a recognized honor that can bestow life on an actor.

Yao Yuanfeng naturally had plans in mind.

At the same time, the Chinese media present also captured this scene and sent it back to China as soon as possible.

The titles are all set:

The chairman of the film festival, Wen Ke, and Zhou Yun had a face-to-face chat!

Zhou Yun didn't know what was happening.She was in a state of strange surprise and disbelief.Many people told her that she did a good job in "Days", she did a really good job.Wen Bing said, Yao Yuanfeng also said.But Zhou Yun didn't fully believe what they said, because they were all acquaintances and people related to "Life", and Zhou Yun couldn't be sure how much of what they said was out of human feelings.

She never expected that even Wen Ke, the chairman of the film festival, would take the initiative to say that she acted well.

Outstanding performance!
Zhou Yun just felt that everything was a bit dreamy.

Enter the movie palace and take a seat.

There are a lot of people, and everyone is talking enthusiastically.

Zhou Yun and the others didn't know the people around them, so they were a bit out of place.

It wasn't their home game today either, Zhou Yun kept smiling in a fresh and excited way.

Suddenly, Shi Luoqi came over.

"Zhou Yun!" She stood in the aisle and waved to her.

Zhou Yun stood up in surprise and went over.

"It's so beautiful today! It's amazing." Shi Luoqi said with a smile, "Someone asked me about you just now."

Zhou Yun shook his head embarrassedly and said, "Thank you."

Shi Luoqi said: "After a while, do you have time?"

"There is a shooting." Zhou Yun said apologetically, "I have already agreed to the other party."

"Ah? That's a pity." Shi Luoqi said, "I wanted to take you to an event. Warren Phoenix threw a party. He is a big producer in Hollywood."

Zhou Yun: "Thank you, Sister Luo Qi, it's not a coincidence."

Shi Luoqi patted her on the shoulder and said, "Come on, I'll bring people over to see "Days" when it premieres."

"Well, thank you, Sister Luo Qi!" Zhou Yun hugged her.

Only then did Shi Luoqi turn around and leave, and within two steps, he saw someone he knew again, and they started talking enthusiastically.

Zhou Yun wanted to go back to his seat, but was suddenly stopped again.

"Little Cloud!"

Zhou Yun turned around in surprise.

She thought to herself, this person is not familiar with the place, how come people are looking for her one after another.

Looking back, it turned out to be Chen Fusi.

The past two days were so busy that he was dizzy and saw so many people that Zhou Yun even forgot that Chen Fusi was here too.

Zhou Yun laughed in surprise and said, "You have also come to the opening ceremony."

Chen Fusi nodded with a smile, and said, "There are more people than I imagined."

"It's noisy, it's all people I don't know."

"Well, I'm going to have a party tonight, do you want to come and play?" Chen Fusi asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I have arranged work tonight."

"Is there still a job?" Chen Fusi asked in surprise.

Zhou Yun nodded helplessly and said, "Yes, there is a brand endorsement event."

In fact, it is the Jin Ling jewelry that I received earlier.

Chen Fusi shrugged and said, "It's okay, then we'll see you tomorrow night."

Tomorrow night is the Chinese Movie Night event.

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

"Please step aside." Suddenly, a blond woman's voice interrupted them sharply.

Zhou Yun subconsciously said sorry, and stepped aside.

The blond woman walked between the two of them almost like a rampage, and bumped Zhou Yun's body hard with her shoulder.

That intensity seems to be intentional.

Wearing high heels, Zhou Yun staggered backwards, almost missing the steps.

Chen Fusi quickly supported Zhou Yun.

"Thank you." After a false alarm, Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

She looked over at the blond woman.

The blond woman was also looking back at her with disgust.

Zhou Yun felt incredible.

The two of them had never met before, why did this blonde woman treat her so badly?

Zhou Yun muttered in his heart, Chen Fusi suddenly took a step forward, grabbed the blond woman's wrist involuntarily, and said in a deep and powerful voice, "Apologize."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

She didn't expect Chen Fusi to do this.

She quickly said, "Forget it, I'm fine."

The blond woman suddenly wanted to shake off Chen Fusi's hand very excitedly, and said angrily, "Let go!"

Chen Fusi's attitude was very firm, unmoved, with a straight face, he said, "Apologize to her."

"You're crazy! Let me go!" The blond woman's voice suddenly rose, causing many people around to look sideways.

This is the opening scene of the Venice International Film Festival, Zhou Yun didn't want to cause bad influence because of this kind of thing.

Zhou Yun stepped forward and said to Chen Fusi: "Forget it, it's okay, just leave her alone."

At this moment, Chen Fusi gave her a reassuring look, and said softly, "Leave it to me."

At this time, the person in charge of maintaining order in the inner field came.

As soon as the leader came, he asked, "What happened?"

The blond woman pre-empted the attack, complaining: "These two Asians don't follow the order and make trouble for me!"

She gave Zhou Yun a provocative look, as if to say that this is her home field.

Just as Zhou Yun was about to speak, Chen Fusi said to the person maintaining order with a calm expression: "This woman deliberately provoked and found fault, and almost knocked this lady down. If you can't handle it, you can invite Mr. Bach to come over."

When the person in charge of maintaining order heard Mr. Bach's name, his expression changed.

It was like a secret signal. Several people looked at each other, and the leader whispered a few words into the headset.

Maybe someone explained something to him over there, and the leader looked at Chen Fusi again, and described Chen Fusi's appearance.

Seeing this, the blond woman realized that she seemed to have offended someone she shouldn't have offended, with a guilty expression on her face, she suddenly said: "Forget it, I don't care about this matter, I'm going to find my seat."

"Ma'am, please don't go." The leading guard took a step forward and blocked her way with his hand. "We asked our colleagues to check the surveillance records to confirm that you were indeed deliberately provocative just now. Please come out with us."

"Get out?" The blond woman's face changed drastically when she heard the words, and she looked at them in disbelief, "Are you going to invite me out?"

"Yes, ma'am."

The blond woman was furious and said, "You have no right to invite me out!"

"Sorry, according to the management regulations, we have the right to expel participants who pose a dangerous threat. Please come out with us and don't let us catch you." The other party responded strongly.

The corner of the blond woman's mouth twitched twice. After all, she still didn't make a fuss at the venue. She gave Chen Fusi and Zhou Yun a vicious look, and left.

A farce is over.

Chen Fusi whispered to Zhou Yun: "I have to say sorry to you, this trouble is caused by me."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"Just now she came to strike up a conversation with me, but I ignored her, probably because she saw me chatting with you, so she deliberately came to trouble you." Chen Fusi showed a helpless expression, "I'm sorry."

"It turned out to be a catastrophe." Zhou Yun laughed, "Fortunately, it didn't cause any major trouble."

Chen Fusi suddenly raised his hand, held Zhou Yun's shoulder, and led her to the side of the aisle to make room for people who were going to pass by.

Zhou Yun was wearing a strapless backless outfit today. The moment Chen Fusi's palm touched Zhou Yun's skin, a burst of electricity passed through Zhou Yun's body.

She immediately took another step back, letting her shoulders leave Chen Fusi's palm.

"Mr. Chen." Zhou Yun called out helplessly.

Chen Fusi immediately raised his hands and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Zhou Yun said: "The opening ceremony is about to begin, I'll go back to my seat first."

"Okay." Chen Fusi nodded naturally.

Zhou Yun returned to his seat.

As soon as she was seated, Yao Yuanfeng asked her in surprise: "Xiaoyun, do you know Chen Fusi?"

"I saw it at an event before." Zhou Yun said.

The expression on Yao Yuanfeng's face was a bit complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"By the way, what were you talking about just now?" He asked again, "Are you very close?"

"It's not very familiar." Zhou Yun said, "He invited me to a party he organized, but I have arranged work, so I can't go."

Yao Yuanfeng looked shocked and asked, "You rejected his invitation?"

"What's wrong? Can't you refuse?"

Yao Yuanfeng was somewhat indescribable, and asked, "Do you know who he is?"

Zhou Yun said: "I only know that he is very powerful."

"It's not just powerful, it can be said that your hands and eyes are in the sky." Yao Yuanfeng said, "I think he has a good impression of you, so take care of it. If he is willing, you can reach the sky in one step."

Zhou Yun lowered his eyebrows in disgust, smiled lightly, and said, "Boss Yao, I have a boyfriend."

Yao Yuanfeng was stunned for two seconds, as if he didn't expect Zhou Yun to say that. After a while, when Zhou Yun thought he had something to say, he shut his mouth.

Fortunately, Zhou Yun was able to be quiet.


I received a message on my phone from Zhoulan.

She asked: What happened?I saw that you and Chen Fusi seemed to have a conflict with a woman?

Zhou Yun replied: It has been resolved.

Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju's seats were not with them.

Zhou Lan: Xiaoyun, I have to remind you that there are quite a few Chinese people attending the opening ceremony today. I guess many people have seen what happened between you and Chen Fusi just now. In case someone sends it back to China, There may be some gossip about you and him.

Zhou Yun: I know, sister Lan, I will go and explain it to him.

Zhou Kan: Good.

Zhou Yun put down his phone.

The infield seats are almost full.

Everyone was dressed up to attend, such an environment, such an atmosphere, suddenly gave Zhou Yun a "serious" feeling.

Filmmakers from all over the world gather together to discuss, communicate, enjoy, applaud, and give the highest honor to the best films using film as the language.

This kind of atmosphere will infect the people present.

Especially when the main creative members of the opening film walked into the infield and took their seats amidst the warm applause of the audience, Zhou Yun suddenly felt jittery all over his body.

She suddenly realized that this was the moment she was longing for, to bring her own works into the spotlight.

Moved and excited at the same time.

Zhou Yun turned his head and glanced at Wen Bing.

Wen Bing is usually shyer, more restrained, and less talkative than her, but at this moment, while he was applauding, his eyes also had such a light.

(End of this chapter)

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