I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 279 Ascension Period: 114

Chapter 279 Ascension Period: 114
After the opening ceremony ended, Zhou Yun hurried back to the hotel without stopping.

The people from the fashion magazines were already ready at the hotel. As soon as Zhou Yun returned, they helped her remove her hair and make-up, and prepared to reapply it.

In the afternoon, Zhou Yun will complete street shooting and Vlog shooting with fashion magazines.

Zheng Xiaoju has already changed out of her dress, and back into jeans and a jacket.

Zhou Yun noticed Zheng Xiaoju's expression of reluctance.

"Xiaoju, what's the matter?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju was also very straightforward, saying: "It's the first time I dress so beautifully, and I can't bear it."

Today, Zheng Xiaoju tidied up for himself, and Zhou Lan also asked a makeup artist to put on Zheng Xiaoju's makeup, which really looked better than usual.

Zhou Yun could understand Zheng Xiaoju's thoughts very well.

Zheng Xiaoju came from a small village and town. Before, she was plain-faced and didn’t know how to put on makeup. After Chengqian Entertainment, when the assistants attend classes, one of them is to tell them that as assistants, they must have the self-consciousness to be a green leaf, especially not to show up with makeup By the side of the female star.

Occasionally, she has the opportunity to look so beautiful and dress so beautifully. Of course, she is very excited to participate in such a powerful event.

Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju: "There will be many opportunities like this in the future. Do you like this dress? I will buy it for you and give it to you as a gift."

When Zheng Xiaoju heard this, he quickly shook his head and hands, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, no need, I don't usually have the opportunity to wear this kind of clothes, I'm just talking casually."

"Why won't I have a chance to wear it in the future." Zhou Yun said, "In the future, I will also hold a party myself, and invite my friends to have a meal and have fun. Why don't you come?"

Zheng Xiaoju froze on the spot, didn't speak for a while, and opened his mouth stupidly.

Zhou Yun laughed, held Zheng Xiaoju's hand, and said, "You are already my little sister in my heart, so I just give you a skirt, so you don't need to be polite to me."

Zheng Xiaoju snorted, opened his mouth and closed it again, not knowing what he wanted to say.

Zhou Lan saw this scene in his eyes, turned his eyes, pretended to be dissatisfied, and said, "Hey, Miss Zhou Yun, you can't be so partial, you can't just give Xiaoju and not me. Give it away, I want it too, and you paid for the one I have on me."

Zhou Yun: "Oh, buying two at once makes my heart bleed."

The person in charge of VX smiled and said at this time: "Don't bleed, Xiaoyun, Mr. Zheng specifically explained that the dresses worn by Sister Lan and Xiaoju are very suitable for them, and she has already bought it with her own pocket, and she is going to give it to the two of you. "

"What?" Zhou Yun looked at the other party in surprise, "Sister Xiaowen beat me to it?"

The person in charge of VX nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Zheng originally asked me to speak to Sister Lan and Xiaoju in private."

Zhou Yun narrowed his eyes, "Be honest, is it true that Mr. Zheng is interested in my manager and my assistant and wants to poach them away? Is this poaching in front of me?"

The person in charge of VX laughed twice and said, "I don't know about that. If Mr. Zheng has such thoughts, you should ask her herself."

Between talking and laughing, Zhou Lan glanced at the time and said, "Hurry up, don't run out of time."

The stylists and makeup artists for this event were hired by people from fashion magazines.

The clothing provided by Street Shoot comes from eight brands, involving clothing, jewelry, high-heeled shoes, make-up, accessories, etc.

There are people coming and going in the big suite of the hotel, but fortunately, it is orderly while busy, and it will not be as chaotic as a vegetable market.

Zhou Lan confirmed all the links, and there was no emergency that she needed to deal with.She breathed a sigh of relief, took out her phone, opened WeChat habitually, and checked for unprocessed messages.

Of course, there is no time when everything is processed on WeChat.

After a cursory scan, he didn't see anything that had to be dealt with now, so Zhou Lan called the person in charge of the propaganda team.

"Has Zhou Yun's red carpet photo been published by major domestic media?"

"All of them have been posted, and some of our black media still posted ugly photos, specifically picking out Zhou Yun's bad expression moments. However, the traffic of these photos is not large, and Xiaoyun's red carpet style won the prize. It has received a lot of response and praise, and it has now ranked ninth on Weibo’s most searched list, with a strong momentum, and the bloggers at the top are basically positive.”

"Be sure to keep an eye on it for the next few hours. If there is any bad news, report it to me as soon as possible." Zhou Lan explained, "If there is a national social incident, immediately contact Weibo and post it. Xiaoyun's trending search has been removed."


"You sent me a message before saying that some media used the title of the hot chat between Wen Ke and Zhou Yun, the chairman of the film festival. You contacted these media, discussed with them, and changed the hot chat to two hot chats. One word." Zhou Lan said, "In addition, we must be careful not to have any abuses. If there is any situation about using this incident to abuse Ning Yao and Wei Ruxue, suppress it immediately, and we will not try to abuse other houses. , do you understand me?"

"Understood." The leader of the publicity team said, "Sister Lan, don't worry, we are all watching these at the same time, and I will communicate with you over there."

"Yeah." After Zhou Lan explained these matters, he relaxed a little and hung up the phone.

Looking back, Zhou Yun was still putting on makeup.

She looked through her address book again, found the contact information of fashion blogger Wei Kaka, and called.

"Sister Lan, aren't you far away in Venice, are you attending the opening ceremony? Why did you call me?" Wei Kaka asked with a smile on the phone.

Zhou Lan said: "Didn't I ask you for help with something? You make the red and black list every week, and the comments are sharp. How about it, this time, can our Xiaoyun be on your red list or black list?"

Wei Kaka laughed and said, "Sister Lan, do you know how many people in our circle are praising your Xiaoyun's performance this time? Let me go, why didn't she fly so high on the red carpet in China? I I told you a long time ago that she is usually too reserved when walking the red carpet, and she can walk well only if she has such an aura of an old lady at home. This time she walks really beautifully, and it will give us Chinese fashion pride."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that." Zhou Lan laughed, "However, since there are several other female stars walking the red carpet together this time, I have to ask you a favor. In your comment, Don't associate Xiaoyun with the others, okay?"

Wei Kaka said in surprise: "Miss Lan, you are too cautious, I have never received a call from any agent who specifically told me not to bully others, but I am not that kind of person, don't worry Well, I'm only interested in fashion, not in provoking disputes, and if Zhou Yun dresses too ugly in the future, I will still spare no effort to criticize her."

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "Got it, got it, please give me some advice on Xiaoyun's style."

(End of this chapter)

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