I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 280 Ascension Period: 115

Chapter 280 Ascension Period: 115
The main reason why Zhou Lan is so meticulous about everything is that Zhou Yun is now in a critical rising period.

It was originally a popular physique, and there were already Su Yan and Xu Siyao, two indissoluble opponents, Zhou Lan felt obliged to help Zhou Yun control the size of the enemy army.

Although, this is actually very difficult to do.

In the street shooting in the afternoon, Zhou Lan did not follow Zhou Yun, but accompanied He Yong to meet some people he wanted to meet, and also dealt with some domestic work from time to time.

For example, the photo of Zhou Yun and Wen Ke talking face to face.

This photo unexpectedly became popular, because Zhou Yun's fans reposted it excitedly, thinking that the chairman of the film festival was optimistic about Zhou Yun and had a meeting.

Some radical and excited fans directly said that they had never seen Wen Ke having a face-to-face chat with Ning Yao or Wei Ruxue.

Because Zhou Yun brought his works there.

Wen Ke only knew Zhou Yun.

As soon as the people in the propaganda team saw such remarks, they immediately became concerned and reported it. At the same time, they contacted the fan manager to try to suppress these remarks.

There is one thing to say, such remarks really affect the perception of passers-by.

No one likes arrogant people, and no one likes people who step on others and praise themselves.

I am most afraid of this kind of pulling and stepping.

But such news kept appearing, and the publicity team discovered that there were many fake fans continuing to fuel the flames in the name of Zhou Yun's fans.

After checking, there were two fans of Su Yan and Xu Siyao.

What Zhou Lan was most afraid of was that this kind of thing would happen, but she had already thought that such a thing would happen.

She thought about it, sent a message to Luo Peiyao, and said: Sister Peiyao, Ning Yao will participate in the Chinese movie night tomorrow, right?

Luo Peiyao replied: Yes, what's the matter?
Zhou Lan said: Some people on the domestic Internet are sowing discord, saying that Xiaoyun and Ning Yao are competing on the red carpet. I was wondering if I could take a photo of Xiaoyun and Ning Yao tomorrow night and let Xiaoyun post it on Weibo. To stop such rumors, it’s fine if it’s someone else, but Ning Yao is an actor that Xiaoyun respects very much, and he specifically told me that he wants to cooperate with Ning Yao in the future. If this incident leads to the relationship between Xiaoyun and Ning Yao If you are unfamiliar, Xiaoyun will be very sad.

This passage has already placed the posture very low.

But Zhou Lan felt it was necessary.

It is normal for Zhou Yun to lower his posture in front of Ning Yao, and Zhou Lan did not lie. Ning Yao is indeed an actor that Zhou Yun respects and wants to work with.

Luo Peiyao turned back with a smiling face and said, "Okay, let me tell Ning Yao that you don't need to mind what those people say online, and we generally don't take it too seriously."

Zhou Lan sent a loving emoji.

In the evening, Zhou Lan returned to the hotel and waited for Zhou Yunjie to take pictures.

She sent a message to Zheng Xiaoju, asking: How is the progress?

Zheng Xiaoju replied: There is one last modeling, and it is expected to take another hour.

Zhou Lan pressed his temple, went back to his room to charge his phone, set the alarm clock, and lay on the bed for thirty minutes.

During the recent period, not only Zhou Yun was tired, but she was also tired.

However, this kind of tiredness is full of hope, and Zhou Lan is willing.

What people are most afraid of is that they are always busy and tired, and they get up early and stay late, but they can't see the bright future.


The next day, Chinese movie night.

Another event with a lot of exposure.

Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju still had to accompany Zhou Yun to this event.

A lot of people participated in this event, not only Chinese filmmakers, but also people from many other countries.

Zhou Lan attaches great importance to this event, not only because of the high exposure, but also because Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin will also participate in this event. At this event, the film project of "Words of Fallen Leaves" that the three of them collaborated on will be announced.

The red carpet photographers for this event are mainly photographers from China.

Zhou Yun did not walk with Wen Bing and the others, but walked the red carpet alone.

Flash blinks.

Zhou Yun walked the red carpet and entered the infield.

Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju were already waiting for her at the entrance.

"Director Chen Zian has arrived, go and say hello to Director Chen first." Zhou Lan put a glass of champagne in Zhou Yun's hand.

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

After the greeting, there is an unavoidable group photo session.

Zhou Yun stood beside Director Chen Zian, smiling obediently.

After taking the photo, Zhou Yun was about to leave knowingly, when Chen Zian suddenly asked, "Are you and Song Chi dating?"

Zhou Yun's pupils were shocked, and he lost his expression control for a while.The main reason is that she never expected that such a gossip question would be asked from the mouth of the great director Chen Zian.

"Director Chen?" Zhou Yun was a little at a loss at this moment.

Chen Zian smiled shyly, and said: "Xiao Song called me this morning, and he slipped up and said that his girlfriend is also in Venice. I asked who he was, but he refused to tell me, but I guess It's you."

Zhou Yun did not expect this to happen.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Then you should ask him."

Chen Zian laughed.

"How wonderful it is for young people to fall in love."

Zhou Yun sighed distressedly, and said, "I don't want to talk so early, it will delay my career."

Chen Zian said: "No delay, no delay."

Zhou Yun was speechless, and after a while, he said, "Director Chen, this is still a secret, not many people know it, so don't tell others."

Chen Zian nodded, "Understood, absolutely keep it a secret."

After finishing speaking, he even winked at Zhou Yun, as if on purpose, and told her that it was all right.

This small action fell into the eyes of others, and naturally deduced all kinds of thoughts.

"When did Zhou Yun become so familiar with Director Chen Zian?" Wei Ruxue frowned and asked her manager, "Have they met before? I have known Director Chen for so long, and I have never seen him like this."

Sui Yu shook her head lightly and said, "I don't know, I've never heard of it, but... I heard that Zhou Yun has a movie project to announce tonight."

"What movie project?" Wei Ruxue's face suddenly changed, "You won't tell me that she wants to cooperate with Chen Zian?"

"Probably not." Sui Yu said, "Director Chen's next film will be purely English, with no Asian characters."

Wei Ruxue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who would have thought that in just one year, she would have come to where she is today." Wei Ruxue's tone was filled with jealousy, "It took me so many years to stand here."

Sui Yu knew what Wei Ruxue meant.

"Xiaoxue, you have your own path, so you don't need to compare yourself with others. Besides, she is not qualified to compare with you yet." Sui Yu said, "Don't forget that our goal is Ningyao."

"If I don't act in movies or win awards, I will never be able to surpass Ning Yao in my life." Wei Ruxue said softly, gnashing her teeth.

Sui Yu comforted: "There will be, there will be movies, and there will be awards."

 ask for votes

(End of this chapter)

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