I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 292 Ascension Period: 127

Chapter 292 Ascension Period: 127
Xu Siyao walked into the meeting room.

The new vice president, Zhou Heping, sat on the sofa and seemed to be waiting for her.

"You're here." Zhou Heping looked up at her and smiled slightly.

The thirty-five-year-old man, who was able to sit on the executive seat of Qianqian Entertainment at such a young age, and then parachuted into Qianqian Entertainment from the headquarters, had already aroused speculation and gossip from everyone in the company.

Many people tried their best to find out what Zhou Heping's background was, but they only knew that he was rising rapidly all the way in the headquarters, as if he was riding a rocket.

It is said that he has a background, but no one knows what his background is.

The more it is like this, the more mysterious it is, the more dreadful it is, and I dare not take it lightly.

But Zhou Heping took the initiative to contact Xu Siyao and asked her to come to the company to meet.

Xu Siyao didn't know the intention of Zhou Heping's move, but she had no reason to refuse the invitation of a company executive.

Especially an executive with a rather mysterious background.

Xu Siyao smiled at Zhou Heping and said, "Mr. Zhou, you asked me to come here, what's the matter?"

"Let's talk about cooperation with you," he said.

"Cooperation?" Xu Siyao showed a look of surprise, "Is there anything we can cooperate with?"

Zhou Heping said: "There is cooperation between Zhou Yun and He Yong, and there is cooperation between us."

Xu Siyao's eyes rolled.She didn't know if she had misunderstood what Zhou Heping meant.

"President Zhou, what do you mean?"

"Do you need me to explain more clearly?" Zhou Heping said, "You should be a smart person."

Xu Siyao laughed and said, "She is already the best actress at the International Film Festival, why doesn't President Zhou cooperate with her?"

Zhou Heping's tone was quite flat, as if he just said casually, "You are more suitable for my eyes."

Xu Siyao smiled in surprise.


late September.

Hongqiao Airport.

The weather was still a bit hot, and the blue sky seemed to be dispelled by the sun, spreading out unscrupulously until the end of the sky.

An international flight has just landed.

Half an hour later, a group of people came out of the gate.

The person who picked up the plane saw this mighty group of people and took a second look. There was a woman in the middle wearing a T-shirt, wide-leg linen trousers, a pair of sunglasses and a mask, who looked familiar and had a good temperament. .

Who is she?
Unexpectedly, the group had already left.

I no longer think about it.

Maybe it's the celebrity he looks like.

They didn't know that this group of people included Zhou Yun who had just won an award at the Venice International Film Festival a few days ago.

After winning the award, Zhou Yun did not return to China immediately. She still had work arranged in advance, and she was going to England and France to shoot magazines and accept interviews.

Turnaround for a few days and didn't come back until today.

The hot discussion about her in China has gone down a lot.

No one knew about her itinerary for returning to China today, so she was able to get in the car and leave the airport quietly.

He Yong originally asked if he wanted to have dinner together tonight.

Zhou Yun directly shook his head and said that he was tired and wanted to go back to rest.

So the two sides broke up at the airport.

"Finally back!" Zheng Xiaoju said excitedly, "I miss the delicacies of our motherland so much!"

Zhou Lan scolded with a smile: "You are so good at getting cheap, no matter how many people want to go to Venice, they have no chance."

Zheng Xiaoju protested: "But the food is really not as delicious as our own."

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "I also kind of want to eat hot pot."

Zheng Xiaoju's eyes lit up, he nodded, and said, "Me too!"

Zhou Lan heard the words and said, "Why don't you both come to my house tonight, and I'll make you a hot pot."

Zheng Xiaoju immediately turned to look at Zhou Yun and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, are you going?"

If Zhou Yun didn't go, she would be ashamed to go to Zhou Lan's house to eat alone.

Speaking of which, Zhou Lan is her immediate boss.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and said, "I have a dinner date with Song Chi tonight."

Zhou Lan said, "Then you might as well call Song Chi over."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked, "Send Song Chi to your house?"

"Why, can't you come?" Zhou Lan asked, "Or do you have special arrangements tonight? If there are special arrangements, then forget it."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No special arrangement, okay, I'll ask him."

She called Song Chi.

"Sister Lan said to eat hot pot at her house at night, can you?"

"Sure." Song Chi said, "I'm still on the set, and I won't arrive in Shanghai until six o'clock in the evening."

"Okay, do you want me to pick you up?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi: "No, you should have a good rest, you should have just arrived at the airport?"

"I've already left the airport. I'm really sleepy and want to sleep." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "Well, let's rest first, see you tonight."

After hanging up the phone, before Zhou Yun could speak, Zhou Lan asked, "Does Song Chi have any taboos?"

Zhou Yun said: "No, it feels like he eats everything."

"it is good."

Zhou Lan immediately called and made an appointment to have someone deliver the goods to his door.

After making the phone call, she suddenly remembered that she was about to join the filming of "The Gentle Pony" and was about to turn around to ask Zhou Yun. When she turned her head, she found that Zhou Yun had fallen asleep leaning on Zheng Xiaoju's shoulder.

Zheng Xiaoju also fell asleep.

The two leaned against each other and used each other as pillows.

Sunlight poured in from the car window and fell on the two of them, making this picture exude a kind of warmth like sunbathing in the afternoon.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Lan pursed his lips slightly, and suddenly felt the urge to take a picture of this scene.

She took out her phone and took this picture.

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju slept all the way to the bottom of Zhou Lan's house and were woken up.

She drooped her eyes and said, "I feel like my bones are weak, like being drugged."

"Get up, go to bed and sleep." Zhou Lan said.

Their luggage was in another car, following them.

The staff came and asked, "Do you want to move your luggage up?"

Zhou Lan pointed to two of the boxes and said, "Move these two up."

Zhou Yun yawned and got out of the car.

After entering the door, the sleepiness disappeared.

It's not the first time Zhou Yun has come to Zhou Lan's house. He put on his slippers, lay down on the sofa, and took out his mobile phone.

Zhou Lan said, "You do what you want, I'll go change clothes."

Zhou Yun yawned again.

At this time, Yu Chu suddenly sent a message.

The phone vibrated.

Yu Chu said: Xiaoyun, have you heard?Your annoying junior sister Xu Siyao seems to be with Chen Wenjun.

Zhou Yun was inexplicably surprised when he saw the news, and asked: Is it true or not?

Yu Chu said: I heard before that Xu Siyao and Chen Wenjun were very close. Just now my agent told me that they were photographed.

Zhou Yun: I haven't heard of it, but after Chen Wenjun broke up with Liu Qingqing, Xu Siyao really got close to him. I thought she just wanted to curry favor with Chen Wenjun.

Yu Chu: But there is a very exciting news.

Zhou Yun asked: What breaking news?

Yu Chu: Chen Wenjun seems to want to get back together with Liu Qingqing.

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, very surprised:? ? ?

Yu Chu: It was said that Xu Siyao was pestering Chen Wenjun, but Chen Wenjun realized that Liu Qingqing was fine and wanted to get back together with Liu Qingqing.

Zhou Yun: I really didn't think of that.

Yu Chu: But I don't know whether this news is true or not. I also heard it from others.But you said that if Chen Wenjun really wants to get back together with Liu Qingqing, do you think Liu Qingqing will agree?

Zhou Yun frowned, thought carefully for a long time, and said: I don't know, but I think Liu Qingqing seems to like her current boyfriend quite a bit, so she may not be willing to get back together with Chen Wenjun.

At this time, Zhou Lan came over and saw Zhou Yun chatting with Zhenghuan holding her mobile phone, and asked who she was chatting with.Zhou Yun told Zhou Lan what Yu Chu had told her.

"Given Liu Qingqing's temper, she may not be willing to get back together with Chen Wenjun. You also heard how Liu Qingqing satirized Chen Wenjun at the "victor" event." Zhou Lan said, "Maybe Chen Wenjun just used Liu Qingqing as a shield and wanted to get rid of him." Send Xu Siyao away."

(End of this chapter)

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