I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 293 Ascension Period: 128

Chapter 293 Ascension Period: 128
"If Chen Wenjun really thinks that way, then he is too scumbag." Zhou Yun complained directly.

Zhou Lan sat down, took an orange from the fruit plate, peeled it, and said, "Whether he really thinks so, I don't know, but I told you a long time ago, no one has been around him for a long time, even Liu Qingqing has been with him for the past few years, and he hasn't stopped flirting with other women, why do you think Liu Qingqing broke up with him."

Zhou Yun: "I don't know why Liu Qingqing broke up with him, but is Liu Qingqing still with her boyfriend? What's the name of that student?"

"Li Qi." Zhou Lan said, "The relationship between the two is just right. Liu Qingqing recommended her boyfriend to many crew interviews. At first we all thought that Liu Qingqing just broke up with Chen Wenjun, so she found a little fresh meat and walked out. The shadow of broken love, looking at it now, this relationship is quite serious."

Zhou Yun recalled the first time he met Li Qi, the boy who was somewhat taciturn and easily nervous and restrained in his impression.

"He's pretty handsome."

Zhou Lan: "That time she took Li Qi to an event and announced that she had a boyfriend in front of so many reporters. Li Qi became popular overnight."

"is it?"

"He's been on several variety shows, and he's also Liu Qingqing's boyfriend, so the topic is very hot." Zhou Lan said with a smile, "I haven't graduated yet, and I've already signed a contract with Liu Qingqing's company."

"When I was in contact with her boyfriend before, I felt that her boyfriend didn't seem like the kind of person who likes to take advantage of her, nor was he very ambitious." Zhou Yun said, "That time he saw me and Song Chi, he's extremely stiff, and Liu Qingqing was drunk and talking nonsense, he's even more embarrassing than Liu Qingqing, he's just a boy with a low face."

"Just being together is not the same thing as being together for a long time." Zhou Lan broke off half of the orange and put it in Zhou Yun's hand, "Besides, the longer we are together, the harder it is to distinguish what is yours and what is mine. As for ambition, I have reservations about it. I don't believe there are people in this world who don't have ambitions, but there are people who feel it and people who don't."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Zheng Xiaoju came out of the bathroom and asked, "Sister Lan, Sister Xiaoyun, what are you talking about?"

Zhou Lan looked at Zheng Xiaoju, and suddenly asked, "How are you and your little brother going?"

"What's wrong?" Zheng Xiaoju asked.

There was a bright daze on her face, and she could tell at a glance that she really didn't understand what Zhou Lan was asking.

Zhou Lan said: "Don't you often go out to play with a little brother in your hometown? After playing for so long, you haven't developed any affection?"

The question was so straightforward that Zheng Xiaoju understood Zhou Lan's meaning.

Her face turned red all of a sudden.

"Lan, sister Lan, we are just friends."

Zhou Lan smiled in surprise.

"real or fake?"

Zheng Xiaoju nodded vigorously and said, "Really, Brother Xiaoze and I are just friends, he has someone he likes."

Zhou Lan glanced at Zhou Yun.

As if to get some recognition from Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun didn't answer, and continued the topic about Chen Wenjun, saying: "If Xu Siyao really entangled Chen Wenjun, Chen Wenjun wouldn't kick her away."

"Don't think of a man as kind. Chen Wenjun is so cruel, he will not be recognized by his relatives." Zhou Lan said, "In this regard, although Yao Yuanfeng is also promiscuous, he is much more kind than Chen Wenjun. He has taken good care of all the women who have passed him."

Zheng Xiaoju sat down beside him.

Looking at Zheng Xiaoju's fragile face, Zhou Lan suddenly thought of something, sighed, and said, "I heard that there was once a female college student who was tricked by Chen Wenjun into having an abortion for him. , deleted all contact information, and never let that female college student contact him again."

Zhou Yun was surprised.

"Is it true? This is too much."

"So you think Liu Qingqing is with him, why haven't they made it public for so long? Chen Wenjun's reputation in the outside world is very bad, and the public has a bad impression of him. If Liu Qingqing's relationship with him is made public, he will definitely be criticized. Fans’ opposition and public opinion will be very serious.”

After chatting for a while, Zhou Lan answered the phone, so she got up to answer the phone, and when she came back, she found that Zhou Yun had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Zheng Xiaoju was holding the mobile phone and didn't know who to chat with, typing so that his thumbs took off.

Zhou Lan covered Zhou Yun with a blanket.

Zhou Yun fell into a sleepless sleep. She didn't know how long it had been since some movement came to her ears. She opened her eyes in a daze, and suddenly heard Song Chi's voice.

"What about her?"

"Fall asleep on the sofa." This was Zhou Lan's voice.

Zhou Yun sat up, leaning on the back of the sofa with one hand, and said in a weak voice, "I'm awake."

She lazily raised a hand to signal her presence.

Song Chi smiled and walked over.

"How long have you slept?" he asked.

Zhou Yun glanced at the wall clock on the wall and said, "Three hours, it seems."

Song Chi sat down and put Zhou Yun's feet on his lap.

"Aren't you jet lagged?"

"No, I'm just tired. My arms feel sore after getting off the plane." Zhou Yun pouted unconsciously.

Seeing Zhou Yun's little move, Zhou Lan rolled his eyes, turned and went to the kitchen.

"Meet you again, classmate Zhou Yun." A familiar voice sounded.

As soon as Zhou Yun looked up, he accidentally saw Li Ge, Song Chi's high school classmate.

"You're here too!" Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise.

Li Ge said, "I was called by him to be the driver."

Zhou Yun: "It's been hard work."

She smelled the fragrance at this time.

"It smells good, is the hot pot ready?"

Zheng Xiaoju is setting the table and chopsticks.

Zhou Yun stood up and said, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

she asked, walking towards the kitchen.

Zhou Lan said: "I made soup, you can fill it up and take it out."

"Oh." Zhou Yun went to look for the soup bowl in the cabinet.

Get ready, five people sit down.

Zhou Lan opened a bottle of champagne and asked, "Who can't drink it?"

"I'm going to drive," Lee said.

Song Chi said: "I'll drink a little, but I have to film tomorrow, so I can't drink too much."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "You still have to film tomorrow? Then when will you return to the crew?"

Song Chi said: "Li Ge will take me to the airport later, and I have booked a flight for the evening."

Zhou Yun asked, "Then when are you leaving?"

"nine thirty."

"Song Chi, you are exaggerating too much. You arrived at my house at seven o'clock and left at half past nine. You went back and forth for so long just to have a meal with us? Oh, no, to have a meal with Zhou Yun meal."

Zhou Lan showed Song Chi an expression similar to the particle "tsk tsk".

 If you find a typo, please remind me directly in the chapter, sometimes you don’t pay attention
(End of this chapter)

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