I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 304 Ascension Period: 139

Chapter 304 Ascension Period: 139
"something wrong."

Zhou Yun did not budge.

She said: "Anyway, there is a company behind it, and they don't lack filming, don't they?"

He Yong: "Hey, little aunt, grandma, it's not like you don't know, can you fly directly into the sky with your partner? If it weren't for such a rare opportunity, why would I come to you and tell you in person?"

Zhou Yun: "Mr. He, I don't want him to turn into a bad movie with four faces in this movie, so I won't be more inclined to someone just because he is an actor of our company."

"It's getting late, I have to go back and rest," she said.


As soon as he got into the car and closed the door, Zhou Yun couldn't help sighing.

Zheng Xiaoju asked ignorantly: "Sister Xiaoyun, why are you sighing suddenly? Did something happen?"

During the discussion, Zheng Xiaoju was not in the venue.

Zhou Lan knew exactly what Zhou Yun was sighing.

"He Yong came to you just now to persuade you to use the company's actors, right?"

Zhou Yun said, "Why else?"

Zhou Lan: "The main reason is that this movie is completely built around you. If you don't agree, this movie can't be filmed, and you don't have to."

Zhou Yun said: "To be honest, I really don't really want to make this movie. It's just the beginning, and I'm already exhausted."

"Because you used to only need to be an actor well, but now you have to deal with a lot of things that have nothing to do with performance." Zhou Lan said, "But this is also a good thing. In the future, you will have to perform various characters, and you will be exposed to more complicated things. things, getting in touch with all kinds of people will be of great help to your acting in the future.”

Zhou Yun: "Don't talk about it, I just feel annoying now."

"What's the trouble, a suitable person will be selected in the end." Zhou Lan said, "If it's not selected, I won't shoot it. Anyway, the script hasn't been written yet."

This is a consolation.

Just because of this drama, Zhou Yun has already been approached by countless people.

Zhou Yun suddenly had a profound feeling that it is better to be purely an actor.As an actor, you only need to manage your own one-acre three-point land.

Now think about the filming of "Ask the Heart", Song Chi was the producer, he had to complete such a big project, and he didn't know how many troubles and difficulties he faced.

Thinking about it again, when he played the role of Liu Ruyan for her, there should have been many people calling him at that time.

So many familiar investors, producers, peers, friends, etc.

These are difficult human relationships.

Song Chi gave this role to her, who was unknown at the time and had no scandal fame, and she must have been under a lot of pressure.

After returning home, Zhou Yun immediately called Song Chi.

"Pressure? It's okay." Song Chi heard Zhou Yun talk about the incident at that time, smiled a few times, and asked, "Why do you ask this suddenly? Didn't I tell you? I chose a female lead for my play, That power is still there."

"It's not power, it has nothing to do with power." Zhou Yun expressed his distress, "Isn't it necessary to choose a male lead in the fashion show that is being prepared now? I became the one who made the final decision, and on the contrary, there are many more actors than before. Trouble, many people call me and want to fight for opportunities with me. The key is that many people still can’t refuse, and they have to give an interview opportunity. Not only that, but everyone has people who help me make decisions together In your own mind, you don't know if there is any selfishness behind their seemingly objective analysis, which gives me a headache."

Song Chi: "This is really troublesome."

"When you were preparing for "Questing the Heart", you must have encountered many such troubles, right?" Zhou Yun asked.


"How did you solve it?"

Song Chi said: "You suddenly asked me how to solve it, and I really didn't know how to answer it. There were many different situations at that time. I should decline politely. If I can't refuse politely, I can only bite the bullet and refuse."

"But some people are your friends, even seniors you respect, won't it make them unhappy if you refuse?"

"That can't be helped, but I hope you don't have to go through this." Song Chi said, "This should actually be a producer's job to balance. You haven't set up the frame that should be set up for this drama right now, just start it." Appointing an actor is very strange. The core personnel involved are you, Zheng Xiaowen who has nothing to do with film and television production, and He Yong. The main business is the boss of a brokerage company. The few people who can make decisions are not engaged. Film and television production, I think it is very immature."

"Sister Lan and I said the same thing, but we can't help it. Zheng Xiaowen and He Yong met to make this play. Speaking of it, I am very powerful. Even the leading actor respects my opinion, but I don't like this play. The play is full of worries. When I heard He Yong tell me today that it doesn’t matter who the leading actor is, anyway, the script can be revised around the actor, and I immediately wanted to go back. I really wanted to tell him that it was because he was like him. There are a lot of people who think this way, that’s why there are so many bad scenes, but I don’t think I’m qualified to say such things to him, I don’t want him to think that I’ll start to be proud and point fingers as soon as I win the award.”

Song Chi said: "Anyone who is serious about his work hopes that the industry will improve, and he can't help but want to correct something that is wrong. This is normal. Only if you have such thoughts, you are a normal person. Actors who want to make this industry better."

"I really want to purely choose the most suitable actor to play the male lead. I don't want to mix so many factors. To be honest, it doesn't matter to me whether he is a thousand actors or not?" Zhou Yun would only say such things in front of Song Chi.

Song Chi smiled and said, "Xiaoyun, it's okay even if you just do it."


Song Chi said: "You don't owe these people anything, just do whatever you want, just do it according to your own mind."

"But this will offend many people, right?"

"Have a better attitude, and other things... Let's put it this way, you will only reject more and more people and things in the future, how to reject what should be rejected as much as possible without offending others, you can just learn from now and practice the technique."

"Why, in your mouth, this has become a very good opportunity."

"Look at the problem from different angles, and you will get different results." Song Chi said in an old-fashioned tone, "After all, I have experienced it."

Zhou Yun's mood was suddenly relaxed by Song Chi's words.

"Hey, I'll just act honestly in the future. I don't want to fight for these powers that I don't have anymore."

"Don't think so, think about it, if this decision is in He Yong's hands, you will not be entangled, but complaining and complaining now." Song Chi said, "We should try our best to win the power that can be won. It’s about making things go as far as you want.”

 Today is the [-]D update, we are here first, see you tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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