I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 305 Ascension Period: 140

Chapter 305 Ascension Period: 140
Song Chi's advice inspired Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun has never been a person who easily admits defeat, not to mention, she is a person who is afraid of trouble.

She just didn't want trouble to add trouble to herself meaninglessly, without bringing anything in return.

Why not do it on her own terms?

If you don't like the relationship users, treat them with a normal attitude.All in all, the purpose is to choose a suitable actor.


Since she is dissatisfied and has not yet decided on a producer and director, why not directly bring it up?

It's not that he didn't mention it, but he was "persuaded" by Zheng Xiaowen as soon as he expressed his attitude.

Why be persuaded?
Between her and Zheng Xiaowen, she is the one who knows more about film and television production.

And Zheng Xiaowen is the one who wants this movie to be made.

Zhou Yun thought about this matter clearly, and realized that he didn't need to compromise on a scene that was originally accepted because of favors.

After thinking clearly in her mind, she called Zhou Lan.

"Sister Lan, tell He Yong and Zheng Xiaowen that before the actor is decided, they must first find a reliable and real producer for this project. Also, the choice of director must also be put on the agenda, and there can't be no movement all the time. , if they don't look for it, then I will look for it."

Zhou Lan didn't express any surprise at the sudden call, and said good words calmly.

This surprised Zhou Yun instead, and asked, "Sister Lan, why are you so calm?"

Zhou Lan said, "I already guessed that you would eventually do this."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was shocked.

She herself didn't expect that she would do this, so how did Sister Lan predict the foresight?
"Okay, I know what you mean, I will tell them tomorrow." Zhou Lan said, "That's it, I'll hang up first."

At this moment, Zhou Yun suddenly heard a strange man's voice on the other end of the phone: "I'm done washing."

Zhou Yun's eyes suddenly widened.

Zhou Lan's voice suddenly became flustered, and he said directly, "I have something to do here, hang up", without giving Zhou Yun a chance to say a word, he simply hung up the phone.

Zhou Yun: "..."

She did not expect to encounter such a thing.

When did Zhou Lan have another man by his side?
The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't bear it anymore, so she sent a message to Zhou Lan: If you confess, you will be lenient, if you resist, you will be strict!

Zhou Lan didn't reply.

Ignore her.

Zhou Yun got excited and called Zheng Xiaoju, but Zheng Xiaoju directly rejected her call. After a while, he sent a message slowly: Sister Xiaoyun, I am watching a movie with Brother Xiaoze.

Zhou Yun:? ?


So this night, she is the only one alone?
Zhou Yun suddenly felt jealous and upset.

Zhou Yun opened the chat window with Song Chi and sent a message: Not happy.

Song Chi replied in seconds: What's wrong?
Zhou Yun said: I found that Sister Lan and Xiaoju beside me were accompanied by someone tonight!
Song Chi: ...Are you implying that my boyfriend didn't do a good job?
Zhou Yun actually had this thought in her heart, but of course she would not admit it.

She said: I was just depressed, why no one around them told me.

Nonsense, who has the obligation to tell her?
But this was for Song Chi.

Anyway, I have nothing to say.

Zhou Yun asked: Are you still on the set?

Song Chi said: No, I read the script in the hotel.

Zhou Yun: Really hardworking.

Song Chi asked: Do you have no work tomorrow?I don't sleep so late.

Zhou Yun said: No, I have an appointment to go to the shampoo shop tomorrow.

Song Chi: Wash your hair?

Zhou Yun: Learn how to wash your hair. In "The Gentle Pony", I will play a little girl who washes her hair.

Song Chi: Join the group in October?

Zhou Yun said: Well, but this film doesn't take long to shoot, it will be finished in less than a month, and I will play a small supporting role.

Song Chi said: Shen Yao's comedy movie style is very unique, you can enjoy it, his style, you can't feel it in other people's groups.

Zhou Yun said: Well, I have met him before, and I think he is a very easy person to deal with.

Song Chi: He was very strict on the set. I heard that he was not recognized by his relatives on the set.

Zhou Yun: Really?I didn't see him being so strict at all.

Song Chi: Many people are like this. Their private life and work status are completely different.

Zhou Yun said: I think your appearance in private is similar to that on the set.

Song Chi: That's for you.

To put it simply, Zhou Yun suddenly felt as sweet as taking a sip of honey.

She didn't know what to reply for a long time.

At this time, Song Chi sent another message: The director is looking for me, please disappear for a while.

Then Zhou Yun hurriedly said: You are busy with your work, I am asleep.

She lay on the bed, but did not fall asleep for a long time.

Song Chi always had the ability to tease her heart with just a few words, making her unable to calm down.

Zhou Yun couldn't help recalling when she and Song Chi were filming on the set. Speaking of which, Song Chi's attitude towards her was indeed different from others.

Song Chi treats other people much more distantly.

At least, Song Chi has never told others that when he is filming, he likes to walk around the set and familiarize himself with every detail of the set, so as to strengthen his trust in the entire shooting environment and the background of the story. The logic and psychology of the characters can be smoothed out through the confirmation of these external environments.

Because of Song Chi's presence at that time, Zhou Yun's nervousness in filming such a large-scale production for the first time was greatly relieved, and Zhou Yun learned a lot from Song Chi when filming "Questioning the Heart". These experiences came to her, giving her a way to slowly walk into the characters.

Every actor has his own way of familiarizing and constructing characters.But when he first set foot on the road of an actor, a novice like Zhou Yun who has not received professional training in a university often didn't know what to do and was at a loss.

The method Song Chi taught Zhou Yun actually pointed out a way for Zhou Yun, so that before Zhou Yun had walked his own way, he would not look around in a daze and have no way to go.

Now no one will doubt that Zhou Yun is a talented actor.

But Zhou Yun knew very clearly that the first time he had a sense of shaping a character was the role of Liu Rusu.

She is also looking forward to the broadcast of "Ask the Heart".


The next day, early in the morning, Zhou Yun went to Zhou Lan's house.

In order to avoid alarming others, she didn't tell Zhou Lan in advance, just to see who the man in Zhou Lan's family was.

As a result, Zhou Lan acted as if he had arrived at Zhou Yunhui earlier. When Zhou Yun arrived at her door, she was sitting on the sofa in her pajamas, drinking coffee gracefully.

There was no trace of the other person at all in the home.

(End of this chapter)

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