I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 312 Ascension Period: 147

Chapter 312 Ascension Period: 147
Zhou Lan hugged the director warmly, and said, "After knowing that you are the director of this commercial, I feel relieved. With you here, the effect of this commercial must be good."

Zhou Yun asked: "Sister Lan, it turns out that you have known Director Xu for a long time, and you didn't introduce him earlier."

Zhou Lan said, "You can't blame me, I only found out yesterday."

"Originally, it was also an emergency job for Jianghu. The director they had hired for the brand had temporarily let go of the pigeons, and they found me to help."

"Is there still such a thing?" Zhou Lan asked in surprise when he heard it, "Who was that director before? It's so unreliable, I have to write it down, and I will avoid it in the future."

Zhang Guodong smiled and waved his hands, and said, "Don't ask me about it, they are all in the same industry, and when it comes out, it will be like saying bad things about me on purpose."

"Okay, anyway, it's better to have you save the scene." Zhou Lan said, "Who came up with the creative idea for today's advertisement?"

"What the people on the brand think, I just implement according to their opinions." Zhang Guodong said, "The core of this commercial is to shoot beautifully."

He remembered something, turned his head to look at Yu Zhiyang, and said, "Yu Yu, come here."

The others looked at Yu Zhiyang.

Yu Zhiyang touched his pants, looking a little at a loss.

He walked over, nodded awkwardly to Zhang Guodong and Zhou Yun, and asked, "Director, what's the matter?"

"What else can you do, let's get to know each other quickly."

Zhang Guodong said to Zhou Yun: "His name is Yu Zhiyang, he is a newcomer, and he will act as the one who has a crush on you later."

Judging by Yu Zhiyang's expression, it seemed that he was a little embarrassed by this scene and didn't know how to deal with it.

Zhou Yun smiled slightly, stretched out his hand generously, and said, "Hello."

Yu Zhiyang glanced at her in surprise.

He hastily stretched out his hand and shook Zhou Yun.


Zhang Guodong patted Yu Zhiyang on the shoulder and said, "Okay, go get ready, don't lose the chain later, time is precious."

Yu Zhiyang nodded seriously and said, "Okay."


Zhang Guodong glanced at Yu Zhiyang's back and sighed softly.

"It's not easy either."

"Why?" Zhou Lan asked curiously after hearing Zhang Guodong's sigh.

Zhou Yun also wanted to know why Zhang Guodong said that Yu Zhiyang was not easy.

What's not easy for Yu Zhiyang, who has a relationship like this?
Zhang Guodong said in a low voice: "You don't know, this kid doesn't specialize in acting. Something happened to his family. He has been working part-time to make money to make up for his family's troubles. He was spotted half a year ago and signed a contract with a brokerage company. That brokerage company Knowing that he lacks money, he proposed to give him a one-time signing fee of [-] yuan, but it needs to be signed for ten years at once, and the kid finally signed the contract for [-] yuan."

Zhou Yun said: "Isn't this what you love and what I want? What's so difficult?"

Zhang Guodong smiled wryly, and said: "He used to be the champion of the college entrance examination. If there was nothing wrong with his family, he would have been selected by Qingbei. The company that signed the contract has a dark heart, and he will take over all the jobs, even the drinking party."

Zhou Lan frowned directly.

"Which company did he sign with?"

"You must have never heard of it. It's called Tiehong. It's just a small workshop, not formal." Zhang Guodong said.

Iron oxide red?

The company name sounds straightforward enough.

"He is the only contracted artist in this company." Zhang Guodong twitched his lips, "The boss is not in this business at all. I heard that the boss behind this company is a rich woman. She took care of him, but he was a tough kid, so she refused directly. The rich woman knew about his situation, so she asked someone to set up such a broken company, and asked someone to come forward to sign him. When the contract was signed, she sold herself to him. The company just ran out and threatened and lured him to give in. He refused to agree. That rich woman was cruel enough to take over any job for him. According to the contract he signed before, he couldn't refuse. If he didn't fulfill the contract, he would have to pay compensation , just to force him to submit.”

Zhou Yun frowned.

But this news does not match her previous impression of Zhi Yang.

If Yu Zhiyang's situation is so bad, then who found Luo Hengzhang and said hello?
Zhou Yun looked at those people again.

Quite a few people, Yu Zhiyang didn't know if it was because of his withdrawn and silent personality, or what happened, he stayed alone in the corner to prepare, and didn't communicate with the people around him.

Zhou Lan sighed and said, "I'll tell you."

"Actually, it's a pity. This kid has potential." Zhang Guodong said, "Although he is not from a major, he can act, has that talent, and is very explosive."

Zhou Lan was a little surprised when Zhang Guodong said that, "How old is he?"

"Nineteen years old." Zhang Guodong said, "Why, Sister Lan has taken a fancy to him and wants to sign him?"

"If you can sign it, you can talk to him, but from what you said just now, his boss has other plans for him, so it may not be that easy." Zhou Lan said, "I don't know what kind of sign he signed. It is estimated that the liquidated damages are quite a lot in the prostitution contract."

Zhou Yun didn't know what was going on in her heart, but for a moment, she was really thinking about whether she could help him a little bit.

She felt secretly ashamed of her previous sentence "You love me".

During the filming of the advertisement, Zhou Yun had never had a rivalry with Yu Zhiyang.

The previous content is mainly to shoot Zhou Yun's work and jokes in various scenes.

Yu Zhiyang was on the sidelines, secretly taking pictures with his camera.

It wasn't until the last filming that the two had real communication.

Because of a job, Zhou Yun was in a hurry to find a piece of material at Yu Zhiyang's station, and happened to find the photo that Yu Zhiyang had developed.

Those few photos were Zhou Yun's usual snapshots.

Or think seriously, or laugh.

According to the setting of the plot, Zhou Yun fell into surprise and doubt because of these photos. When he turned his head, he saw Yu Zhiyang holding a camera in his hand, looking at her with some doubts, not understanding why she appeared in front of him. on the workstation.

Yu Zhiyang moved his eyes down and saw the photo in Zhou Yun's hand, a trace of panic flashed across his face.

And Zhou Yun's face revealed a hint of sudden realization.

At this moment, she realized that this man had been secretly liking her.

She gave a gentle smile.

Yu Zhiyang's uneasiness gradually faded away after seeing her smile.

Looking at Zhou Yun's smile, he suddenly laughed with a hint of embarrassment.

The eyes of the two people converged, forming a gentle and beautiful silhouette in their respective smiles.

Zhang Guodong called Cut.

"It's very good, the eyes are very good." He didn't hesitate to praise.

Zhou Yun didn't know if it was really that good, but after looking at the footage he had just shot, he found that it was really good.

Judging from the screen, even Zhou Yun wanted to say that she and Yu Zhiyang stood together, looking very CP.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised by this feeling.When she was filming with Li Ci, even though Li Ci was handsome, he didn't give her that feeling.

Looking carefully again, Zhou Yun found something special.

Yu Zhiyang's eyes were particularly sincere.

This kind of sincerity is not the kind of sincerity that gives people the feeling of honesty, but gives people a particularly sincere feeling.

Zhou Lan was also standing beside Zhou Yun. After she finished reading, she took a thoughtful look at Yu Zhiyang.

After work was over, Zhang Guodong politely asked if he wanted to have dinner together tonight.

Zhou Yun naturally refused.

On the way back, neither Zhou Yun nor Zhou Lan spoke, each was thinking about something.

After about ten minutes, Zhou Lan finally spoke and said, "Yu Zhiyang's image is the most special among the male actors I have seen in the entertainment industry in recent years."

In fact, there is nothing special about it.

It's just that he has that real youthful feeling about him.

It's not as delicate as makeup, and the skin is not as white and smooth as porcelain.

His eyes are silent and sharp. If there is an animal to describe him, it should be an eagle.

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan, go and ask Luo Hengzhang who greeted him."

Zhou Lan hummed.

Zhou Yun said again: "Tell me, if we finally choose Yu Zhiyang to shoot our movie, her boss won't cause any trouble, right?"

Zhou Lan sighed, and said, "I'm also worried about this matter. If what Zhang Guodong said today is true, then his boss probably won't want to see him become popular, otherwise, his boss will lose money." control over him."

"I think so too." Zhou Yun said, "Maybe his boss just wants to frustrate him again and again."

After repeated setbacks, he had nowhere to go.

Before Zhou Yun met Yu Zhiyang's boss, he already felt disgusted with this woman.

Zhou Lan said: "Let me go and find out. If the conditions are right, I really want to sign Yu Zhiyang. If he is used as the leading actor, He Yong won't say much."

If it can be signed, Yu Zhiyang will belong to the artist of Qianqian Entertainment.

If it is used in Zhiyang, it is equivalent to using the artist of Qianqian Entertainment, and if it is popular in Zhiyang, it is also popular in Qianqian Entertainment.

Anyone who is popular is not popular, as long as it is an artist of Qianqian Entertainment, anyone can be popular.

Zhou Yun said: "If it's difficult, you can go to He Yong and see if he can do anything, just say that I kind of want him to be the leading actor."

By the way, He Yong knew that if Zhou Yun had an idea, he would sign Yu Zhiyang to Chengqian Entertainment if he wanted to maximize his benefits.

While things are still undecided.

It means that Zhi Yang is really determined to act in this play, then the market will rise.

Zhou Lan understood what Zhou Yun meant, she nodded and said, "Okay."

However, on the day of the second round of interviews, Yu Zhiyang, who was supposed to appear, did not appear.

The staff said that news came from Yu Zhiyang that he gave up because of work arrangements.

"Give up?" Zhou Yun immediately asked in puzzlement when he heard the news, "Why did you give up? Is there any work conflict?"

The staff member who came to send the message was stunned for a moment, as if he was dumbfounded by Zhou Yun's question.

Zhou Yun realized that his attitude was a bit extreme.

The others looked at her with surprise in their eyes and expressions.

They probably didn't expect that she would react so strongly to a person who gave up on the second round of interviews.

After all, after the first round of interviews, she didn't show any preference for anyone.

"I, I don't know the specific reason why he didn't come. The other company only said that it was because of conflicting work arrangements."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

When the staff who sent the message went out, Zheng Xiaowen asked half-jokingly: "What's the matter, Xiaoyun, is this Yu Zhiyang the choice you want?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No, it's just that I'm a little confused. I thought everyone wanted to participate in this drama, but I didn't expect that someone would give up on their own initiative."

"This is also very common. Maybe Yu Zhiyang's company has specially arranged another play for him." A representative of Chengqian Film and Television said.

Zhou Yun nodded noncommittally.

But she herself felt that this matter might not be so simple.

Zhou Lan gave her a look, signaling her not to say any more.

The second round of interviews begins.

The second-round interviewees come in one by one, and this time everyone has a lot more time.

The process is self-introduction plus talent show.

The reason for this arrangement is also because the script has not yet come out.

Zhou Yun looked at them one by one, but from time to time he remembered the scene of filming the commercial with Yu Zhiyang.

After the commercial was filmed that day, she wanted to talk to him, but when she turned around, she saw his manager pick him up.

Did not stay for a second.

Zhou Yun knew that what Zhang Guodong said that day had affected her.

She couldn't help but began to focus on Yu Zhiyang.

Probably because of a reference, Zhou Yun looked at the people who came for the interview today, and couldn't help comparing everyone with Yu Zhiyang.

In contrast, no one can compare to Yu Zhiyang.

Zhou Lan is right, Yu Zhiyang is indeed the most suitable candidate for the hero they imagined among these people.

After the second round of interviews, He Yong took the initiative to speak and said, "How do you feel this time?"

"I like Chen Jing quite a bit." This time, the man named Luo Hengzhang was the first to speak, and said, "He is the most popular school grass type in the market now, sunny and handsome."

"Too gentle." Zheng Xiaowen put forward her opinion, "I like Lao Boyi and Zhou Jianfeng more, they have a stronger sense of youth, like two suns."

When He Yong heard that only one of the three names, Zhou Jianfeng, had nothing to do with Chengqian Entertainment, he immediately stood up and said, "Zhou Jianfeng is really suitable."

He knew who to push.

But He Yong also thought of what Zhou Lan said to him yesterday.

Others don't know yet, but He Yong already knows that the choice in Zhou Yun's heart is Yu Zhiyang.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that Yu Zhiyang didn't show up today, so he just gave up.

Then there is no way, He Yong is happy not to have to solve this trouble, and is ready to push Zhou Jianfeng with all his strength.

Instead of finding a way to sign Yu Zhiyang into his own hands, it is better to push Zhou Jianfeng who is already under his own hands, which can save a lot of effort.

At this time, he heard Zhou Yun say: "Can you communicate with Yu Zhiyang's company and ask him to come for another interview?"

(End of this chapter)

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