I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 313 Ascension Period: 148

Chapter 313 Ascension Period: 148
Everyone looked at each other.

Since Zhou Yun asked that, her intention was actually somewhat clear.

She was not very satisfied with the people who came today, she chose Yu Zhiyang.

Zheng Xiaowen said: "Xiaoyun, since he has already given up, it means that he doesn't value our drama at all. Is it necessary to give him another chance?"

From Zheng Xiaowen's point of view, since this person named Yu Zhiyang gave up, it meant that he was not going to come.

Although she is a designer, the fact that she was able to make VX where it is today at a young age is largely due to her ruthlessness.Compared with the sensibility that many people would think, Zheng Xiaowen tends to keep this kind of personal emotion only on herself and the people she needs to make friends with, such as Zhou Yun.

For an unknown person like Yu Zhiyang, she shouldn't be the one who gave him a chance, but he should seize every opportunity by himself.

Zhou Yun's usual attitude is actually quite different from Zheng Xiaowen's.From the phrase she said that day, "Both parties are in love, I am willing", it can be seen that she is actually the kind of person who upholds the attitude of life that "people should be responsible for themselves".

The opportunity is given to you, and you can't blame anyone for not being sure.

But Yu Zhiyang is different.

Can Yu Zhiyang have the right to make decisions about his own affairs?
It was precisely because Zhou Yun had doubts about this matter that he had a different attitude from usual.

There was a voice in her heart that told her very clearly that Yu Zhiyang couldn't just die without a problem like this.

Weird idea, but sure.

In the evening, she had dinner with Zhou Lan and He Yong.

He Yong said that he wanted to talk to them about something.Zhou Yun thought, it should be about Yu Zhiyang.

Sure enough, He Yong asked as soon as he opened his mouth: "Xiaoyun, what about Yu Zhiyang attracts you so much?"

Zhou Yun naturally only said: "No, I just admire him more."

Zhou Lan glanced at her, sighed, and said, "Mr. He, it's not that other people are bad, but these people who came to the interview today have serious marks on their bodies, how to laugh, how to speak, how to control My movements, posture, and temperament are all the same. I don’t know if Mr. He understands what I mean, but Yu Zhiyang’s temperament is different. He is the kind of boy you can see on campus. The original breath, the natural feeling that has not been refined. Before Zhou Yun and him filmed a commercial, I was also on the scene, he is really good, standing with Zhou Yun, the camera sense is very strong."

He Yong asked: "Is Zhou Jianfeng sure he can't do it?"

Zhou Lan didn't speak anymore.

This question can only be answered by Zhou Yun himself.

Zhou Yun said to He Yong: "Mr. He, Zhou Jianfeng has also interviewed twice. Has he ever looked me in the eye?"

He Yong was taken aback.

Zhou Yun said: "You know I'm sitting there today, and I have a special feeling, that is, I'm not someone they really like. In their eyes, I can only see this attitude of respect and admiration. , I know, I shouldn't be entangled in these things, but what I need is a leading actor who can treat me normally as an ordinary person, and the kind of things that are performed in the show can't impress the audience."

After He Yong heard this, he sighed and said, "You mean, you only have your eyes on Yu Zhiyang?"

Zhou Yun said: "At present, it is like this, unless there is a more suitable candidate than him."

He Yong said: "All right, I'll see if I can get him here. If I can't, his company probably won't let him go. Zhou Lan has already told me about his situation. It's a bit complicated. It’s not easy to do, if it’s a normal market transaction, it’s fine, they made it clear that they just don’t want Yu Zhiyang to become popular, and the signing of Yu Zhiyang is not for making money, I don’t know how to do it yet.”

Zhou Lan said: "In fact, there is no breakthrough. The reason why Yu Zhiyang's resume was sent to us was because his agent sent his resume. His agent probably didn't want to see him delayed for ten years. , still looking for some opportunities for him, Luo Hengzhang’s manager said hello. But the reason why Yu Zhiyang didn’t come today, I’ve inquired, is because his boss doesn’t want him to act in this movie.”

"Because you don't want him to be popular?" Zhou Yun asked.

"No." Zhou Lan shook his head, looked at Zhou Yun, and said, "She doesn't want Yu Zhiyang to act as a couple with you."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun showed surprise.

Zhou Lan said: "I know you are surprised, and I am also surprised, but I understand after thinking about it, she is jealous."


"She saw the commercial film you and Yu Zhiyang took." Zhou Lan said, "She even asked the brand to delete the shots of Yu Zhiyang, and asked them to find someone to shoot again."

Zhou Yun felt unbelievable and asked, "Is she crazy?"

Zhou Lan shrugged and said, "This request is unreasonable. The brand side directly rejected it, but you can see how jealous that woman is just because of this incident."

"Isn't this just buying and selling by force?" Zhou Yun said angrily.

He Yong said: "At the beginning, Yu Zhiyang signed the contract himself."

Zhou Yun bit his lip.

She said to Zhou Lan: "Sister Lan, do you have the contact information to make an appointment with Yu Zhiyang in private? I want to ask his opinion."

Zhou Lan said: "I don't recommend you to do this. The risk is too high. If Yu Zhiyang has a bad temper and sees you take the initiative to find him, but instead wants to use your strength to get away, he may cheat you."

Zhou Lan's reminder is not without reason.

No one knows if this strange boy is a white-eyed wolf.

Zhou Yun has a special status and cannot take risks.

Seeing this, He Yong didn't want Zhou Yun to take risks for Yu Zhiyang, so he quickly said: "Don't go to him yet, leave it to me, I'll contact him first, the twisted melon is not sweet, see if I can Find a way to make that rich woman take the initiative to terminate the contract with Yu Zhiyang."


Yu Zhiyang, the protagonist of the three people's discussion, didn't know that someone was trying to help him get out at this moment.

He was locked up in the dormitory all day today.

The company won't let him out.

Because that person didn't want to see him running to the second round of interviews for Zhou Yun's play.

This dormitory was also arranged by that person, a single apartment of more than [-] square meters, the environment is very simple.

Yu Zhiyang lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling blankly.

The room was very quiet, without a single sound.

It's like a prison here.

When he was notified of the second round of interviews, he was very happy and overjoyed.For him, this is an excellent opportunity.Unexpectedly, a pot of cold water poured down, because of that person's order, the company directly rejected the second round of interviews and made him give up.

Yu Zhiyang knew why this happened.

She wants him to submit.

As she kept saying, as long as he wants, he can live another life immediately, and he doesn't have to go around in various places like he is now.

But he doesn't want to.
Because the work was over for the time being, Zhou Yun gave Cao Jun and Zheng Xiaoju a vacation according to what he had said before, and he also booked air tickets.

"Are you sure you want to go there alone?" Zhou Lan asked in surprise, "There are so many people in the crew. If you run over alone, aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

Zhou Yun said: "If you find it, you will find it, and you will say that I went to visit the class."

Zhou Lan: "You're confident that it's a big deal to be public right now, aren't you?"

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Isn't that what you said? Anyway, I don't follow the star idol route anymore. Even if it is really exposed, it will be exposed."

"Aren't you afraid of seeing the light and dying at this time?" Zhou Lan sneered, "Worried about this and that at the time, it's better now."

"Hey, I can't just stop meeting Song Chi just because I don't see the light. If that's the case, what kind of romantic relationship is there? Plato chatting online?"

Zhou Yun muttered twice.

"Whatever you want, if you really expose Song Chi, I'm too happy." Zhou Lan has always had this attitude, "I said earlier, the two of you falling in love will be beneficial to both of your careers."

After all, after the variety show "When We Were Gossiped" was broadcast, they gathered a group of very loyal CP fans for the two of them.

Even if they are not CP fans, there are very few people who are disgusted with the fact that the two of them are together.

In fact, falling in love can maintain exposure for artists.Objectively speaking, this is very important.

Zhou Yun said: "You can keep an eye on Yu Zhiyang, ah, actually, I really want to talk to him, but you said that's not possible."

Zhou Lan: "Professional things should be left to professional people. He Yong has a higher success rate than any of us."

"I'm afraid he doesn't want to do it that much."

"It depends on your attitude." Zhou Lan said, "If you insist on wanting Yu Zhiyang, he will do it if he doesn't want to. Don't forget your own strength. You are the biggest wrist of Chengqian Entertainment now." .”

That's right, since she came back from winning the prize in Venice, even Li Ci has been slightly overwhelmed by her.

After all, popularity is one thing, but whether people in the circle recognize it or not is another.

With a prize in hand, people will follow in a circle of glory.

If it weren't for this, Zhou Yun wouldn't be able to take a vacation as soon as he said it would be like now, taking advantage of his free time before joining the group, to go to the city where Song Chi was filming by himself to surprise Song Chi.

Although he said he wanted to give a surprise, Zhou Yun didn't act too recklessly and went directly to the set.

She booked a room at the hotel where Song Chi was staying. At night, she sent Song Chi a message, asking: Have you finished work yet?

Song Chi said: Still on the set, today will be later, there are two more scenes to be filmed tonight.

Zhou Yun said: Okay, then send me a message after you call it a day.

She decided to go out for a walk alone.

She searched the neighborhood on the Internet, picked a cafe with the highest rating, put on her backpack, and put Naduo's latest suspense novel "I've Been in the World" in the bag.

Walking in the dark with a mask, a baseball cap, and headphones on is actually pretty cool and comfortable.

Especially when the pace and the tune in the earphones are stepped on the same frequency, the feeling will be better.

She came to the cafe, ordered a latte, and sat in the corner, because the disguise was relatively good, and no one recognized her.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhou Yun felt a little hungry, so he ordered another waffle.

This time the server who brought her the waffles recognized her.

The other party looked surprised and opened his mouth wide.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun stretched out his index finger, put it in front of his lips, and made a silent gesture.

The waiter nodded immediately, and at the same time showed a little excited expression.

She whispered, "I won't tell anyone!"

Zhou Yun showed her a thankful smile.

But it turns out that she can't trust the promises of a random encounter so easily.

Especially when you don't have to bear any psychological burden even if you break this promise.

Zhou Yun soon discovered that there were more waiters around her.They didn't come to bother her, but they came and went with an unnaturally high frequency.Zhou Yun knew that the entire cafe staff knew she was here.Zhou Yun had no choice but to leave.

It is not easy to be able to stay in public space for so long like an ordinary person.Zhou Yun enjoyed this feeling very much.

She walked to the hotel.

It's getting late, so I'd better go back to the hotel and wait for Song Chi.


Meanwhile, the set.

Fan Zhu, who was waiting to shoot the last scene, suddenly heard the word "Zhou Yun" from the side.

She immediately pricked up her ears.

During this period of time, Zhou Yun was a celebrity in the film crew, and there would always be people talking about Zhou Yun's troubles.

On the one hand, it was because Zhou Yun was in the limelight during this period, and everyone was paying attention.

On the other hand, it was because everyone agreed that Zhou Yun was in a relationship with Song Chi.

Although the two have never admitted, and no media has captured any substantive evidence.

People are intuitive.

What's more, they get along with Song Chi day and night, and they can pay attention to many details when they are filming in the same crew.

For example, I often hear Song Chi calling someone, his tone and demeanor make it clear that he is talking to his girlfriend.When they discovered this scene, they were extremely surprised.Those who have seen Song Chi's usual appearance will know that Song Chi is usually a distant person.

He is always polite, but he is a thousand miles away from others.

It's rare to see the smiles and annoyances of ordinary people on his face, and only then can I feel his warmth as an ordinary person.

Soon someone discovered that this person was Zhou Yun.

Because they sometimes heard Song Chi's assistant Zhang Cong tell him: "Miss Zhou Yun said, you have to drink this today, otherwise I won't be able to do my job, so I can only say that you didn't drink it."

Once this is said, can there be a second answer?

Obviously not possible.

If Zhou Yun wasn't Song Chi's girlfriend, why did Zhang Cong talk about business affairs?

"It seems that Zhou Yun has come to our place." Fan Zhu heard a young actor whisper.

"Huh? Really? Who told you?" asked another.

"Someone said on Weibo that they met Zhou Yun just now." The actor who said that Zhou Yun came here showed his mobile phone to another person, "Look, this Weibo was posted ten minutes ago."

"How did you discover this real-time Weibo?"

"I searched for Zhou Yun in my free time. I like her very much. I often search for her materials on the Internet."


Fan Zhu's brows furrowed immediately.

Her facial features really have a kind of charm, every frown and every frown are beautiful.

She looked at Song Chi who was alone at the other end. The latter was wearing a costume, sitting lazily on a chair with a script in his hand. He was probably studying the scene to be filmed next.

There are many handsome men like Song Chi in the entertainment industry, but the handsome man who stays on the surface always lacks some spirit.

Fan Zhu's mind is often swayed by Song Chi's casual eyes, because of the casual indifference in Song Chi's posture.

In fact, anyone who understands understands that casualness is an attractive temperament.

It wasn't just the passion that was exposed that was sultry.

Fan Zhu didn't think about having a real affair with Song Chi, but sometimes, she couldn't help but feel jealous of another person, pretend to be a certain role out of nothing, and treat the real card as an imaginary enemy. People's one-man show is also sung by heart.

Fan Zhu thought to herself, no matter what, at least under her nose, Song Chi does not belong to anyone, so in her visualization, it is understandable to secretly belong to her.

But Zhou Yun came suddenly.

So can this self-deceiving visualization continue?
Fan Zhu's dislike for Zhou Yun grew like weeds.

The more so, the more fire burned in Fan Zhu's heart, prompting her to walk towards Song Chi.

She knew that someone would mutter: "Look, Fan Zhu walked towards Song Chi again, why is she trying to humiliate herself again?"

Even so, she didn't care.

Fan Zhu walked up to Song Chi and said, "Xiao Song, your girlfriends are here to visit the class, why don't you arrange a welcome banquet, please let us all get to know her?"

Song Chi frowned and raised his head, his eyes were full of strange distant thoughts.


"Still pretending to be stupid." Fan Zhu snorted softly, posing as an elder, "Stop pretending, the netizens have captured it, Zhou Yun walked into the hotel where you stayed ten minutes ago."

Song Chi's expression froze calmly for a while, he said "ohhh", smiled slightly, and said, "Sister Zhuzhu, we'll talk about this later, the next scene is about to be filmed, and I haven't memorized my lines yet, so I have to memorize them first."

The attitude was as polite and distant as ever.

Fan Zhu felt a little upset in her heart, but no matter how upset she was, it wouldn't help. It was impossible to shake her face at Song Chi.

"Then, you recite the lyrics first, and I won't bother you." Fan Zhu left with a perfect smile.

Song Chi's expression did not change from the beginning to the end.

After Fan Zhu was far away, he took out his mobile phone and opened the chat window with Zhou Yun.

His eyes paused, and he stopped at the last chat record: "Okay, then you call it a day and send me a message."

Song Chi thought for a while and asked: Where are you now?
Zhou Yun quickly replied: At home, where else can I be.

Song Chi: "..."

He probably understood what was going on.

Probably wanting to... give him a surprise?
A smile appeared on the corner of Song Chi's mouth.

He typed: Don't wait for me, I'm going to stay up all night today.

Zhou Yun displayed "typing" for a long time, and after a full minute, he replied: So, then... what time will it end?I also want to call you.

Song Chi said: I don't know yet, I'll send you a message when it's over, if it's too late, I'll call you tomorrow morning.

Zhou Yun: All right.

Song Chi asked again: Have you eaten tonight?
Zhou Yun: I ate a cake.

Song Chi: The director called me, so I'll go there first.

Zhou Yun: Well, you are busy.

Song Chi exited the chat interface, a light flashed in his eyes, and he dialed Zhou Lan's number.

 The last chapter was [-] words, and this chapter is [-] words. Today is still a day to update.

  Ask for tickets, and don't forget to give your favorite characters a heart.

(End of this chapter)

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