I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 314 Ascension Period: 149

Chapter 314 Ascension Period: 149
Zhou Yun hung up the phone and spread his limbs out of boredom.

I didn't expect Song Chi to stay up late today, what a coincidence.

I was bored, so I had to continue reading novels.

The novel "I've Been in the World" was quite creepy to read. The husband who thought she had been in love for a long time turned out to be a serial murderer. Not only that, he also wanted to kill her himself.

Zhou Yun's heart was a little hairy, but he couldn't stop reading.

This kind of suspenseful novels always attracted her easily.

Just as I was reading a heart-wrenching place, my phone rang suddenly.

Zhou Yun was so frightened that he flicked the whole body, and the book fell from his hands in fright.

At first glance, it was Song Chi.

Song Chi called.

"Finished?" Zhou Yun was in full bloom.

Maybe it's a psychological effect, maybe it's not, but she really wants Song Chi by her side at this moment.

"Hello?" Zhou Yun answered the phone, "Have you finished filming?"

"The filming hasn't finished yet, but it will take a while for the next filming to start. I'm afraid you'll wait too late, so I'll call you first." Song Chi said, "What are you doing?"

"Reading the novel, I was taken aback when the phone rang just now." Zhou Yun didn't even realize that there was a bit of coquettishness in her tone.

Song Chi smiled and asked, "What's the matter, are you reading a horror novel?"

"It's not a horror novel, it's a suspense novel, but it's also a bit scary." Zhou Yun said with emotion, "Talking about a woman who accidentally discovered that the person next to her pillow turned out to be a serial murderer. Alas, you men are really good at pretending." .”

"Don't generalize, there are many female serial killers in history." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "Oh, why are you so sensitive? I didn't mention you."

Song Chi smiled.

"Whether you're talking about me or not, I have to stop this topic first."

Look, this is where Song Chi is smart.

Zhou Yun turned over on the bed and said, "Oh, forget it, I won't talk to you anymore, you can start filming first, I'm asleep."

"Go to sleep? Didn't you just say you wanted to call me? That's all?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, she didn't really have something to call him.

I just wanted to give him a surprise after knowing that he was going back to the hotel.

"There's nothing serious to say."

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Strange city, strange hotel, knock on the door?

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Wait a minute, someone is knocking on the door."

"Ah? Knock on the door? Who is looking for you?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun looked puzzled and said, "I don't know either."

"Could it be a ghost?" Song Chi asked with a smile.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes and said, "Get rolling!"

She got out of bed, put on her slippers, and walked towards the door.

Make sure the safety lock is on first, and then look at the peephole.

It's just that there is no one outside the cat's eye, only empty corridors.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Zhou Yun's back instantly.

Her voice was trembling, and she said, "Song Chi, I just looked at Maoyan, and there was no one outside."

Song Chi asked, "Is it true or not? You can take another look."

Zhou Yun carefully moved her eyes closer, this time, she saw a smiling face.

Song Chi held up his phone and stood in the cat's eyes with a bright smile.

Then he made a "ghost is coming" look.

"Ah—" Zhou Yun screamed in disbelief and surprise.

She put down the safety lock, opened the door, her eyes widened in surprise, and she threw herself on Song Chi, asking, "How did you know I was coming?!"

Song Chi hugged Zhou Yun's waist, moved into the room, and closed the door behind his back.

"You walked around the street in a grand manner, and you didn't even know you were secretly photographed?" Song Chi said, "You were recognized as soon as you entered and exited the hotel!"

Zhou Yun suddenly realized.

"I don't know! I thought I was well disguised!" Zhou Yun raised his head excitedly, then remembered something, and asked, "Then how do you know that my room is here? The hotel wouldn't sell it to you, would it?" ? This hotel doesn’t pay much attention to protecting the privacy of its guests, does it?”

Song Chi looked down at Zhou Yun, the two of them were very close at this moment, Song Chi's lips were almost touching Zhou Yun's.

"Don't blame other hotels, they didn't sell your information to me."

"Who is that? Ah—" Zhou Yun immediately reacted, "Could it be Sister Lan?!"

Song Chi chuckled and said, "Don't say I told you."

Zhou Yun squinted at him.

"Sister Lan is too unreliable. She knew I wanted to surprise you and told you so!"

Song Chi said: "I have already given me a surprise. I have been surprised on the set."

He bowed his head and kissed Zhou Yun's lips.

"Why did you come here suddenly? Haven't worked recently?"

"Not for the time being, just waiting for October to join the group." Zhou Yun said, "So I ran here."

Her eyes seemed to be watery.

Song Chi felt a burst of heat rising from the bottom of his heart.


In the night at the end of September, there was already a slight chill in the air.

But neither Zhou Yun nor Song Chi felt cold.

Afterwards, the bed was a little messy, Zhou Yun pulled a corner of the quilt to wrap around his body, revealing a long, straight, smooth leg, which was gently placed on Song Chi's leg.

Song Chi looked sideways at Zhou Yun, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Aren't you busy choosing a leading actor for your new film recently? Has anyone chosen?"

"Don't talk about it, I have a crush on someone, but his situation is a bit complicated, I don't know if I can come." Zhou Yun sighed lightly.

Song Chi asked, "Why? He doesn't want to act?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, and told Song Chi about Yu Zhiyang's situation.

Song Chi heard this and said, "This situation is indeed a bit difficult. His company doesn't plan to let him develop at all, and he doesn't expect him to make money. No matter what aspect he can't break through, he can only find a way to see if he can make money." His company voluntarily gave up on him."

"What circumstances can make their company give up on him?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi: "This is not something that can be explained clearly in two or three sentences. If you really want to do this, it will take a lot of work. First of all, you have to figure out what is the weakness of the female boss who wants to get him. There is a way to conquer her."

Zhou Yun: "I still don't know who his female boss is."

Song Chi: "Since He Yong said he would find a way, you might as well wait and see what he plans to do. He has been in this business for so long, maybe he has his way."

Zhou Yun shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, we can only wait and see."

Song Chi suddenly asked: "That man named Yu Zhiyang, what do you like about him?"

"Ah?" Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously.

Song Chi came over suddenly, frowned, and stared at Zhou Yun with questioning eyes.

"Wait, you can't be on the line on this matter."

"Then it seems that you are guilty of being a thief?" Song Chi immediately stopped back with what Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Yun felt that Song Chi was childish enough when he became childish.

That night, Song Chi asked the same question at least ten times.

Of course Zhou Yun didn't know how to answer.

Unable to answer.

The next morning, Song Chi's cell phone rang early in the morning.

Zhou Yun was still asleep in a daze, lying on the bed, hugging the pillow in his hands.

In her dim consciousness, she heard Song Chi whisper, "Don't make a fuss at the hotel."Zhang Cong probably went to wake Song Chi up in the morning, but he couldn't find Song Chi in the room, so he called nervously.

Zhou Yun opened his eyes.

The blackout curtains had been opened at a small angle, letting in a little light.

With this light, I happened to see a muscular body.

Song Chi put on his pants and clothes, turned around, and saw Zhou Yun opened his eyes at some point.

Almond-sized pupils smiled lightly at him.

"It still woke you up."

"Are you going to film on the set?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi nodded and said, "I'm going to the set."

"Another day of drama today?" she asked.

Song Chi walked to the bed, leaned down, and kissed Zhou Yun on the forehead, then on her cheek.

"Yes." He was a little apologetic. "The shooting task is relatively heavy. I'll see if I can finish work normally at night. I'll pick you up for dinner."

Zhou Yun: "Leave me alone, it's fine."

Song Chi: "I'll go first."


Zhou Yun watched Song Chi leave and closed the door. She yawned, closed her eyes again, and fell asleep.

There is an inexplicable sense of security.

Zhou Yun slept until nine o'clock in the morning before getting out of bed.

She took a long time to wash and wash, thinking about what to do today.

Zhou Lan suddenly called.

"Traitor, are you here to plead guilty?" Zhou Yun answered the phone and asked directly.

Zhou Lan said, "You should call me Cupid, the God of love."

"Go away."

"I'm too lazy to be poor with you. That's it. Yue Hai proposed to meet with us." Zhou Lan said, "It's probably because you won the prize and couldn't sit still. He wanted to repair the relationship with us."

Zhou Yun said, "I'm on vacation."

Zhou Lan: "That's what I told them too. They said that they can go to you and have a meal together."

Zhou Yun curled his lips and complained: "Why did you go so early, now it's time to repair the relationship."

"Don't be stubborn, it's okay for us to show off, but it's irrational to keep away from people. No matter what they say, it's a big platform. Unless you don't make TV dramas in the future, otherwise, you can't get around them anyway." Zhou Lan is rational Said, "Why don't you book a time, let's have a meal together, shake hands and make peace."

Zhou Yun said, "It's really annoying."

"Good boy." Zhou Lan smiled, "How cool, they were the ones who turned away, not us, and now they came to us to shake hands and make peace."

"It's not because I found out that I'm still so popular." Zhou Yun said in an artificial tone, "It's really too popular."

"..." Zhou Lan didn't want to speak anymore.

"It's enough."

Zhou Yun giggled.

"Okay, you set a time, and eat here when the time comes, I don't want to go back to SH." Zhou Yun enjoyed every night of sleeping with Song Chi in his arms.

Zhou Lan snorted softly and said, "I think you can't move your legs when you see Song Chi."

"You're the one who's so flirtatious, and I'm not that disappointing." Zhou Yun flaunted himself without hesitation.

"If you believe me, ghosts will come. Well, I won't tell you anymore. I will accompany Wang Jing to meet the director later." Zhou Lan said.


Zhou Yun hung up the phone.

Unexpectedly, just after this call was hung up, another call came in almost seamlessly.

It was such a coincidence that she couldn't help but wonder if the two had discussed it.

The call was from Wei Heyun who hadn't been in touch for a long time.

The little grandson of the old radio and TV leader, who has been diving for a long time without knowing what he did, has popped up again today.

"Why are you looking for me?" Zhou Yun answered the phone and asked directly without exchanging pleasantries.

Wei Heyun asked: "Are you in SH?"

"Not here." Zhou Yun said.

"Then where are you?" Wei Heyun asked.

Zhou Yun said, "City H."

Wei Heyun asked: "What are you doing there?"

Zhou Yun said, "Why should I tell you?"

Wei Heyun was taken aback, and said: "You are quite rude to me now, you will speak differently after taking the actress."

Zhou Yun said confidently: "That's right, why didn't you call me to congratulate me at the first time, and you didn't find out about my changes until today? Others have already found out."

Wei Heyun snorted and said, "Isn't it because I didn't congratulate you? As for such a stickler, it's a shame that I treat you as a friend and tell you my troubles."

"Eldest young master, you should stop treating me as a friend. There is no benefit at all, and you are all annoying." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes, "Without friends like you, friends will never forget to congratulate friends when they need to congratulate them." appears when.

When Zhou Yun heard this, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Foot grounding? Why? What did you do to get such a punishment?"

"I'll tell you when I meet, you wait, I'll come over now." Wei Heyun said.

"Wait, wait, what the hell?" Zhou Yun asked, "You come here? To City H?"

"That's right, aren't you there?" Wei Heyun said, "I'm here to find you."

Zhou Yun: "Don't come, just talk on the phone if you have something to say."

Wei Heyun: "I couldn't make it clear on the phone, why? You don't want to see me?"

"I don't want this vacation that I finally got to become your trash can again." Zhou Yun said bluntly.

Wei Heyun: "You are on vacation? That's just right, I'm fine, we can have some fun together."

"What fun are you looking for? You don't bother me." Zhou Yun complained, "It's the greatest fun if you don't bother me."

Wei Heyun: "Hey! It seems that I have to come!"

After speaking, the guy hung up the phone.

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?Why do you have to come all of a sudden?Is there any necessary logical relationship to this?
She found that she could never figure out what was going on in Wei Heyun's head.

Zhou Yun was worried, Wei Heyun wouldn't really come over, could he?

She really didn't want to have fun with this man at all.

The point is, she doesn't want to get involved in the affairs of Wei Heyun and Yu Sitian at all.Whether Wei Heyun can catch up with Yu Sitian, whether Yu Sitian may fall in love with Wei Heyun, it has nothing to do with her at all.There's no need for her to go to this muddy water and cause trouble for no reason.

She really couldn't figure out why Wei Heyun thought that asking her could help him solve this problem.

(End of this chapter)

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