I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 315 Ascension Period: 150

Chapter 315 Ascension Period: 150
Wei Heyun still came.

He didn't care whether Zhou Yun really didn't want to see her or not, he came with the full confidence of "I don't believe you really don't want to see me", wearing a pair of sunglasses, and came with empty sleeves.

"Where are you? I'm at the airport."

On the phone, his attitude was still the same as before.

Zhou Yun gasped and scolded, "Crazy."


"Oh, forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about it, you can take a taxi yourself." Zhou Yun reported the address.

An hour later, Zhou Yun met Wei Heyun at the hotel's cafe.

Two people were sitting in the cafe wearing sunglasses and staring at each other. Neither of them took off their sunglasses, like two crazy psychopaths.

"Do you think you can't understand human language? I told you I'm on vacation, but you insist on bothering me." Zhou Yun was annoyed.

He was really familiar with Wei Heyun, and he didn't speak so politely anymore.

Wei Heyun said: "Are you still a friend? I am at the most irritable time right now, and you still add fuel to my fire!"

This man has the ability to beat him up with confidence.


Zhou Yun really wanted to learn.

"Okay, okay, tell me quickly, why are you grounded by your family?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wei Heyun's expression seamlessly switched to the speechless and irritable side, with his hands clamped on the table, his upper body leaning forward, as if confiding.

"Tell me, if I want to chase a girl, I have to give gifts, ask her out for dinner, etc., right?" he asked.

Zhou Yun frowned in doubt, hesitated for a moment, and said, "It sounds fine."

It's just that she really doesn't know what will happen to Wei Heyun if this matter falls on him.

Wei Heyun said: "Look, you think there's nothing wrong with it, but my commander just scolded me and grounded me. What a generation gap."

"Wait, tell me what's going on, what gift did you give? Who did you invite to dinner? Yu Sitian? Did she go out to dinner with you?"

"She didn't go out to eat with me." Wei Heyun said angrily, "I just invited the whole crew to have a meal together on the set where she was filming."

"The whole crew?"

"Yeah." Wei Heyun raised his eyebrows, "What? Can't you? She refused to go out to eat with me, so I had to go to the crew to block her. What can I do, but the director directly sued My old man was careful enough to go there, didn't he just delay their work for a while?"

Zhou Yun: "...you went to someone else's crew to throw a big banquet to invite you to dinner, but you didn't ask for their permission in advance?"

Wei Heyun said: "Isn't this supposed to be a surprise? They happened to be filming the banquet scene, so I heard that it was just right, so I hid in the group performances, and prepared a drone to surprise her. Pulling a confession banner outside the window."

Zhou Yun gasped.

Even though she thought that Wei Heyun was a bit crazy, she never expected him to be this crazy.

He also looked confident and confident, thinking that he had done nothing wrong.

Zhou Yun asked sincerely: "Wei Heyun, tell me the truth, do you really think you did nothing wrong?"

Wei Heyun frowned impatiently, and said: "Okay, I know that I did delay their filming, but I didn't make up for it, I paid them for renting the banquet venue, and saved them money." A venue fee."

Zhou Yun: "Then don't you think you have brought Yu Sitian irreparable embarrassment?"

"Embarrassed?" Wei Heyun frowned.It seems that I don't understand the word.

Zhou Yun said: "Did you know that girls are often most afraid of boys confessing in public?"

Wei Heyun said: "Isn't this very romantic?"

"What is it romantic? Then you said that if people around you make a fuss, do you agree or not? If you don't agree, you will hurt the face of other boys, and if you agree, you will force yourself."

"..." Wei Heyun gave Zhou Yun an annoyed look.

"You mean I did this wrong?"

Zhou Yun hesitated for a while, but finally told the truth, nodded, and said, "I suggest you not to do this in the future."

Wei Heyun: "It's really boring. I thought I could talk to you about some interesting things, but I didn't expect you to be so boring!"

He got up and left.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"Wei Heyun!"

Wei Heyun waved his hand, meaning don't bother him, and strode away.

What a temper.

The commotion here was not small, and some people around turned their heads to look around.

Zhou Yun put on his peaked cap and left after him.

She guessed that someone might have secretly recognized her and took a picture.But that's okay, Zhou Yun is not the kind of person who doesn't go out just to avoid being secretly photographed.

After being tossed about by Wei Heyun, Zhou Yun still hasn't had lunch yet.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and Zhou Yun happened to go to have lunch.

This time, she didn't search for a good store on the Internet, but decided to go shopping by herself, look at her eyes, and choose a store according to her fate.

Anyway, she will stay here for a few more days, and she has time to check out all the delicious restaurants in this city.

After walking for a while, she suddenly felt someone following her.


Someone recognized her?

or someone else?

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, stopped at the corner, and turned to look at the person behind him.

When she saw that person, she was taken aback for a moment, a little surprised and dumbfounded.

This stalker turned out to be Wei Heyun who just rushed out the door.

With his hands in his trouser pockets and his pair of sunglasses, he followed about five meters behind with a terrific look.

Seeing her turn her head to look over, he pretended to look up at the sky as if she couldn't see her.

Zhou Yun was stunned and didn't recover for a while.

Wei Heyun What does this mean?
Didn't you leave?Why did he suddenly chase after him like a tail?
Zhou Yun stood on the spot and waited for Wei Heyun to come over.

Wei Heyun continued to look up at the sky as if he couldn't see her.

Zhou Yun: "..."

I wish a bird would fly over at this hour and shit on his face.

She cursed in her heart, thinking, since Wei Heyun couldn't come over, if she didn't see her, then she shouldn't see him either.

Zhou Yun turned around and left, turning a blind eye to Wei Heyun.

So, behind Zhou Yun's invisible back, Wei Heyun looked angrily at Zhou Yun's disappearing back, unbelievable that he had followed up so clearly, Zhou Yun ignored him as if he hadn't seen it!

Wei Heyun struggled over and over on the spot, but in the end he let go of his so-called backbone and chased after him.

He wants to see where this woman is going!

Thus, Wei Heyun followed Zhou Yun all the way to a local restaurant.

When he saw Zhou Yun walking into this out-of-place local restaurant, he frowned suspiciously.

Is she going to eat here?
real or fake?

The reason why Wei Heyun is so surprised is because he has been in contact with too many female stars since he was a child. They each have their own beauty and talent, but he has never seen a female star in public, Enter this kind of "fly restaurant" to eat.

It really doesn't match their glamorous image.

Zhou Yun is wearing casual loose jeans and a simple jacket today. She is indeed not that delicate, but she stands there with a lazy and casual demeanor. She can appear in any photographer's lens at any time, and complete a set of street scenes with perfect pictures. shoot.

It doesn't matter how she dresses.

She can't get rid of the temperament of a female star—many people may think that if a glamorous star steps off the stage and dresses up like ordinary people, she will disappear from everyone.

Maybe some people can do it, but some people can't.

Zhou Yun belongs to this category of people.

But Wei Heyun found that Zhou Yun just walked into this "fly restaurant" very calmly, without any hesitation, nor did he have any intention of disliking this place for being not upscale and not so clean.

Wei Heyun felt a little disgusted.

But he followed in anyway.

This small restaurant uses tents to set up boxes one by one.

Wei Heyun heard the waiter guiding Zhou Yun ask her how many people there were, and she said one person.

Wei Heyun's indifference finally couldn't be pretended any longer.He hurriedly took two steps forward and said, "Two people."

The waiter looked at the man who appeared out of nowhere suspiciously, then became shy and shy by his handsome face, and his eyes changed.

Seeing a handsome guy unexpectedly, most of them react like this.

So much so that she forgot to ask Zhou Yun if this man who appeared out of nowhere was with her.

It doesn't matter, Zhou Yun believes that no matter how she answers, Wei Heyun will have the cheek to sit on her table.

Zhou Yun sat down, folded his hands in front of his chest, looked at Wei Heyun, and said, "Didn't you just turn around and leave after getting angry? Why did you follow me here?"

Wei Heyun snorted coldly, followed suit, and put his hands on his chest, and said, "You all know I'm angry, so you won't catch up?"

Zhou Yun sneered speechlessly, and said, "You understand the point, why should I catch up?"

"You made me angry!" Wei Heyun emphasized.

Zhou Yun hissed, and asked curiously: "Wait, Wei Heyun, let me ask you, you won't be coaxed by someone whenever you get angry since you were young, right? It doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong, anyway, everything is going around Follow you around."

Wei Heyun heard a strong sense of irony from Zhou Yun's words.

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to say, if you want to find someone to coax you, find someone else, I don't plan to get used to your temper." Zhou Yun declared his position coldly, "Of course, as you emphasized, I am the named friend , out of morality, let me also tell you, if you want to talk, say it well, don't lose your temper like a child, I'm not your nanny, I have to make you laugh."

Wei Heyun stared at Zhou Yun for several seconds, and finally, whispered: "Why are you so fierce?"

"Welcome to the real world."

At this time, the waiter came in with the menu.

"Let's see what to order, both of you."

The young waiter took a look at Zhou Yun, and seemed to think that Zhou Yun looked familiar, so he looked at it a few more times.

But in the end the young waiter still didn't recognize Zhou Yun.

In her opinion, this handsome man and woman should be a couple.

Zhou Yun didn't intend to give the menu to Wei Heyun, he looked around from top to bottom, reported the names of a few dishes, handed back the menu, and said, "That's all, thank you."

The waiter took back the menu and asked, "Do you both want tea?"

"Plain water is fine," Zhou Yun said.

Wei Heyun raised his chin coldly and said, "Same."

When the waiter left, Wei Heyun asked, "Didn't Song Chi say you have a bad temper?"

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes to Wei Heyun and said, "Didn't anyone tell you to shut your mouth when you can't speak?"

Wei Heyun: "..."

He realized that he was like a target today, and was beaten by Zhou Yun's machine gun until he was beaten to pieces.

Wei Heyun had an idea.

"Could it be that something happened to you and you're in a bad mood? Come on, tell me, maybe I can help you out." Wei Heyun patted his chest and said, "Tell me earlier if you're in a bad mood. , I told you that you are my friend, your problem is my problem, and I will definitely help you out."

Zhou Yun: "...Although I am very happy for you to say that, don't make excuses for your childish behavior of scolding. I just showed you my truest attitude because I am familiar with you."

Wei Heyun: "...Forget it, I came here to find you today and I hit the gun. I feel that no matter what I say, I will be attacked by you."

Zhou Yun didn't speak.

Wei Heyun sniffed, and asked, "Do you usually come to this kind of restaurant to eat?"

"Not often." Zhou Yun said frankly.

Wei Heyun said in surprise: "I thought you came here often, seeing how you are so familiar with the road."

"Where is there a chance to go out to eat normally? Is it too busy to have time to eat? Most of the time, I can only find a corner to eat lunch." Zhou Yun said, "I told you that I am on vacation today."

"You're on vacation... just looking for a place like this to eat?"

"I'm on vacation because I want to experience places and people that I don't usually feel." Zhou Yun corrected, "Don't you think that the people you usually come into contact with and the places you often go to have not changed, the same? Even if you know them When you meet a new person, it is actually no different from the people you met before, even if you go to a new environment, it is actually no different from the place you have been to before.”

Wei Heyun thought about it carefully, and felt that what Zhou Yun said was quite right.

"That's right."

"Well." Zhou Yun said, "So you know why I came here."

"It's quite interesting." Wei Heyun's eyes lit up suddenly, and he asked, "Is this the so-called poetry?"

"Poetic, you are big, looking for freshness." Zhou Yun disliked it, "Why do you like to flaunt yourself so much? Eating in a small restaurant can make you feel poetic."

Wei Heyun emphasized: "Let me tell you, it's really the first time I've eaten at this kind of place."


"If it weren't for you, I really wouldn't have entered such a place."

"That is, the proud son of heaven." Zhou Yun said, "You are a golden bird with an extraordinary background, and the golden key you were born with is not what ordinary birds like us can expect."

Wei Heyun: "How come you are still holding a gun with a stick?"

Zhou Yun took a deep breath, and felt that he was indeed the one who hated Wei He Yun so much.

"Okay, I apologize to you."

Wei Heyun waved his hand and said quite generously: "I forgive you."

I don't care about it now.

Zhou Yun pursed his lips and smiled.

Wei Heyun suddenly looked at Zhou Yun with his two eyes, and asked, "Are you and Song Chi really in love?"

"I just apologized to you, don't force me to hate you again." Zhou Yun said, "It's none of your business, so don't ask more questions."

Wei Heyun said: "Why is it none of my business? Song Chi was originally my rival in love, but if he is really with you, then he must be my buddy."

Zhou Yun had a question mark on his face: "What kind of logic is this? Why would he have to be your buddy if I were really together with him? What does this have to do with you?"

Wei Heyun had a natural expression on his face, and said, "Think about it, you are my friend, and your boyfriend must be my buddy, otherwise, how can we hang out together in the future?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "You're crazy, even if I'm your friend, why does he insist on playing with you? Of course it's different."

"Yo, you admit that you're with him." Wei Heyun smiled triumphantly, "It's still different."

Only then did Zhou Yun realize that she had fallen for this dog.

"roll roll roll."

"Vulgar." Wei Heyun clicked his tongue twice, "I really don't know why Song Chi likes such a vulgar girl like you."

Zhou Yun: "I still don't understand why you like Yu Sitian's naughty, obedient girl."

Wei Heyun suddenly turned serious, and said seriously: "You can say that about me, but you can't say about her."


Wei Heyun said: "I really like her, I don't like to hear you say bad things about her in front of me."

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and accepted Wei Heyun's logic.

"Okay, I apologize to you for what I just said."

"I also know that she has done some bad things to you, but I will compensate you on her behalf. After all, she didn't do too much, right? She is still a very kind girl in essence. " Wei Heyun explained for Yu Sitian, "She is just jealous of you."

Zhou Yun blinked and laughed out loud.

"I suddenly discovered that you still have some redeeming qualities."

"Only a little?" Wei Heyun looked proud and proud, "As far as my image and talent are concerned, everything is shining."

"Men are less narcissistic."

"Why should men be less narcissistic?" Wei Heyun said.

Zhou Yun corrected: "Okay, as a human being, don't be narcissistic."

Wei Heyun: "You are narcissistic, I am stating the truth."

"How can your mouth be so aggressive?" Zhou Yun sighed.

Wei Heyun cupped his hands: "Admit, admit, you are not bad."

Zhou Yun pouted his mouth, wanting to exhale fragrant, seeing Wei Heyun winking, couldn't help laughing again.

"Look, how pretty you look when you smile." Wei Heyun said suddenly, "If only she could smile at me like this one day."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Wei Heyun asked suicidally: "Why does she always look indifferent every time she sees me?"

Zhou Yun suddenly didn't know what to say.

If she didn't use gags, she really didn't know how to say this to Wei Heyun.

In fact, she is not qualified to say these things.

It's like she just realized that she also knows too little about Wei Heyun, even less about him and Yu Sitian.

(End of this chapter)

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