I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 316 Ascension Period: 151

Chapter 316 Ascension Period: 151
It was already half past two in the afternoon when the two finished their lunch together.

Zhou Yun was about to get up to pay the bill when his cell phone rang suddenly.

It was Song Chi's call.

Her mobile phone was placed on the dining table. After the phone rang, Wei Heyun glanced at the screen and said, "Your husband is calling."

This title spread to Zhou Yun's ears, making her earlobes feel inexplicably hot.

There is a sense of shame.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, what's there to be ashamed of, Wei Heyun just doesn't care about meat and vegetables.

She still glared at Wei Heyun before picking up the phone and answering the call.


"Are you still in the hotel?" Song Chi asked.

"No, I'm out for dinner." Zhou Yun said.

"Alone?" Song Chi asked.

"No, there is also Wei Heyun." Zhou Yun glanced at the winking person opposite her, then looked away speechlessly, and looked to the other side, "He came to find me."

Song Chi asked in surprise, "Why did he come suddenly?"

Zhou Yun felt that he couldn't explain clearly for a while, so he simply took what Wei Heyun said just now, and said, "He said he wants to be buddies with you."

"Ah?" Song Chi's voice sounded more and more surprised, and Zhou Yun could imagine how surprised he was.

Wei Heyun suddenly threw his entire upper body into her sight, and gave her a middle finger with his right hand.

Zhou Yun gestured back with his middle finger.

"Let's wait for him to tell you the details. I can't keep up with his train of thought." Zhou Yun said, "What about you? Have you had lunch yet?"

"Just finished work, on the way to the small cafeteria." Song Chi said, "Today, many people in the production team are asking me, are you here to see me?"

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "How did they know I was coming? Did you tell them?"

"No, didn't I tell you yesterday? You were photographed. The news was told to me by the crew, and they spread it privately." Song Chi said, "They are all suspecting that we are secretly dating."

"Let them be suspicious." Zhou Yun said.

"They also know that you live in the hotel where I'm staying." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "Why are they so gossip?"

"It's true, they are indeed gossips at ordinary times." Song Chi smiled.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, then asked: "Then do you want me to visit your film crew, justifiably, in the name of a friend?"

Song Chi's tone changed instantly, and he became a little excited, "Okay."

"Then you see when the day is right, I'll send you an emergency vehicle." Zhou Yun said, "Learn from others."

Song Chi said: "Forget about the support car, it's not necessary, you just need to come."

"It's too dishonest to visit the set empty-handed." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want to leave the impression of being mean to your crew."

"OK then."

"Well, I'll hang up first, I'll pay the bill." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi asked in surprise: "Wei Heyun eats with you, and you still need to pay?"

Zhou Yun said: "I didn't plan to have dinner with him, he had to follow him, and I ordered the dishes, and I didn't bother to ask him to pay the bill."


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun turned around, only to find that Wei Heyun was no longer in the tent box.

What about people?

Where did you go?

Zhou Yun lifted the curtain and went out, just in time to meet Wei Heyun walking over.

"Why did you go?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wei Heyun said, "Pay the bill."

Zhou Yun raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Is it true, so conscious?"

Wei Heyun had a straight face and said, "You think I'm free."

Zhou Yun: "Then AA?"

"You, Song Chi, go, I, Wei Heyun, never engage in such a thing." Wei Heyun said.

Zhou Yun: "Then where are you going now?"

"Where are you going?" Wei Heyun asked.

Zhou Yun said, "I'm going to take a nap at the hotel."

Wei Heyun shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then I'll go to that hotel and get a room."

Zhou Yun looked at Wei Heyun in disbelief, the latter was really righteous, and he didn't feel anything wrong at all.

"Why are you opening a room here? Aren't you going back?"

"I'm too lazy to go back. I was locked up at home for more than half a month. I finally came out and had to get some air." Wei Heyun said, "Leave me alone, let's go."

Then, Wei Heyun really got a room in the hotel.

Zhou Yun hesitated to speak.

She went back to her room and took a nap.

Waking up from a hazy sleep, my head was still dizzy and a little dazed.

The afternoon sun was very good, shining in from the window, the whole room seemed to be sprinkled with a layer of golden, fluffy things.

Zhou Yun stretched, then turned to get his phone.

Turning on the screen, she saw the message from Song Chi and asked: What are you doing now?
The message was sent an hour ago.

Zhou Yunhui: Taking a nap, just woke up.

Song Chi hasn't returned for a long time, he should be filming.

Zhou Yun put down his phone, got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

While she was still washing her face, the phone rang.

She thought it was Song Chi who was calling, so she hurriedly wiped her face with a towel and went to answer the phone.

It turned out to be Wei Heyun.

"Are you awake?" He asked the first sentence.

Zhou Yun: "When you call, I will wake up before I wake up."

Wei Heyun chuckled and said, "Come out for dinner with me tonight."

"Dinner? What kind of meal?" Zhou Yun said, "I'll wait for Song Chi to eat at night."

Wei Heyun said: "Isn't Song Chi going to be filming? Does he have time to eat with you?"

"Maybe there is time." Zhou Yun said, "Go by yourself."

"No, I told them that I will take you there." Wei Heyun said, "They are all my friends."

"Don't ask me to participate in the game of your cronies. I didn't agree to you. Who told you to agree to them first." Zhou Yun said, "I finally took a vacation, so don't disturb my vacation."

Wei Heyun said: "You really don't know what's good and what's wrong, I just called over a few friends who are engaged in the film and television industry."

Zhou Yun said, "Did you understand, I'm on vacation."

Wei Heyun: "...All right, all right."

Zhou Yun hung up the phone, thought about it, and sent Song Chi another message, asking if he could have dinner together tonight.

About half an hour later, Song Chi called.

"We were filming just now."

"I guessed it." Lying on the bed, Zhou Yun asked, "When will today end? Can we have dinner together tonight?"

Song Chi said apologetically, "I can't do it today. There's another scene tonight, so we won't be able to call it a night."

"Okay." Zhou Yun was not without disappointment.

But she is also an actor herself, so she can understand that Song Chi, as a professional actor, especially the protagonist, should satisfy and implement the arrangement of the crew as much as possible.

Song Chi is not a supporting role, and he can't shoot because of something, so he can temporarily coordinate other scenes to fill in the blanks.

If his film cannot be filmed as planned, it will affect the work of various departments of the crew.

Zhou Yun said: "Then I will go out to dinner with Wei Heyun tonight."

Song Chi asked in surprise, "Is he still there?"

"He got a room in the hotel, I don't know what he's thinking." Zhou Yun said, "He seems to think that I can help him catch up with Yu Sitian, and he doesn't know what's going on."

Song Chi was silent for a while, and said, "Did he ask you to have dinner tonight?"

"It is said that he has made an appointment with some of his friends. I rejected him before, but if he really has already made an appointment, I still plan to go and forget it."

Song Chi was silent again, and asked, "Can I not go?"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

She didn't expect Song Chi to say that.

Does Song Chi not want her?
Zhou Yun quickly realized, could it be that Song Chi was jealous of Wei Heyun?Very likely.

She burst out laughing.

"If you don't want me to go, I won't go." Zhou Yun raised the corners of his mouth proudly, "I see, I will wait for you to come back at the hotel."

Song Chi didn't seem to have thought that Zhou Yun would agree so simply.

He asked, "Why did you agree without any embarrassment?"

Zhou Yun said: "I didn't promise him to go at first, because I had to take care of a man who silently started to get jealous."

Song Chi: "...the director called me."

"Oh, then go quickly, don't make the director wait too long." Zhou Yun smiled, "Don't let the director get jealous of me."

Song Chi hung up the phone angrily.

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.
At nine o'clock in the evening, Song Chi finally finished work.

He got in the car and went back to the hotel.

The other actors in the crew looked at his back with gossip eyes.

It's not that he didn't notice it, but he just acted as if he didn't see it.

A lot of people think that about him, and he knows it.

The situation of "crew couples" is not uncommon.

But he never played this trick, and has always been alone, protecting himself very well.

Zhang Cong already knew about Zhou Yun's arrival, so he asked, "Brother Chi, since Sister Xiaoyun is here, should I help you communicate with the crew and give you a day or two off?"

Song Chi said: "You ask the co-ordinator to move my evening scene to the back of the filming as much as possible, if you really can't move it, forget it."

Zhang Cong hesitated to speak.

He actually wanted to say that it doesn't matter even if he invites the crew for a day or two.

But he also knew that Song Chi was not the type to ask for leave from the crew because of his own personal affairs.Unless it is the kind of situation that must be requested.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Cong said, "Okay, I'll go and tell them."

When they arrived at the hotel, Song Chi got out of the car first, and Zhang Cong accompanied him in.

While waiting for the elevator, a person suddenly appeared from behind, with a hand directly around his neck.

"Song Chi!"

Song Chi was taken aback for a moment.

Zhang Cong realized that he thought it was a wild fan.

"What are you doing? Let go!" Zhang Cong was about to pull him away.

But this person cursed arrogantly: "Try to touch me again!"

Song Chi recognized that the drunk man was Wei Heyun.

He winked at Zhang Cong, indicating that he doesn't need to worry about it anymore, he is an acquaintance.

Only then did Zhang Cong let go of his hand.

Wei Heyun hooked Song Chi's neck, rolled his eyes at Zhang Cong, and said, "I really don't win, your boss and I are good buddies!"

Zhang Cong: "???"

He never thought that this person would say such a sentence.

Good buddy?

real or fake?Why didn't he know that his boss had such a good buddy?
Song Chi looked at Wei Heyun's obviously drunk face expressionlessly, and remembered what Zhou Yun had said to him during the day.

Zhou Yun told him that Wei Heyun wanted to be good buddies with him.

"..." So, is it really a famous teacher?
Song Chi didn't figure out what Wei Heyun was thinking for a while, and didn't know what kind of madness Wei Heyun was going crazy, so he hesitated for a while and said, "Did you go drinking alone?"

"No way, I went drinking with my friends." Wei Heyun suddenly lost his temper, "Well, I blame your wife for asking her to accompany me to dinner, so I have an appointment with you, huh, nothing at all. No sense of loyalty! In vain I think she is a good woman!"

This person spoke directly, and Song Chi saw that there were already people gathered around him, so he could only raise one hand to support Wei Heyun.

"Let's stop playing a monkey show in public, let's go up and talk about it."

Wei Heyun is everything.

The elevator door just came to the first floor, and the door opened.

Zhang Cong immediately went to block the elevator door for them.

Song Chi said, "You can rest, you don't need to accompany me up."

Zhang Cong thought to himself that his room was also up there, and then realized that Song Chi had something to say to Wei Heyun alone.

The elevator doors closed.

Song Chi asked, "Which floor do you live on?"

Wei Heyun frowned, stared at Song Chi, and asked, "Why are you so lucky?"

"Oh?" Song Chi asked, "How lucky am I?"

Wei Heyun snorted, and said, "I've never seen someone like you who is so cheap and behaves like you. Zhou Yun is already with you, isn't that lucky? The person you like can be with you."

He looked suddenly a little lonely.

Song Chi was surprised and frowned slightly.

Wei Heyun asked: "How did you catch Zhou Yun?"

His eyes flicked to Song Chi's.

Song Chi pondered for a moment, then said, "You drank a little too much today, you should go to bed first."

Wei Heyun: "How do you avoid my question?"

Song Chi smiled and said, "Are you really drunk or are you pretending to be drunk?"

Wei Heyun straightened up suddenly, swept away his drunkenness, and leaned against the back of the elevator, "Sure enough, he's not a professional actor, his acting skills are too bad."

The elevator door opened at this time.

Wei Heyun asked: "Where is this place? Zhou Yun doesn't live on this floor, does he?"

"I live on this floor." Song Chi smiled, stretching out a hand to block the elevator door, "If you keep not answering me what your room number is, I'm going to send you to sleep in my room."

Wei Heyun's eyes widened in surprise.

"Since you're sober, it's better to leave." Song Chi waved his hand and walked out of the elevator.

Wei Heyun chased him out, and said: "Damn it, you and Zhou Yun really have the same nostrils to breathe out, the annoying points are exactly the same."

Song Chi: "Do you have anything else to tell me?"

Wei Heyun frowned, and asked: "Damn, I ran all the way to find Zhou Yun, you don't have any ideas, do you?"

"What do you want me to think? To treat you like a rival in love?" Song Chi directly pointed out Wei Heyun's petty thoughts, "It's not like that."

Wei Heyun gasped.

"Damn, I look so unthreatening?"

Song Chi said, "It's impossible for Zhou Yun to like you."

"Why?" Wei Heyun's competitive spirit instantly rose.

Song Chi said, "Because she likes me."

Wei Heyun's eyes widened, and he didn't recover for a long time.

This...is a gross reason? ! -
Zhou Yun didn't expect that when she received Song Chi's call, she went out to meet him at the elevator with full expectation, only to see Wei Heyun whose cheeks were flushed from drinking beside Song Chi.

Zhou Yun never thought that the first thing Wei Heyun said when he saw her was to ask her angrily: "Zhou Yun, tell the truth! How am I worse than Song Chi?"

With that loud questioning, it was as if she, Zhou Yun, was the one who always ignored Wei Heyun.

Zhou Yun simply ignored him and looked at Song Chi.

"what's going on?"

With a smile on the corner of Song Chi's mouth, he said, "You didn't tell me? He wants to be my buddy? As soon as I came back, he blocked me, and when he heard that I was going to take you to eat, he threatened me, If we don't bring him along, he will broadcast live tonight to expose our relationship."

Zhou Yun gave Wei Heyun a disgusted look, and said, "It's really crazy."

Wei Heyun spread out his hands, with an expression of "what can you do to me".

Zhou Yun: "..."

What can she say?Can't say anything.

She walked up to Song Chi and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Song Chi asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Zhou Yun said: "Eat something light, it's too late, I'm afraid I'll get acne tomorrow."

Song Chi nodded and said, "Let's go."

Wei Heyun stared at the two of them with wide eyes, and asked, "You two are going to leave in such a grand manner?"


"Aren't you afraid that people will find you alone and widowed out of a hotel?" Wei Heyun was even more shocked.

Song Chi smiled.

"What lonely men and widows? Isn't there my good buddy, you?"

Wei Heyun's eyes widened in disbelief.

Zhou Yun understood Song Chi's intentions and burst out laughing.

"Damn!" Wei Heyun cursed.


Dog lovers are too easy to blind their eyes.

Wei Heyun couldn't stay any longer the next day, and ran away without looking back.

Zhou Yun laughed.

Song Chi didn't have a show in the morning, so he didn't need to go to the set.

As a result, the two had rare time to spend together during the day.

Zhou Yun asked Song Chi, "When will you finish filming this movie?"

Song Chi said, "We will be filming until December."

"Oh, I was going to film "Words of Fallen Leaves" at that time, and I completely missed it." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "It's okay, I'll visit your class when the time comes."

Zhou Yun said: "It's quite troublesome, and you can't visit the class openly."

"Actually, it's okay to be generous. Do you want me to go?" Song Chi asked.

"Of course I want you to go." Zhou Yun said.

The two go to the cinema together to see a movie that just came out, and then go to lunch together.

There are not many people in this small town.

They all wore masks and sunglasses. Fortunately, no one recognized them on the road.

Zhou Yun had a cup of coffee in his hand, and a couple walked towards him.

They walk hand in hand.

The hands are still shaking together.

Zhou Yun made room for the couple holding hands.

She glanced back at the two of them.

The couple didn't know if they thought they looked familiar, so they also looked back at them.

Zhou Yun turned his head immediately.

At this moment, Song Chi suddenly took Zhou Yun's hand.

Zhou Yun was taken aback by the crowd.

She looked at Song Chi in astonishment.

Song Chi didn't return her gaze, but just held her hand firmly and walked forward with a strong palm.

Suddenly, at that moment, Zhou Yun heard the sound of his own heart beating faster, bang bang, bang bang, nervous, but at the same time felt excited and happy.

The happiness of this moment is that Song Chi heard the voice in her heart.

He could hear what she was thinking and what she was envious of.

At this moment, Zhou Yun was suddenly satisfied with this simple action of holding hands.

It has nothing to do with the symbol or anything, just being led by this person and moving forward.

(End of this chapter)

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