I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 318 Ascension Period: 153

Chapter 318 Ascension Period: 153
On a night full of turmoil, Song Chi and Zhou Yun put aside the hustle and bustle and spent the night quietly.

The next day, it was only five o'clock in the morning, and Zhou Yun was still half asleep. Song Chi suddenly pushed her and said softly, "Get up."

Zhou Yun opened his eyes in a daze, saw a room with only faint lights on, and asked blankly, "What time is it?"

Song Chi said, "Four o'clock."

Zhou Yun slapped Song Chi weakly with his arm, and said, "It's only four o'clock, why are you calling me? I need to sleep for a while."

Song Chi said, "I'll take you to a place."

Zhou Yun looked confused and asked, "Ah? Where are you taking me at this time?"

Song Chi said, "Go climb the mountain and watch the sunrise."

Zhou Yun felt her brain go down for two seconds, she said, "Huh?"

Although he looked dazed, Jia didn't sleep at all and couldn't even open his eyes, but under Song Chi's urging, Zhou Yun followed Song Chi out fifteen minutes later with his face up.

At this time, the sky is not yet bright.

Song Chi was full of energy, and said: "I didn't have a show in the morning before. I heard that there was a mountain called Chenshan, and I climbed it alone. But that day was unlucky, and the sun didn't come out. I heard from people on the mountain. Chenshan is very beautiful to watch the sunrise.”

So, this is the surprise that Song Chi said yesterday?

It's not that Zhou Yun hates climbing mountains, but she really has difficulty getting out of bed.It was too difficult for her to get out of bed.Especially this kind of getting out of bed at five o'clock in the morning to climb the mountain to watch the sunrise.

Zhou Yun felt that if it weren't for the fact that this person was Song Chi, she would never have gotten up from the bed.

Love it.

She was moved by her epic love.

She was immersed in her own brain theater all the way, driving all the way to the foot of the mountain.

Song Chi asked, "Shall we drive up?"

There is a winding road on the mountain, and it is convenient to drive, so you don't have to climb it yourself.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and asked, "If we climb up now, can we catch the sunrise?"

It was almost five o'clock.

Although it is not so early in October.

Song Chi said: "If you climb a mountain now, it's about the same."

Zhou Yun said: "Climb then, everyone is here."

Song Chi smiled.

"I remember that you usually don't like to move." He said.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at him and said, "Since you know that I don't like to move, you still have this kind of surprise of climbing a mountain! Song Chi, let me tell you, if it weren't for you today, I would never have gotten out of this bed."

"It seems that I still have a special weight in your heart." Song Chi smiled smugly as if he understood something.

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

Song Chi's cheeky vigor came again.

The two got out of the car and went up the mountain.

At this time, there was no one on the mountain, and the street lights on both sides were still on.

On the wide road, there are only the two of them.

Zhou Yun asked, "Does this road go all the way to the top of the mountain?"

Song Chi nodded and said, "Yes, the mountain is not very high, and it can be climbed in an hour."

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's okay."

Fortunately, it is not a high mountain like Huangshan.

Zhou Yun climbed up the mountain and asked, "Do you usually like climbing mountains?"

Song Chi said: "When I'm tired, I like to climb the mountain alone. I completely put myself in a strange and natural environment, which can relieve my anxiety."

"Are you the type who gets anxious because you're tired?"

"Well." Song Chi said, "Especially in the past few years, the work intensity has been a bit intense, but there is no way to relax. To set up your own company, to terminate the contract with Zuo Jing, to film, to learn to be a producer, to understand various The type of work, all aspects, and the relationship with all aspects, especially some human relationships, sometimes I want to give up and just be a pure actor, but there is no way, only by going down according to my vision can I really do it A pure actor."

Zhou Yun was fascinated by what he heard, and felt a little empathy.In the past two years, the further she went on the road of acting, the more difficult it became.

This is a road that can gain fame and fortune at any time. Fame and fortune are fascinating, and if you are not careful, you will fall into it.

Zhou Yun also couldn't guarantee that if "The Eighth Heartbeat" offered her hundreds of millions of dollars in salary, would she still refuse.

At the same time, there are too many places to balance.

Zhou Yun didn't have his own company, so it was a bit overwhelming to deal with these matters, let alone Song Chi.

Song Chi said: "The most important thing for me to run my own company is to produce the dramas I like, so that I don't have to be controlled by others and have greater initiative."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I believe in you, you can do it."

The mountain road was not too steep, but Zhou Yun still felt a little tired after climbing halfway up the mountain.

Song Chi said, "Then let's slow down."

"No, if you slow down, you won't be able to reach the top of the mountain before sunrise." Zhou Yun said, "Aren't we here to watch the sunrise?"

Although she doesn't like mountain climbing, since she's here, she still has to do it.

This is her character.

Just like when she was filming "The Eighth Heartbeat", although she didn't like this film, she still tried her best to make it the best.

Song Chi smiled and said, "It's okay, even if you don't see the sunrise this time, you will have a chance to see it later."

"No, if you don't see it this time, it won't be the one you see next time." Zhou Yun stretched out his hand, motioning for Song Chi to hand it over.

Song Chi held Zhou Yun's hand.

Zhou Yun continued: "This is the first time we are going to watch the sunrise. We must see the sunrise. I don't want to miss it because I drag you down."

Song Chi shook his head and said, "I didn't bring you to climb the mountain to put so much pressure on you. It doesn't matter whether you see the sunrise or not. The important thing is that I can climb this mountain with you. Stop and take a rest when you are tired, it’s not the speed of life and death, don’t force it.”

Zhou Yun thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Then I'll hug you, I'm tired."

Song Chi opened his hands and smiled, "You are always welcome."

So Zhou Yun hugged Song Chi.

Song Chi's body was dewy.

"Song Chi, I like you." She said.

Song Chi smiled, nodded, and said, "I know, me too."


The temperature on the mountain at dawn is not high, and when the wind blows, it will be a little cold.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi were only wearing thin coats, but their bodies became hot and sweaty after walking.

Near the top of the mountain, the sky already turned pale.

Zhou Yun said, "Hurry up, or you won't be able to see the sunrise."

Song Chi was dragged by her hand to climb up.

Finally, at the last moment, when the two of them climbed to the viewing area with the best angle on the top of the mountain, a red sun happened to jump out of the sea like a whale. The wind passes through the clouds, the mountains and rivers are so magnificent, and the mountains and rivers are magnificent.

 Add more on the weekend~

(End of this chapter)

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