Chapter 319 Chu Yang: 1
Song Chi had to rush back to the set at noon, and there was a scene to shoot in the afternoon.

After Zhou Yun and he went down the mountain, they ate noodles at a noodle shop at the foot of the mountain and drove back to the hotel.

As soon as he arrived at the parking lot, Zhou Lan's phone rang.

Zhou Yun answered the phone and asked, "Sister Lan, are you looking for me?"

"Where are you?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun said, "I'm in the parking lot. I went out with Song Chi just now."

"There's a new development in Yu Zhiyang's affairs. I'll come to your room to find you in ten minutes," Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun said yes.

hang up the phone.

Song Chi had already turned off the ignition, turned around and asked, "Sister Lan looking for you?"

"Well, it is said that there is a new development in the affairs of Yu Zhiyang." Zhou Yun said, "Let's go."

Song Chi got out of the car with Zhou Yun.

He has to go back to the hotel to change clothes.

Climbing the mountain, both of them were sweating.

Suddenly, a figure popped out in front of them, holding a handheld radio in his hand, and came directly in front of the two of them.

A figure followed closely behind, holding a video camera, shooting wildly at them.

Zhou Yun was startled, but without reacting, he subconsciously raised his hand to block himself.

Song Chi blocked her directly, frowning and looking.

"Song Chi, Zhou Yun, when did you start dating? Before you said that you were not in a relationship, but just friends, were you hiding it?" A petite girl asked them loudly with a hand-held radio .

Only then did Zhou Yun realize that it was Yuji.

She turned her head in doubt, and there was a sly light in the eyes of this petite and exquisite girl.

Obviously, she had found out about their new residence from nowhere, and the cat was here, waiting until they showed up.

She snatched the first group appearance after Song Chi and Zhou Yun held hands.

Here's the scoop!

Song Chi's face darkened immediately, and he put his arms around Zhou Yun's waist, turning a deaf ear to their questions, and whispered in Zhou Yun's ear, "Go up."

Zhou Yun nodded.

The female reporter and the photographer followed closely beside them.

"Please answer, please? You have never admitted your relationship before, why? Don't you want fans to know?" The question kept on chasing.

With a cold face, Song Chi hugged Zhou Yun and walked forward without stopping.

The cameraman was always in front of them with a camera, and recorded their passage.

"Don't you have anything to explain and explain to the fans?" The question became more and more acute.

Zhou Yun could hear it, and a surge of anger surged up in her heart, and she wanted to speak, but reason still made her control herself.

Probably because the two of them kept silent, the reporter was afraid that she would miss this precious opportunity, so she actually stood in front of the two of them, preventing them from moving forward.

"Everyone is very concerned about the affairs of the two of you, can you please respond?" The female reporter's tone became a little sharp and exasperated.

Before that, it was just sharp content, and she always used that kind of sweet tone.

The female reporter stood in front, and Song Chi walked around directly with Zhou Yun in his arms.

Zhou Yun could tell that Song Chi's face was getting darker and darker.Song Chi is more experienced than Zhou Yun in dealing with this kind of thing, but people are emotional animals, and experience will not make them less unhappy when they encounter discomfort.To some extent, a person who is usually grumpy is more likely to be grumpy when encountering things that will intensify his emotions.

Song Chi is not a person who has a good temper and is very able to control himself.He just knew that it would be best for him and Zhou Yun to get rid of these two people without saying a word.

At this moment, the female reporter didn't know what was going on, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhou Yun's arm, refusing to let her leave.

"Are you guilty? You concealed your relationship for so long before, don't you feel owed to your fans? So many of your fans support you, but you lie to them, is this what you should do as public figures? "The question from the female reporter came out like a cannonball.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that this person would dare to do it.

She struggled a few times, trying to pull her hand out of this man's.

But the female reporter's hands were like iron tongs, firmly grasping her wrist.

Zhou Yun's face was full of anger, and he roared: "Let go!"

Only then did Song Chi notice that he directly grabbed the female reporter's hand and pulled it away fiercely.

"Be careful!" he warned in a threatening voice.


After finally getting rid of these two people, they walked into the hotel.

Song Chi asked, "Are you okay?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, touched his red wrist, smiled bitterly, and said, "Fortunately, the man just now is really strong enough, I can't get rid of it even if I try hard."

Song Chi said, "This place has also been discovered, so we can't live there."

Zhou Yun sighed and said, "The two of us should not go out easily in the future. How did they find out about our whereabouts? They just moved here yesterday, so they will know today."

"Maybe someone here leaked the news." Song Chi was referring to the staff of this hotel.

The two of them stayed in the hotel, and the hotel staff couldn't hide it.

Therefore, celebrities generally live in relatively high-level hotels. They train their employees more strictly and require the privacy of guests to be kept strictly confidential. Once they are discovered, the consequences will be very serious.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Forget it, it's okay, anyway, I have to leave in two days."

After speaking, her cell phone rang.It was Zhou Lan who called. She told Zhou Yun just now that I would see you in the room in ten minutes, but Zhou Yun was pestered by the reporters just now, which delayed the time.Zhou Yun said "Come up", hung up the phone, and she said to Song Chi, "Let's go up."

Zhou Lan was waiting at the door of their room.

"Why are you two so slow?" Zhou Lan clicked his tongue twice and said, "It's a couple in love after all, it's hard to part."

Zhou Yun explained: "No, we met paparazzi downstairs just now, and we were pestered by them for a while."

Zhou Lan asked in surprise, "Paparazzi? How did they know that you lived here? You have a good nose."

Song Chi took out his room card, swiped the door open, and went in first.

Zhou Yun explained to Zhou Lan what happened just now, and said, "Stop talking, that Yu Ji looked petite and dainty, and his attitude was really bad, and he had a lot of strength. He was aggressive and asked us to answer questions. Holding my hand and refusing to let me go, if I didn't want to attract more attention, I really would have called the security guard on the spot."

Because it was right in front of the hotel, people were coming and going, Zhou Yun didn't want to attract attention, so he swallowed his anger.

After Zhou Lan listened, his face was very ugly.

"Is this kind of person mentally ill? Damn, don't follow the rules!" Zhou Lan scolded, "Wait, how did you get rid of them?"

Zhou Yun pointed at Song Chi and said, "He frightened them."

"Scare? How did you do it?" Zhou Lan asked immediately.

Zhou Yun described it, and said, "Didn't the paparazzi grab my hand and refuse to let me go? Song Chi grabbed her hand and pulled it away, warning them."

As a professional manager, after listening to the description, Zhou Lan immediately realized that Song Chi and Zhou Yun's actions just now were at risk of being made a fuss about.

"Wait, no, you just told me that a photographer is taking pictures, and it won't be good if they edit maliciously." Zhou Lan glanced at Song Chi, whose face was still dark and serious, unlike usual So casual and friendly, as if she was still angry, she said, "Brother Chi, I think we should make preparations for this matter in advance, so as not to be made a fuss about."

Song Chi: "What do you want to do?"

Zhou Lan said: "Let me ask the hotel if there is any monitoring in the place where you were entangled with them just now. It would be best if there is monitoring, and it can restore what happened. If there is no monitoring, we have to preemptively strike. Xiaoyun, what do you want?" Take a pat on your wrist and leave a few photos as evidence, I'll go down first to see if there is surveillance."

Originally, I wanted to talk about Yu Zhiyang's affairs, but when such an incident happened temporarily, I still had to protect them first.

The priorities here are different.

Zhou Yun took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of his red wrist with nail marks. When he turned his head, he saw Song Chi sitting on the sofa with an ugly face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Yun walked over, sat down beside Song Chi, and asked.

Song Chi put his arm around Zhou Yun's shoulder, stroked it, and said, "It's okay."

"To be honest, Song Chi, don't tell me it's okay every time I ask you what's wrong."

Song Chi sighed and said, "I'm just sorry that this matter didn't protect you well."

Hearing this, Zhou Yun hugged him and said, "No, you helped me get rid of that annoying reporter. Before you helped me, I was in despair. God, why is she so strong?"

She complained exaggeratedly on purpose, trying to make Song Chi happier.

Song Chi smiled slightly.

Zhou Yun said, "Aren't you going to the set? Go take a shower quickly."

Song Chi sighed, nodded, and got up to go.

Zhou Yun knew why Song Chi was restless and unhappy.

In fact, she was the same as Song Chi in her heart. Apart from anger, she also had a sense of powerlessness.

As a star entertainer or a public figure, in some matters, he could only swallow his anger and leave without saying a word like just now.

If he didn't have so many worries, Zhou Yun really wanted to stop and talk to that annoying female reporter about what it means to conceal, what it means to cheat, and what it means to be sorry.

Whether it's her or Song Chi, since when did they set up a character who would not fall in love and stay single in front of fans?

In fact, Zhou Yun also knew that a lot of what the female reporter said just now was intended to provoke them deliberately, in order to make them say a few words.

Just a few words, it will be an eye-catching news, and for them, it is a big bonus and a chance to become famous.

But it is this tone of pushing them to the position of villains in the name of so-called justice that is even more annoying.

After a while, someone knocked on the door.

Zhou Yun thought it was Zhou Lan who had gone and returned, so he walked over to Maoyan, and it turned out to be Zhang Cong, Song Chi's assistant.

They should have come to pick up Song Chi.

Zhou Yun opened the door and said, "We just came back, Song Chi is taking a shower, come in and wait for a while."

Zhang Cong nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you, Miss Xiaoyun."

The two were actually about the same age, but Zhang Cong also called Sister Xiaoyun, just like Zhou Lan who was older than Song Chi but also called Brother Song Chichi.

Zhou Yun asked: "His drama is about to wrap up, isn't it a heavy task recently?"

Zhang Cong shook his head and said, "These days are fine."

Of course he couldn't tell Zhou Yun that Song Chi tried his best to move back as many scenes as possible, just to be able to spend more time with Zhou Yun.

Some assistants may feel that they should be "smart" and speak up.

But Zhang Cong knew Song Chi's character, and also knew that Song Chi really didn't want Zhou Yun to know what he did.

Song Chi didn't want Zhou Yun to feel burdened.

Of course Zhang Cong listened to the boss.

When it's time to pretend to be deaf and dumb, you must pretend to be deaf and dumb.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhang Cong's eyes widened exaggeratedly, and he stuttered, "Why, why did you ask me this all of a sudden."

Zhou Yun said, "I'm curious."

Zhang Cong blushed, and said falteringly, "No."

Zhou Yun asked: "Is it because you are too busy at work?"

"Bad, almost." Zhang Cong suddenly regretted coming in just now.He should have been waiting in the hallway.Why come in and face such an embarrassing problem?

At this time, Song Chi came out of the shower.

He wiped his wet hair with a towel, saw Zhang Cong sitting on the sofa, like an obedient elementary school student in the classroom, smiled, and asked, "What are you doing sitting so rigidly? Are you being interrogated?"

Zhang Cong thought to himself, it's almost there.

He said, "Brother Chi, hurry up."

Song Chi nodded and said, "Right now."

He went into the bedroom again to get dressed.

Zhou Yun stared at Zhang Cong for a long time, and said, "You are handsome and cute. There should be many girls who like you and confess to you, right?"

Zhang Cong thought to himself, does Zhou Yun usually gossip like this?

His face turned redder.

Shaking his head.


At this time, Zhou Lan finally came back, and there was a knock on the door. Zhang Cong stood up straight and said, "I'll go and open the door."

He couldn't wait to open the door.

Holding a CD in his hand, Zhou Lan walked in like a female general who had won a battle. He was proud and said, "I got a copy of the surveillance video. If that female reporter dares to act like a monster, I will take this surveillance record as a copy." Slap her on the face, hoping that she will be kind to others, so that she can do things for herself and not be a demon."

Zhang Cong didn't know what happened before, but he felt chills when he heard Zhou Lan's speech like a mother snake spit out a letter.

very scary.

Zhou Yun laughed, "Sister Lan went out, and she really succeeded."

After the words fell, Song Chi got dressed and came out.

"How is it?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Lan made an OK gesture, "Don't worry, it's all done."

Song Chi nodded, as if he also believed in Zhou Lan, without asking about the specific situation, he turned to Zhou Yun and said, "Then I'll go to the set first, and I may come back a bit late at night, don't wait for me, go to bed first."

Zhou Lan suddenly smiled coquettishly and maliciously, and said, "If you don't come back, she won't be willing to sleep."

Zhou Yun grabbed the pillow on the sofa and threw it at Zhou Lan, "Sister Lan!"

Zhang Cong looked bewildered.

Song Chi smiled helplessly, kissed Zhou Yunfei, and said, "Then wait for me to come back."

Zhang Cong noticed that Zhou Yun's face was completely red.

"Hurry up and go!" Zhou Yun raised his voice.

Song Chi and Zhang Cong left.

Zhou Yun gave Zhou Lan a gouged look, and said, "Sister Lan, don't make such jokes in front of Song Chi next time!"

Zhou Lan shrugged his shoulders, sat down on the sofa, and said, "Don't worry, your Brother Chi has seen a lot more than you thought. How about being a pure boy?"

Zhou Yun squinted and said, "I don't want to hear it, and I don't want to know, anyway, don't make such jokes again in the future."

"Fine, I see." Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "I'm telling you something serious, Yu Zhiyang, let's give up and look for another suitable candidate."

"What's wrong? Can't figure it out?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "Mr. He went to talk to his boss in person. His boss' meaning is very clear, that is, he doesn't want Yu Zhiyang to be popular unless Yu Zhiyang is obedient."

Zhou Yun frowned incredulously, "So possessive?"

"Well, the boss Yu Zhiyang is afraid that he will be even more disobedient after he becomes popular." Zhou Lan said, "No way, Yu Zhiyang signed a contract and must act according to the contract. We can't bypass his company and directly Sign him a performance contract."

Zhou Yun frowned.

"Then if Yu Zhiyang has been refusing to do what she wants, she has been so exhausting Yu Zhiyang?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan nodded, "I know you feel incredible and angry. Believe me, I am the same. I am very ashamed of this practice, but there is really nothing we can do."

Zhou Yun: "Is there any other way?"

Zhou Lan said: "Unless there is a way to make Yu Zhiyang and his boss let go."

"At present, there is no way." Zhou Yun understood Zhou Lan's meaning.

Zhou Lan said: "Now we have to find another suitable candidate."

Zhou Yun did not speak.

Zhou Lan saw Zhou Yun's expression, sighed, and said, "Some things cannot be forced."

Zhou Yun thought about it carefully, and said, "Sister Lan, please help me make an appointment with Yu Zhiyang's boss."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to talk to her personally." Zhou Yun said, "I'm not very willing to give up now."

Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun looked at each other for several seconds.

"Okay, I see." Zhou Lan compromised.

"Actually, you don't think Yu Zhiyang has to be him, do you?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun pouted, "You know what I'm thinking, why are you asking me?"

Zhou Lan raised his hand and touched Zhou Yun's head, but said nothing.

In the evening, Liu Pinran asked them to have dinner together.Mainly to ease the relationship with Zhou Yun.

At the beginning, because Zhou Yun refused to cooperate with Yue Hai and speculated on CP with Gu Huaichun, Yue Hai directly stopped several projects that he intended to continue to cooperate with Zhou Yun, including the just-aired "Dark Sky".

"Dark Sky" is the hottest drama in the past week.Gu Huaichun's popularity has also risen again, and the popularity is gratifying. Three new endorsements have been officially announced in a week.

But even so, the most popular person is still Zhou Yun.

The relationship between Zhou Yun and Song Chi is the most concerned thing in the entertainment circle recently, bar none.

If Liu Pinran were the boss of, he and Zhou Yun would break up, and if they didn't cooperate, they wouldn't cooperate. The entertainment industry would not lack one or two actors. Without Zhou Yun, they could still hire good actresses.

But the problem is that is not just his own company. To be precise, he is only a part of the company. He is an executive, yes, but the executive is also responsible for the boss and the shareholders.

When Zhou Yun continued to be popular, and became more and more popular, and won an award, and fell in love with Song Chi, and put his name in the mouths of everyone's conversations, Liu Pinran began to face a problem.

Why, Yue Hai didn't continue to cooperate with Zhou Yun on the project?

You know, "The Eighth Heartbeat" at the beginning of the year is still the project with the highest return rate this year so far.

Low cost, high yield.

Until now, "The Eighth Heartbeat" is often listed in the top three of's daily hit list.

Therefore, even if Liu Pinran had a million reluctances in his heart, he had to bite the bullet and shake hands with Zhou Yun to make peace.

This time, he did not bring Gu Huaichun to appear.

"Wow, Xiaoyun is really getting more and more beautiful!" Liu Pinran exclaimed in an exaggerated tone as soon as they met.

Zhou Yun's eyes sparkled, and he said, "Boss Liu is getting more and more handsome. "Dark Sky" is so popular, why does Boss Liu still have time to come and see me?"

Originally, the heroine of this play was originally asked to play her, and she was paired with Gu Huaichun.

Liu Pinran didn't want to talk about "Dark Sky", so he laughed and said, "Of course I'm here to congratulate you for winning Best Actress! It's a great honor for us Chinese!"

Zhou Yun waved his hand and said, "Don't say that, I'm even embarrassed."

"What's there to be ashamed of, just cheer up, you just keep a low profile. If an artist from our company wins this kind of award, they will definitely talk about it every day." Liu Pinran said.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, if you slander your artist so much outside, does your artist know?
Still smiling.

Zhou Lan took over the conversation and asked, "Xiao Gu is now the favorite male star of young girls, isn't President Liu happy?"

Gu Huaichun was chosen by Liu Pinran to play the leading role in "The Eighth Heartbeat" and became an instant hit. The second drama "Dark Sky" is also very popular, and the number of broadcasts is gratifying.

In Yuehai, the brand of "Liu Pinran" on Gu Huaichun was very deep.

Undoubtedly, this allowed Liu Pinran to gain a greater right to speak.Not only the right to speak, but also many other hidden things.

Liu Pinran said: "He is indeed very popular now, almost every drama on the market comes to ask him if the schedule is suitable, he has too many drama appointments, but, Xiaoyun, you know, although "The Eighth Heartbeat" The word-of-mouth of this drama is not very good, but there are many fans who like you and Gu Huaichun. The performance of the two of you in this drama is amazing. There are many fans of your CP, and many people want to see you two together. You Say?"

Zhou Yunqian smiled twice, then turned to Zhou Lan and said, "Sister Lan, do I still have time later?"

Zhou Lan shook his head directly, sighed, and said, "Xiao Yun, although I know you really want to date Xiao Gu Er, but your schedule for next year is already full."

Zhou Lan said to Liu Pinran: "President Liu, I'm sorry, as you know, Zhou Yun also has a lot of drama appointments, and he has already signed four or five dramas to shoot in the future. The time can't be coordinated at all, and he won't have time for next year."

Liu Pinran smiled and said: "Of course, I know that Xiaoyun is also very busy now, even if next year's schedule is out, we can start filming next year, we will definitely be able to find a very good project and work together again. "

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "As long as Mr. Liu has a suitable project, we will definitely give priority to cooperating with you. After all, our previous cooperation was also very pleasant."

Liu Pinran: "Then it's settled, I will definitely find a good project."

The three talked and laughed, and finished a dinner.While chatting and laughing, Liu Pinran talked about the relationship between Zhou Yun and Song Chi, and said, "You guys are also quite bold, holding hands and entering the hotel so openly, isn't it just for the reporters to take pictures?"

Zhou Yun said: "I asked them to shoot it, I don't want to hide it."

Liu Pinran glanced at her in surprise.

Zhou Lan said: "Yue Hai doesn't allow young artists to fall in love, right?"

"Nowadays, it takes too much money to train a young man to debut. To be honest, too many children are not as self-disciplined as Xiaoyun. When they fall in love, they will live or die, regardless of everything. We can't afford it. Risk." Liu Pinran said, "Besides, when he first debuted, he took the idol route, just like Xiao Gu. Although he is an actor, he doesn't follow the idol route, but to put it bluntly, he still has the most girlfriend fans? CP can increase popularity, but if it really falls in love, how many fans will feel that this person does not belong to them? If it really falls in love, his popularity will directly drop, and it will affect his career."

Zhou Yun usually listens to these words a lot.

She said: "It's natural to like someone, and it's inhumane for you to tell them to curb their nature."

Liu Pinran smiled and said: "Nature is one thing, we didn't ask you to curb your instinct, but since you choose to enter the entertainment industry and become an artist, you have to face such a realistic problem that the company wants to take care of you. Those who invest money are to train you. There are only so many resources, but there are many people who want to share the cake. I gave it to you, but you have to give me some guarantee. Become a nanny, wipe the ass behind the ass every day, I would rather put the ugly words first, if you want to fall in love, don’t do this business, if you want to do this business, you have to sacrifice something.”

Zhou Yun sneered, and said, "When will the rules about whether you can do this business be made by Yue Hai."

This was said ironically and directly.

Liu Pinran smiled helplessly, and said: "Xiaoyun, to be honest, if those young people can really reach your position, of course we will not restrict anything, but there are few people with your talent, and few people With your luck, you can win the best actress in the first movie, and of course you can fall in love, but for the production company, if your value is entirely because of your popularity, because those boyfriend fans who like you Or girlfriend fans, if you fall in love, it means that you are devalued, this is the real situation, even if it is Gu Huaichun, it is the same."

Zhou Yun said: "Gu Huaichun has a talent for acting, why don't you let him act in some award-winning plays?"

Liu Pinran smiled.

"Which film can win the award, you tell me, I will pick it up for him." Liu Pinran smiled, "It is not easy for a group of veteran actors who have been acting in literary films for more than ten years to win awards, let alone ancient actors who are only talented in acting. Huaichun, it takes luck to win an award, not something that can be won just by taking it.”

"Then he has been filming online dramas, so he has no chance of winning awards?"

"But it can make money." Liu Pinran said.

Seeing that the two were about to argue, Zhou Lan hurriedly interrupted them.

"Okay, about whether Gu Huaichun can win the prize or not, it's not something we can discuss in one night, and you guys are really, you can also quarrel." Zhou Lan interrupted them, turned to Liu Pinran and said, " Xiaoyun also has a good relationship with Gu Huaichun, so I hope he develops better, don't mind."

Liu Pinran shrugged noncommittally.

Seeing his shrugging, Zhou Yun couldn't help rolling his eyes.

This final argument somehow gave the dinner a somewhat unhappy breakup.However, at last there was a reconciliation on the face of it.

Zhou Yun returned to the hotel and couldn't help complaining.

"Liu Pinran is really a naked businessman. He always makes money when he speaks and keeps talking. He uses artists as money-making machines." Zhou Yunkuang complained.

Zhou Lan patted Zhou Yun on the back, signaling that she didn't need to be so excited.

"Liu Pinran is such a person. It's not the first day you know him. To put it bluntly, he puts his interests first." Zhou Lan said, "What's wrong with him."

Zhou Yun also realized that he was excited.

"I was somewhat affected by what happened to Yu Zhiyang. I don't understand why in the eyes of some people, an artist is not a person, but a puppet that they can play with. They can do whatever they want, like an artist. There are no emotions and desires, no real feelings." Zhou Yun said, "This makes me feel very irritated. In fact, it has nothing to do with the status of an artist. I just hate this kind of people who don't treat others as human beings. Everything is profit. They can all be used, why can people live so selfishly and base their happiness on the suffering of others, this is what makes me really angry tonight."

Zhou Lan patted Zhou Yun on the back.

"I don't know how to comfort you, because I don't know how to make this phenomenon better. I can only tell everyone who has suffered from it that only when you are strong can you not be oppressed by this environment." Zhou Lan said, "I really wish I could tell you that we have a way to change this environment, but I'm sorry, I don't have one, so we can only strengthen ourselves."

Zhou Yun: "Sorry, my bad mood has affected you."

"What are you talking about?"

Zhou Lan said: "Yu Zhiyang, I will contact his boss and make an appointment with her, but I suggest not to reason with her. She is the same person as Liu Pinran, and reasoning is useless of."

Zhou Yun sighed melancholy.

"The rising popularity and the enthusiastic attitude of the people around me once made me think that I finally had a little power to change the world, but the reality always taught me a painful truth by bumping into a wall. I really think highly of myself."

"Do your best, do your best, and be worthy of your heart. If you do this, you are already an amazing person." Zhou Lan said, "Xiaoyun, I have to tell you that in the case of Yu Zhiyang, I admire you a lot."

Zhou Yun smiled bitterly.

"Also, I also admire you very much when it comes to the matter with Song Chi, so just go forward bravely." Zhou Lan said, "I will accompany you."

 Finally arrived at the new volume, many people complained about my chapter name, well, because of lack of experience, I can’t change it now, I can only carry on, the next volume will not be like this...

  [-] words have been updated today, the biggest update in history, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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