Chapter 320 Chu Yang: 2
Because he promised to record Liu Yuan's new show "Flowers and Everything", Zhou Yun ended his vacation early and returned to Shanghai.

Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun also ended their vacation early.

"I'm sorry, the vacation I promised you has been shortened by a few days." Zhou Yun told them when they met.

Zheng Xiaoju looked happy and said, "My little sisters are already very envious of me, they don't even have holidays yet."

Zhou Yun asked, "Where did you go on vacation?"

"I went home." Zheng Xiaoju said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I brought you a lot of peaches and apples grown by our family!"

Zhou Yun said, "Not a lot, right? Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to finish it all by myself."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I even brought a copy for my brother-in-law. It was so difficult to move. Fortunately, Brother Cao helped me get it back."

This vacation obviously made Zheng Xiaoju very happy, and he was all beaming when he came back.

Zhou Yun said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Zhou Lan suddenly appeared behind Zheng Xiaoju, raised his hand and knocked on the back of Zheng Xiaoju's head, "Where's mine?"

Zheng Xiaoju hugged Zhou Lan's arm very dog-leggedly, and said, "Remember, remember, of course my dear sister Lan is indispensable."

Zhou Yun clicked his tongue twice and said, "It's too stupid."

Zheng Xiaoju stuck out his tongue.

Zhou Lan walked up to Zhou Yun, clapped his hands, and said, "Okay, let's get down to business, Xiaoyun, tomorrow you're going to record "Flowers, Flowers and Everything". Produce something they don’t want. I’ve already talked to the producers of the show, and they won’t bring up anything related to Song Chi in the show, not just Yoo Won. You can rest assured about that. But the producers also raised it , They hope to go to the place where you live to shoot a piece of material, and it is best if you can also provide one or two items for sale.”

Zhou Yun thought for a while, nodded, and said, "No problem."

Zhou Lan said: "Ok, then there's no problem. Oh, by the way, tomorrow's recording will be followed throughout the entire process. Remember to avoid some shots when looking at your phone during the recording."

Zhou Yun nodded, "No problem."

That night, Zhou Yun slept on the bed alone, probably because she was used to having Song Chi sleeping next to her every night in the past, and she was suddenly not used to it.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yun got up, changed his running shoes, and went downstairs for a run.

Shower and change clothes.

At nine o'clock, the crew of the program showed up on time and knocked on the door.

Liu Yuan is the leader.

Zhou Yun had already changed into home clothes, with a plain but still beautiful and moving face.

She hugged Liu Yuan warmly and said, "Long time no see."

Liu Yuan said with a smile: "Finally I can congratulate you in person, my dear, it's great, when "Days" is released, I must buy tickets to watch this movie as soon as possible, and enjoy your performance."

Zhou Yun: "Thank you! If there is a premiere, I will send you a ticket."

"That's good, just watch it twice." Liu Yuan said.

Zhou Yun took out the shoe covers prepared in advance.

"Coffee or tea?" Zhou Yun asked.

Liu Yuan said: "I'm fine, I brought a cup of coffee, and it's ready when I go out in the morning, I really can't cheer up without coffee."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Brother Liu Yuan, you exercise more, you can't just rely on coffee to refresh yourself."

This is the first time for Liu Yuan to appreciate Zhou Yun's residence.

"I don't like sports the least. I drink at night and drink coffee in the morning. This is a fairy day for me."

Zhou Yun laughed when he heard this.

"Is this the house you rented?" Liu Yuan asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "The apartment provided by the company was discovered by someone before, so I moved here, because it is relatively close to the company, and almost all the people living in this building are from the company. It's safe, I've been living here forever."

Liu Yuan said: "I heard that you like reading books, especially mystery novels. I asked a friend to get this, Miyabe Miyuki's autographed copy of "Train."

He took a book out of his pocket.

Zhou Yun screamed in surprise, "Wow! Is it true? Miyuki Miyabe?"

She took it in her hand and let out another exclamation.

"This is great too!"

Liu Yuan was also very happy to see Zhou Yun so excited.

The best thing about giving a gift is that the person receiving it loves the gift.

"There are not many girls around me who like to read mystery novels, so I gave it to you." Liu Yuan said, "I hope you like it."

"I like it, I like it! I like it so much!" Zhou Yun said excitedly, "My God, Brother Liu Yuan, what do you want me to give you next time? It's a surprise!"

Liu Yuan: "It's okay, I like whatever you give me."


After the recording of this part ended, the radios on Zhou Yun and Liu Yuan were turned off.

Liu Yuan and Zhou Yun set off for today's recording location by car.

On the way, Zhou Yun asked curiously: "Brother Liu Yuan, why did you record such a program in the first place?"

This kind of program has never appeared on the market, and it is not so "interesting".

Strictly speaking, if this program is not hosted by Liu Yuan, it will be a problem whether it can find a sponsoring brand.

And if it wasn't for Liu Yuan, Zhou Lan would not have sent the invitation to this show to Zhou Yun.

The reason is very simple, not fire.

Even if Zhou Yun came to record this program, Zhou Yun still felt that this program would not be popular.To be precise, she didn't even know the significance of this show.

Find something you don't want and sell it.

Break away?
Liu Yuan smiled and said: "Actually, I was moved by the planning of this show. When they planned the case for me, I saw a few amateur guests they had selected before. Among them was a girl who once had A boyfriend who lived together for about half a year. She was violently raped by her boyfriend several times in the past six months. She finally broke up and got rid of the shadow. In the past, there was also an old woman who suffered misfortune in her life two months ago. Her son’s family died in an accidental car accident. The government worried that she would not be able to live alone, so they wanted to send her to a nursing home. She can only bring a small amount of things there, and most of the things can only be sold. I have come into contact with many such stories, and I feel that doing such a program is actually very meaningful. The act of selling things is very simple, but every time There are different stories behind every behavior, and I think these stories deserve to be shared with more people.”

Zhou Yun immediately understood Liu Yuan's intention.

"It turned out to be so."

Liu Yuan nodded and said, "Didn't you think of it at first?"

Zhou Yun said: "I didn't expect it, I thought it was a story about breaking up and leaving."

Liu Yuan smiled and said: "From the name of this program, it is indeed a bit similar, Hua Hua Wan Wu."

"Then why did you use such a name? This name sounds a bit... How should I put it, it feels like a luxury." Zhou Yun said.

Liu Yuan said: "Because I don't really want this show to give people a heavy feeling, I just want to share some different sections of life."

Zhou Yun: "Is this the first episode I recorded?"

Liu Yuan shook his head and said, "You are the second episode, and you have already recorded the first episode."

Zhou Yun said: "Fortunately, I met you on this show. To be honest, if I didn't know that this show is hosted by you, I would not have come to participate when I saw the name and introduction of this show. Sure enough, I can still trust your vision. .”

Liu Yuan smiled and said: "I invited Mr. Liang Yuanpu Liang as the guest for the first recording, and he said the same thing as you."

"Mr. Liang?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Did he also come to record the program? Ah, I would have applied to record with him if I had known."

Liu Yuan said: "It's okay, I'll introduce you next time."

Liu Yuan has been in the host industry for many years, and knows almost everyone in the circle. This is the convenience brought to him by his professional attributes.

Zhou Yun smiled and said thank you.

When they arrived at the place, the two turned on the microphone again, and stopped talking about these private topics.

The amateur guest recorded in today's program is a middle-aged divorced man.

A year ago, he lost his left hand due to an accident at work and became disabled. Six months ago, his wife left him, leaving behind a son.

Because the cost of living in a big city is too high, this man decided to take his son back to his hometown. Before leaving, there are many things to deal with. If he can sell it, it will be a lot of income.

This man is called Zhong Zhihui.

Liu Yuan explained this person's background to Zhou Yun in advance.

After hearing this, Zhou Yun was moved with compassion.

"Why did his ex-wife leave him?" Zhou Yun asked in a low voice, "Because... did he have that accident?"

She was too embarrassed to mention the word disability.

Liu Yuan said: "I don't know, I didn't ask them to inquire, it's okay, the point is not why his wife left him, I don't want the audience to focus on this."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Liu Yuan and Zhou Yun went upstairs together, and came to the door of Zhong Zhihui's house.

Judging from the location and the community where the house is located, the family's quality of life is not bad.

Being able to own a house of [-] square meters in this area in Shanghai belongs to a family that has worked hard.

The moment Zhou Yun stood at the door, he suddenly felt a little nervous.

"Xiao Yun, are you nervous?" Liu Yuan noticed Zhou Yun's changes very keenly.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath, nodded, and said, "A little bit."

She is actually very afraid of facing a person who has an unfortunate life.Other people's misfortunes make her feel guilty and guilty.

Liu Yuan patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, Mr. Zhong is a very optimistic person. The friends in the program team have communicated with him many times in advance, and they all said that Mr. Zhong is very interesting."

Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Liu Yuan say this, he was not so nervous anymore.

"Ding Dong." Liu Yuan rang the doorbell.

After a while, a childish voice came from the door: "Who is it?"

is a boy.

It should be Zhong Zhihui's son.

Liu Yuan smiled and said: "I am Liu Yuan, are you Xiao Bei?"

"How do you know my name?" the little boy asked in surprise.

At this time, a mature man's voice came from the door.

"Xiao Bei, who are you talking to? Are there any guests?"

"Dad, someone is ringing the doorbell."

The door opened.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

The face inside the door turned out to be handsome.

He has some stubble, but it doesn't affect his handsome features at all.

"Ms. Liu, it's you, you're here." Zhong Zhihui opened the door, stepped aside, and said, "Welcome, please come in, I thought you would arrive in a while, sorry, the house is being cleaned up, it's a bit messy. "

The room is indeed a bit messy, with large and small packing boxes piled up on the floor.

Liu Yuan asked: "When does Mr. Zhong plan to move?"

Zhong Zhihui said, "The day after tomorrow."

"So fast?" Zhou Yun was surprised.

Zhong Zhihui smiled, and said, "I found a new job in my hometown, and I will start the job next Monday, so I have to go there two days in advance to settle down."

"Have you found the house over there?" Liu Yuan asked.

"Well, I bought a house in my hometown before, which is more convenient. After I go back, my parents can help me take care of Xiaobei." Zhong Zhihui said.

Zhou Yun couldn't help not looking at Zhong Zhihui's empty sleeve.

She had no choice but to forcibly divert her attention to say hello to Xiao Bei.

"Hello, Xiaobei, I'm Zhou Yun." She squatted down, stretched out her hand, and greeted the little boy who inherited his father's handsome appearance, "How old are you?"

"Eight years old." Xiaobei blinked her big eyes and looked at Zhou Yun shyly, "Auntie is so beautiful."

"You are so sweet at such a young age, don't many girls like you?" Zhou Yun teased.

Beckham was shy and didn't speak.

Zhong Zhihui poured tea for the two of them.

Zhou Yun was very embarrassed to ask a man with only one arm to serve him tea, so he quickly said, "I'll do it myself, Mr. Zhong."

Zhong Zhihui said: "It's okay, this little thing can still be done."

The smile on his face made Zhou Yun feel that he had said something wrong.

This cautious attitude should not be assumed.

Zhou Yun felt sorry, a little embarrassed.

Xiaobei came over suddenly, sat down beside her, and said, "Auntie, are you mommy's friend?"

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

At this time, Zhong Zhihui called out "Xiao Bei", "What did Dad usually tell you? Mom has gone to work abroad, and uncles and aunts are friends of Dad."

Xiaobei let out a groan in disappointment, and lowered his head in frustration.

Zhou Yun saw a hint of begging and pleading in Zhong Zhihui's eyes.

Zhou Yun understood that Zhong Zhihui did not tell Xiaobei that his wife had left him.

"What's wrong? Auntie is your father's friend, so you don't welcome me?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xiaobei shook her head and said, "No, I just miss my mother a little bit."

The little boy's eyes were slightly red.

Zhou Yun hugged him into his arms, and said: "Auntie too. Auntie hasn't seen my mother for a long time, and she misses him so much. No wonder Auntie feels very kind when she sees you. We can be good friends. It turns out that we both I miss my mother very much.”

Xiaobei's eyes lit up.

"Let's go, take Auntie to see your room, if there is anything you can't take away, if you need Auntie to sell it for you, just tell Auntie." Zhou Yun said.

Xiaobei raised her head excitedly, took the initiative to hold Zhou Yun's hand, and said, "I've got everything sorted out."

Zhou Yun said to Liu Yuan and Zhong Zhihui: "Then I will go to his room with Xiao Bei."

Liu Yuan nodded and said with a smile: "Go."

Zhou Yun's follower followed in.

Xiaobei looked at the photographer curiously, and seemed a little puzzled, but he didn't ask.

His father should have explained it to him in advance.

Zhou Yun sat in Xiaobei's room and listened to him introduce every item he was reluctant to sell.

"Actually, I want to take them away, but my father said that I can only take three toys." Xiaobei said with a pouted mouth, "So, I can only sell these. It would be great if I could give them to friends. But I know that Dad doesn't have a job now, if he can earn money and help Dad, that would be great."

Zhou Yun felt a little sad when he heard Xiaobei's sensible words.

She touched Xiaobei's head and said, "It's okay, after we sell these toys, you will have more toys in the future."

Xiaobei hummed, but was not very interested.

Perhaps the child has realized that he may not be able to buy any toy he wants in the future.

"Can you tell auntie which three toys you left behind?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xiao Bei pulled out a small box from under the bed like a baby, opened it, and said, "These three, one is a birthday present from my father, the other is a birthday present from my mother, and this one—this O Terman, this was given to me by Meimei."

Zhou Yun asked curiously, "Who is Meimei?"

With bright eyes, Xiao Bei said, "It's my classmate, my best friend."

He suddenly lost again and said, "But it will be very difficult for me to see her again in the future."

He will no longer study in Shanghai, and will go back to his hometown with his father, so naturally he can no longer be a classmate with Meimei.

Zhou Yun patted Xiaobei on the head and said, "Xiaobei, even if you can no longer be classmates, you are still good friends. You can't see each other often, but you can often call and write to each other, right?"

Beckham nodded.

"Moreover, you can also make many new friends, and you can introduce your new friends to Meimei in the future." Zhou Yun said.

Beckham didn't speak.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought, would Xiao Bei believe what she said?


The program group set up a sales stand in a place with a relatively large flow of people.

Zhou Yun and Liu Yuan used their star power to attract people to buy these things.

In about half an hour, these things were all sold out.

Not surprising.

According to the procedure of the program, in the evening, Liu Yuan and Zhou Yun would invite Zhong Zhihui and Xiao Bei to have dinner together, and at the same time give them the proceeds from the sale.

They packed up their things and went back to Zhong Zhihui's home.

As soon as he reached the door, Zhou Yun heard a heart-piercing cry from inside the room, it was Xiao Bei's cry.

"Dad, Dad—"

What's going on here?

Zhou Yun's face immediately changed, and he hurried to knock on the door, "Xiao Bei? Xiao Bei? I'm Aunt Zhou Yun, what's wrong?"

Xiao Bei ran over to open the door while crying. After opening the door, what Zhou Yun saw was Xiao Bei's face flushed from crying.

"Xiao Bei, what's the matter?"

"Dad, he fainted!"

(End of this chapter)

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