Chapter 321 Chu Yang: 3
Zhou Yun and Liu Yuan saw Zhong Zhihui lying on the ground in the bathroom, with a lot of blood flowing from his head, the picture looked a little scary.

Zhou Yun cried out aloud.

Liu Yuan turned around and shouted: "Call 120, call an ambulance!"

The people in the program group couldn't care less about filming the program anymore, they made phone calls, and those who knew a little about first aid hurried forward.

a mess.

Beckham cried out of breath.Zhou Yun had no choice but to hold him in his arms and comfort him softly.

"It's okay, Xiaobei, trust Auntie, Dad will be fine..."

At this moment, Zhou Yun didn't know what else to say.

Beckham was held in her arms.

A child's body is like a young animal. When it twitches, you can't help but build a castle for this life.

When Zhou Yun felt Xiao Bei's fear and fear, his only thought was to hope that her presence could bring Xiao Bei a little comfort and sense of security.

Fortunately, Zhong Zhihui was fine.

Zhong Zhihui accidentally slipped and fell while cleaning the bathroom, hit his head on a sharp corner, and passed out.

The blood was from a gash in his head.

It's okay, it's okay, it didn't really hurt anything.

After hearing the news, Zhou Yun, who had been waiting with Xiaobei in the hospital for the news, let out a long sigh of relief.

She turned her head and looked at Liu Yuan who was also waiting for the news.

Both saw relief in each other's eyes.

Beckham has fallen asleep.

He was leaning on Zhou Yun's shoulder, his eyes were still red.

The energy of a child is like this. When it is strong, it is like a raging fire, and when it dies down, it is soft like green grass in March.

Zhou Yun whispered to Liu Yuan, "Fortunately, this program was recorded today."

Liu Yuan nodded and said: "Mr. Zhong's decision is very rational. It is indeed not easy for him to live alone with his children in Shanghai. It will be much more convenient for him to go back to his hometown and have uncles and aunts to help him."

"How did Mr. Zhong get injured?" Zhou Yun asked.

Liu Yuan said: "You should have seen the news. A child fell from upstairs. Mr. Zhong happened to see it. He rushed over quickly and caught the child, but his right hand was also fractured. , I made a lot of efforts at the time, but the recovery was not good, and I had to undergo an amputation operation. This incident was on the news at the time, and it was a sensation. Everyone praised him as a hero. Things are inconvenient. The worst thing is that after his wife left half a year ago, he had to take care of Xiaobei alone. It was even more difficult to take care of work. .”

Zhou Yun did not expect such a heroic past behind Zhong Zhihui's broken arm.

She was shocked and moved.

"Mr. Zhong is so brave..." Zhou Yun asked herself, if she encountered such a thing, would she be willing to risk losing an arm to save that child?
Zhou Yun didn't think he had such courage.

"Daddy is a hero!" Xiao Bei suddenly whispered.

He didn't know when he woke up.

Zhou Yun looked down at Xiao Bei, and asked, "When did you wake up? Did your uncle and aunt's talk bother you?"

"No." Xiao Bei shook his head, "Can I go and see Dad?"

Zhou Yun said: "Of course, but wait a moment, Dad is still in the operating room, his head has a bit of skin torn and needs to be stitched up, ah, yes, Xiaobei, you haven't had dinner yet, Right?"

Xiao Bei hummed and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Zhou Yun said: "Let's go eat something together first, I'm hungry too, Brother Liu, do you want to come together?"

Liu Yuan nodded, agreeing.

Zhou Yun put Xiao Bei down, took his hand and walked towards the elevator.

Only then did she realize that the photographers were still there, still shooting.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

"Is the phone off yet?" Zhou Yun asked Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan nodded and said: "The program is still being recorded. I thought about not recording it at first, but after thinking about it seriously, maybe putting this part in the program can make everyone think more. There is no problem with the sir, I will go to consult his opinion and see if he is willing to broadcast this segment."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"However—" Liu Yuan seemed to have received a reminder, and turned to the photographers, "Let's stop recording today, everyone has worked hard, let's call it a day and go back to rest, I will take care of it here."

Liu Yuan is not only the host, but also the soul of this program. Without him, this program would not exist. Since he said so, the photographers naturally turned off their phones and left.

The producer and Liu Yuan's assistant came over.

"Brother Liu, it's getting late, you and Xiaoyun have something to eat, go home and rest, Mr. Zhong is here, we will arrange someone to take care of it." The producer said.

Liu Yuan said: "Well, you guys also go back to rest early, but what should Xiao Bei do?"

When he said this, he lowered his voice carefully so that Xiao Bei could not hear him.

The producer said: "Let me take him to my house to rest tonight, and tomorrow I will ask Mr. Zhong if there are any friends or relatives of his who can come and take care of Xiao Bei for a few days."


Several people found a small shop near the hospital.

At this point, there are not many people on the street.

Zhou Yun ordered a seaweed pork rib soup and a steamed bun, and also ordered one for Xiao Bei.

A few people ate something and finally returned to their souls.

Liu Yuan's assistant took Xiao Bei to buy water. Zhou Yun waited for Xiao Bei to leave, then turned to Liu Yuan and asked, "Is there anyone taking care of Xiao Bei tonight? It's not a problem to keep him in the hospital. If it's inconvenient for others If so, I'll take him back to my house to sleep for one night, and send him over tomorrow."

Liu Yuan glanced at her in surprise, and said, "Is it convenient for you?"

The producer said: "Don't bother, just let Xiao Bei go back with me to rest for a night. I will send him to the hospital before work starts tomorrow. His father should be awake tomorrow morning."

"You have to start work tomorrow. Anyway, I'm free these two days. I'll take Xiaobei." Zhou Yun said, "It's not certain whether Mr. Zhong will wake up tomorrow morning. If he doesn't wake up, Xiaobei is such a young child. Don't worry about it either."

The producer said: "Isn't this troublesome?"

Zhou Yun smiled, waved his hands, and said, "What's the trouble? He's also very good."

Liu Yuan said: "I'm sorry, today's recording made you encounter such trouble."

"It's okay, don't bother, Brother Liu, this program is very meaningful, but I feel very lucky to be able to participate in the recording of this program." Zhou Yun said, "Really, although it is only a short day, but Mr. Zhong and Xiaobei have touched me a lot and given me a lot of strength. I really hope this show can last for a long time, and I would like to record it if I have the chance.”

Liu Yuan said with a smile: "You are willing to record a few more episodes, we wish for it."

Zhou Yun said: "Is there a chance? Everyone is willing to be on your show, why is there a shortage of guests?"

Liu Yuan said: "For this program, I hope that as many friends as possible will participate. I want this program to be known and liked by more people."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It's worth it."

At this time, Liu Yuan's assistant came back holding Xiao Bei's hand.

Zhou Yun said: "Let's go back and see if Dad has come out of the operating room."

Xiao Bei nodded and said yes.

Liu Yuan's assistant went to buy the bill.

On the way, Zhou Yun asked Xiao Bei: "Go to Aunt Xiaoyun's house to have a rest tonight, okay?"

Xiao Bei asked, "Where's Dad?"

"Father has to stay in the hospital to recuperate, with doctors and nurses watching over him." Zhou Yun said softly.

"I want to stay by Dad's side." Xiaobei said, "Dad will be anxious if he wakes up and can't see me."

Xiaobei's sensibleness made Zhou Yun's heart soften again.

"But if you stay by Dad's side tonight, the doctors and nurses will have to take care of you." Zhou Yun persuaded, "You go to Aunt Xiaoyun's house to sleep all night, and when you wake up tomorrow morning, Aunt Xiaoyun will take care of you." Take you to the hospital to see Dad, okay?"

After hearing this, Xiaobei pursed her mouth tightly.

Zhou Yun said: "Or this way, let's book a room in the hotel next to the hospital, we will rest in the hotel, if you want to see Dad, you can do it anytime."

Xiao Bei asked: "Really?"

"Really." Zhou Yun said, "Don't worry, I will explain it to the doctors and nurses in the hospital later, and I will also leave Aunt Xiaoyun's contact information to them. As long as Dad wakes up, the first Time to contact us."

Only then did Xiaobei hum, and said, "Thank you, Auntie Xiaoyun."

Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

This is the first time Zhou Yun has experienced the feeling of taking care of a child. After a few conversations, he is actually a little tired.


At night, on the way back, Liu Yuan called Song Chi.

"Brother Liu, why did you call me so late?" Song Chi asked.

Liu Yuan said: "You are lucky, you found a good girl."

"Ah?" Song Chi felt that the words were a bit thoughtless, and it took a while to realize, "You mean Xiaoyun?"

"That's right, I used to think that Xiaoyun took advantage of you, but today I found out that you have taken advantage of me. I haven't seen such a kind girl as Xiaoyun for a long time." Liu Yuan said, "Today's recording Something happened during the show, and Xiaoyun's performance really surprised me..."

Liu Yuan told Song Chi what happened today.

After Song Chi listened, he asked, "Did she take that child away?"

"Yeah." Liu Yuan said, "They finally decided to book a room in a hotel near the hospital."

"It's really nonsense, and I'm not afraid of people calling the police, saying that she is abducting and selling children!" Song Chi complained.

"Don't worry, it won't, the program team left someone to watch Mr. Zhong in the hospital, and when he wakes up, he will be informed as soon as possible." Liu Yuan said.

Song Chi breathed a sigh of relief.

"She's like this. She always speaks of herself as disrespectful. She has a lot of reasons. In fact, she is soft-hearted and kind. When encountering such a thing, it is impossible to stand on the sidelines."

"It's pretty good. I don't think Zhou Yun is a bad-hearted person. She has the ability and means to maintain such kindness. It's pretty good." Liu Yuan said very seriously, "You have a good vision and good luck." .”

Song Chi laughed and said, "I also think I'm lucky."


Zhou Yun booked three rooms.

One double room is for myself and Xiaobei, and the other two are for Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Fortunately, Sister Lan keeps reminding me to always keep some daily necessities and clothes in the car in case of emergency needs, otherwise we have to go back to get a change of clothes."

Zhou Yun hugged Xiaobei who had fallen asleep again, and said, "Thank you for your hard work today, stay with me in the hotel."

Zheng Xiaoju was very happy and said, "It's good, so I don't have to get up early tomorrow."

She is always easy to be silly.

Zhou Yun smiled, swiped his room card and entered, carefully put Xiao Bei on the bed, took off his shoes and coat, and covered him with a quilt.

Zheng Xiaoju sighed with emotion: "Sister Xiaoyun, you feel like a loving mother's halo."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes and said, "Stop talking nonsense, I am a loving mother when I am young."

"It really feels that way." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Yun waved his hand and said, "Okay, you should go to rest quickly, and leave me alone."

After running for a day and selling things with people for a long time in the afternoon, Zhou Yun was also tired after running up and down.

She didn't plan to take a shower in the hotel, she planned to wash up briefly, and then fell asleep.

The phone rang suddenly.

Zhou Yun quickly picked up his mobile phone, walked outside the room, and closed the door ajarly.

It was Song Chi's call.

Zhou Yun connected.

"Is work over?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Well, I called Brother Liu just now, and he told me what happened to you today." Song Chi said, "You are also courageous enough, if you say take away a child from someone else's family, you will take it away. If something happens, aren't you afraid?"

Zhou Yun didn't expect that Song Chi called to talk about this matter.

She said: "I can't help it. The child's father is unconscious in the hospital, and I can't leave him alone in the hospital. Besides, I like him. He is very close to me, and he looks very cute."

Song Chi smiled helplessly.

He didn't come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

"Then what are you going to do? His father took him with him until he woke up?" Song Chi asked.

"No, it just happened suddenly. I will contact his other family members and friends tomorrow." Zhou Yun said, "I would like to stay with him for a few more days, but it's not appropriate."

Song Chi: "As long as you know."

Zhou Yun said: "I heard Brother Liu talk about Mr. Zhong's family today, and I feel very uncomfortable, especially because Xiaobei is such a sensible child, but he has experienced such things since he was a child. I hope I can treat him as much as possible. better."

"I know, I know." Song Chi said, "Brother Liu said that the reason why he wanted to choose Mr. Zhong as the recording character for this episode was because he didn't want everyone to forget him."

"Brother Liu's show is really meaningful."

"Well, otherwise Brother Liu wouldn't know how to do it." Song Chi said, "He has already invited me to record the last episode of this season, and I agreed."

"very nice."

"So are you at the hotel now?"

"Well, I was standing in the corridor calling you, Xiao Bei was already asleep." Zhou Yun said, "This child is really sensible."

"Then go in quickly, I'll call you tomorrow." Song Chi said.

"Well, you should rest early too."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun's fatigue eased a little.

When she returned to the room, she took a look at Xiao Bei first, and saw that he was fast asleep, sleeping peacefully, and she was relieved.

She went into the bathroom to wash up briefly.

After coming out, Zhou Yun lay down on another bed, picked up his mobile phone, and planned to go to bed after swiping his mobile phone for a while.

As soon as he opened it, he found that Gu Huaichun had sent him a message two minutes ago: What are you doing again?When Liu Pinran met me today, he was furious whenever he mentioned you.

Zhou Yun curled his lips, smiled, and replied: It's okay, I fought with him a few days ago.

Gu Huaichun: Have you met him?

Zhou Yun: Well, there was some unhappiness before, so I found a chance to reconcile.

Gu Huaichun: He took the initiative to find you, right?
Zhou Yun: Is it possible that I still took the initiative to find him?He thinks beautifully.

Gu Huaichun: No wonder, I see him looking unhappy.

Zhou Yun: You are so popular now, he insists on coming to talk to me about something, such a big Yue Hai is not enough for him to toss about, so he insists on finding fault with me.

Gu Huaichun sent a smiling face, and said: But you are not mean enough, you are really with Song Chi, and you swore to me before that you are just friends.

Zhou Yun: At that time, we were really just friends, I didn’t lie to you.

Gu Huaichun: All right, whatever you want to say.

Zhou Yun: Don't come to Daode to kidnap me. You've been busy recently, haven't you?big hits.

Gu Huaichun: I don’t dare to be popular in front of you. I run around every day, and I feel like a tool person.

Zhou Yun smiled and said: It will be fine after I have been busy for a while, what is the next film?
Gu Huaichun: Eldest sister, have you forgotten that you also stuffed someone in my lower part?
After Gu Huaichun's reminder, Zhou Yun suddenly remembered.

Wang Jing!

The second part of "Darkness".

Zhou Yun said: Thinking about it, I look forward to it.

Gu Huaichun: When are you free?I haven't seen you for a long time. Let's have a meal together. Yin Zhou also said that I haven't seen you for a long time.

Zhou Yun said, "Okay, I've been in Shanghai for the past few days, and I have relatively free time. When do you want to eat, please call me anytime."

Gu Huaichun:? ? ?Why are you so free?Shouldn't you be busier than me?

Zhou Yun said: I am about to enter the group, the last happy before entering the group.

Gu Huaichun: I'm about to join the team, and my agent asked me to use the last period of time to take on a few more jobs.

Zhou Yun: Don't work too hard, it will be nice to go directly to the hospital when the time comes.

Gu Huaichun: That's not the case, I'm physically fit.

Zhou Yun:?Does this mean you have to fight for your physical fitness?Work and rest, friends.

Gu Huaichun: There is no way to combine work and rest. Yue Hai is too big and there are too many artists. As soon as I take a break, those jobs will be directly taken away by others.

Zhou Yun said: If you take it away, you will take it away. Anyway, you can't work [-] hours a day.

Gu Huaichun: My situation here is different from yours. Let’s talk about it when we meet later.

Zhou Yun: All right.

Gu Huaichun: I'll ask Yin Zhou what time is convenient, and I'll book a place.

Zhou Yun: Ok.

Gu Huaichun: Isn't your name Xu Siyao?
Zhou Yun: Are you still going to call her?
Gu Huaichun: Who knows if you have reconciled with her.

Zhou Yun: Believe it or not, I blocked you.

Gu Huaichun: Alright, alright, I know, I won't call her, don't worry.

After chatting with Gu Huaichun, Zhou Yun smiled, charged his phone, and fell asleep.


Early the next morning, while Zhou Yun was still asleep in a daze, she suddenly felt a little fluffy thing next to her. She felt this little thing in confusion, and suddenly thought it was some kind of animal, which frightened her whole body. Flick, sit up, and let out a scream.

Turning her head, she found that it was Xiao Bei who was kneeling beside her bed, staring at her with a pair of big eyes.

"Aunt Xiaoyun, are you awake?"

Zhou Yun was relieved.

She covered her heart, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Why did you wake up so early?"

Xiao Bei said, "It's getting late, it's already seven o'clock."

Only then did Zhou Yun realize belatedly, oh, that's right, Xiaobei was in elementary school, and he had to get up early to go to school every day.

She stroked her hair and said, "Did you wash your face and brush your teeth?"

Beckham shook his head.

Zhou Yun disassembled a new set of toothbrushes for Xiao Bei.

After tidying up, Zhou Yun said, "How about we go have breakfast first and then go to the hospital?"

Xiao Bei asked, "Is my father awake?"

Zhou Yun picked up his phone and checked, but there was no news.

"Probably not yet. There is no new news from the hospital." Zhou Yun held Xiaobei's hand, "Let's go."

Xiao Bei nodded and hummed.

While Zhou Yun and Xiao Bei were eating noodles at the noodle shop, the phone rang.

It's Zheng Xiaoju.

Zheng Xiaoju asked in surprise: "Sister Xiaoyun, where did you go early in the morning? Why didn't you come when I went to look for you?"

"We have already come out for breakfast." Zhou Yun said, "On the way to the hospital, there is a small noodle shop by the roadside, called Tang Tang Noodle Shop."

Zheng Xiaoju: "I'll be right over."

Zhou Yun put down his phone.

Xiaobei asked: "Aunt Xiaoyun, is the call from the hospital?"

"No." Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "It's my assistant, eat quickly, and we'll go to the hospital to see your father after eating."

Xiaobei nodded vigorously again, and continued to eat the fried eggs on the surface.

Zheng Xiaoju arrived at the fastest speed.

In the steaming noodle restaurant, Zhou Yun and Xiao Bei, one big and one small, sat at the same table with a natural posture, unaware that someone around them was secretly taking pictures of them with their mobile phones.

Zheng Xiaoju suddenly felt dizzy, went to sit down, lowered his voice, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, do you know how many people around you are secretly taking pictures of you?"

With an indifferent attitude on his face, Zhou Yun said, "If they want to take a sneak shot, they can do it secretly, and I haven't done anything shameful."

Zheng Xiaoju said "You're a big star" stuck in her throat, unable to speak.

Xiaobei glanced at Zheng Xiaoju with big eyes. He still remembered her name and asked, "Auntie Xiaogou, have you had breakfast yet?"

When Zheng Xiaoju saw Xiao Bei, the smile on his face softened involuntarily.

"Not yet."

Xiaobei said: "Then you go and order."

Zheng Xiaoju was taken aback.

Zhou Yun said: "Go, see what you want to eat, this noodle is not bad, delicious."

Zheng Xiaoju hesitated to speak, got up and left.

Zheng Xiaoju always felt that this style of painting was a bit wrong.

How can there be a female star like Zhou Yun who walks into this kind of roadside shop without any scruples and eats noodles without image?

Zheng Xiaoju saw it, Zhou Yun put on a layer of sunscreen, not even lipstick!
After thinking about it, she felt that she had an obligation to sue Zhou Lan.

After Zhou Yun and Xiao Bei finished eating, they waited for Zheng Xiaoju to finish eating before getting up and going to the hospital.

Someone came up to take a photo with Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun had already put on sunglasses, she said, "Sorry, I'm in a hurry, next time."

Before anyone asked when the next time was, she had already walked out holding Xiaobei's hand.

All the way to the hospital, I asked Zhong Zhihui's ward number.

Early in the morning, the hospital was full of people who made appointments in advance to see the doctor. Fortunately, there were fewer people in the inpatient department.

When Zhou Yun held Xiao Bei's hand and stood in the elevator, several people in the narrow space looked at Zhou Yun with puzzled eyes.

However, Zhou Yun wore sunglasses and was plainly dressed. Those who thought she was Zhou Yun felt that Zhou Yun would not appear in this kind of place, and they had some doubts and were not sure.

After a while, the elevator arrived, and Zhou Yun took Xiao Bei out of the elevator.

Finally, they found Zhong Zhihui's ward.

The program group arranged for the person who took care of him to sit beside him and doze off.

Zhong Zhihui was lying on the bed, his eyes were still closed, he didn't wake up, his head was bandaged.

When Xiaobei saw his father, he ran over immediately, and threw himself on his father's body.

Zhou Yun walked over and patted the arm of the person in charge of the care.

The other party opened his eyes suddenly.

Zhou Yun said: "I'll come here, you go home and have a rest."

The other party didn't expect it to be Zhou Yun, and stood up with some trepidation, "Miss Zhou, I, we will change shifts later."

Zhou Yun said: "Okay, you can go back first, it's okay, I will stay here until that person comes."

The other party was flattered, but probably really sleepy, and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

"Goodbye." Zhou Yun smiled, "Thanks for your hard work."

Fortunately, the bed next door was empty, and they were the only ones in the ward.

Zhou Yun sat down on the chair.

Zheng Xiaoju put down his backpack and said, "I'm going to get some hot water. I was in a hurry when I got out just now, so I forgot to fetch hot water."

Zhou Yun hummed.

Xiaobei turned around and asked, "Auntie Xiaoyun, why hasn't my father woke up yet?"

"Because your father still needs to rest and recuperate, and he will wake up after recuperating." Zhou Yun beckoned, "Come here, don't disturb your father's recuperation, and when he wakes up and sees you, he will definitely tell you."

Xiaobei hummed and came over obediently.

Zhou Yun asked, "Are you going to school today?"

Xiao Bei shook his head and said, "Dad has already done the transfer procedures for me, and I don't have to go to school anymore."

Zhou Yun didn't expect Xiaobei to know quite a lot.

"Do you know the contact numbers of grandparents?"

Zhou Yun felt that since something like this happened, he had to contact Zhong Zhihui's parents.

Xiaobei said: "I remember, my father asked me to recite it."

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then can you tell Aunt Xiaoyun? Your father is injured, and I have to inform them."

Beckham nodded and reported a series of numbers.

So, in the afternoon, Zhou Yun met Xiaobei's grandparents.

They were a pair of very simple old people. They came to the door of the ward anxiously, but they still remembered to knock on the door first, and then asked, "Excuse me, is Zhong Zhihui here?"

Zhong Zhihui, who had already woken up, heard his parents' voices, turned his head, and asked, "Dad, Mom, why are you here?"

At this time, Zhou Yun who took Xiao Bei to the bathroom came back.

Seeing his grandparents, Xiaobei ran over excitedly and shouted: "Grandpa, grandma!"

Zhou Yun laughed.


"Thank you so much." Zhong Zhihui's mother held the hands of Zhou Yun and another escort, and said gratefully, "If it weren't for you, I don't know what would have happened. Fortunately, you are here."

Zhou Yun said: "Auntie, you are welcome, as long as Mr. Zhong is fine."

The old man raised his right hand, wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes, and said, "This kid has been too unlucky for the past two years."

Seeing this, Zhou Yun took the initiative to hug the old man.

"Good people are rewarded with good things, and everything will be fine." Zhou Yun comforted, "Look, your grandson Xiaobei is so cute."

The old man wiped his tears and smiled again.

"Yes, my good grandson is obedient and good at studying, and he will always be in the top three in the exam." When the old man talked about his grandson, he immediately became proud.

Zhou Yun said: "No, so it will definitely get better and better in the future."

"Thank you so much, girl, for comforting me."

"This is not consolation. I'm serious. I really like Xiaobei." Zhou Yun said, "He will definitely become a very capable person in the future."

After talking to the old man, Zhou Yun walked into the ward, waved to Xiao Bei, and said, "Xiao Bei, since your grandparents are here, I'll go back first."

Xiao Bei was hugging his grandfather and talking, when Zhou Yun said that he was going home, he immediately raised his head, staring like a deer, and said sharply, "Aunt Xiaoyun, are you leaving?"

He ran over, "Then are you still here?"

Zhong Zhihui called Xiao Bei.

Beckham turned around.

Zhong Zhihui said: "Auntie Xiaoyun also has a lot of work to do, how can she have time to come? She took care of you for a day yesterday, so I want to say thank you to Auntie Xiaoyun."

When Xiaobei heard this, her mouth immediately shrunk.

He blinked his big watery eyes and asked, "Aunt Xiaoyun, can I still see you in the future?"

Seeing Xiao Bei like this, Zhou Yun immediately softened his heart.

She squatted down immediately, touched Xiaobei's face, and said, "Of course, Aunt Xiaoyun will contact you when she goes to your place. When you come to Shanghai, you can also contact Aunt Xiaoyun."

Xiao Bei blinked and asked, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Zhou Yun said, "I like Xiaobei very much."

She gave Xiaobei a hug, "Do you have a mobile phone number?"

Xiaobei said: "Dad bought me a phone watch."

"That's great, let's exchange cell phone numbers, shall we?" Zhou Yun said, "If you miss Aunt Xiaoyun, you can call Aunt Xiaoyun, but sometimes Aunt Xiaoyun is busy with work and doesn't receive calls in time. , it may take a little later to bring you back."

Beckham laughed brightly, and hummed.

The two exchanged mobile phone numbers, and recorded Xiao Bei's contact information on her watch and phone. Zhou Yun got up, walked to Zhong Zhihui's bed, and said, "Mr. Zhong, take a good rest, I'm leaving first."

Zhong Zhihui's face was touched, but he restrained himself and said, "Miss Zhou, thank you very much."

So much to be thankful for.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No, it's a little effort, don't take it to heart. If you bring Xiaobei to Shanghai in the future, please contact me and I will treat you to dinner."

Zhong Zhihui smiled, a little embarrassed, and said, "We should be the ones who treat you to dinner."

Zhou Yun smiled heartily and said, "When Xiaobei becomes an adult, let him treat me to dinner."

She waved her hand, bid farewell to everyone, and left.


After walking out of the hospital, Zheng Xiaoju asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, why did you give away your phone so easily? What if they leak your contact information to others?"

"If it leaks, then change the number." Zhou Yun said, "But I don't want to break my promise, I promised to keep in touch with Xiaobei."

Zheng Xiaoju said, "I have never seen anyone who is more patient than you."

Zhou Yun smiled brightly.

"I just admire Mr. Zhong, and I also like Xiaobei very much." Zhou Yun said, "They are all very good people, and I hope to make them feel warm."

Zheng Xiaoju let out a wow thoughtfully.

"Wait, wait, Xiaoju, you haven't told me yet, have you met your brother Ze during this vacation?" Zhou Yun asked gossipingly.

Zheng Xiaoju immediately said: "No, no, he has been working, how can we have time to meet?"

Zhou Yun said meaningfully, "So if he has time, you will meet him?"

"Oh, Miss Xiaoyun, I told you that he has a girl he likes." Zheng Xiaoju said, "It's not me."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then do you like him?"

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head like a rattle, "I don't like it."

The tone was firm.

The more this happened, the more suspicious Zhou Yun felt.

Zheng Xiaoju was a little annoyed, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, don't tell Brother Song Chi yourself, just start teasing me."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Okay, then I won't tease you anymore."

Come back home.


The next day, Zhou Yun locked himself at home and studied the script of "Warm Little Pony".

Zhou Yun always remembers that he is an actor, the most important thing is to shoot the trick well and live up to every role.Although it was a small role, Zhou Yun still found it challenging because it was a genre she had never played before.

When you have nothing to do, just follow Gu Huaichun's "Dark Sky".In all fairness, this movie was shot much better than "The Eighth Heartbeat".Gu Huaichun also performed well, which is a big improvement over "The Eighth Heartbeat".

Zhou Yun helped promote it on Weibo and praised Gu Huaichun a lot.

Who knew that someone actually left a message on her Weibo: You are already with Song Chi, and you still openly praise another man who had an affair, is that okay?
When Zhou Yun saw this message, his heart suddenly became angry.

She typed a few words, but the moment she was about to send them, her fingers stopped.

Forget it.A thought crossed my mind.

Zhou Yun deleted the sentence "None of your business" she typed just now, and decided to ignore this comment.

But what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that many people liked this comment and echoed it.

Zhou Yun felt incredible.

Zhou Lan also noticed the movement on Zhou Yun's Weibo.

Now Zhou Yun's every move, every word and deed has been followed by many people, and the movement on her Weibo was quickly captured by people, and it was spread on the marketing account, becoming a hot phenomenon.

"Sister Lan, there is now a discussion on the Internet about whether Zhou Yun's way of praising the rumored boyfriend Gu Huaichun is correct or not." The little girl in charge of Zhou Yun in the company's public relations department called Zhou Lan, "You are now in the company Is it? Boss wants to invite you back to have a meeting together to discuss how to deal with this matter."

When Zhou Lan received the call, he had already seen the news on the Internet.

She lifted it up in one breath and scolded: "Those people are full!"

The little girl is submissive.

Zhou Lan said, "I'll come over now."

But before Zhou Lan got to the company, another big wave exploded on the Internet.

Before Zhou Yun showed up, Song Chi appeared.

Song Chi appeared in the comment area under Zhou Yun's Weibo, and directly replied to the questioning comment with the most likes, asking: My girlfriend can praise whoever she wants, what's your business?

If it was said that the front was a battlefield of cold weapons with close combat, Song Chi's appearance directly dropped a gunpowder bomb on the Internet.

A group of people rushed to tell each other like chicken blood: Song Chi came out to defend Zhou Yun!

In the Internet age, everyone's "fan attribute" is weakening, and the "spirit of eating melons" is increasing.

What Song Chi said was not important, but the attitude expressed by his words was important.

Many people thought that that person was too strict, and now they laughed at that person.

The marketing accounts posted Weibo to discuss this matter one by one, expressing their opinions, and taking advantage of the heat to cut a wave of traffic.

After Zhou Yun saw Song Chi's comment, it was a lie to say that he was not moved.

But she was also worried that Song Chi would be affected by this incident, so she replied to Song Chi: Don't worry about these things, just film well.

Song Chi was actually online, and after more than ten seconds, he replied "Of course".



The whole network was stunned to see this conversation.

What's happening here?
Domineering wife protection becomes "obedient" in seconds?The little fairy of white lotus changed into a "don't care" overlord in seconds?
Everyone really couldn't imagine Song Chi's obedience in front of Zhou Yun.

After all, Song Chi's public image is stern, handsome, and somewhat cool.

The image of these two people seems to be that men are strong and women are weak. Why does the fact seem to be different?
At this time, Gu Huaichun "belatedly" appeared.

He called Zhou Yun and said, "I just saw the turmoil on the Internet, do you need me to do anything?"

Zhou Yun said: "Don't do anything else. When Song Chi appeared, everyone felt as if they had been beaten to death. If you appeared again, someone would say that you were secretly jealous of Song Chi."

Gu Huaichun sneered, and said: "Whoever said that is really delusional, or the stinking well water that has sunk underground for two thousand years."

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "I never thought that I would praise you, but such a moth would be born. Next time, I will separate myself from you."

Gu Huaichun said hello twice, and said, "How can our friendship be affected by this kind of brainwashed person, Song Chi won't really misunderstand something, right?"

"How could it be? It's not that he doesn't know that only the kind of people who have three obediences and four virtues in their eyes will stop doing business and pick these problems." Zhou Yun sneered, "I hate this kind of speech that seems to be rational and objective. It's better for him to just say that it's inappropriate for me to do this than his green tea bitch."

Gu Huaichun laughed.

"It's probably your black spot. I can't find your other black spots, so I can only pick on these places." Gu Huaichun said, "However, thank you very much, because of your Weibo, my acting skills are so popular. , a blessing in disguise."

"Because of my misfortune, I got your blessing, so go to yours." Zhou Yun complained.

 [-]D chapter, update, ask for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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