I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 322 Keep Your Distance

Chapter 322 Keep Your Distance
This turmoil was discussed as an after-dinner conversation for two days before the heat slowly subsided.

After all, a turmoil involving Song Chi, Zhou Yun, and Gu Huaichun is also a grand event.

The person who previously commented on Zhou Yun's Weibo canceled his account, and there is no such person.

Thousands of people in the entertainment public relations department heaved a long sigh of relief that a public opinion crisis was resolved without any risk.

The person from the public relations department said: "Song Chi's words are worth the work of dozens of us."

"It's so boyish!" A little girl was excited.

Song Chi's behavior, in the eyes of many girls, naturally means that having a boyfriend is extremely powerful.Very reliable, when Zhou Yun was attacked and questioned by others, he immediately stood up to support Zhou Yun.

However, some people said: "You can't say that. One thing to say, Zhou Yun really did not give Song Chi face. If my girlfriend praised her rumored object in public, I would definitely be upset."

"Come on, first of all, you have to figure out what the rumored object is, okay? It's really something, you really have to pay attention, if it's all speculative things, I will affect the normal communication because of these speculative things, I won't Do such a thing." A girl retorted immediately.

The boy said: "That's what you said, but shouldn't there be a little distance between men and women?"

"Haha, I didn't see you keeping a distance from us. I understand. Please don't drag us to eat together when you eat in the future, okay? I have a boyfriend."

"Hey, hey, don't you need to do this? Isn't it just expressing my point of view normally? Why are you really angry?"

"Don't you know why I'm angry? It's because many people think like you, and they don't realize how much their words will affect others, so we will incur some inexplicable gossip." The girl said indignantly : "Didn't Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun just acted in a play together? Did they go out on a date or held hands and you saw it? Both of them felt that Zhou Yun must have an affair with Gu Huaichun. "

"I was wrong, I knew I was wrong!"


Sometimes a farce is really caught off guard and hard to guard against.

Zhou Yun called it an innocent disaster.

However, if you want to say that this incident really affected Zhou Yun's mood, or that it changed Zhou Yun's life, that would not be the case.

Yu Chu still teased her on WeChat, maybe if she farts, people would quarrel, should girls fart in public?

Zhou Yun felt that Yu Chu's description was extremely ironic.

Yu Chu has recently been filming in a film crew. Because he is a supporting role, he doesn't have many roles. He often has to wait for scenes. He has a lot of free time, and most of his time is spent eating melons online.

"However, you have to be careful recently. Let me tell you, even my agent said that your rise is too fast, and many people have already felt a sense of crisis. It is very likely that someone will join forces to prevent explosions." Yu Chu Said, "What happened this time is a sign. I guess there are many opponents of you who will lead the way. Otherwise, just such a small matter can be known all over the Internet."

Zhou Yun smiled.

You see, this is the real friend.

Others would only say, wow, Zhou Yun is too popular, even a trivial matter can attract the attention and debate of the entire network.

Only a friend like Yu Chu would realize that there are people with rhythm and people who deliberately blow things up.red?Zhou Yun has self-knowledge, no matter how popular she is, it is impossible for her to cause such a big disturbance.Someone behind the scenes purposely escalated the matter to make everyone hate Zhou Yun as much as possible.This nasty person has negative news, and those who want to choose her brand and film crew will hesitate.

"It's okay, I'm going to join the filming group soon anyway." Zhou Yun said, "Entering the group for retreat."

"Is it "Warm Little Pony"?" Yu Chu asked.

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "After filming this movie, I will join the filming of "Words of Fallen Leaves" in December, so I can take a break at the end of this year."

Yu Chu said: "Film the movie well, and get another actress, and those people will be pissed off."

Zhou Yun: "Come on then, that actress, let's piss them off together."

Yu Chu laughed loudly and said, "Let's see when I have a chance. Now I'll try my best."

hang up the phone.

Zhou Yun raised the corner of his mouth.

She went into the bedroom and changed a set of clothes, took her bag, and was about to go out.

Wen Xi asked her to meet, and they made an appointment to have lunch together at noon.

Cao Jun was already waiting for her downstairs.

When they arrived at the reserved restaurant, Zhou Yun sent a message to Wen Xi, asking: Sister Wen Xi, I'm here.

Wen Xi immediately called and asked, "Xiaoyun, where are you? I'll pick you up."

Zhou Yun said: "I'm in the parking lot, it's okay, just tell me where you are, and I'll go straight there."

Wen Xi said: "This private room is a bit difficult to find, and the design inside is quite complicated. You can wait for me in the parking lot."

She hung up the phone quickly.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to wait for Wen Xi to come over in the parking lot.

From a distance, she could be seen walking towards the sun in high heels.

A supermodel is a supermodel, with a tall and straight figure, and the whole world can be her background board at any time.

Zhou Yun got out of the car and waved to Wen Xi.

Wen Xi smiled brightly.

"I just came back from the fashion week, I can take a break, otherwise I wouldn't dare to ask you for a meal." Wen Xi said, "I was really hungry a while ago."

Looking at Wen Xi's slender and fit figure, Zhou Yun said, "I really want to have a figure like yours even in my dreams."

Wen Xi smiled, waved his hands, and said, "Come on, I still want your face."

Zhou Yun took Wen Xi's hand and walked towards the restaurant.

As Wen Xi said, the internal structure is indeed a bit complicated. The atrium is not a square, and two glass bridges are built in the middle. The whole building should be an irregular shape.

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "Sister Wen Xi, how did you find this place?"

Wen Xi blinked and said, "Jin Su brought me here once. I like the dishes here very much. They are quite refreshing, so I invite you here this time."

"Jin Su, what is he doing now?" Of course Zhou Yun remembered Wen Xi, a junior, and he also interviewed the lead actor in her untitled fashion show, but to be honest, his performance was mediocre, and Zhou Yun didn't plan to settle down. , also told Wen Xi.

Wen Xi said: "I just finished attending the Fashion Week show, and I'm still on vacation in France, so I haven't come back."

"Vacation?" Zhou Yun said, "It's so cool."

Wen Xi smiled, "He prefers to enjoy life."

Both of them are the most popular female stars in the entertainment industry today, and they are definitely among the most wanted female stars for various fashion events.

But the waiters in this restaurant should have received strict training. Seeing the two of them, there is no unnecessary expression, decent smile, and warm and thoughtful service.

Wen Xi ordered food and said to Zhou Yun: "I saw some criticisms about you on the Internet the day before yesterday, and I wanted to call you, but I think you are busy with this matter, so I won't bother you. Alright, Song Chi is very strong, just stand up and help you fight back."

Zhou Yun shook his head with a smile, and said, "I didn't expect that he would reply to that person directly. I was taken aback. Originally, our company was thinking about how to deal with these public opinions, but who knew that the public opinions would end immediately."

Wen Xi smiled and said, "That person was just looking for faults, so everyone just watched the fun."

Zhou Yun supported his head and asked: "Sister Wen Xi, you have rarely encountered such criticism in all these years, right? Everyone says you are a clear stream in the entertainment industry."

"What a clean stream, but because of the nature of my work, I seldom cooperate with male artists, so there are not so many scandals spread." Wen Xi said, "If I were also an actor, and I had to cooperate with so many people, wouldn't I be able to rely on myself? The work that can be done in front of the stage, I don't think I can escape."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"However, I didn't expect that you and Song Chi are really together." Wen Xi said, "I have known Song Chi for a few years, and he has always kept female celebrities at arm's length, and he doesn't want any unnecessary relationship. stained."

Zhou Yun nodded, "Many people have told me that. I asked him, and he said it was because he was prone to gossip."

"It's still different for the person you like. You see, he is not afraid of having trouble with you at all." Wen Xi said, "That's great."

"Where's Miss Wen Xi?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"After I broke up with my last boyfriend, I didn't want to talk about it anymore, at least for the past two years." Wen Xi said, "Dating a relationship is really exhausting."

Zhou Yun was overjoyed.

"How to say?"

Wen Xi said: "It's boring to be together, and when we are not together, we will think about other things, and the entanglement is completely different from usual."

She made a helpless gesture.

"I won't talk about the specifics. If I talk too much, I can't help but complain to you. Now is the time when you and Song Chi are most passionate. Don't be affected." Wen Xi said, "Especially, you and Song Chi Both of them are public figures and are very easily influenced by others. Just to remind you, don't believe anything about Song Chi that you hear from others. It's not that you can't believe what other people say. It's because the circle is too mixed. No one knows what the purpose of this person telling you these words is."

"Golden words, keep it in your heart." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Tea instead of wine, I propose a toast to you."

Wen Xi clinked glasses with Zhou Yun with a smile.

"Sister Wen Xi, I apologize for not using gold sculptures in my play." Zhou Yun finally mentioned this matter.

Wen Xi shook his hand, "Don't apologize to me. If you apologize to me, I feel sorry instead. I was already very embarrassed when I asked you to give him a chance for an interview."

Zhou Yun said: "Jin Su is pretty good, and his image is also very good, but it doesn't meet our expectations for a male lead. The male lead is looking for a healthy, college student-like boy. Jin Su is too Exquisite."

Wen Xi laughed.

"There is no way to be a model. I deal with these fashion concepts and things every day, and I will be subtly affected."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "But I like looking at fashionable things very much. Beautiful things are a kind of good aesthetics."

Wen Xi nodded.

"Didn't you shoot the cover of the October issue of "Victor"? Everyone spoke highly of your cover." Wen Xi said, "Your camera sense is really good, with that French lazy feeling."

"I'm just lazy." Zhou Yun smiled.

Eat and chat with Wen Xi.

After eating, Wen Xi asked, "Do you have any plans for the afternoon? Do you want to go shopping together?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Okay, it just so happens that I haven't been shopping for a long time."

Both of them are sponsored for their usual food and clothing expenses, and the assistants manage everything. Plus, online shopping is so convenient, so you don't have to buy anything yourself.

Wen Xi drove Zhou Yun to a nearby shopping mall, and the two walked around for an afternoon, then happily left with their bags.

As soon as they walked out of the gate of the shopping mall, a group of reporters carrying cameras suddenly swarmed in, blocking the two of them at the gate.

Zhou Yun was taken aback, and he and Wen Xi looked at each other in surprise.

"It's Wen Xi and Zhou Yun, the news is correct!" They heard someone shout.

It seems that the two of them went shopping and were recognized by someone. The news was known by the reporter, so they chased after them.

When the security guards in the shopping mall saw this battle, they were taken aback and rushed over to maintain order.

"Don't make trouble! Don't make trouble! Speak up if you have something to say!" The security guards regarded them as a crowd of troublemakers.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly, and whispered to Wen Xi, "What should we do now?"

Wen Xi said: "It's okay, just say a few words and leave."

She smiled generously, waved her hand, and said, "You guys are very well informed. You have received the news so soon."

The reporters laughed and said, "Of course, are you two going shopping together today?"

"Isn't Song Chi with you?" Someone asked Zhou Yun with the microphone.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "He's filming."

The reporter asked again: "Then do you usually call every day?"

Zhou Yun waved his hand and said, "This is none of your business, we are leaving."

She was about to walk away.

The reporter said: "Everyone wants to know, let me tell you."

Zhou Yun shook his head, refused, and said, "Everyone wants to know and I don't want to tell everyone. Then there are too many things you want to know."

"Okay, okay, we still have something to do, we have to go." Wen Xi hurriedly stood up to smooth things over, "Hurry up and go back to rest, it's already evening, it's time to go home to accompany the children."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "That's right, let's go home."

The reporters looked at each other.

"Tell me a few more words." A male reporter in his forties said, "I finally got caught, ah no, I see you."

Zhou Yun said: "I've talked a lot, let's go, go back quickly, you are so hardworking, the boss will not pay you overtime pay."

Reporters: "..."

Getting rid of the reporters, Wen Xi asked, "Where do you live? I'll take you off."

Zhou Yun gave Wen Xi the address and said, "Fortunately, there is no danger."

Wen Xi smiled and said, "Fortunately, generally, these kinds of reporters who appear together with a dozen or so reporters are easier to deal with. They don't necessarily want to dig out some secret things from you. If there is news to report, they It’s enough to get a bonus.”

Zhou Yun nodded, "Your experience is still a bit richer than mine in this area. I am afraid of reporters now. Some time ago, Song Chi and I met a reporter who was aggressive. The microphone was almost stuck in his throat. Talking It's also too much, and it makes people angry."

"Some reporters go too far." Wen Xi nodded.

At this time, Zhou Lan called.

"You went out with Wen Xi? The video of the two of you being surrounded by reporters is going viral."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "So fast? This speed is too fast, how long has it been?"

Zhou Lan said: "Fortunately, it hasn't been on the hot search yet, and the company's people have detected it."


Zhou Lan said, "Are you still with Wen Xi?"

"Well, Sister Wen Xi is on the way to send me back." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "VX may have some opinions."

"Ah? Why?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Neither of you are wearing VX clothes." Zhou Lan said.

Only then did Zhou Yun come to his senses.

"Oh, really." Zhou Yun was surprised.

Zhou Lan said: "Both of you are the spokespersons of VX, and you were photographed by reporters buying clothes of other brands. I have already told the company to cool down this video, and hope it will not spread too widely."

Zhou Yun: "Sorry, I didn't pay attention."

Zhou Lan: "Well, don't go to public places today. Although the contract doesn't restrict you to wear VX clothes at all times, you should try to focus on VX when there is a lot of exposure."

"Understood." Zhou Yun hung up the phone and told Wen Xi.

After listening to Wen Xi, he said with a smile: "We are free to wear what we wear every day, and there is no restriction on this in the contract."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded.

Wen Xi said: "If it hadn't been photographed by reporters, nothing would have happened."

Zhou Yun: "But it's really not good to be photographed buying clothes from other brands."

Wen Xi nodded, "That's true."

Sure enough, shortly after returning home, Zheng Xiaowen called.

Zheng Xiaowen didn't mean to ask the teacher to blame her, but she hoped that Zhou Yun would wear more VX clothes and appear in public in the future.

Zhou Yun repeatedly promised himself that he would pay attention in the future, and Zheng Xiaowen hung up the phone.

Now Zhou Yun is not a small entertainer, and it is impossible for the VX brand to force Zhou Yun to do anything as the father of the funder. Zheng Xiaowen can only make a phone call in person, with emotion and reason.

Zhou Yun hung up the phone, only feeling tired.

Suddenly I don't want to be a spokesperson so much.

The thought passed in an instant.Zhou Yun also knew that he was being good-looking when he got a bargain, so he didn't dare to let this thought go away, so he quickly stopped it.


Before going to bed at night, Zhou Lan sent a message to Zhou Yun, saying that he had contacted Yu Zhiyang's boss, and that Yu Zhiyang's boss was surnamed Xu, Xu Guiying.

Xu Guiying agreed to meet, but her flight tomorrow afternoon will go abroad, so we have to wait until she comes back from abroad.

Zhou Yun said: "Who knows when she will come back from abroad."

Zhou Lan said: "I said I'm going for a week, but after a week, you've already joined the filming crew. Will you ask the crew for leave then?"

Zhou Yun: "Ask her, if we can meet tomorrow morning, at her house, I will visit her."

Five minutes later, Zhou Lan sent a message back: She said yes.

Zhou Yun: Then I will go tomorrow morning.

Zhou Lan: Do you need me to accompany you?
Zhou Yun: It’s okay, just let Xiao Cao take me off, I’ll go alone.

 Update, ask for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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