Chapter 323
Xu Guiying is forty years old this year.

She started out as a steel trader. It was not easy for a woman, in the background of the 90s, to grow her business to the size it is today, and become the female boss of a company with a market value of one billion.

Xu Guiying was married when she was [-] years old, but the marriage did not last for a few years, and she divorced. She has only one son, who is now studying high school abroad.

After her divorce, several men appeared around her, but they didn't last long.

A year ago, she signed Yu Zhiyang.

Originally, it was impossible for someone like Yu Zhiyang to sign that kind of "prostitution" agreement.But something happened to Yu Zhiyang's family and he needed a large sum of money to pay off his debts.Xu Guiying saw the right moment and sent someone to sign a contract with Yu Zhiyang before showing up.Although Yu Zhiyang is relatively taciturn, after knowing that he was cheated, he also made trouble.

It's just, how can an eighteen-year-old young man make trouble with Xu Guiying and the group of people under her who are fighting monsters and monsters.

Threats and lures, to get to the bottom of it, Yu Zhiyang signed the contract, if he is not obedient, Xu Guiying and the others have too many ways to deal with him.

Unless Yu Zhiyang can come up with a large amount of termination fee, slap his ass and leave.However, if Yu Zhiyang could afford the normal termination fee, he would not have signed the contract.

Being a star is the dream of many young people, but Yu Zhiyang entered the wrong door from the very beginning.

Yu Zhiyang has a hard temper and hard bones, and he refuses to compromise.

In order to make Yu Zhiyang compromise, Xu Guiying arranged for people from the company to take a lot of poor quality work for him.For example, commercial performances in shopping malls, such as various advertisements that cannot be put on the stage.Yu Zhiyang's manager, Zhang Linlin, couldn't bear it, especially after knowing Yu Zhiyang for a long time, she also softened her heart. She didn't want to see this young man spend his best years on these things, so when the company didn't care, he would Help him find many opportunities, submit his resume to various companies, and get in touch with better jobs.

For example, the last commercial I shot with Zhou Yun.

That was not what Xu Guiying wanted Yu Zhiyang to shoot. At that time, the advertising party told Yu Zhiyang's company that there were several background models, and the shooting mainly revolved around Zhou Yun.

Unexpectedly, there was an adjustment in the end, and Yu Zhiyang became the leading actor in the opposite scene with Zhou Yun.

Xu Guiying is not happy to see Yu Zhiyang get angry.Yu Zhiyang became angry, and it was even more difficult for her to control it.For this reason, Xu Guiying negotiated with the advertiser several times, wanting the advertiser to reshoot and take Yu Zhiyang down.But the contract has already been signed, and it is even more impossible for the advertiser to ask Zhou Yunlai to reshoot this advertisement for Yu Zhiyang.The cost of asking Zhou Yun to retake it is completely extra expenses.

Furthermore, Zhou Yun did not have time to cooperate with the reshoots.

But Zhou Yun's untitled fashion show went straight to porn.The contract hasn't been signed yet, but she just entered the second side. Because of the advertisement, Xu Guiying directly stopped all the work of Yu Zhiyang.

After listening to Zhou Lan sorting out most of the information, Zhou Yun got a general impression of Xu Guiying.

A powerful, controlling woman.

At the same time, she is also a very selfish woman.

Zhou Yun didn't know how to persuade Xu Guiying to let Yu Zhiyang act in this movie.She didn't have a clue, she insisted on taking a trip by herself, but she didn't want to regret it in the future.

She didn't think she could be better than He Yong, so she directly dealt with Xu Guiying.


"President Xu." Zhou Yun called out affectionately.

The woman in front of him was more fierce than Zhou Yun imagined.She was dressed very casually, wearing a beige suede jacket, short-to-medium-length hair, not very good skin, a little make-up, and the corners of her eyes were slightly raised like a Beijing opera mask, making her look a little aggressive.

Xu Guiying stood up and shook hands with Zhou Yun.

"Big beauty."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "I am happier hearing you praise me for my beauty than hearing others praise me."

"Why?" Xu Guiying asked.

Zhou Yun said: "In the past two years, I have met many bosses and bosses. There are only a handful of female bosses like you who have made a fortune from scratch. You are a role model for our women. I admire you very much. So, can you praise me? , I am very happy."

Xu Guiying smiled and said, "You don't have to be so sweet."

Zhou Yun said, "Then can I give you a hug?"

Xu Guiying glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise.

Zhou Yun said: "I have a request for you today, so please allow me to express my closeness to you."

Xu Guiying's expression became even more surprised.

"You surprised me a bit, and I don't know how to react." Xu Guiying said, "Normal people don't act like you."

Zhou Yun opened his arms involuntarily, hugged Xu Guiying, and said, "Because I hope to get your help."

Xu Guiying was shocked for a while, and waited for Zhou Yun to let go of her before waving her hand and said, "I can't help you with this matter, Xiao Yu is the one I like, and I won't allow him to escape from my control, Miss Zhou, I have nothing to do with you." It's the same, at my age, it's not easy to have someone you like."

Zhou Yun didn't expect Xu Guiying to speak so bluntly.She said: "Yu Zhiyang and I don't know each other, we have only met a few times, I don't know anything about the relationship between him and you, but he is very suitable for the male lead in my next play, I have found many people , there is no one more suitable than him."

"Of course." Xu Guiying didn't seem surprised by this, "He's different from those greasy-faced male stars in your entertainment industry now."

"Mr. Xu, why don't you want him to realize some real value in life?" Zhou Yun said, "You have already achieved fame, but he has just left the campus. It's time to work hard to realize value, isn't it?"

Xu Guiying said: "People are selfish."

"A selfish person will never get true love." Zhou Yun said, "You must understand this truth."

"Do you think you can say this in front of me?" Xu Guiying said, "I thought you were a smart person."

"You know about Song Chi and I being together?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Congratulations." Xu Guiying said reservedly.

"There are too many people in the entertainment industry who like him, and there is no shortage of people who want to force him into the rack, but the fact is that no one can really get close to him." Zhou Yun said, "The more you force a person, the harder it is to get someone."

Xu Guiying smiled and said, "Miss Zhou, you are really too young."

"Yu Zhiyang needs a chance."

"As long as he wants, he can get what other peers can't get in their lifetime."

"But that may not be what he wants. He is a person who can be admitted to Qingbei by his own efforts. How could he be willing to lose his life?" Zhou Yun questioned.

Xu Guiying said: "It will be fine when he wears off his vigor in the past few years."

"Can't it be sharpened?" Zhou Yun said, "Swords always get sharper the more they are sharpened."

Xu Guiying said: "Young people have vigor, and always think they are swords."

"I will recognize and compromise when I run into a wall. If you let him stay at the bottom of the well, he will just keep trying to jump out to see the world." Zhou Yun said, "If you let him go out to see the world, he may just be able to see the world." Will realize the good in the well."

Xu Guiying said: "Who can guarantee that the frog that jumps out will come back?"

Zhou Yun said: "A frog that cannot jump out will only be depressed and unable to live a happy life."

Xu Guiying: "Miss Zhou, we don't need to talk any further. You can't change this matter with a few words."

"I didn't intend to change you, I just want to say, I am also a young man, and I know what my mentality is like as a young man, what is Yu Zhiyang's mentality, what kind of relationship did you sign with him?" The contract, what conditions he promised, I can't control it, but I know that if you keep letting him be constrained, bound, and sealed, you can only give up again and again, and he will give up on you. It will only become more and more disgusting, and more disgusting." Zhou Yun said, "I'm sorry, the spirit of young people will not be worn away by anger and hatred, and anger and hatred will always be a whetstone."

Xu Guiying stared at Zhou Yun for a long time, then she raised her hand and said, "Miss Zhou, I have other work to do next, we don't need to continue talking, you go."

Zhou Yun clenched his lips, sighed for a long time.

"I hope you can change your mind." Zhou Yun said, "It's just filming a movie, not flying away from now on and disappearing forever."

She stood up, nodded her head, and left.

When she walked to the door, she suddenly saw Yu Zhiyang getting off a car with a woman.

Yu Zhiyang's expression was a little gloomy, he stood aside, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked at her silently.

Zhou Yun did not expect to meet Yu Zhiyang here.

She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should go up to say hello.

Just when she was hesitating, the woman next to Yu Zhiyang saw her, walked over in surprise, and said, "Zhou Yun?"

"Hello." Zhou Yun said.

"Hi, I'm Zhang Linlin, Yu Zhiyang's manager." The slightly fat woman said, "Thank you for taking care of Yu."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "It can't be said."

Zhang Linlin was very happy, she turned her head and waved to Zhi Yang, and said, "Yu Yu, come and say hello to Zhou Yun."

Only then did Yu Zhiyang slowly walk over.

He nodded to Zhou Yun and called out, "Sister Xiaoyun."

Yu Zhiyang was very bored, after saying these three words, he had nothing else to say.

Zhou Yun looked at him with evasive eyes, as if he didn't really want to see her here.

"Then I'll go first." Zhou Yun said.

Zhang Linlin said with a look of reluctance, "Miss Zhou, if there is a good opportunity, please think more about Xiao Yu, he is a very hardworking child."

Zhou Yun glanced at Yu Zhiyang.

Yu Zhiyang had a look of embarrassment on his face, and his lips were slightly pursed.

I don't know what he was thinking.

Zhou Yun sighed in his heart, and said to Zhang Linlin, "Okay."

Cao Jun was waiting for her in the car.

After Zhou Yun got into the car, he subconsciously sighed.

Cao Jun asked: "Is it not going well?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It's not going well."

On the way back, Zhou Yun was in a panic.

She found that this matter was trickier than she had imagined, and she thought it was tricky enough.Xu Guiying didn't cover up or hide it at all, and directly admitted her selfishness, but Zhou Yun didn't know where to conquer it.To be honest, Zhou Yun felt that she had said too much, she shouldn't have said so much, what could she do except irritate Xu Guiying?Talk fast for a while.


However, what Zhou Yun did not expect was that that night, Zhou Lan called in disbelief and asked, "Xiao Yun, what did you tell Xu Guiying? She actually agreed to let Yu Zhiyang come out to film!"

"What?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Xu Guiying agreed?"

"Don't you know?" Zhou Lan said, "I thought you knew. Just now Yu Zhiyang's agent called me and asked if he could still participate in the subsequent interview."

Zhou Yun was a little overwhelmed, happy but also doubtful.

Could it be that what she said to Xu Guiying had an effect?

Zhou Yun felt that this might not be the case.

She and Xu Guiying just barely lifted the table.The atmosphere is not harmonious, it is completely tit for tat.

Why did Xu Guiying change her mind?

In the morning, Xu Guiying's attitude was still very firm.

Zhou Yun couldn't figure out why, but it was a good thing that Yu Zhiyang could continue to participate in the subsequent interviews.

Zhou Yun said: "Then let's settle down quickly and organize the third round of interviews. If there is no problem, let's sign the contract with Yu Zhiyang first."

She was afraid that Xu Guiying would change her mind.

Zhou Lan said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun still felt a little unbelievable.

There is another village in the dark.

The speed of Zhou Kan was very fast, and the third round of interviews was quickly arranged in two days.

Only three people made it to the third round of interviews.

Yu Zhiyang, Lao Boyi, Zhou Jianfeng.

Zhou Yun told Zheng Xiaowen about her choice in advance, and she wanted to choose Yu Zhiyang.

Zheng Xiaowen had a different opinion and said, "Xiaoyun, I think Zhou Jianfeng's looks are more suitable for fashion scenes, what do you think?"

"I don't like it." Zhou Yun said, "At least, Zhou Jianfeng won't be my type."

Zheng Xiaowen sighed, and said: "He Yong also called me yesterday. He very much hoped that Zhou Jianfeng could play the male lead. After all, he is one of the producers of this drama, and it was produced by thousands of you."

Zhou Yun said: "I already have my choice."

Zheng Xiaowen didn't expect Zhou Yun's attitude to be so tough.

On the day of the interview, the three of them performed one by one, which is commonly known as the audition.

The audition clips were written by Zheng Xiaowen herself.

The three performed one by one. In terms of acting skills, Lao Boyi's acting skills are the best, with a certain degree of relaxation.

Just from personal preference, Zhou Yun still prefers Yu Zhiyang.She wondered if it was because of what had happened that she was no longer able to look at it rationally.But she feels that filming is a matter of serious personal aesthetics.Since this person wants to fall in love with her in the play, she wants to choose the one she likes the most, and the feeling of shooting should be the best.

Yu Zhiyang's performance is not good, but very sincere.

He stood in front of everyone and read the line written by Zheng Xiaowen.

"I know I'm not as good as those men you've met, but I will work hard, you believe me, I like you, so I will work hard."

He didn't have too much ups and downs in tone, nor did he invest in full emotional concentration.

He said the words seriously with a low voice.

His eyes were not as firm as Lao Boyi's, giving a kind of self-confidence of "who can give me nothing", and he was not as passionate as Zhou Jianfeng, as if he was going to hug him in his arms in the next second.

But he is like a silent and introverted college student. Facing the girl he likes, he carefully conceals his embarrassment and tries hard to make a promise that he can give.

His plainness has become real, and his expressionless face has carefully concealed tension.

Zhou Yun felt that he was not objective at all and lost his mind.

She just looked in like this, and truly believed that Yu Zhiyang was her hero.

She knew that she had a firm idea in her heart, so she needed to defend everything that followed.


"I know that Xiaoyun admires Yu Zhiyang very much, but from the perspective of employing people, Yu Zhiyang's agency has changed too much. There have been situations in which he was not allowed to participate in follow-up interviews before. The potential risk is great. If we In the middle of filming, his agency suddenly disagreed with him making this film, what should we do?" said an executive from Chengqian Film and Television.

"I also think this is a big risk point. Yu Zhiyang's agency is not specialized in artist management. He is the only one in his company. Everyone knows what happened to him. There are too many uncontrollable factors. .”


After several people expressed their unfavorable opinions on Zhiyang, He Yong glanced at Zhou Yun before speaking, "Young man Yu Zhiyang is talented, there is no doubt about it, Xiaoyun still likes Yu Zhiyang very much." It makes sense, I also like Yu Zhiyang very much, to be honest, I want to poach Yu Zhiyang and bring him in person."

Everyone laughed knowingly.

"However, the problems that everyone said do exist. It is really risky to use him as the leading actor." He Yong said, "If we don't use him in Zhiyang, who would you choose, Xiaoyun, Lao Boyi or Zhou Jianfeng?"

Zhou Yun glanced at him.

"You don't support choosing Yu Zhiyang, do you?" she asked.

He Yong's question was not answered.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

Zhou Yun sighed softly and said, "Then what to do, my only choice is Yu Zhiyang."

He Yong frowned.

Zheng Xiaowen glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise, wanted to say something, but stopped talking.

Zhou Yun said: "Since everyone is not very satisfied with Yu Zhiyang's performance today, why not, Sister Lan, let's organize another round of interviews?"

Zhou Lan nodded and said yes.

"Wait, Xiaoyun, everyone is satisfied with Yu Zhiyang's performance, so there's no need to talk about that." He Yong said hastily.

"Oh, I see that no one supports Yu Zhiyang, thinking that I have too much preference for him." Zhou Yun said, "So I am the only one who sees that he is good, and everyone doesn't think so."

He Yong: "We are worried about his company's problems."

"Sign the contract, don't worry, just sign a higher liquidated damages, and if his company makes trouble, he can sue his company." Zhou Yun said, "Is there no risk if you use Zhou Jianfeng and Lao Boyi?"

He Yong said: "The risk is relatively small."

"But none of them are as good as Yu Zhiyang." Zhou Yun said, "In this drama, the leading actor I want most is Yu Zhiyang."

The audience fell into silence.

Zhou Yun's attitude was so tough and he kept his word, which was completely different from the attitude shown in the previous few times, which surprised everyone.

If it weren't for Zhou Yungang and Song Chi's official announcement, many people would have started to doubt her personal relationship with Yu Zhiyang.

Zhou Yun said: "Think about my opinion, everyone? It's okay, if you really think it's not good, you can change actors."

She is also an actress.


An hour later, Zhou Lan came out of the building and got into the car.

Zhou Yun was listening to a song with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Zhou Lan closed the car door and said, "He bravely closed the door and scolded mother for half an hour."

"And then?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said, "Then I agreed."

"Then he scolded quite uselessly." Zhou Yun curled his lips, "Then sign a contract with Yu Zhiyang."

"Well, the electronic version of the contract has been sent to Zhang Linlin, please go through it." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun nodded, "Sister Wen Xi, Sister Ning Yao, and Director Jiang Xin, please, Sister Lan, prepare a small gift for me and send it with a small card written by me."

Zhou Lan nodded.

She asked: "What about He Yong? We didn't give him face this time."

Zhou Yun said: "Let him go, he owes me too much, this time it's not enough for him to pay back."

Zhou Lan laughed out loud, "I understand, I will pass this sentence to his ears, and I guess he won't be angry with you anymore after he hears it."

Zhou Yun said: "I don't care if he is angry, I have nothing for him."

"Xiaoyun, don't be too sharp," Zhou Lan reminded.

"What makes me angry is that they united behind my back and opposed me together today." Zhou Yun said, "They all know about Yu Zhiyang's situation, and they also know how much Yu Zhiyang needs this opportunity. I chose Yu Zhiyang They know better about my determination, but they still unite for their own selfishness, I thought, at least Zheng Xiaowen would understand my thoughts and she would support me."

Zhou Lan sighed lightly, and said, "Everyone has their own interests to defend, and it's reasonable for Zheng Xiaowen not to use Yu Zhiyang, who is more risky."

"The risk is greater?" Zhou Yun shook his head, "If she really had this consideration, she shouldn't suddenly stand on He Yong's side to oppose me today. Does she not have my contact information, or can't contact me? It's just a group of I negotiated the conditions in private, and felt that if all of them agreed, I would not risk the disgrace of the world."

Zhou Lan said, "Your attitude today is indeed tough."

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan, when I was suppressed by Wei Ruxue, I also hoped that there would be someone who could help me."

Zhou Lan was taken aback.

She thought of those things in the past, and remembered some of the human frailties that she also had.

"I always remind myself, don't forget the beginning."

Zhou Lan let out a sigh.

"Yu Zhiyang may not know that you have done so much for him."

"I don't need him to know that I'm doing it because if I don't, I'll regret it later."

Zhou Lan said: "Xiaoyun, sometimes, be more selfish and indifferent, and you can live more easily."

"However, everyone has a dream at midnight. Whoever can fall asleep calmly can wake up with a smile." Zhou Yun pursed his lips and smiled, "Song Chi took me to see the sunrise once, and watched it with a smile The mood is what I want."

Yu Zhiyang's affairs took a turn for the worse.

Zhou Yun had something on his mind and joined the cast of "Warm Little Pony".

As the seed player for next year's box office champion, this drama is the top match in the industry in terms of investment and cast.

On the day she joined the group, Shen Yao made a special trip to book a restaurant, invited her to dinner, and welcomed her.

Although there are many actors in the movie, because it is a road movie, except for Shen Yao, the filming time of other actors does not overlap.

Only Shen Yao and director Wen Zhiliang were there for dinner.

Shen Yao helped Zhou Yun pull out the chair, very gentlemanly.

He smiled and said, "If I knew you were in a relationship with that kid Song Chi, I should have called him over to play a cameo."

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay, when the movie premieres, brother Shen will send him an invitation letter and ask him to come and support me."

"Hahaha." Shen Yao said, "It's more useful for you to invite than for me to invite you."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "I have to be more reserved, brother Shen help me with this."

Only then did Shen Yao nod his head, and said, "Okay, then I'll invite you."

The movie has been in the works for a while.As one of the most popular actors in Chinese movies today, Shen Yao has not been on the set during this period of time in order to maintain a low-key shooting.

Halfway through the meal, Shen Yao answered a phone call, but he didn't know who it was.

After hanging up the phone, he said, "Xiaoyun, my wife will come over later, just to introduce you to each other."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yun nodded in surprise and said yes.

Shen Yao's wife married him early, she was with him before Shen Yao became famous.These years, Shen Yao's wife has always been his good wife, helping him keep the house in order, rarely appearing in front of the media.But Zhou Yun heard from Zhou Lan that Shen Yao's wife is a bit jealous woman, usually when Shen Yao is filming outside, his wife will join the film crew together to take care of Shen Yao's daily necessities.

Shen Yao's wife is called Yu Mengyao.

She was plainly dressed, but still beautiful.

"Xiao Yun, how are you?" Yu Mengyao greeted Zhou Yun enthusiastically after she arrived, "I heard from Shen Yao that he and Director Wen invited you to dinner tonight, so they said they would come over to meet you and make a phone call. call."

Zhou Yun said, "Hi, sister-in-law."

When Yu Mengyao heard the word "sister-in-law", she smiled a little more kindly.

"busy lately?"

"Fortunately, because I want to join the group, I specifically told the company to take a break to recharge my batteries." Zhou Yun said.

Yu Mengyao nodded and said, "If you want to eat anything, you can tell me. I've been with everyone in the crew, and I'll make it for you."

Zhou Yun showed a flattered expression, and asked, "Why is this so embarrassing?"

"There's nothing embarrassing about it, anyway, if you do it for Shen Yao alone, you can do it." She said.

Zhou Yun said happily: "Then sister-in-law, your cooking skills must be very good. If you don't dislike it, can I learn a little cooking from you? When I have the opportunity, I want to cook for Song Chi too."

Yu Mengyao took Zhou Yun's hand, gave Shen Yao a blank look, and then said: "Don't follow me, I regret it to death now, Shen Yao can't do anything at home now, I have become his Your babysitter, you still have to be more reserved, let Xiao Song take more care of you is the last word."

Zhou Yun smiled, "No wonder I see Brother Shen's complexion is very good, obviously after taking pictures for so long, he is still in such good condition, thanks to you taking care of him."

Yu Mengyao sighed, and said, "Marrying him will be a toil."

Shen Yao shrugged helplessly, and said: "Okay, okay, don't spoil my image in front of Xiao Yun, what I told Xiao Song is to let him learn from me."

Yu Mengyao smiled and said: "Don't harm Xiao Song, I think he is much better than you. If I hadn't married you earlier, I would definitely like Xiao Song."

Zhou Yun showed envy in due course.

"I really hope that Song Chi and I can be as happy as brother Shen and sister-in-law in the future."

Yu Mengyao said: "You will definitely be happier than us in the future, oops, I've been busy talking, eat quickly, do you want to add two dishes?"

Zhou Yun asked, "Did sister-in-law eat?"

Yu Mengyao said: "I have eaten."

"I'm almost finished eating." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, do you know where there is a supermarket nearby? I want to go shopping."

Yu Mengyao said: "I happen to be going too, so I'll take you with me."

Shen Yao: "Hey, you two just left us behind?"

Yu Mengyao snorted coquettishly, and said, "Aren't you guys going to have a meeting tonight? I just happened to take Xiaoyun to do some shopping. Could it be that you are still interested in accompanying our women to the supermarket?"

Shen Yao quickly raised his hands as a sign of surrender, and said, "Then let me be spared."

Zhou Yun smiled happily.


Zhou Yun and Yu Mengyao went shopping in the supermarket for more than an hour, bought some ingredients that can be eaten with simple processing, and bought some daily necessities.

When Yu Mengyao saw Zhou Yun put these things into the basket, she didn't say anything, just smiled and said, "You are the first female star I've ever seen who comes to buy daily necessities as soon as she enters the film crew."

Zhou Yun said: "I like shopping in supermarkets very much."

"Young girls like to go shopping in supermarkets." Yu Mengyao said with a smile, "I really can't accept my old age, I can't even go shopping now."

Zhou Yun said: "Sister-in-law, don't joke, you're going to grow old somewhere."

Yu Mengyao smiled and said, "I'm in my forties, not old yet? Seeing you young and beautiful girls, I'm very envious."

"No way, young girls dream of being as radiant as you when they are your age."

Yu Mengyao took Zhou Yun's hand and said, "Song Chi has such a sweet mouth, no wonder Song Chi has been in the industry for so long, and he has never had any scandals with anyone, so you took him down."

Zhou Yun's cheeks were slightly red.

"Where is it, they are together out of nowhere." Zhou Yun said, "I didn't even think of it."

"Handsome men and beautiful women, they look seductive and match well." Yu Mengyao stroked Zhou Yun's hand and said, "When do you plan to get married?"

"Huh? Marriage? We haven't planned that yet. It's too early to say that."

"It's not too early. How many people in this circle are coveting Xiao Song. If you don't settle down sooner, aren't you afraid that he will be snatched away?" Yu Mengyao asked.

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "If he is so easy to be robbed, he should be robbed, I don't care."

Yu Mengyao gave her a surprised look.

Zhou Yun took Yu Mengyao's arm and said, "Sister-in-law and Brother Shen have such a good relationship, I will learn more from you, sister-in-law, don't think I'm annoying."

Yu Mengyao's smile caught her eyes, she was gentle and kind, and said: "How come, I'm bored in the film crew, and there's no one to talk to. If you're willing to come to me, you're welcome anytime."

"that would be great."

 Eight Thousand Characters Chapter Update
(End of this chapter)

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