Chapter 324
After shopping in the supermarket with Yu Mengyao, Zhou Yun was sent to the hotel by her, thanked her, and got out of the car.

Zheng Xiaoju was waiting for her to help her get things up.

She said excitedly in a low voice: "Sister Xiaoyun, this crew is a bit rough, I booked the best suite for you, even Cao Jun and I arranged a very good double room."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing after hearing Zheng Xiaoju's words.

"Big crews have deep pockets," she said.

Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

Back at the hotel, Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, filled the bathtub with water, and prepared to take a bath for a while.

Dealing with Yu Mengyao is a bit exhausting.

Zhou Yun still guessed why Yu Mengyao came today.Zhou Yun also understood the meaning inside and outside of her words.As Shen Yao's most popular actor, there should be no shortage of women around him.That's why Yu Mengyao followed the crew in every play. On the first day when Zhou Yun came to the crew, Yu Mengyao appeared directly to declare her sovereignty.

Zhou Yun didn't mind Yu Mengyao's behavior, she was also possessive of Song Chi.

But she had to admit that she was still a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Yun hopes to dispel Yu Mengyao's vigilance through his own show of favor.But Yu Mengyao was obviously not really relieved.Perhaps in her heart, every woman in this world needs to be on guard.

Song Chi called.

Zhou Yun told Song Chi about it.

Song Chi said: "Shen Yao's wife is very jealous. I heard that she has quarreled with Shen Yao many times because of this matter, but in fact, as far as I know, Shen Yao is already a very clean person."

Zhou Yun said, "What about you?"

"Huh?" Song Chi asked vigilantly, "Why did the fire suddenly burn on me?"

"Oh, forget it, leave me alone, I gave in to myself, I don't like her attitude of doubting everyone, but I want to ask you." Zhou Yun sighed, "The weakness of human nature."

Song Chi laughed aloud, "The weakness of human nature has come out, I assure you, I will also keep myself clean, and I will never cheat."

"Okay, please behave well." Zhou Yun said, "I will try my best not to become someone like Yu Mengyao."

Song Chi: "Don't make your dislike and dissatisfaction too obvious. If you still want to cooperate with Shen Yao in the future, the actresses she doesn't like will try every means to prevent her husband from cooperating with them. .”

"So ruthless." Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Song Chi said: "Yes, everyone in the industry says that if Shen Yao's wife can be dealt with, then Shen Yao can be dealt with."

"Brother Shen listens to his wife so much?" Zhou Yun was even more surprised.

"From what I've learned, that's the case." Song Chi smiled.

Zhou Yun clicked his tongue twice and said, "I really didn't see it."

"Joined the group for the first time today, have you filmed yet?" Song Chi asked.

"No, I just had dinner with the director and Brother Shen, and then went to the supermarket with Yu Mengyao." Zhou Yun said, "I'm shooting the first scene tomorrow."

Song Chi: "Then you should rest early and recharge your batteries."

"Oh, I'm so nervous, I don't know what to do in my heart." Zhou Yun said, "Especially because I have never acted in a comedy before, and I don't know how to act at all."

"It's okay, didn't you have no experience when you acted in "Questioning the Heart" before? Director Jiang Xin was convinced and praised."

Zhou Yun blushed.

"Oh, I really have no bottom in my heart. What if I always NG tomorrow?" Zhou Yun was worried.

In fact, if she hadn't won the best actress in the Horizon unit, she wouldn't have had such a heavy psychological burden.

The big deal is that I didn't act well and was scolded by the director.

Now that she has won that award, everyone praises her for being talented and aura, and she is an actress who is rewarded by God.

Now it's all right, the psychological burden has become extra heavy.

If one fails to perform well, everyone will be stunned.

Can you win the actress in this way?

How low is the level of this actress?

With such worries, I will be nervous, uneasy, and even more intimidated, unable to let go of acting.

Zhou Yun suddenly felt the pressure of "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight".

"Bah, bah, bah, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. You really think of yourself as the queen of the movie." Zhou Yun scolded himself, "You don't know how much you weigh yourself? You can act as you want, the big deal It just sucks."

She reprimanded herself like this, and her mood improved a lot.

That's right, why don't you give yourself some strength, and I'm afraid that the performance will be ruined.

If the performance fails, then the performance will fail, what can I do?
Early the next morning, Zheng Xiaoju came to wake Zhou Yun up.

Proceed to the dressing room for styling.

Because this time I played the role of a hair-washing girl, the costumes and makeup are relatively simple, and I don’t need to spend more than an hour every day doing makeup and styling like in "Questioning the Heart".

The make-up artist designed Zhou Yun's simple and simple look, with a ponytail, plaid shirt, and jeans, which can be seen everywhere on the road.

But Zhou Yun's facial features are really outstanding. Even in this appearance, he still has the beauty of hibiscus coming out of clear water.

Zhou Yun and the makeup artist looked at each other.

"Is it different from what you imagined when you designed it?" Zhou Yun asked with a smile.

The makeup artist was a little helpless, and said: "Your face is too difficult to hide, unless you deliberately pretend to be ugly."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "If the role I play needs to be ugly, it doesn't matter if I play ugly. However, she is a hair-washing girl, so there is no need for her to be ugly. It would be deliberate to play ugly."

The makeup artist nodded and said, "It's a little sad."

Zhou Yun asked: "What about perming my hair black and long?"

Zhou Yun's current hair is a little wavy. If it is completely black and straight, the effect on the face shape will be weakened a little.

The makeup artist nodded and fixed Zhou Yun's hair.

At this time, the director's assistant came to ask Zhou Yun if he was alright.

Zhou Yun looked at himself in the mirror, still not particularly satisfied.

Because it doesn't fit the "shampoo girls" she has seen.

"Take off your makeup, keep your makeup bare, and don't use primer." Zhou Yun said to the makeup artist.

The make-up artist was a little surprised, "Really? This is a movie, and if you appear on the big screen without makeup at all, any flaws will be exposed."

"This is more realistic." Zhou Yun said, "Although this is a comedy movie, Brother Shen also told me that this movie should be shot in a documentary direction as much as possible, and don't be too exaggerated in style. It's okay, just try it. No, let's re-melt."

Hearing this, the makeup artist didn't hesitate anymore, and began to remove Zhou Yun's makeup.

Soon, Zhou Yun regained his plain face.

Her skin is very good, but no matter how good it is, without makeup, there are still some blemishes in its natural state.

But this face looks much better.

Perfectly good-looking is never really good-looking.

Zhou Yun nodded, thinking that this is all right.

She went to meet the director and Shen Yao in such a state.

(End of this chapter)

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