Chapter 325 Shampoo
When Zhou Yun appeared in front of Shen Yao, Shen Yao's eyes widened in surprise.

Shen Yao stared at Zhou Yun carefully for a while, and asked, "Are you without makeup?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Su Yan, Brother Shen, what do you think of me like this?"

"People are still pretty, beautiful." Shen Yao said.

"Oh, I didn't ask you this, do you think I look like a shampoo girl?" Zhou Yun asked.

Shen Yao nodded, and said seriously: "That's what it means, but, can you do this? Did the makeup artist ask you to have no makeup? Why don't I remember that there is a requirement of no makeup for your look."

"No, I asked for it myself." Zhou Yun said, "After putting on makeup, I am too beautiful, not like a person who has been a shampoo girl for a long time."

Shen Yao gave Zhou Yun a thumbs-up, and said to the director Wen Zhiliang who had been standing by without saying a word: "Look, you are worthy of being a movie queen, and this professionalism is awesome."

Wen Zhiliang's gaze was always focused on Zhou Yun, but his expression was always the same. Zhou Yun didn't know what Wen Zhiliang was thinking, whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied.

Shen Yao said: "Your image is a big sacrifice. It's even worse than deliberately pretending to be ugly. The audience will know that you did it on purpose. If you go into battle without makeup completely, everyone will be more harsh on you."

"Be harsh, my facial features are even harsher, they look in the mirror first." Zhou Yun is very confident in his appearance.

Shen Yao laughed and said, "Shouldn't you be humble and say it doesn't matter at this time?"

Zhou Yun put his hands on his hips, and said very firmly: "I am not humble, I am already beautiful."

Shen Yao said: "But your facial features are really suitable for filming. When you don't have makeup and no makeup, it feels like a piece of white paper, which can be painted into any shape. Your acting is very wide."

"Brother Shen is indeed Brother Shen, even Suyan can find such a tricky angle of praise, I've learned."


The staff of the crew arranged the scene in an orderly manner.

Zhou Yun and Shen Yao chatted and looked at the shooting environment later.

The scene to be filmed today is that Shen Yao went to this shop to wash his hair, and was caught by the shampoo girl played by Zhou Yun, and grabbed a group of sisters to help this handsome customer wash his hair.

Wen Zhiliang called several other actors over.

The owner of the shampoo shop is played by a very old actor who has been famous for a long time. He was invited by Shen Yao to play a guest role, named Yan Zhenxi, but he has not appeared yet.

The other shampoo girls with lines are all well-known artists in the circle.

One is the female idol who debuted on the talent show last year, named Meng Ran.

One is a young actor named Liu Yuqian who played the female number four in the popular Xianxia drama a few years ago.

The others are group performances.

This shampoo shop is not a chain store, so everyone dresses differently and there is no uniform.

Meng Ran wears a miniskirt and a sequin top, which is very eye-catching and sexy.

Her attitude was very good, she should be two years older than Zhou Yun, but she took the initiative to call Miss Xiaoyun.

Zhou Yun waved his hands again and again and said, "Just call me Xiaoyun."

Another Liu Yuqian tied herself a pastoral-style braid, with cute makeup and a fresh and childish style, which is also the characteristic of her role in the script.

The clothes of the three people are very in line with the settings in the script.

Wen Zhiliang took Meng Ran, Liu Yuqian and other extras to go through the play first.

Zhou Yun originally thought that he would also participate, but Wen Zhiliang said: "Xiao Yun, you and Brother Shen can rest next to each other, and when they finish rehearsing, you can come and walk again."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Looking at Shen Yao's calm expression, it was obvious that he was used to this pattern.

So, for the first time, Zhou Yun stood by and watched others play.

While walking, Zhou Yun heard Shen Yao complaining in a low voice: "You act like a zombie."

He was talking about Meng Ran.

Meng Ran debuted as a talent show artist. She has neither received professional training nor acted in a play. This is her first play. She came to play a cameo role. She didn't have a few lines, but Meng Ran read it very contrived, even sexy. It is also deliberate.

Although Shen Yao commented very viciously, he didn't intend to find fault.

Meng Ran is not a sexy person in private.

Sure enough, Wen Zhiliang stopped and talked with Meng Ran for a while.

Half an hour later, Yan Zhenzhen finally appeared after a long delay.

Before she came over, she raised her affectionate voice and said, "Xiao Shen, you are really good at torturing me, an old man. I told you that I was on vacation. I don't believe you if you insist on pulling me over to act in this play." Is there no other actor to play?"

The words "old version of Wang Xifeng" came to Zhou Yun's mind.

This sound is really crunchy.

As soon as Shen Yao turned his head, he let out a sound of oops, and warmly greeted him.

"This proprietress needs you to act, so she can stay calm." When Shen Yao smiled, some wrinkles appeared around his eyes. Of course, he was still handsome, but he didn't have the lush and handsome feeling when he was young.He held Yan Zhenzhen's arm with both hands, hugged her slightly, and brought her over.

"Sister Yan, let me introduce you to Zhou Yun, who just won the Best Actress award in the Horizon section of the Venice International Film Festival."

"Xiaoyun, Yan Zhenzhen, sister Yan doesn't need me to introduce you specifically, right?" Shen Yao said.

Zhou Yun followed Shen Yao's words and nodded repeatedly, saying, "Teacher Yan is my idol!"

Yan Zhenzhen took a good look at Zhou Yun, and said with a smile, "It looks really iconic."

Zhou Yun nodded respectfully, "Hello, Teacher Yan, I'm Zhou Yun."

Yan Zhenzhen asked: "Did you film Jiang Xin's "Ask the Heart" before?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "Are you Director Jiang's friend?"

"I've been an old friend for decades." Yan Zhenzhen said with a smile, "He admires you very much. He has praised you several times with our old friends. I also watched some episodes of "Questioning the Heart" and he acted very well. Aura."

"Thank you, Teacher Yan, for your compliment." Zhou Yun said, "I'm so flattered."

At this time, Meng Ran and Liu Yuqian, who had just finished a play, took the initiative to come over.

Meng Ran walked up to Yan Zhenzhen, stretched out his hand, bowed almost ninety degrees, and said, "Mr. Yan, hello, I'm Meng Ran, very happy to meet you!"

Liu Yuqian followed closely behind and said, "Hello, Teacher Yan, I'm Liu Yuqian. I don't know if you still remember me. I filmed two scenes with you in "The Gate" two years ago, and I received your guidance."

Zhou Yun took a step back in time to make room for him.

Yan Zhenxi smiled kindly when she saw everyone.

"Yuqian, right? Of course I remember." After Yan Zhenzhen said this, she looked at Meng Ran again, "I also know Xiao Ran, and my granddaughter likes you very much."

Meng Ran's eyes were like stars, and she said, "Really? I'm so sorry, I feel like I'm going to blush."

Zhou Yun noticed that Liu Yuqian lowered her head secretly and rolled her eyes.


I don't know what's going on between Liu Yuqian and Meng Ran.

Zhou Yun warned himself not to get involved in these disputes.

Just shoot your own scenes.

Zhou Yun thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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