I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 326 Getting into the Crew

Chapter 326 Getting into the Crew
The plot of the scene to be filmed later started when Shen Yao walked into this shampoo shop.

He got off the motorcycle with a very handsome posture, and Zhou Yun and the other girls had to show a feeling of interest in this man.

Wen Zhiliang instructed: "Yuqian, you should be cute, and you can show your expressions and emotions a little bit, just like seeing a handsome guy you really like."

Liu Yuqian smiled and said, "Don't worry, director, I'm sure I'll act in my true colors. Brother Shen is the handsome guy I really like very much!"

Shen Yao laughed and teased himself: "He's still a handsome guy, he's already old."

Wen Zhiliang looked at Meng Ran and said, "Meng Ran, you have to maintain your aloofness, but not be reserved, and give a clear meaning, but don't take the initiative."

Meng Ran nodded and said, "Okay."

Wen Zhiliang finally looked at Zhou Yun, smiled, and said, "What do you think, Mr. Zhou?"

Zhou Yun was overwhelmed by the flattery, quickly waved his hands, and said, "The director don't call me teacher, seniors like Sister Cherish and Brother Shen are teachers, where am I? It scared me to death."

Wen Zhiliang said, "Your acting skills are well known."

Zhou Yun: "Don't, don't, don't say that, I haven't been acting for a long time, I need you to guide me more, director, what's your opinion?"

Wen Zhiliang glanced at her in surprise, and asked, "Do you still need my advice?"

"Oh, director, it's my first time playing this kind of role, so I'm not sure." Zhou Yun expressed his attitude repeatedly.

Only then did Wen Zhiliang say: "The woman you play, Dong Zhimei, is from the countryside. She behaves a little pompously. She usually doesn't get along with other people in the hair salon, but she doesn't have that gloomy personality. Even if she gets along with other people If she doesn't come, she doesn't think it's her fault, she is a woman who believes that one day she will be able to reverse all sentient beings, so when you see Shen Yao, although you are very moved and think this man is very handsome, but You will be a little reserved in your heart. This reservedness is different from Meng Ran's lack of initiative. Meng Ran's role is because she is confident in her figure and beauty. Her lack of initiative is a gesture. When Shen Yao takes the initiative to come to her, you You think it doesn't matter if you are reserved and not active, Shen Yao is very handsome, but he is not the man you must go for."

After listening to Wen Zhiliang's speech, Zhou Yun found that his views coincided with hers.

"I understand, then what should I do when I see Brother Shen? What I find difficult now is that I actually think highly of myself in my heart, but my appearance is very simple. There is a strong contradiction I am very worried that I will accidentally become a person with a gloomy personality."

The point is, Dong Zhimei is not such a person.

Wen Zhiliang heard Zhou Yun's words, his eyes lit up, he nodded, and said: "Actually, the reason why such a contradiction arises is because the character was originally set as a narcissist, and later he changed to another personality. That is to say, Ordinary and Simple wrote a version, and finally synthesized it together to write this version. At the beginning, I thought about whether to change her plain appearance, but in this way, this character will be very monotonous , only one feature, very facial."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "The contradictions in this kind of character have one more layer and can add a lot of connotations. It's a pity that there are not many scenes and can't show too much."

She smiled helplessly.

Wen Zhiliang waved his hand and said: "This is actually very good. If you really want to make a movie with this kind of character as the protagonist, you can only shoot in the direction of a literary film, but in a comedy road movie, she, as Brother Shen, met on the road. One of the characters will collide with a very comic thing. A good comedy is a surprise in the conflict. We don't need to analyze why Dong Zhimei is so narcissistic in the play, and why she wraps up her narcissistic heart. An ordinary and simple coat, but through the eyes of the character Shen Yao, the audience's impression of the character Dong Zhimei has undergone two changes. Every time the change, the contrast between before and after is comedy."

Zhou Yun found out that Wen Zhiliang is really good, not the kind of director who has no idea.

A director is most afraid of having no idea, and can only shoot a quality product that is stable and stable.

Zhou Yun and others arranged it twice according to Wen Zhiliang's idea.

"Xiao Ran, your posture needs to be a little more sexy, the kind of sexy you want to talk about." Wen Zhiliang said.

Meng Ran was troubled, and asked, "Director, what kind of sexy is it that you want to talk about?"

Wen Zhiliang said: "You imagine a mature, budding flower, that's what it means, sexy but not coquettish."

Meng Ran looked bewildered.

She also uses sexy expressions and poses on stage, but that seems to be completely different from what Wen Zhiliang wants.

"This is too much of a dancer. Even dancers don't expose their sexiness like this in their daily lives. They do it deliberately when they are working."

Wen Zhiliang went to correct Meng Ran.

The others were free for a while.

Standing beside her, Liu Yuqian took the initiative to speak and said, "Xiaoyun, do you have time tonight? Shall we have dinner together?"

Zhou Yun glanced at her in surprise, and said, "Sorry, I have to read the script tonight. I have some thoughts and ideas from the analysis the director said just now. I need to write them down so that I don't forget them. I'm sorry."

Liu Yuqian waved her hands with a smile and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Zhou Yun said: "I'll see when the time is convenient in the next few days, and invite you to have dinner together."

"Oh, don't be so polite, I'm ashamed of you doing this." Liu Yuqian said.

"Sure, I just joined the group, so I can just get acquainted with you guys." Zhou Yun said.

"Then I'll wait for your news." Liu Yuqian said.

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "When did you join the group?"

Liu Yuqian said: "Meng Ran and I came here three days ago. The director and Brother Shen let us learn the technique of washing hair in advance. By the way, Xiaoyun, do you want to find a teacher to learn it? I see you There are also a lot of scenes of helping people wash their hair."

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "It's okay, I've already learned it, I took a break before joining the group, and went to prepare for it."

"Wow, no wonder you won the award. This work attitude is great." Liu Yuqian said, "I have filmed many scenes and worked with many actors. Many actors are not as dedicated as you."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "No?"

Liu Yuqian: "Really, I have also met actors who don't memorize their lines, but completely mess up their lines, all relying on post-dubbing."

Zhou Yun raised his eyebrows in surprise.

She had heard that there were such actors in the industry, but she had never encountered one before.

Of course, she hasn't filmed too many scenes, and it's normal that she hasn't seen these ghosts and monsters.


It is not the first time for Zhou Yun to make a film, but it is indeed the first time for her to make such a big commercial production.

For a whole morning, I filmed the scene where Shen Yao turned over from the motorcycle, everyone witnessed this scene, and they were "crazy" each other.

Teacher Yan Zhenzhen only had one line. When the girls were in a daze, he came out and yelled in the tone of a charter woman: "You are all stuck here waiting for someone to feed you?"

One morning passed like this.

A shot, put into the movie, takes less than a minute.

Zhou Yun doesn't even remember how many times he took the picture, he took it over and over again, from the panorama to the close-up, especially the special one, at least [-] times.

In the end, Zhou Yun didn't know how to make an expression, and his facial muscles seemed to be stiff.

At noon, the crew temporarily stopped work and took a rest.

Zhou Yun went to have lunch.


Cao Jun has prepared meals for them.

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju sat down.

Seeing Zhou Yun's tired face, Zheng Xiaoju asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, do you want to go to the car to rest for a while at noon?"

The company prepared a caravan for Zhou Yun, which contained all kinds of daily necessities and a bed.

Zhou Yun nodded and agreed.

She has no appetite and eats slowly.

Shen Yao suddenly came over with a plate, sat down beside her, and asked, "How is the food? Are you used to it?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "It's pretty good, better than what I ate in other crews."

"Specially hired a chef." Shen Yao was a little complacent.

Zhou Yun looked at the food on Shen Yao's plate, and asked, "Did sister-in-law cook a small stove for you today?"

Shen Yao said: "She has something to do, she's not on the set, I can only come to the cafeteria to solve it."

Zhou Yun snorted and thought, no wonder I didn't see her today.

Shen Yao said: "She is a bit sensitive, sometimes she doesn't pay attention to what she says, if there is something that makes you uncomfortable, please be more tolerant."

Zhou Yun shook his head with a quick smile and said, "No way, I like my sister-in-law very much."

Shen Yao shrugged his shoulders and said, "My own wife, I know, she is actually very kind and nice, because I run around here and there, she feels a little insecure."

Zhou Yun laughed.She didn't know what to say.

"After she came back, she was full of praise for you." Shen Yao said.

Zhou Yun could only say reservedly: "Really? No."

Shen Yao: "I'm not lying to you."

After chatting for a while, Shen Yao said: "Okay, I won't bother you to eat, I'll go find Zhiliang, you eat slowly."

"Okay, bye, brother Shen."

Zhou Yun and the others left and put down their chopsticks too.

"Eat slowly, I'll go to the bathroom." She said to Cao Jun and Zheng Xiaoju.

"Okay, Miss Xiaoyun, then we'll wait for you here." Zheng Xiaoju's cheeks were bulging.Her appetite has always been good.

Zhou Yun got up and went to the bathroom.

At the corner in front, Liu Yuqian's back happened to turn suddenly.

Zhou Yun didn't really want to meet Liu Yuqian in the bathroom, and he wanted to say a few more words then.

She thought about it and decided to go to another bathroom.

Zhou Yun went upstairs to find the bathroom.

After looking around for a long time, I couldn't find where it was.

Is there no restroom on the second floor?This year just popped up in Zhou Yun's mind, when Zhou Yun turned a corner, he suddenly saw a man and a woman hugging in the shadows in the corner, their lips sticking together, kissing passionately.

Zhou Yun's eyes widened in shock, and he subconsciously took a step back to hide himself.

After a second, she came back to her senses and glanced cautiously again.

That's right, that woman is Meng Ran.

And that man... Zhou Yun didn't know him, he was a young and handsome boy.

By the looks of it, he should be an actor too?

Zhou Yun hurried away.

She didn't want to run into this scene.

run away.

In the end Zhou Yun went back to the bathroom on the first floor.I can't hold back anymore.

"Ah, Xiaoyun!" Liu Yuqian just washed her hands and came out. She looked at Zhou Yun with surprise and said, "You also come to the bathroom."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yes."

Smile and say hello.

Zhou Yun: "I went first."

Liu Yuqian hummed.

Zhou Yun entered the cubicle, and after a while, footsteps suddenly sounded outside. The footsteps sounded from far to near, and it should be two people.

"Realist Zhou Yun is very beautiful. It's not like they said he died in sight."

Zhou Yun: "..."

It seems that the bathroom is always a gathering place for gossip.

She heard gossip about her again.

"Oh, she is pretty, but isn't she very cold? Except talking to the director and Shen Yao, she likes to ignore others. I don't like her."

"Stars, don't they always have this problem. If I had a face like hers, I would ignore you."

"Hahaha, that's true."


Zhou Yun slandered: Since when did she ignore people?
She has only been on the set for one morning, and she spends most of the time filming. What's the matter, she has to shake everyone's hand like a leader patrol before starting work?
Hearing these words, she kept complaining in her heart.

However, she waited for the people to leave before coming out of the compartment.

Otherwise, how embarrassing?
Zhou Yun washed his hands and walked out, just in time to meet Meng Ran walking towards him.

Meng Ran's face was full of spring breeze, and when she saw Zhou Yun, she showed an affectionate smile and called Miss Xiaoyun.

Zhou Yun greeted with a smile.

In the afternoon, Zhou Yun knew who the young man who was kissing with Meng Ran in the corner at noon was.

Zhou Yun guessed wrong, he was not a celebrity, but a photography assistant named Xu Caisheng.

The two people who were kissing so hard were inseparable, but they acted as if they didn't know each other on the set in the afternoon, and they didn't even make eye contact.

This made Zhou Yun a little puzzled, are these two people secretly dating?

It's just that Meng Ran's performance in the afternoon was still not good, because of her problem, Wen Zhiliang yelled "Kah" countless times.

Later, Yan Zhenzhen became a little impatient and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."


The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Meng Ran's cheeks were flushed.

Zhou Yun was about to say something to ease the atmosphere, when he heard Liu Yuqian say coquettishly, "Xiao Ran, don't worry, take your time, it's fine, you'll be fine once you find your form."

Meng Ran's cheeks turned even redder.

Zhou Yun just felt really embarrassed.

Liu Yuqian said that on purpose.There is no doubt about it.Yan Zhenzhen did not directly say that she was impatient and left because of Meng Ran's frequent NGs, but Liu Yuqian's words gave people such an impression.

Zhou Yun sighed softly.

Zheng Xiaoju didn't realize what happened at all. Zhou Yun sighed and asked, "What's wrong, Miss Xiaoyun?"

Zhou Yun: "It's okay, you can play with your phone, I'll read the script for a while."

There was no way she could help Meng Ran relieve the embarrassment in such a matter.

I can only hope that Meng Ran can adjust himself.

 Oops, I feel like I’m entering a period of burnout, I can’t write anymore
(End of this chapter)

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