I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 327 Food Poisoning

Chapter 327 Food Poisoning
In the evening, Zhou Yun called it a day.

There was no Zhou Yun's play at night.

She said goodbye to the director and Shen Yao, and prepared to go back to the hotel.

On the way to the lounge to remove makeup, Zhou Yun bumped into Meng Ran secretly hiding in a corner wiping tears.

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, then stopped in his footsteps.

Zheng Xiaoju didn't know what Zhou Yun saw, so he asked suspiciously, "Sister Xiaoyun, what's wrong?"

Her voice startled Meng Ran who was hiding in a corner.

Meng Ran raised her arms in panic, wiped away her tears, turned around in a hurry, saw Zhou Yun, her expression lost control for a moment.

Her expression was a bit complicated, as if she didn't know what expression to show Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun thought, at this time, what should she do to make Meng Ran feel more comfortable?
"Sister Meng Ran?" Just when Zhou Yun was still struggling, Zheng Xiaoju said in surprise, "Why are you hiding here and rehearsing secretly? I saw your assistant looking for you just now."

With tears still in Meng Ran's eyes, she smiled hastily and said, "Thank you, I'll go right away."

She left in a hurry.

Zhou Yun glanced at Zheng Xiaoju in surprise.

In the past, Zheng Xiaoju was very nervous, and it was rare for him to respond quickly and pass the steps to others.

Today's Zheng Xiaoju surprised Zhou Yun a little.

At this time, Zheng Xiaoju suddenly said with emotion: "Although Meng Ran's acting skills are average, she is really very dedicated, and she even secretly rehearses alone."

Zhou Yun turned to look at Zheng Xiaoju in surprise, only to see that the expression on Zheng Xiaoju's face was serious and unquestionable.

It turns out that Zheng Xiaoju really misunderstood.

Zhou Yun came back to his senses and smiled.She didn't tell Zheng Xiaoju her opinion, so it's good to let Zheng Xiaoju think so.Meng Ran probably didn't want more people to know about her crying alone in a corner.

However, the scene of Meng Ran crying repeatedly appeared in Zhou Yun's mind.

After she returned to her room, she didn't read the script, but searched for Meng Ran's information online.

In recent years, talent shows have been very popular.Especially the idol draft, debut in a group, has been the mainstream in recent years.Artists who debuted from these shows have a unified name called traffic.Whether in the industry or outside, no matter what these artists did before, as long as they have been on this show, all their characteristics will be covered by these two words.

Meng Ran was the fourth place in her talent show to debut as a group. After two years as a group, it disbanded. She returned to her original contract company and continued to work hard in the entertainment industry.

Because of her popularity and traffic, which fit the current hot trend in the market, Meng Ran competed with all the florets and won the cameo role.

The guest role is a guest star in name, but in fact it is a supporting actress with very few roles.It's just that Meng Ran's agency doesn't want to lower Meng Ran's worth by writing guest appearances.But even for such a role, it is not known how many people are competing.

Maybe you will ask, why Zhou Yun can get a role with a lot more roles than Meng Ran.The reason is simpler. Meng Ran debuted in a talent show and had never acted in a drama. Zhou Yun was the hit of "The Eighth Heartbeat", and there was a hit drama that really made a solid foundation. In addition, he was filming Jiang Xin's "Ask the Heart", "Warm Heart" The producers of "My Little Pony" must have different attitudes towards these two actors who are also labeled as popular actresses.What's more, no matter how high the number of retweets of Meng Ran's Weibo is, even if it is [-], it is still not as popular as Zhou Yun's accumulation of popularity in the past two years.

Before Zhou Yun signed the contract with "Warm Little Pony", he had been rumored to have an affair with Song Chi for a year, and even filmed a popular variety show "After We Got the Scandal".

The data is crushed again, and when these two names are mentioned, the first reaction is different.

In all fairness, Zhou Yun felt that Meng Ran's facial features were not suitable for being an actor.

Beauty is beauty, but beauty is too sexy.For an entertainer, this may be a good thing, but for an actor, the appearance is too restrictive.

Does Meng Ran have a chance to go further on the road of actor?

Of course there is.

It's just that she has to work harder than ordinary people.She must completely get rid of the idol temperament in her body, she must cultivate skilled acting skills, and she must find a kind of personal characteristics and soul of the performance, so that she can have the opportunity to truly send her performance to the hearts of the audience.

Why do big directors like to use newcomers?Especially in some special roles, no matter how good an actress is, can't compare to a young rookie?

Because the director knows one thing very well, for the audience, the newcomer is strange and fresh, without any established labels, and without preconceived impressions, the first side of her appearing on the screen is the first side the audience sees.

Zhou Yun knew why Wen Zhiliang was actually dissatisfied with Meng Ran.

The sexiness that Meng Ran displayed was a kind of stage sexiness.

She is on stage, captured by the camera, can be very beautiful, attractive, and make people scream.

But in a movie, especially in a life scene of a movie, such sexiness becomes an abrupt existence.

At night, Zhou Yun was alone in the room when the doorbell rang suddenly.

She thought it was Zheng Xiaoju or Cao Jun who came looking for her, but from the cat's eyes, the person standing outside the door turned out to be Liu Yuqian.

Liu Yuqian smiled and said, "Xiaoyun, just now I went to dinner with a few actors from the crew. There are steamed crabs, and I brought you two back."

She gestured to the plastic bag that contained the packing box in her hand.

Zhou Yun glanced at her in surprise and said, "Thank you."

Liu Yuqian handed the plastic bag to Zhou Yun and said, "Then I won't bother you, good night."

Zhou Yun said thank you.

After closing the door, Zhou Yun put the bag aside, hesitated for a while, but she didn't open it.Zhou Lan has warned you not to eat anything when you are outside, especially things given to you by others.

Unexpectedly, the next day, news suddenly came that Shen Yao had food poisoning and went to the hospital.

Zhou Yun was surprised.

Did Shen Yao get food poisoning all of a sudden?

This news caught the entire crew by surprise.

Shen Yao is the core of the whole movie shooting, once he entered the hospital, the shooting was suspended.

Zheng Xiaoju asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, should we go to the hospital to visit Teacher Shen Yao?"

"Let's go later, go now, the hospital must be in a hurry, we will only add to the chaos." Zhou Yun said.

She asked suspiciously: "Why did Shen Yao suddenly get food poisoning? Didn't he eat it in the crew cafeteria? To get food poisoning, many people should be poisoned together, right?"

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head, "I don't know what's going on."

After about an hour, Zhou Yun suddenly received a call from Liu Yuqian.

She herself panicked on the phone and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, are you okay?"

"Ah?" Zhou Yun asked with a blank face, "What's the matter? I'm fine, did you hear the wrong news? It's Brother Shen who has entered the hospital."

Did Liu Yuqian think she was in the hospital?

Who knew that Liu Yuqian said, "You didn't eat the crab I brought you yesterday, did you?"

"Crab?" Zhou Yun moved his eyes to the table, "I haven't... Wait, you brought a copy for Brother Shen too?"

"Yeah." Liu Yuqian's voice sounded like she was about to cry, "Yesterday I had dinner with everyone, and I thought the crab was good, so I asked the boss to pack a few for us, who knew that the boss would be so unscrupulous! Brother Shen is because You entered the hospital after eating the crabs I gave you! Sister Cherish also suffered from food poisoning, and went to the hospital in the middle of the night last night, I just found out...Fortunately, you didn't eat it!"

Zhou Yun couldn't believe that the problem was with this crab.

She didn't know what to say for a while.

It was unexpected.

"What should I do? Brother Shen will definitely kill me!" Liu Yuqian was full of apology and regret, "My God, I want to kill that boss!"

Zhou Yun really wanted to give her a few words of comfort, but she couldn't find any effective comfort.

She couldn't always say "it's all right, honey, it's all right".Everyone in Shen Yao has been admitted to the hospital, how can he be fine?
Zhou Yun sighed.

She could only comfort Liu Yuqian with a few innocuous words.

Zhou Yun didn't know that the filming would be delayed for a few days, it depended on Shen Yao's situation.

As a result, news came in the afternoon that Meng Ran's agency sent someone to pick him up.

The reason was that the filming had stopped anyway, and Meng Ran had nothing to do while staying on the set.

What made Zhou Yun even more unbelievable was that Meng Ran appeared in the live broadcast room of the popular anchors that night, doing live promotion for one of the brand platforms.

The job was picked up fast and... fast.

Zhou Yun couldn't help being shocked, and it was unbelievable. Did Meng Ran's company have already negotiated with him, or did he really take over such a job for Zhou Yun temporarily when he found out that Shen Yao had food poisoning and was admitted to the hospital?

The contract is over?Their company's legal efficiency is so high?
"Wow..." Zhou Yun heard Zheng Xiaoju exclaimed.

She asked, "What's wrong?"

"Liu Anshi posted on Moments, he seems to be talking about Meng Ran." Zheng Xiaoju handed over his mobile phone.

Zhou Yun took it and took a look.

Liu Anshi is the coordinator of this drama, and Zheng Xiaoju became WeChat friends with him at some point.

Liu Anshi posted a Moments message five minutes ago, without naming names, but insinuating: "My friends, some actors should be used with caution, even if their acting skills are poor, if something happens to the crew, the company will immediately take them out of the crew Going to another job, when everyone is worried, tense, uneasy, she is completely unaffected, still beautiful, I have no right to accuse her of doing something wrong, but I feel chilled."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, anyone who knows a little about the crew of "Warm Little Pony" should know that Liu Anshi is talking about Meng Ran.

She returned the phone to Zheng Xiaoju and said, "Just take a look, don't get involved."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and said, "Don't worry, Sister Xiaoyun, I know it well."

Nine p.m.

Zhou Yun changed his clothes and said to Zheng Xiaoju: "I'm going to the hospital now to see Brother Shen."

Upon hearing this, Zheng Xiaoju got up quickly and said, "Okay, my name is Brother Cao."

Zhou Yun followed the address to find the ward where Shen Yao lived, and there was a bodyguard guarding it outside.

Zhou Yun asked: "Is brother Shen asleep?"

The bodyguard knew Zhou Yun, shook his head, and said, "There shouldn't be, the light is on."

"Then I'll go in and see him." Zhou Yun took the bouquet from Zheng Xiaoju's hand, knocked on the door, opened it and walked in.

Shen Yao was talking with his wife Yu Mengyao.

"Brother Shen, sister-in-law." Zhou Yun smiled, "I'll come and see you."

Seeing Zhou Yun, Yu Mengyao stood up with a smile and said, "Why are you here so late? Go to bed early."

"There must be a lot of people during the day, and you are in a hurry, so I am too embarrassed to trouble you." Zhou Yun handed the flowers to Yu Mengyao, and said, "I originally wanted to find a chef to make some for Brother Shen." Nutritious nourishment, but when I think my sister-in-law is here, I will stop adding to the snake and buy some flowers."

"It's such an elegant fragrance, I like it." Yu Mengyao smelled the fragrance of flowers, nodded, put it on the window sill, and said, "Then you talk, I just want to go downstairs to the canteen to buy something."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Then I'll chat with Brother Shen here, and wait for sister-in-law to come back."

"Okay." Yu Mengyao nodded.

When she went out, she didn't close the door, but just covered it up.

Zhou Yun glanced at it, smiled knowingly, and sat down on the stool.

Shen Yao lying on the bed was a little pale, and looked a little weaker than usual.

"Brother Shen, how do you feel?" Zhou Yun asked.

Shen Yao smiled wryly, and said: "It's a little bit better now, but it was really uncomfortable before."

Zhou Yun said: "I was almost going to be your patient friend. Fortunately, I thought about eating less at night, so I didn't move."

She smiled.

Shen Yao sighed, and said, "I still blame my mouth for being too greedy."

"What did the doctor say?" Zhou Yun asked.

"It's okay, I can leave the hospital tomorrow." Shen Yao said, "To be on the safe side, I'd better observe here for a day."

"It's fine." Zhou Yun said.

"I have to thank you on behalf of the crew." Shen Yao said suddenly.

"Ah?" Zhou Yun asked, "Why are you thanking me all of a sudden?"

Shen Yao said: "Liu Anshi told me that such an incident happened suddenly today. No one knew about my situation, nor how long the crew would stop working. Only you didn't call him and stayed in the office all the time. In the hotel, I didn’t go out, which made his work a lot easier. Today, several people asked him for leave and wanted to leave the group. They will come back after I am discharged from the hospital. If you also say that you want to leave, his work will not be easy. "

"Sigh." Zhou Yun shook his head, "It's just food poisoning, at most a week, at worst, wait a week."

"Have you seen Liu Anshi's circle of friends?" Shen Yao asked.

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Actually, I don't blame her for Xiao Meng's matter. In fact, the current environment is very eager for quick success. Don't say that it took half a year or a year to shoot a movie like before. Now even if you ask someone for two The company will still cut the schedule of [-] month, and refuse to give it so long, Xiaomeng's attitude is still very correct, but she can't disobey the company." Shen Yao said, "I heard that you have a lot of autonomy in the company. ,This is good."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Shen, I won't leave until my part in this movie is finished."

"With your words, I feel relieved." Shen Yao smiled.

 Merry Christmas~

(End of this chapter)

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