Chapter 330
"The filming progress is much slower than expected." Zhou Yun told Zhou Lan on the phone, "Brother Shen was delayed in the hospital for a day due to food poisoning, and now Meng Ran went out to record the show again, but couldn't come back, so the filming task was temporarily adjusted , but the progress has been delayed a lot, I said before that I will only shoot for two weeks, but looking at it now, it is estimated that two weeks is not enough time."

Zhou Lan listened and said, "I'll go and negotiate with the crew, don't delay you for too long."

"Well, if it's because Brother Chen has food poisoning and the shooting time needs to be extended, I think it's okay to extend the shooting for a few days, but I'm afraid they want to wait for Meng Ran to come back. I shot a scene today, and tomorrow's announcement There is still only one scene, and if the filming continues like this, I don’t think it will be finished in a month.” Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Yun has also filmed three films, and "Warm Little Pony" is the fourth film, but this film is the most relaxing film she has ever filmed. There are only one or two scenes a day, and she can call it a day after filming Back to the hotel.

She was a little uncomfortable with such a relaxed rhythm.

Obviously it could be filmed faster, she read the crew's notice sheet, Shen Yao did not shoot two more scenes than her.Either it was her first time making a movie, which was rare, and the movie was filming at such a slow pace, or the crew was really angry that Meng Ran left the crew, but before Meng Ran came back, they were consciously slowing down the shooting speed.

She and Shen Yao obviously have more two-person scenes, and if Meng Ran doesn't come back, they can obviously arrange these scenes to be filmed in the front.

They are all stories that happened in the shampoo shop, and there are no superfluous requirements.

Zhou Yun couldn't figure it out, so he could only regard the current arrangement as the crew's "arrangement" to create an atmosphere that the crew didn't stop because of Meng Ran - if that was the case, Zhou Lan would come over if she had no objections.

No matter how precious Zhou Yun's time was, it could not be wasted just to wait for Meng Ran.

What worried her was that Meng Ran still didn't come back on the third day after she left the group.

She still only filmed one scene this day.

She suppressed her doubts and dissatisfaction in her heart, and waited for Zhou Lan to come over to deal with it.

In the evening, Zhou Lan talked to the producer and came to see Zhou Yun.

The first thing she did when she came in was to take off her high heels.

"Damn, the legs are going to be useless."

Zhou Yun poured Zhou Lan a glass of water and asked, "How do you say it?"

Zhou Lan said, "Meng Ran will have to leave for at least a week before returning."

"What? The producer told you?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

This made her unexpected.

Zhou Lan said: "Of course not. How could they tell me this news? I found someone to inquire about it myself. Meng Ran wasn't going to record a show at all. Her company gave her a cameo in another play and she was going to five sky."

"Another play? Does this side know about this?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "I guess I know, that movie was also produced by the production company of this movie."

"..." Zhou Yun showed an unbelievable expression, "In that case, the reason why we deliberately delayed the shooting progress is to wait for Meng Ran to come back?"

No wonder she only filmed one scene a day.

Zhou Yun's heart burst into flames.

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "It should be like this."

"Why did this happen?" Zhou Yun frowned, "Then all of us are waiting for her?"

Zhou Lan shook his head, "Of course we can't wait. Originally, we only gave a two-week schedule. If we want to stay another week for Meng Ran, who will pay for the time? I have already told the producer today. Starting from tomorrow, we will continue to shoot according to this schedule, and when the time comes, either they will pay the extra film salary according to the contract, or we will leave the group."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan: "I'm really used to these problems."

"If brother Shen didn't suffer from food poisoning, would Meng Ran leave too?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Of course, this kind of thing must have been decided early in the morning." Zhou Lan said, "It's not that Shen Yao has food poisoning, but he will come up with some other excuses, ask for a vacation, or something."

"Then if that's the case, why didn't you tell us early in the morning to adjust the shooting time and insist that a bunch of us wait for her here?" Zhou Yun questioned angrily.

Zhou Lan smiled, patted Zhou Yun's face, and said, "Isn't it because I signed you back then and picked up the treasure? If they changed the shooting date, we would have a legitimate reason not to shoot this movie. They Of course I'm afraid you won't act."

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded that he could do this.

"Okay, it's okay. From their point of view, I also understand why they do this. They want to take advantage of several aspects, but we can't be kept in the dark and be fooled by them." Zhou Lan said, "Wang Jing said Bian also encountered a similar problem, but it was a good thing for Wang Jing. The heroine of the second part of "Dark Sky" took another play behind her back, and ran at both ends, which caused a lot of trouble for "Dark Sky". Now the screenwriters of the group are splitting up many heroine roles for Wang Jing."

Zhou Yun pursed his lips when he heard this, and said, "How different is this shot?"

Zhou Lan: "For the crew, when encountering this kind of thing, they have to go to trouble with the heroine and ask her to compensate, or they can only stop the loss in time, find a way to finish the filming, and broadcast it. If they choose the former, they have to take risks. One risk, in the current policy environment, if the heroine has a professional ethics problem, maybe even this drama will not be aired, and the main cast and crew have moral problems."

"..." Zhou Yun was shocked, "Isn't this a paradox? Instead of exposing the heroine's lack of professionalism, it encourages this trend. Anyway, she doesn't have to be punished."

Zhou Lan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yes, otherwise people would dare to do this."

Zhou Yun: "Then Gu Huaichun didn't feel bad?"

Zhou Lan nodded, "It must be bad, but I have no choice but to bite the bullet and shoot it."

Zhou Yun shook his head in disbelief, and picked up Zhou Lan's mantra, "I'm really used to them."

Zhou Lan smiled, slept here all night, and left early the next morning.

Zhou Yun got a new notice, and finally, her filming returned to normal.

At the scene, no one raised any objection to this sudden change in the announcement, even Shen Yao acted as if nothing had happened, playing with her as usual, chatting and laughing.

Zhou Yun suddenly felt so bored.

The more it seems that nothing has changed, the more shocking it is that she was the only one who was kept in the dark earlier.

Even the friendly smile on Liu Yuqian's face made her feel fake, like the sunshine in winter.

And that night, a sudden news broke on the Internet, which pushed Meng Ran, who had been away from the group for many days, to the cusp of the storm.

The news that Meng Ran left the crew and delayed the filming of the crew somehow leaked out and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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