I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 331: Inside and Outside the Crew

Chapter 331: Inside and Outside the Crew
When the news spread on the Internet, Meng Ran's fans were the first to stand up.

With their super fighting power and destructive momentum, they swept every corner of condemning or taunting Meng Ran.

"Create rumors with one mouth, refute them quickly, and start hacking if there is evidence?"

"Meng Ran is famous for her dedication to work, let's see what these seniors say about her!" Followed by a picture made by the fan club.

"The crew didn't say anything, and I don't know how the news got out. Are you the staff of the crew? Did you see Meng Ran leave the crew with your own eyes?"


Meng Ran's fans made a big fuss about the news on their own. Later, more and more people paid attention to this matter and participated in the dispute.

When Zhou Yun learned of this, the situation was out of control.

Regarding this matter, neither Meng Ran nor "Warm Little Pony" showed up to express their views.

The silence on both sides gave this matter room to ferment.

The public says that the public is reasonable, and the mother says that the woman is reasonable.

Zhou Yun felt inexplicable—without any real evidence, such a topic could have been arguing for so long, becoming a trending topic, and even staying on the top of the list for a long time.

It can only be said that Meng Ran's popularity is indeed very high.

Because of this, Zhou Yun understood why the crew of "Warm Little Pony" had to wait for Meng Ran.

Although Meng Ran is only a cameo, but her participation in this movie can bring too much topic.

Even with Shen Yao starring, topicality is still important to a movie in this day and age.

That night, Zhou Yun was watching a movie in the hotel room.

Liu Yuqian suddenly knocked on the door again, looking for her.

After joining the group for so many days, Liu Yuqian was very diligent in finding her.

Although Zhou Yun was reluctant to associate with Liu Yuqian, everyone knocked on the door, and Zhou Yun had no choice but to answer.

"Yuqian, are you looking for me?"

Liu Yuqian nodded with a smile and said, "Don't we have a scene tomorrow? I want to confront you."

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard the words, saying yes.

It took them half an hour to get it right twice.

Liu Yuqian said, "What do you think?"

"Very good, let's see what Director Wen has to say tomorrow." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Liu Yuqian said with a smile: "It's really comfortable to play opposite roles with you."

"I also feel very comfortable acting with you."

This is not a lie, nor is it a scene.Zhou Yun really likes to act opposite Liu Yuqian, she knows how to "give" the scene.

In a play of two people, it is easy to act as one high and one low, one good and one bad, and all the light is attracted by one of them.Some people may think that this can compare the strength of actors, which is true, but actors who really understand drama know that such an effect is not a real achievement.The better the actor, the more you will see that he does not steal the scene, but you come and go, double and double, and the two of them set up the scene at a level that is evenly matched.For example, Chen Chong and Tan Zhuo in "Manslaughter", their confrontation scene in the police station is a representative of the very exciting rivalry scenes in Chinese movies in recent years.

Liu Yuqian said: "However, Xiaoyun, you are really good. How many plays have you acted in? If I remember correctly, you should have debuted two years ago, right?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yes, it's true that I haven't acted much."

"It's pretty good. In fact, from my experience, it's not a good thing to act too much at the beginning. It's easy to develop some acting routines. I was once told by a director that my acting has become a pattern. Laughing is laughing, crying is crying, all facial expressions, but the brain, and it took a long time to correct this problem." Liu Yuqian said.

Zhou Yun didn't know what plays Liu Yuqian had acted in in the past, and Liu Yuqian was not a very famous actor either.

Zhou Yun said: "I also don't understand anything, and often rely on intuition and research."

Liu Yuqian: "That's why I said you are amazing."

Zhou Yun shook his head and smiled modestly.

"Alright then, I won't disturb your rest, let's go first." Liu Yuqian said.

Zhou Yun sent her to the door.

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Yun, there is one more thing to remind you. Meng Ran is now on the cusp of the storm, and many people are paying attention to this matter, especially when there are many reporters and paparazzi outside the hotel. You should also pay attention to it. .”

Liu Yuqian reminded.

"Okay, thank you." Zhou Yun said.

As Liu Yuqian said, there were more paparazzi and followers all of a sudden.

Including around the set filmed by the crew, the number has grown exponentially.

When Zhou Yun got out of the car and entered the studio, several people rushed up and asked, "Xiaoyun, is Meng Ran filming with you now?"

Zhou Yun left with a smile.

When I didn't hear it.

Fortunately, she also guessed that this might happen in advance and put on the earphones for herself.

Just pretend you didn't hear it.

Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun were protecting her.

Among them, Zheng Xiaoju used her advantage as a young girl, and shouted in a coquettish tone: "Make room for me, sister Xiaoyun is in a hurry and is going to be late! Make room for me!"

That's how it got on set.

Zhou Yun walked over to greet Wen Zhiliang and Shen Yao who were talking.

"Those people outside are annoying, right?" Shen Yao asked with a smile.

"Well, it's quite annoying." Zhou Yun nodded, smiled wryly, and asked, "Brother Shen was also harassed?"

Shen Yao said helplessly: "Some of them wanted to sneak in to shoot the interior scenes of the filming set, luckily someone found out."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then when will Meng Ran come back? It's not a problem if you keep procrastinating."

Shen Yao sighed and didn't speak.

Zhou Yun stopped, "I'm going to make up first."

Shen Yao: "Okay."

After a while, Yan Zhenxi also came.

She recuperated in the hospital for a few more days, and she was not discharged the next day like Shen Yao.

On the one hand, she didn't have many roles in the first place, and she wasn't there, so the pressure on the crew wasn't that great. On the other hand, she was also an old senior herself, and her physical recovery ability was worse than Shen Yao's, so she needed to recuperate in the hospital for a few more days .

After Zhou Yun came out of the dressing room, he happened to see Liu Yuqian bowing and apologizing to Yan Zhenxi.

"I'm sorry, Miss Cherish, it's all my fault."

Yan Zhenzhen didn't know what was going on in his heart, but he patted Liu Yuqian's shoulder with a smile on his face, and said, "You can't blame this matter, it's all unscrupulous businessmen."

Liu Yuqian pursed her lips, looking very remorseful.

"After this happened, I wished I could go and set their store on fire." She said, "I'm really embarrassed."

"Okay, kid, just pay more attention to things like this in the future." Yan Zhenzhen said in relief, "Hurry up and shoot today's scene first, and go back to rest early after filming."

Wen Zhiliang clapped his hands and said, "The big guy, speed up, let's hurry up and finish the filming, and call it a day."

(End of this chapter)

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