I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 332 Soul Perspective

Chapter 332 Soul Perspective
It is impossible to call it a day.

Yan Zhenzhen only had one scene today, but Zhou Yun had three.

Although the combined volume of these three scenes may not be as good as the usual one.

This is the setting of the "Warm Little Pony" script itself. There is no such long dialogue, and the scenes and dialogues are changed quickly.

Yan Zhenxi plays a grumpy boss lady, which is completely handy.

On the contrary, Zhou Yun also NG several times.

She was a little uncertain about the status of her character.A kind of hypocrisy between aloofness and initiative.But in fact, to put it bluntly, the jokes of the drama are based on the ugliness of her character.Shen Yao just wanted to wash his hair, but in order to keep him, she sneaked and scratched the tire of Shen Yao's motorcycle, and then when he was worrying about where to stay at night, she offered to propose that her rental house was available. a guest room.

Her story mainly happened in this day and night.

During the day, Zhou Yun competed with several people in the store for the chance to wash his hair, and finally won.

In the shampoo room, when she repeatedly wanted to do something to him, she was interrupted by various accidents and died without a problem.

Knowing he was leaving after washing his hair, she sneaked up and slashed his motorcycle tire.

After taking him home, she started a round of "seduction".

So far, this character is actually a bit negative.

But the turning point came in a conversation.

Facing her seduction, Shen Yao said with a terrified expression: "Miss, I'm not looking for chickens, I don't have money."

Zhou Yun patted his thigh, and said grandly: "I don't ask you for money, do you really think I believe you are rich?"

Shen Yao misunderstood, and said: "Then why are you looking for me? I'm a prodigal son, there's no way I can stay."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes and said, "If you want to stay, I won't look for you anymore."

Shen Yao was even more confused, "Then, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Yun said: "What else can I do? Is it a man? Stop talking nonsense and come up!"

Shen Yao: "No, miss, what are you planning?"

At this time, Zhou Yun's eyes were squinting, and he said, "What else can I draw, let's draw on your body."

So far, Zhou Yun's character has undergone substantial changes.

Before this paragraph, Zhou Yun was competing with her sisters for a man, a man who looked rich, and the seduction was also aimed at the man's external possessions.

This paragraph points out the intention of the character played by Zhou Yun.She was just interested in this man who unexpectedly appeared in her life, so she just wanted to have fun for a while.

I'm going to shoot this segment today.

Zhou Yun's rental house was also set up in the studio.

Zhou Yun was a little nervous.

Especially, Yu Mengyao was also watching.

Interfere with her state.

Wen Zhiliang talked to Zhou Yun and emphasized: "You must not be coquettish. Although it is seductive, she thinks very clearly in her heart that it is impossible for this man not to like you. From your perspective, he is just an old man. It's just boring, you're just trying to draw out what's in his heart."

Zhou Yun was under a lot of pressure.

She nodded and said, "I'll try first."

For the first shot, Zhou Yun led Shen Yao into his small room.

"It's a bit messy, you can sit wherever you want." She looked back at Shen Yao shyly.

Shen Yao was also very embarrassed, looked around and looked around the room, "Is...doesn't this really cause trouble for you?"

"What's the trouble?" Zhou Yun chuckled, and said, "No one comes to my room normally."

Her eyes bumped into Shen Yao intentionally or unintentionally.

Shen Yao was taken aback.

Zhou Yun lowered his head and smiled, "Sit down."

Shen Yao: "You...why are you suddenly shy?"

Zhou Yun blushed slightly, and said, "Don't you understand?"

Shen Yao looked blank: "I don't understand."

Zhou Yun shot Shen Yao angrily from embarrassment, "The acting is really good."

She lowered her head and smiled even more shyly.

Shen Yao opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a long time: "..."

"Cut!" Wen Zhiliang shouted.

Zhou Yun and Shen Yao turned their heads at the same time.

When filming this kind of scene, the actors can do everything in the scene, but once the play is over, they are always a little embarrassed.

Wen Zhiliang came over and said, "Xiaoyun, are you a little nervous?"

Zhou Yun nodded and asked, "Is it so obvious? I thought I had it under control."

"When you are nervous, your speech speed will become faster." Wen Zhiliang said, "The rhythm is a bit chaotic."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It should be better the second time."

She knows what her problem is.These words, these actions, if she follows her own personality, she can't say or do them normally.Because of this estrangement, although she understood the characters' motives, she couldn't be [-]% substituted for herself.There is an inexplicable sense of shame.

Shen Yao smiled, and said: "Did Xiaoyun get nervous just now? I didn't feel it. You acted very well. I thought you couldn't do it at all."

Zhou Yun jumped twice on the spot and said, "Let's do it again."

This kind of psychological inability to be substituted, Zhou Yun felt that he could only get rid of that sense of shame by acting again and again.

The second time is over.

Wen Zhiliang said: "Xiaoyun, your nervousness just now has disappeared a little bit, but it is still there, especially when those few laugh, you have to give some motivation."

The motivation of laughing, such as why you are shy, such as why you bow your head.

Of course Zhou Yun knew the motive, but she still had the same problem, because she didn't put herself [-]% into the role, so she couldn't act [-]% according to the reaction, but reacted and made expressions as if stepping on the spot.

The third time, the fourth time.

Zhou Yun could feel his tension being relieved.

She turned her head to look at Shen Yao.

Shen Yao is indeed handsome.Even though he is not as handsome now as when he was young, he is still handsome.

After Dong Zhimei left the countryside, she went to work in the town.She had never seen such a cool and handsome man as Shen Yao in reality, so she was really tempted and wanted to have sex with this man once.

She also knew that she was a pretty woman, and the ambiguity she had with Shen Yao in the shampoo room made her believe that Shen Yao had feelings for her.She took the initiative to attack, facing Shen Yao's bewilderment, she felt that he was pretending to be stupid, or in other words, he wanted to refuse and welcome.Therefore, she is taking the initiative to help Shen Yao take off the disguise.

For Dong Zhimei, this is the most handsome man she has ever met, and she thinks this is the man who is worthy of her.

Of course Zhou Yun felt that Dong Zhimei's thinking was narrow-minded, but on the other hand, she understood Dong Zhimei's thinking.She was born in the countryside and has never been to a big city in her life. The men around her are very ordinary.At this moment, the man Shen Yao was her vanity in her heart.

Zhou Yun finally put himself into Dong Zhimei's perspective and soul.

"Director, I'm fine."

(End of this chapter)

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