I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 333 Playing a Person

Chapter 333 Playing a Person
Although Zhou Yun has always thought that she can have empathy for most people in this world, in fact, she cannot deny that, in fact, she does not have such "empathy".

She just regards "understanding" as "empathy", but in fact, when it comes to a certain time, she doesn't treat everyone and every profession equally.

Of course she can talk freely, as long as it doesn't hurt others, it's their own business to do whatever they want.

But asking her to actively seduce someone, even if it's acting, she can't pass this test in her heart.

The role of Dong Zhimei is different from the four female roles she played before. Although the previous roles have different occupations and personalities, they are all in line with the mainstream values ​​of the public and are positive and positive.Dong Zhimei is a person who is a bit less likely to be admired or admired as an idol.

In the final analysis, what Zhou Yun was worried about was the "legitimacy" of a woman actively wanting to seduce a man.Dong Zhimei's motivation is entirely out of personal desire, and this kind of behavior itself is not recognized by mainstream values.Therefore, Zhou Yun hesitated. No matter how much she did psychological analysis, motivational analysis, and even designed a micro-expression for this character, it was still just similar in appearance.

What Zhou Yun wants to overcome is his own psychological difficulties.

She tried again and again with Wen Zhiliang and Shen Yao.

Wen Zhiliang and Shen Yao also cooperated very well.This scene is one of the most important scenes in the whole film. Zhou Yun is willing to make adjustments time and time again to maximize the effect of this scene. Of course, Wen Zhiliang and Shen Yao can't wait for it.

Shen Yao clearly felt that Zhou Yun ate up the character Dong Zhimei bit by bit in every performance.

She is familiar with this role, getting close to this role, and integrating into this role.

"If you want to stay, I won't look for you anymore." Zhou Yun stared into Shen Yao's eyes, and smiled coldly with a bit of contempt, but it could be seen from her straight eyes that she was very interested in Shen Yao. The bit of desire, and the certainty that it must be obtained - this comes from her own self-confidence.

Shen Yao felt his heart was hooked by Zhou Yun's eyes.

It was a little tingly at that moment.

At that moment, Shen Yao couldn't tell whether it was his own feelings as a character or his own physiological reaction.

This woman seemed to take him back proactively and humblely, but she disdained him.

This disdain comes from the attitude shown by several other women towards him during the day.

With just that one look, Zhou Yun told Shen Yao clearly that she didn't intend for him for a long time, she just wanted an impulsive pleasure.

Shen Yao's scalp felt a little numb.

He said instinctively and falteringly: "Then, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Yun suddenly smiled briefly, her voice was a bit like the moment a soda can was opened, her posture suddenly bloomed like a budding flower, and she said: "What else can I do? Is it a man? Stop talking nonsense, come up!"

Her tone is domineering, but her eyes and expression are soft, so soft that it seems that all the spring is contained in it.

Shen Yao was crazy.


"Crack! It's over!" Wen Zhiliang shouted.

Zhou Yun put away the expression on his face and turned around.

Shen Yao turned his head to look at Wen Zhiliang.

Wen Zhiliang looked a little excited, walked over and said, "That one just now is really good!"

Shen Yao actually knew that the good one just now should be mainly because of Zhou Yun.

In the scene just now, she was the actor.All plays are based on her actions.Maybe his every reaction is the burden of making the audience laugh, but how loud the audience laughs comes from Zhou Yun's performance.Ordinary actors will let go of this scene, act more vigorously and unrestrainedly, and set him off like an unlucky guy who has entered the den of wolves and tigers. This is a method of acting and a plan to make people laugh .But Zhou Yun's strength lies in the fact that she played Dong Zhimei in a layered manner. Under the completely real hypocrisy and desire, every active behavior of hers makes people feel ridiculous and unbelievable, giving him a real foundation for his dullness and clumsiness. , rather than a pure laughing fruit reaction.

Shen Yao had never seen Zhou Yun's play, and after she won the award, he did not expect that Zhou Yun's acting skills would be very good.

At the beginning, their presupposition for the character of Dong Zhimei was a fierce and unrestrained woman.But a good actor is a good actor, because of her, Dong Zhimei's character suddenly changed, to a richer level, and to a more three-dimensional depth.Although Shen Yao often makes commercial films, it doesn't mean that he has a shallow understanding of movies and characters. On the contrary, he is a serious acting school, and his acting skills are extremely good.Therefore, he could understand Zhou Yun's intentions for every adjustment, and gave his own cooperation, which finally made the scene just now possible.

Shen Yao suddenly felt that Zhou Yun might win a Best Supporting Actress award with the role of Dong Zhimei.

That performance just now definitely deserves a nomination.


It took Zhou Yun a long time to pull himself out of the state just now.

"Sister Xiaoyun, would you like some water?" Zheng Xiaoju came over with a water bottle and asked.

Zhou Yun shook her head, she said, "Is there any coffee?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "There is black coffee brought out in the morning."

Zhou Yun nodded, "Give me some of that."

"Okay." Zheng Xiaoju immediately went to get another kettle.

The bitter taste spread in her mouth, making her tremble.

Well, it's time to get back to who you are.Zhou Yun whispered to himself in his heart.

"It was amazing just now." Shen Yao came over and said to her, "You are really amazing, you acted really well, for a while I couldn't remember your usual appearance."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Thank you Brother Shen."

Shen Yao was really good, he tried again and again with her.If you were someone else, you might not have the patience, nor would you be willing.Shen Yao did this because he was willing to give up his tricks and let Zhou Yun shine.

That night, Zhou Lan brought Zhou Yun a message.

"Days" is about to be finalized, and it is going to be scheduled for November.

In addition, "Questioning the Heart" is about to be finalized. Not surprisingly, it should be aired at the end of December.

The two plays are scheduled at the same time.

Zhou Lan said: "When it comes to November, I have to arrange a road show for you. I have to let you know in advance. You will be very busy in November and basically have no free time."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan said: "In addition, Yao Yuanfeng said that he will help you prepare for the awards season at the end of the year and come back with a few best actresses."

""Days"?" Zhou Yun said, "I don't know if I can win the prize."

Zhou Lan said: "This year's movie is a small year in terms of Best Actress. You are lucky. There are not many competitors. Unsurprisingly, you should be able to come back with a few seats. This is also very good. Get more awards. Your You can also accumulate a thicker resume, many directors are asking about your schedule, and after "Days" is officially released, more directors should notice you."

Zhou Yun said: "My schedule is almost full, and I don't have time to take on new plays."

"What's the matter, as long as the project is suitable, as long as it is not about to start, everything is negotiable." Zhou Lan said, "The film "Days" is really right, the award you won at the Venice International Film Festival It is of great help to you now, and it immediately differentiates you from other traffic female stars. The media circles say that you are the best actress among the popular actresses, and the most popular among the actresses who can act Yes, with such an impression, you will become the first choice for heroines in various big and small movies."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "So everyone wants to win prizes."

Zhou Lan asked: "How did the filming of "Warm Little Pony" go? Did everything go well?"

"Successful, I've been working on a scene for a long time today, and brother Shen has been grinding with me." Zhou Yun said, "At first I thought he wouldn't agree."

"Generally, this kind of big guy, as long as you are doing it for the good of the show, there is nothing you don't agree to. Otherwise, what do you think they got to where they are today." Zhou Lan said, "By the way, there is one more thing. Let me know, Meng Ran's company has contacted me, and they want us to help her speak up, which probably means that they want you to help her speak in public, praise her for her dedication, and so on. I declined, we will not disclose the news that she is not on the set, but we will not help her cover up."

After hearing this, Zhou Yun was surprised, and said, "Did her company contact us directly? Why are you so embarrassed?"

Zhou Lan: "What's the matter, anyway, it's her company's idea whether it succeeds or not, and she didn't take the initiative to find it."

Zhou Yun curled his lips and said, "I haven't returned to the set for so long, and I still want others to lie for her."

Zhou Lan: "After all, there are a lot of people who scold her for being unprofessional on the Internet. You watched "Warm Little Pony", and you haven't spoken up until now, saying that she is doing a good job in the filming crew? In fact, if it is normal, the crew It’s time to stand up and refute the rumors, but I haven’t made a sound yet, but the attitude is already clear at a glance.”

Zhou Yun asked: "Didn't you say before that this matter was acquiesced by Shen Yao and the others?"

"I didn't say that, I just said that Meng Ran's other film she went to shoot is the same production company as "Warm Little Pony"." Zhou Lan said, "If it is acquiescence, " The official of "Warm Little Pony" must have helped Meng Ran a long time ago. What I meant at the time was that because of the relationship between the same production company, Shen Yao and Wen Zhiliang couldn't really do anything to Meng Ran. Mandatory action, I just know that the producers must know about it, and Shen Yao and the others have nothing to do with another movie, so how could they be willing to have Meng Ran step on two boats."

"Well, it seems that I misunderstood."

Zhou Lan: "Of course, Shen Yao and Wen Zhiliang may also know about it. It's impossible to say, but in any case, it has nothing to do with us. Meng Ran wants you to talk to her, but there is no door. It's a fact that she left the film crew, and if this matter is exposed, wouldn't it mean that we're helping her lie and cover up? I don't know how they think we will agree."

(End of this chapter)

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