Chapter 334 Suspicious
The next day, as soon as Zhou Yun arrived on the set, Liu Yuqian came over and asked, "Xiaoyun, has Meng Ran's company looked for you?"

"Ah?" Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, "Is it to help her speak?"

"Yes." Liu Yuqian clicked her tongue twice and said, "Sure enough, I'm looking for you."

"She's looking for you too?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

It was really wrong for Meng Ran to seek Liu Yuqian.

After all, the usual relationship between these two people is not good to the naked eye.

No matter how stupid Meng Ran was, she shouldn't have pinned her hopes on Liu Yuqian.

Liu Yuqian smiled, waved her hand, and said, "Why did they come to me? I don't like her the least. She's not a fool. It's the other actors in the crew who received a letter from her company, asking them for help." , and promised to give a labor fee."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, and said, "Repay the service fee?"

Liu Yuqian asked in surprise, "Why, didn't they even ask you to pay for your hard work?"

Zhou Yun smiled wryly, and said, "They didn't come to me directly, they found my agent."

"That's right, Meng Ran is such a smart person, why would she come to you in person? It would be shameless if she was rejected directly. When she talked about this matter later, she would just say that it wasn't her idea, and she wouldn't care about anything." I don't know, it's just the company's own decision." Liu Yuqian pouted and said disdainfully.

Zhou Yun wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

In front of Liu Yuqian, she couldn't help being a little scruples about everything she said.After all, they are not real friends, and Zhou Yun doesn't think Liu Yuqian is a person who can keep his word.

Zhou Yun is happy to talk to Liu Yuqian now, the most important reason is because she found that Liu Yuqian has such a personality, she seems to like chatting with people, not just chatting with Zhou Yun alone, she can chat with the whole crew up.Otherwise, how could she know about Meng Ran's company contacting them so quickly.

Regardless of Meng Ran's own situation, Zhou Yun's own filming proceeded in an orderly manner.

Zhou Lan stared at the progress of the crew's filming every now and then, resolutely not allowing intentional delays to happen.

Zhou Lan felt that Zhou Yun was really an astonishingly good actor.I don’t bargain for the schedule, I give enough in one breath, and I don’t ask for leave to pick up other jobs during the shooting, and I stay in the crew to film with peace of mind, but it seems like this, others see you as easy-talking, think you have a good temper, and really need someone to eat When I lose money, I will think of you first.

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In the process of playing the role of Dong Zhimei, Zhou Yun consciously began to design some details.

In the past, acting was all about intuition, and every performance was full of inspiration that could not be copied.

Zhou Yun now feels that if he really wants to control the quality of each performance, it is very important to design in advance.

She was getting better and better during this process, even she could feel it, she gradually became familiar with and touched Dong Zhimei.

That night, Yu Mengyao came to Zhou Yun suddenly.

Zhou Yun thought there was something wrong with Yu Mengyao, but Yu Mengyao just came to ask her what kind of person Liu Yuqian was.

Zhou Yun was surprised. He didn't know why Yu Mengyao suddenly came to ask her this.

"Sister Mengyao, what's the matter?" Zhou Yun said, "I don't know her very well, and I haven't dealt with her very well, so I don't know how to answer."

Yu Mengyao pursed her lips and said, "I suspect she is seducing Shen Yao."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun widened his eyes in shock, wondering why Yu Mengyao suddenly had such suspicions, it was so sudden.

Mainly because they were filming together these few days, Zhou Yun, Shen Yao and Liu Yuqian didn't look up and down, and didn't notice anything unusual.

Why did Yu Mengyao suddenly have this idea?

Are there any signs?

Yu Mengyao said: "Look, the last time Shen Yao got food poisoning, it was because he ate the crabs Liu Yuqian gave him, right?"

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Zhenxi and I also received that crab, but I didn't eat it."

Yu Mengyao said: "It's not just a crab, she always finds an excuse to chat with Shen Yao, and the two chat and laugh together."

Zhou Yun smiled awkwardly, and said: "Sister Mengyao, everyone is acting, it's normal to communicate in advance to check out the play."

"Of course I know, but if you think about it, among these few people, who has the most scenes with Shen Yao? You have so many scenes with Shen Yao, and you have never seen Shen Yao half as hardworking as her. She wants to play with Shen Yao What are you filming, and you need to talk so much?" Seeing Yu Mengyao's appearance, she really suspected Liu Yuqian.

Zhou Yun didn't know how to explain it.

If Yu Mengyao became suspicious only from these aspects, Zhou Yun really didn't think Yu Mengyao's suspicion was right.

Liu Yuqian talked to Shen Yao a lot, but she also talked to others a lot.Liu Yuqian may have this character, she can't take time off and likes to socialize with people.In addition, Liu Yuqian didn't stealthily drag Shen Yao to a corner to chat. Every time, she went to him openly and in public. The chat was also where everyone could see her. What shameful things could she talk about? Come?
Zhou Yun didn't know how to tell Yu Mengyao.

"Forget it, since you don't know Liu Yuqian well, I won't ask you." Yu Mengyao waved her hand, "Whatever, I don't like Liu Yuqian, and I will never ask her to act again in the future."

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Sister-in-law, you should investigate again, it might be a misunderstanding." Zhou Yun said.

But Yu Mengyao said very firmly: "Zhou Yun, believe me, even if nothing happened between the two of them, it's because Liu Yuqian, that little girl, hasn't got her hands on her yet. For so many years, I've seen a lot of things like this by Shen Yao's side. woman, just wait and see."

Zhou Yun thought, she doesn't want to wait and see.

This matter had nothing to do with her, so she didn't bother to get involved.

In case Liu Yuqian thought she was playing tricks behind her back.

It was the evening of this day that Meng Ran and his party hurried back to the set.

Meng Ran's manager pulled up a milk cart and delivered milk tea to everyone with a smile on his face.

A barrage of apologies.

Meng Ran followed behind her manager, bowed to everyone, and said sorry that because of her personal affairs, everyone's work was affected.

Liu Yuqian rolled her eyes and said, "It's a personal matter, we don't know she's going to film another movie."

Zhou Yun smiled.

She has no opinion on Meng Ran's matter, she just depends on the attitudes of Shen Yao and Wen Zhiliang.

If Shen Yao and Wen Zhiliang put her face down and deliberately taught her a lesson, she would naturally cooperate, but if Shen Yao and Wen Zhiliang pretended that nothing had happened, then she would not stand out and be the villain.

(End of this chapter)

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