Chapter 335 Shocked
In the end, Shen Yao and Wen Zhiliang calmly accepted Meng Ran's apology as if nothing had happened.Shen Yao also said in a very upright manner: "It's okay, you are busy with work now, everyone understands."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, understand what a fart.

If it wasn't for Meng Ran, many of the crew's arrangements would not have been temporarily disrupted.

After a while, Meng Ran came to her.

What else can she say, and she said with a smile: "It's okay, Meng Ran, you have worked hard, and I have the opportunity to reflect more with your company. Although you are young, your body can't be tossed about. It's tiring to run at both ends, right? "

Zhou Yun was almost disgusted by his hypocritical appearance.

Fortunately, she didn't have many roles in "Warm Little Pony" this time, so she didn't have to stay on the set for three or four months.

There is one thing to say, Zhou Yun enjoyed the filming of this drama very much.

Whether it was playing with Shen Yao's opponent, or acting with Liu Yuqian and other actors, it was very enjoyable.

This feeling is different from when she was filming "Question", when she was filming "Question", she was not as confident as she is now.At that time, she was going to be filming with long-established actors like Song Chi and Su Yan. For her, who was still a rookie at the time, being praised by director Jiang Xin was actually a little uneasy.

This time—well, Zhou Yun didn't want to say that, but it was true, that's right, that award did bring her something different.

Such as self-confidence.

Even though Zhou Yun kept saying that even if she won that award, it didn't mean she would be fine, and her acting skills were really amazing, but she won, and her performance had won awards internationally. The attitude of the people around her towards her gave Zhou Yun a powerful psychological hint virtually, and made her believe in her acting ability more and more.

On the other hand, making a movie is not the same as making a TV series.Even though "Warm Little Pony" is just a commercial comedy movie, it is still a movie shooting mode. Every shot is carefully polished and shot over and over again, which gives her plenty of room to adjust her performance.She still remembers that when she first filmed "The Eighth Heartbeat", she was rejected when she wanted to take more shots.That was the standard back then.

There was a lot of buzz about Meng Ran's return to the set, but there was no splash at all on the Internet.Discussions about Meng Ran's unprofessionalism on the Internet have basically disappeared.It's just that although Meng Ran returned to the film crew, her acting skills didn't improve much.Whenever she is in the picture, the number of NG will be more.Wen Zhiliang always pulls her aside, breaks up her characters like a small stove and tells her, teaching her bit by bit.

When she often finished work, she would see Meng Ran sitting on her chair with drooping eyebrows, looking at the filming set without energy.

Meng Ran and Liu Yuqian have completely different personalities.Except for the necessary social interaction, Meng Ran is usually a very quiet girl, sitting in a corner by herself, and doesn't talk much to others.Especially Wen Zhiliang is very picky about her plays, maybe she herself feels embarrassed, inferior, and embarrassed.

Sometimes Zhou Yun felt that Meng Ran's energy was slackened, and he hesitated whether to talk to her to help her relieve some of the depressed emotions in her heart.

She feels that although Wen Zhiliang doesn't talk much, as a director, he still puts a lot of pressure on the actors.

Wen Zhiliang doesn't swear, but if he is dissatisfied, he will call you over in full view and teach you over and over again.

This kind of feeling... Thinking about it, Zhou Yun felt like a glow on his back.


In the evening, after Zhou Yun had eaten, he strolled outside the studio alone to digest his food.

In October, the temperature is already slowly dropping.

She walked slowly by herself, and walked slowly to a place where there were no people and no light.

Zhou Yun didn't dare to wander around this kind of place alone, so he was going to go back home.

Suddenly, he heard a soft laugh like a silver bell coming from behind, the soft laugh was very low, but Zhou Yun immediately recognized who the sound belonged to.

Zhou Yun turned around in surprise.

There are several factory buildings nearby, and they are usually used to store things for the crew, but no one comes.

Zhou Yun didn't know where the laughter just now came from.


Sure enough, Zhou Yun listened carefully and heard a sound.

"...Don't come here to coax me. I don't expect you to be responsible to me. Don't say these nice things to me."

Sure enough it was her.

Liu Yuqian.

Usually Liu Yuqian likes to talk to her, so she is also very familiar with Liu Yuqian's voice.

But who is Liu Yuqian talking to?
Zhou Yun blinked his eyes in surprise, a little at a loss.After thinking about it, she decided to forget it. There was no need to know who this person was. If she knew, it would be difficult.When she decided to pretend to be deaf and dumb and leave, two days ago Yu Mengyao came to her and told her that Liu Yuqian was seducing Shen Yao.

Could this person be Shen Yao?

Zhou Yun quickened his pace to leave.

"Sister Xiaoyun?" At this moment, an untimely voice suddenly interjected.

Meng Ran.

Zhou Yun looked at Meng Ran who suddenly appeared in surprise, and subconsciously panicked for Liu Yuqian and that person who didn't know who it was.

She knew that those two people must have heard Meng Ran's voice.

Zhou Yun could only pretend that he didn't know anything, and said with a smile, "Xiao Ran, are you going out for a walk too?"

Meng Ran nodded, looking a little aggrieved and pitiful.

"Come out and breathe."

Zhou Yun asked, "Are you alone?"

Meng Ran nodded and said, "I'm alone."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Then I'll go first."

Meng Ran suddenly said timidly: "I'll go back with you, this place is kind of dark, I dare not stay alone anymore."

Zhou Yun thought it was fine.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhou Yun didn't turn his head once, and brought Meng Ran back to the set.

She asked Zheng Xiaoju in private: "Is Brother Shen there?"

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head and said, "He went out about twenty minutes ago."

The bottom of Zhou Yun's heart was like a sandcastle, and a piece was suddenly sunken.

and so……

The timing was so coincidental, that person was probably Shen Yao.

So Yu Mengyao's intuition was correct, Liu Yuqian really got Shen Yao?Zhou Yun was a little speechless at this moment.For Liu Yuqian, for Shen Yao, Zhou Yun felt speechless.The two of them are also brave enough. There are so many people in the crew, they even dare to get together secretly.

Ten minutes later, Shen Yao came back, and another five minutes later, Liu Yuqian also came back.

Zhou Yun pretended he didn't know anything, didn't find anything, finished filming the night's scene, and returned to the hotel after work.

Her heart was greatly shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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