Chapter 339
Zhou Yun didn't want Shen Yao to come down to the stage, she complained about Yu Sitian in her heart, and at the same time she also opened her mouth, saying: "In Brother Shen's eyes, both of our acting skills are not much better, so don't let Brother Shen say Praise us against your will."

Zhou Yun swore that she heard Shen Yao's voice of relief.

Shen Yao spread his hands, looked at the two of them innocently, and said, "I swear to God, if I told half a lie just now, the sky will be struck by lightning."

"Hahaha, Brother Shen is sweating from nervousness." Liu Yuqian walked over with a smile, "Sitian, you are really serious, how can Brother Shen answer this kind of question, then tell me, me and Who is Meng Ran's acting better?"

Another tough guy, sacrificing himself to save water and fire.

Yu Sitian was interrupted by Liu Yuqian so abruptly, but she didn't react for a while.

Of course she can't say that Liu Yuqian's acting skills are better, nor can she say that Meng Ran's acting skills are better.

Yu Sitian: "..."

She looked at Liu Yuqian dissatisfied, and said, "Why did you come so late? I told you yesterday that I will come to visit the class today."

Liu Yuqian gave a friendly oops, hugged Yu Sitian's arm, and said, "I filmed a big night scene yesterday, I really can't get up, and you really don't understand me at all."

Yu Sitian rolled her eyes.

Judging from the actions of the two, unexpectedly, the two of them turned out to be good friends.

But no matter what, Liu Yuqian successfully ended the topic.

Zhou Yun felt like he was sweating.

Yu Sitian's power is still the same as before, when she wants to argue with someone, she doesn't care about the occasion at all.

Zhou Yun thought about whether she had been defeated just now, and after carefully confirming that she hadn't, she was relieved.

Shen Yao pulled Zhou Yun aside and said, "Don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Zhou Yun said speechlessly: "Brother Shen, she is the one who knows the truth, so you should tell her about it."

"Everyone knows why she opened her mouth to you, who told you to steal the man she likes." Shen Yao said.

Zhou Yun snorted coldly and said, "What do you mean I stole the man she likes? Could it be that if I'm not with Song Chi, she can get Song Chi? She has liked Song Chi for so many years, but Song Chi ignored her, but Don't blame me."

Shen Yao found that Zhou Yun brought up this topic, and his temper became bigger than usual.

He guessed that something should have happened between the two of them in private.

But he is not easy to ask this kind of topic.

He touches his nose.

Zhou Yun said: "Brother Shen, don't worry about the matter between me and Yu Sitian, I won't have any big troubles with her, and it won't affect this drama."

Shen Yao was really worried that the discord between these two people was too serious, and in the end, everyone would know about it, which would affect the release of this movie.

The film environment in China is different, and this kind of negative news is not good for the promotion of the film.This refers to review and release.

Zhou Yun suppressed his temper, pretending that Yu Sitian did not exist, and prepared to shoot without squinting.

During the whole morning of the play, Yu Sitian just squatted by the side like a door god, staring at her two eyes as big as lanterns, as if saying: I want to see what you are playing? !
Zhou Yun is usually not competitive in acting, but this time her ambition is particularly strong.

She tried her best to let Yu Sitian take a good look at how well she acted!
As a result, after the filming of the scene, Wen Zhiliang called Cut, and Yu Sitian clapped her hands and yelled loudly: "Qianqian, you acted so well! My eyes are all attracted by you, it's too annoying." Now, if you are like this, I will not dare to act with you in the future."

Liu Yuqian: "..."

Zhou Yun looked at Yu Sitian with pity, and thought, would such a low-level trick affect her mood?

Ha ha.

Zhou Yun followed up with a curse in his heart: You have eyes but no pearls.

Shen Yao gave her a thumbs up.

Zhou Yun: "..."

Didn't get too happy about it.

At this moment, what she wanted more was Yu Sitian's unwilling expression.The more unwilling and jealous Yu Sitian was, the more shocked she was to her.

Unfortunately, I did not see this scene.

Zhou Yun was a little annoyed.

This annoyance couldn't be controlled, galloping through her body like a wild horse.

"Director Wen, Brother Shen—"

At this moment, a voice that made Zhou Yun more familiar resounded like a lark in the studio.

Zhou Yun looked back in disbelief.

But when she saw Xu Siyao appearing swaying and twisting her waist, "What's the fuck?" came to her mind.

What kind of auspicious day is this today, one or two, the two people Zhou Yun least likes in the entertainment industry suddenly appeared at the same time.

When they saw Xu Siyao, the staff in the studio couldn't hold back their gossip, and started talking about it.

Many of them glanced at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun's conflict with Xu Siyao is more famous than her conflict with Yu Siantian, and both of them have left their names on Weibo's hot search list.

Xu Siyao was followed by two assistants. The assistants were carrying large and small bags, and they didn't know who they were for.

"Sister Xiaoyun!" She waved her hand happily at Zhou Yun, "Ah, sister Xiaoyun, I'm so jealous to see you are still so beautiful."

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and kept smiling.

"You came so suddenly?"

Xu Siyao smiled and said, "Because I... came to see you."

"..." Zhou Yun looked at her indifferently, and directly exposed it, and asked, "Then why did you call Director Wen and Brother Shen as soon as you came in? Those who didn't know thought you were targeting them."

Zhou Yun's words were like slapping Xu Siyao in the face.

Xu Siyao said without changing his face: "I respect them very much, Miss Xiaoyun, you won't be angry because I called their names first, right? I know you're not so mean, right?"

"I'm just so stingy, it's not the first day you know me." Zhou Yun didn't want Xu Siyao to be kidnapped by Daode.

She said to Shen Yao and Wen Zhiliang in front of everyone: "Although Xu Siyao is a signed artist of the same company as me, I don't know her that well. Don't get me wrong, although I don't know that she is here today." What exactly do you want to do in the name of visiting the class for me, but it’s probably because I came to see you, I don’t care, you can talk slowly.”

She sneered and said, "By the way, didn't you two make an appointment to come together in advance? This is like filming."

Her eyes turned around Sitian and Xu Siyao.

"Talk slowly."

After speaking, she thought she exited gracefully and left.

Shen Yao turned his head to look at Wen Zhiliang, and asked him in a low voice, "Are the two of them here for you, or for me?"

Wen Zhiliang said honestly: "I hope it's for you and has nothing to do with me."

 I'm tired. Today's two updates. I don't ask for votes. I can't make it into the top [-]. Good night everyone

(End of this chapter)

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