I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 340 You chase after me and hide

Chapter 340 You chase after me and hide
There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

If Yu Sitian came back alone, Zhou Yun could still believe that Yu Sitian came back to visit the class.

But Yu Siyao and Xu Siyao showed up on the same day, especially Xu Siyao was pretending to come to see her, which was unbelievable.

What is their purpose?
Zhou Yun immediately contacted Zhou Lan.

After Zhou Lan heard this, he was not surprised. He smiled lightly and said, "It's all about Wen Zhiliang. He has a new project to start early next year. The news is so tightly covered that the two of them even heard about it." Here comes the taste."

"Is that so, I wonder why they all came to the film crew at the same time." Zhou Yun asked, "Is Brother Shen also acting?"

Zhou Lan: "No, Shen Yao's schedule conflicted. I also saw this project. On the one hand, you were going to shoot "One Mountain and Two Tigers" at that time, and the schedule was completely uncoordinated. On the other hand, his later film was just It's a very ordinary commercial comedy with a vulgar theme, I'm not very optimistic about it, it may be a good project for them, but it's not very good for you."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan said again: "Actually, I didn't want you to make the movie "Warm Little Pony" at the beginning. You don't need to play a supporting actress now, but when I think about it again, this movie has Shen Yao They are all supporting roles. On the other hand, the box office of this movie is definitely not bad, and it is also good for you. You have won an award now, but the box office has not been verified. If the box office of "Days" is not very good, at least There is also a "Warm Little Pony" that can support the scene. In fact, I'm really not optimistic about the box office of the movie "Days". One is that it is a romance film, and the other is that you are the only main actor. , Ninety percent of it is your one-man show, and its form is very innovative, the audience may not be able to accept a male protagonist who only appears with his voice."

Zhou Yun said: "It will be released in November, and I don't know if everyone will like it."

"Believe me, many people will like it." Zhou Lan said, "It's just that there are not many audiences for this kind of literary film, and the scope will be limited."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Noon, canteen.

Zhou Yun went to have lunch with Zheng Xiaoju, and found that Yu Siyao and Xu Siyao were there.

"The two of them haven't left yet?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "They both wanted to visit Director Wen in the morning, but Director Wen was very busy and had no time, so the two of them stayed."

Zhou Yun: "Then let's avoid them."

Yu Sitian and Xu Siyao, one holding Meng Ran's hand and the other holding Liu Yuqian's hand, are both good sisters, chatting and laughing without seeming absent-minded.

Liu Yuqian saw Zhou Yun and wanted to ask her to eat with her.

Zhou Yun turned his head and turned a blind eye.

Liu Yuqian's voice was stuck in her throat and could not come out.

Seeing this, Yu Sitian sneered, and said, "Yuqian, what do you care about her? She is defiant after taking a movie queen. Are you angry?"

Liu Yuqian wanted to explain a few words, but seeing Yu Sitian's appearance, she stopped talking.

Yu Sitian's harsh attitude towards Zhou Yun does not lie in Zhou Yun himself, but in Song Chi.

As long as Zhou Yun doesn't break up with Song Chi, Yu Sitian will never let go of Zhou Yun.

Liu Yuqian also didn't want to talk about Zhou Yun with Yu Sitian, she wanted to make friends with Zhou Yun.

She quickly changed the subject and asked, "Sitian, why did you come to visit the class today?"

Yu Sitian yelled, and said, "Why, I just want to meet you, and I've been free recently."

Liu Yuqian said: "Then you and Xu Siyao just happened to come here on the same day."

Yu Sitian snorted softly and said, "Who knows why she came here today."

Ever since she and Xu Siyao competed for the order of the red carpet, Liang Zi got married.To be precise, the conflict between Yu Stian and Zhou Yun was due to Song Chi, while the conflict between her and Xu Siyao was purely on Xu Siyao.

"A female star who was born in an online drama, she came here probably because she wanted to get involved in the film industry." Yu Sitian curled her lips in disdain, "Ambition is all written on her face."

Liu Yuqian said with a smile: "The film industry is not so easy to mix. No matter how many TV drama actors can squeeze their heads, they can't get in. It's not a circle at all."

Yu Si sweetly nodded and said, "That's right."

Liu Yuqian suddenly thought of something and asked, "By the way, is Wei Heyun still chasing you recently?"

"Ah?" Yu Sitian frowned and asked, "Why did you mention him all of a sudden?"

Liu Yuqian looked surprised and asked, "Don't you know?"

"Know what?" Yu Sitian frowned even deeper.

Liu Yuqian said: "He is preparing for a film project recently."

Yu Sitian was full of incredulity and shock, and asked, "Him?"

Liu Yuqian nodded and said, "Yeah, I was also surprised, but the news has been around for a while, I thought you knew about it a long time ago, didn't he ask you to play the heroine?"

Yu Sitian said: "He asked me to act and I didn't act. This kind of second-generation ancestor thinks that he can make a movie just by playing around. He has never experienced the beatings of society."

"Just build up some virtue with your mouth. If I had a man like Wei Heyun pursuing me, I would have agreed."

"Leave it to you, you go quickly."

"Miss, do you think that if I take the initiative, people will have a crush on me?" Liu Yuqian said, "You too, don't focus on Song Chi, he is already with Zhou Yun, you still don't give up ?”

Yu Sitian glared at Liu Yuqian irritably, and said, "They won't break up if they are together? I don't believe they will always be together."

Liu Yuqian glanced at Yu Sitian in surprise.

Yu Sitian's attitude was somewhat beyond her expectations.


For a whole noon, Wen Zhiliang did not show up in the cafeteria.

Zhou Yun took a brief nap in the rest room. After waking up, Zheng Xiaoju told her that there was something wrong with the set for the afternoon filming, and it was being revised. The original filming time would be delayed a bit.

Zhou Yun walked out of the studio, intending to take a stroll.

The sun came out on this day, and the sun was very good.

Zhou Yun stood on the steps of the door and looked up at the sun.

The sun shone warmly on her body, making her feel warm.

She suddenly heard Yu Sitian's voice.

"Do you know where Director Wen is?"

Zhou Yun followed the reputation and saw Yu Sitian grabbing a staff member of the crew and asking.

The staff member blushed, shook his head, and said, "I don't know."

Yu Sitian showed a disappointed expression.

As soon as she looked up and saw Zhou Yun, her disappointed expression immediately changed to unhappy.

Zhou Yun: "..."

"What are you looking at?" Yu Sitian raised her chin and walked away aggressively.

Zhou Yun scolded "crazy" in a low voice.

"Sister Xiaoyun can still swear." Xu Siyao's voice suddenly sounded behind her.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

She turned around directly and saw Xu Siyao standing behind her with a half-smile expression.

I don't know when I stood up and how long I stood there.

Zhou Yun put on a blank face and said, "Are you a ghost? Are you walking silently?"

Xu Siyao pursed her lips, ignored Zhou Yun's offensive words, and only said, "I thought Sister Xiaoyun just looked down on me."

Zhou Yun gave her a half-smile look, and said, "Don't put a hat on me, when did I look down on you?"

Xu Siyao: "You don't have to admit it."

"Don't talk to yourself." Zhou Yun turned around and wanted to leave.

"You didn't like me the first time you saw me, didn't you?" Xu Siyao's voice stubbornly persisted behind her.

Zhou Yun paused for a second before she said, "I didn't like you the first second I saw you. Don't you know why?"

Xu Siyao: "I just want to become red, is that wrong?"

"You want to be red, yes, but you want to step on me to become red, with all due respect, why should I step on you?"

"I never thought of stepping on you!" Xu Siyao retorted.

Zhou Yun smiled contemptuously, "You think you never thought about it."

There is really nothing to say to Xu Siyao.

Perhaps, in the eyes of some people, their memory is a filter, and all things that are not good for them will be filtered out, and then they will pose as innocent victims and question others.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, don't wander around outside today, and go back to the lounge quickly.

She returned to the door of her lounge, and was about to open the door to go in, when suddenly she saw Wen Zhiliang running over in a hurry, and said to Zhou Yun, "Quick, let me in, I'll hide here for a while."

Zhou Yun was surprised.

Wen Zhiliang unscrewed the door by himself and rushed in.

Zhou Yun was shocked, at this moment, Yu Sitian suddenly appeared from the other end of the corridor, in a hurry, as if looking for someone.

Yu Sitian probably didn't expect to see Zhou Yun again, and her face sank again.

Zhou Yun immediately understood what Wen Zhiliang was hiding just now.

She laughed, twitched the corners of her mouth, rolled her eyes at Si Tian with a strange look, turned around and entered the lounge, slammed the door hard, showing a crisp attitude.

I also know how depressed Yu Sitian must be in the corridor outside.

Wen Zhiliang was sitting on the sofa in her lounge, with one hand resting on the back of the sofa, his posture was close to "paralysis".

Zhou Yun joked: "Director Wen, where did you escape from?"

Wen Zhiliang sighed, and said, "Stop teasing me, I'll use your place to hide for a while, they won't come here."

Zhou Yun laughed, and said, "I really didn't expect that I would still have this role, Yu Stian and Xu Siyao's gatekeeper."

Wen Zhiliang said: "You female stars are too scary, one or two, you will not give up until you achieve your goal."

Zhou Yun: "Come on, if you put the same thing on your men, you just don't give up or give up. You don't have such sexism."

Wen Zhiliang: "You know that's not what I meant."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes, showed a narrow smile, and said, "Okay, Yu Sian and Xu Siyao really don't give up until they achieve their goals. That's what you said."

(End of this chapter)

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