I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 341 Unexpected encounter

Chapter 341 Unexpected encounter
Wen Zhiliang shrugged helplessly and said, "Whatever you say is what you say, and I won't refute it."

Zhou Yun sat down on the single chair and asked curiously, "Director Wen, are they so unsuitable for your next movie?"

Wen Zhiliang said, "It's not about whether it's suitable or not."

"That's not suitable." Zhou Yun said firmly.

Wen Zhiliang's eyes widened, "That's not what I said."

"If it is suitable, how can you avoid it like a snake and a scorpion." Zhou Yun smiled, "Don't try to lie to me."

Wen Zhiliang laughed, sighed sincerely, and said, "I really hope that you can act, but according to your agent, your schedule has long been out of order."

"Yes." Zhou Yun smiled, "It's okay, we will cooperate next time if there is a good project, the future will be long."

Wen Zhiliang shook his head, sighed, and said, "If the two of them could think like you, I wouldn't have to avoid them like this, Xiaoyun, listen to me, if you see any favorite characters or movies in the future, Don't spend all your energy to block people, it will only get farther and farther away."

Zhou Yun smiled brightly, nodded, and said, "Okay, I will remember their lessons."

After half an hour, someone came to inform that the scenery was ready and there was work to be done, so Wen Zhiliang no longer had to hide from Xu Siyao and the others.

He justifiably dismissed the two of them on the grounds that they were "very busy".

Zhou Yun called it a day after filming in the afternoon, and didn't follow the farce to the end.

As for how Wen Zhiliang parried Xu Siyao and Xu Siyao from behind, that was Wen Zhiliang's business.

In the evening, Zhou Yun didn't want to have dinner in the restaurant of the hotel. In the past few days, he almost ate in the canteen of the crew or in the restaurant of the hotel. He got tired of eating.

Anyway, there was nothing else to do at night, so Zhou Yun planned to find a restaurant outside.

When Zheng Xiaoju heard that Zhou Yun was going out, he immediately called Cao Jun.

"In case you are surrounded by paparazzi or fans like before, with Xiao Cao around, you can still parry it." Zheng Xiaoju said with an experienced look.

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing, and said, "Only once or twice."

"Not once or twice, what if you get blocked by someone, what should you do?" Zheng Xiaoju said, "I don't feel at ease if you go out alone."

Judging by Zheng Xiaoju's expression, there is something serious about it.Zhou Yun was a little surprised, Zheng Xiaoju seldom spoke to her in such an unquestionable tone before.

Zhou Yun couldn't say anything more.What else can I say.She nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, let's go out together."

Cao Jun drove and took Zhou Yun and the others to a famous restaurant nearby.

Zhou Yun has long wanted to go, but has not been there yet.

After parking the car, Cao Jun went to open a private room first, and then Zheng Xiaoju accompanied Zhou Yun in.

As soon as he entered the private room, before he sat down, Zhou Yun's phone vibrated twice.

She took it out and saw that it was Meng Ran who sent her a message: Sister Xiaoyun, have you come to Butterfly for dinner too?

Butterfly is the name of the restaurant she is working at now.

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes focused on the word "also".

It means... Meng Ran is here too?
She hasn't replied yet, Meng Ran sent another message: I was eating at Butterfly, and I saw a person who looks very similar to you.

Zhou Yun thought, what a coincidence.

She replied: It's me, what a coincidence, you are eating here too, are you alone?
Meng Ran said: There is one more person.

But Meng Ran didn't say who this person was.

Zhou Yun sat down.

Zheng Xiaoju opened the menu and asked, "Miss Xiaogou, what shall we eat?"

Zhou Yun said: "Just watch and order, and order their signature dishes."

Zheng Xiaoju made an OK gesture and said yes.

 新年 快乐

(End of this chapter)

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