I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 343 I'm in Love

Chapter 343 I'm in Love
Seeing Meng Ran's gaze dodge, Zhou Yun knew the answer and didn't ask any more.

"This matter has nothing to do with me in the first place, and I can pretend that I don't know, but I advise you, this kind of matter is not something you can hide if you want to." Zhou Yun said, "With the first time , there will be a second time, this time the whereabouts are leaked, I can help you, next time there will be such a coincidence, will someone be there to help you cover?"

Meng Ran lowered her head and said nothing.

Seeing her appearance, Zhou Yun didn't want to speak too seriously.Why did she think she was doing this.

"It's not my turn to tell you the extra words, let's go out now."

Meng Ran hummed, but never raised her head.

And Xu Caisheng, who was sitting in the private room, never said a word.

Back at the hotel, Zhou Yun thought to himself what was going on.

Zheng Xiaoju asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, why are you helping her? I thought you didn't like her."

"Why do you think I don't like her?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Zheng Xiaoju said with a natural expression on his face, "She's an actor, you definitely won't like this kind of actor."

Recently, Zheng Xiaoju has been talking to Zhou Yun more and more frequently in this tone of "I know you very well".

Zhou Yun laughed.

Now Zheng Xiaoju can guess exactly what's on her mind.

Zheng Xiaoju was right, she was indeed an actor who didn't like acting very much, especially because Meng Ran's acting had affected her.

Then why did she still help Meng Ran?

"Xiaoju, sometimes you want to help a person, not because of this person, but because of this matter." Zhou Yun smiled at Zheng Xiaoju, explained, and said, "Meng Ran called me just now. I felt like she was about to cry. Although I really don’t like her sexting, it’s not necessarily what she thinks about sexting. She’s not like me, so she can’t go against the company’s decision. , I was also like this for a while, I have to do what the company asks me to do, this is not something I can decide. Moreover, I am also a female artist, I know how strict the current public opinion environment is for a female artist, She didn't do anything to hurt others, she just fell in love with others, but if this matter is exposed by the paparazzi, her career might be ruined, so at this time, she can help others as much as she can."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "At the end of the day, Miss Xiaoyun, you are very kind."

"Kindness is a virtue, isn't it?" Zhou Yun touched Zheng Xiaoju's head and said, "Meng Ran never hurt me."

Zheng Xiaoju's eyes lit up, and he asked, "So if Xu Siyao or Yu Siantian were in this situation today, Miss Xiaoyun, you wouldn't help, would you?"

Zhou Yun's throat suddenly twitched.

She really doesn't know how to help, the old grudge with these two is too deep, her principle is to avoid it if she can, and do it if she can't.

But how can this be said.


The filming of Zhou Yun's scene is almost finished, and it will be finished soon.

She ran into Xu Caisheng a few times on the set, and each time his gaze was dodged so much that he avoided it directly.

This made Zhou Yun very incomprehensible, was she a scourge or something?Why is he always afraid to look at her?

Suddenly one day, Liu Yuqian teased Zhou Yun and asked, "Why do you always look at him? Do you think he is handsome?"

Zhou Yun rolled her eyes and said, "Stop talking nonsense."

Liu Yuqian giggled twice, and said, "I see your eyes are always on him, but he is indeed handsome, not like a camera assistant, but he can actually be a star."

"People may not be here." Zhou Yun shook his head.

"That's not necessarily true. He only earns a year as a photography assistant now." Liu Yuqian said.

Zhou Yun did not speak.

"Oh, I really envy you. My boyfriend is Song Chi. I don't know where my boyfriend is." Liu Yuqian supported her face with one hand, with a look of sadness on her face.

Zhou Yun asked, "Are you single?"

"You just know?"

"It's because your vision is too picky." Zhou Yun said.

A female star like Liu Yuqian never lacks suitors.

After listening to Zhou Yun's words, Liu Yuqian felt complacent and said, "I'm not very picky, I don't have high requirements. I can't be too ugly, and my family background can't be too bad. Love me a little more, that's all."

After hearing this, Zhou Yun probably understood what Liu Yuqian meant.

The so-called "not too ugly" is to look good.

The so-called "not too bad" is to be rich.

The so-called "more" is very love.

Zhou Yun has dealt with many such women.They can always use a light-hearted tone to create an air of casual self-importance.It cannot be said that this is vanity in disguise, but it can only be said that some men use women as toys to pick and choose, and some women also use men as weights, and they have to be weighed on the scale to see if they are enough for the weight.

"By the way, speaking of it, Xiaoyun, do you know Wei Heyun?" Liu Yuqian asked suddenly.

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "How did you mention him?"

Liu Yuqian blinked mysteriously, which meant she wanted to gossip, "He likes Yu Sitian, you know that, right? I've been chasing him for several years, but I still haven't touched the little princess' heart."

"I've heard of it." Zhou Yun said very simply.

After all, the reason why Yu Sitian has not been moved by Wei Heyun is because she likes Song Chi, which is always a bit embarrassing to say.

Liu Yuqian said: "I heard that Wei Heyun is preparing a special movie for Yu Sitian, and let Yu Sitian star in it."

Zhou Yun was very surprised when he heard this.

Is Wei Heyun so generous?

Zhou Yun really didn't expect it.

However, Wei Heyun's gift may have really been sent to Yu Sitian's heart.

At this moment, someone next to the two of them let out an exclamation.

Zhou Yun and Liu Yuqian turned their heads to look at the same time.

I saw the man holding his mobile phone, covering his mouth with one hand, with an unbelievably shocked look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun asked.

The man looked at her, then at Liu Yuqian, opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Zhou Yun was even more puzzled and asked, "Did something happen?"

At this moment, on this set, everyone's mobile phones suddenly rang, one after another, there were phone ringing, vibration, and news bombardment.

Even Zhou Yun's cell phone rang.

Zhou Yun picked up his mobile phone in surprise, then turned his head to look at the grand occasion around him, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

This is... what happened?

She answered the phone and asked, "Sister Lan, what's the matter?"

Zhou Lan said: "Didn't you see the news? I still want to call you to ask if you know the situation. Someone broke the news that Liu Yuqian is with someone from your show?"

(End of this chapter)

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