I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 344 Unexplainable

Chapter 344 Unexplainable
After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun didn't recover for a long time.

Liu Yuqian is not a very popular female star, but she is also well-known in the entertainment industry.

In the entertainment circle, the exposure of female celebrity love affairs always ranks first in attention.

Even if you don't know this female star, if you see the four words of love exposure, you will click in, and then, you will meet a new star.

This may be the gossip gene inherent in human beings, especially in the matter of spying on other love affairs.

There are two people in the photo. These two people are very familiar faces to the crew of "Warm Little Pony", but to the public, only one of them is a familiar face, and the other is just a very handsome face stranger.

Perhaps the first reaction of many people is that this handsome young man should also be an actor in "Warm Little Pony", which is the first reaction that his appearance is easy to give people.

But it is also clearly written in the news that this young man is just a photography assistant for "Warm Little Pony".

The photo was taken secretly at first glance, and it was very blurry, but it was clear that the two were hugging each other, their foreheads touching their foreheads affectionately.

Zhou Yun didn't even know how to describe his feelings when he saw this photo.



For a moment, she thought she had misjudged the person.

The person in the photo is not Liu Yuqian, but Meng Ran.

But after confirming again and again, Liu Yuqian was right.

As for Liu Yuqian, she has already gone back to her lounge.

Everyone in the crew was making fun of Xu Caisheng, and one or two were teasing him for his quick moves, and directly took Liu Yuqian down.

Zhou Yun didn't get involved, he sat on his chair and looked at him.

Surrounded by the crowd, Xu Caisheng lowered his head in embarrassment, with a forced smile on his face.

It should be forced.

Zhou Yun wondered if Meng Ran knew the news.How does Meng Ran feel?
Zheng Xiaoju was the only person on the scene who understood Zhou Yun's mood.Because Zheng Xiaoju also knew about Xu Caisheng and Meng Ran.Judging from the current situation, Xu Caisheng is obviously "on two boats".However, it is unclear whether Liu Yuqian and Meng Ran knew each other's situation before this.

At least Meng Ran probably didn't know about it.Zhou Yun didn't think Meng Ran was a person who was willing to share her boyfriend with other women.

On the contrary, Liu Yuqian...

Zhou Yun recalled that not long ago when she was walking in the evening, she accidentally heard Liu Yuqian "whispering" with someone. At that time, she thought that person was Shen Yao, and she thought that Shen Yao had really betrayed Yu Mengyao.

Thinking about it now, that person was actually Xu Caisheng.

Zhou Yun felt ashamed and uneasy. Fortunately, she only told Zhou Lan and Song Chi about this matter, otherwise it would really cause irreparable consequences.

Shen Yao walked over with a brisk look, he didn't realize that there was already a storm brewing in his crew.

"Why are you sitting here alone? Where's Xiaoqian?" Shen Yao asked.

Zhou Yun said, "Let's go to the rest room."

Shen Yao smiled and asked: "Are you shy?"

Zhou Yun didn't know how to answer.

She could only keep smiling, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Brother Shen, is sister-in-law not here today?"

Shen Yao said: "Your sister-in-law will come over later."

"Oh." Zhou Yun smiled and thought, if Yu Mengyao saw the news, she should be relieved.

"I really didn't expect that these two young people met eyes without making a sound." Shen Yao had a gossip expression on his face.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, just laugh, and wait for Meng Ran and Liu Yuqian to fight and see how you end it for them.

"I'll go see Yuqian." Zhou Yun stood up.

She came to Liu Yuqian's lounge and was about to knock on the door when she suddenly heard Liu Yuqian scolding from inside: "...how do I know who took the sneak shot! It must be someone from the film crew, you give me this person find out!"

Zhou Yun was about to knock on the door and stopped in mid-air.

"Who secretly filmed this, how can we find out." I don't know who is comforting Liu Yuqian, "No one knows that you are with him, this is directly exposed without any precautions."

Liu Yuqian: "I'm not with him at all! I've only done it twice with him. After being tricked like this, the whole world thinks he's my boyfriend. What should I do!"

Zhou Yun stared in surprise.

She thought to herself, it's better for her to go first, the conversation going on inside is not suitable for her to listen to.

She left with light footsteps, walked to the corner, and saw Meng Ran walking back and forth in front of her, with one hand tightly clenched in front of her stomach, as if struggling with something.

The sound of Zhou Yun's footsteps startled her.

Meng Ran stopped and looked at Zhou Yun.

"Sister Xiaoyun?" Zhou Yun didn't know if it was due to her own psychology, she felt that Meng Ran's face looked blue.

Zhou Yun was suddenly at a loss.

"I saw the news just now." That's all she could say.

Meng Ran lowered her head with a disappointed and bitter smile, and said, "I saw it too."

The air at this moment seemed to freeze, like a lump of cream exposed to the freezing weather.

Zhou Yun said, "Have you talked to him?"

In fact, she was referring to Xu Caisheng.

But Meng Ran misunderstood what she meant, mistakenly thinking that the ta she mentioned was referring to Liu Yuqian.

"I don't have a good relationship with her. If something like this happens, I don't want to look for her anymore." Meng Ran seemed to be trying to make herself smile, but it didn't work, and the smile took on a bitter taste instead, "That's fine, I was already distressed, and I couldn't be with him openly, so it's better to break up, but now I'm relieved."

Zhou Yun wanted to say that there was no need to comfort himself like this.

"It's good that you can think so." In the end, she said so.

Meng Ran bowed to Zhou Yun and said, "Thank you, Miss Xiaoyun."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

This thank you came out of nowhere, and she didn't even know what it was.

Meng Ran said: "It's great to know you. This is the biggest reward for me from filming this movie."

Zhou Yun said: "You put a lot of pressure on me by saying that."

She usually doesn't talk to Meng Ran very much on the set, and the relationship is far from close. The only time she was in Butterfly was.

Meng Ran said: "It will be finished soon, I hope I can cooperate with you again in the future."

Zhou Yun said habitually, "There must be a chance."

At this time, her mobile phone rang, and she smiled hastily at Zhou Yun, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I'm going to make up first."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Go."

Meng Ran answered the phone, turned around and said to the phone, "I'm here."

Looking at her back, Zhou Yun suddenly realized one thing, if Meng Ran could not tell the people around her about her love affair with Xu Caisheng, then her sadness and grief at this moment would probably be digested by herself alone .

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(End of this chapter)

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