I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 345 I just feel helpless

Chapter 345 I just feel helpless
"I'm so angry."

The day before the finale, after filming a scene, Liu Yuqian suddenly sat down beside her and said angrily.

Zhou Yun did not expect that Liu Yuqian would describe her mood to her in this way.

"Angry?" Zhou Yun asked, "What made you angry?"

"What else did you ask to make me angry?" Liu Yuqian showed an expression of "isn't this obvious?" "I don't know which villain in the crew secretly took pictures of me! He even sent the photos!"

It was originally this.

Zhou Yun said, "Don't you want to make it public?"

Liu Yuqian curled her lips in disgust, and said, "What's open, Xiaoyun, do you really think I'll be with someone like Xu Caisheng?"

"Aren't you all..." Zhou Yun didn't know how to describe that photo, "Could it be a misunderstanding?"

"You mean that photo?" Liu Yuqian shook her head and said, "That's true, but I'm not with him. Really, how could I be with someone like him."

Liu Yuqian seems very concerned about people mistakenly thinking that she and Xu Caisheng are in a relationship.

Zhou Yun thought about Liu Yuqian's request for her boyfriend before, and suddenly understood that Xu Caisheng did not fully meet her three standards.

Although Xu Caisheng is very handsome, he is only a photography assistant, and there is a certain gap between him and Liu Yuqian in terms of occupation and income.

Zhou Yun came to his senses, wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

It is not appropriate to say anything.

"Then what are you going to do?" Zhou Yun asked.

Liu Yuqian said: "I have to find an opportunity to explain clearly to Xu Caisheng, but don't talk nonsense outside."

Zhou Yun was a little dumbfounded.

"So, is it possible for Xu Caisheng to mistakenly think that...you are already together?" Zhou Yun suddenly realized this crucial question.

Liu Yuqian shook her head and said, "Of course not. I made it very clear to him from the very beginning that it is impossible for me to be with him."

Zhou Yun understood that for the two of them, this was just a transaction where each got what he needed.

If Xu Caisheng didn't fall in love with Meng Ran secretly, Zhou Yun felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

But Xu Caisheng is definitely on two boats.So, does Liu Yuqian know about Xu Caisheng and Meng Ran?Zhou Yun wanted to ask Liu Yuqian, but he felt that it would be inappropriate to ask directly.

Liu Yuqian could see that Zhou Yun hesitated to speak.

"Xiaoyun, what do you want to say?"

Zhou Yun was silent for a while, and said, "Does Xu Caisheng have a girlfriend?"

Liu Yuqian widened her eyes in surprise, then smiled.

"Of course not. If he had a girlfriend, I wouldn't look for him. Why cause such trouble." Liu Yuqian waved her hand, "I just think he's more handsome, so I'm looking for him."

Zhou Yun smiled awkwardly.

"What's wrong?" Liu Yuqian asked.

Zhou Yun felt embarrassed.

Should I say it or not?
Zhou Yun finally chose a compromise.

"Yuqian, as far as I know, he has a girlfriend, but you may want to ask him about the specific situation."

Liu Yuqian's expression froze instantly.

She opened her mouth to say something, but didn't say it.

"You mean..."

"Well, as far as I know, he has a girlfriend, and that person is not you."

Zhou Yun looked at Liu Yuqian apologetically.

She knew that what she said would make Liu Yuqian face hardships and troubles that she might not need to face.

Maybe Liu Yuqian will never know that Xu Caisheng and Meng Ran were together in this lifetime.

But, who knows what will happen next?

Without saying a word, Liu Yuqian stood up abruptly and walked straight towards Xu Caisheng.

When Zhou Yun saw Liu Yuqian calling Xu Caisheng out, the former's face was full of suppressed anger.

Ten minutes later, Liu Yuqian came back.

After she sat down, she folded her hands on her chest, looked ahead, and asked, "Did you already know?"


"He's dating Meng Ran." Liu Yuqian turned her head and stared at Zhou Yun, "Did you already know about it?"

Zhou Yun could only nod his head and said, "Because of an accident, I found out about this."

Liu Yuqian's jaw line was tense, as if her teeth were struggling up and down.

"You didn't tell me about this!" Her tone suppressed annoyance.

Zhou Yun explained: "I didn't know he was still with you..."

She didn't know what to say.

It was only at this time that Liu Yuqian turned her head angrily, glared at Zhou Yun, lowered her voice, and said, "Now I'm that mistress!"

Zhou Yun didn't know how to comfort Liu Yuqian for a while.

"Of course not, don't say that, you don't know about the two of them."

Liu Yuqian was very excited and couldn't suppress her emotions at all.

The people around noticed the movement here and looked over suspiciously.

Zhou Yun put his hand on the back of Liu Yuqian's, "If you have anything to say, can we talk about it after the filming is over? There are so many people here now."

Liu Yuqian's eyes were red, as if she was very angry.

"So many people, I'm afraid they all know that I meddled in other people's feelings! That bastard Xu Caisheng, I'm going to kill him!"

"No one knows. The matter between the two of them is kept secret. Don't think so." Zhou Yun advised, "Besides, you were also deceived by Xu Caisheng in this matter. The one who did the wrong thing was not you. Really, You have to believe me, this matter has nothing to do with you, if Xu Caisheng hadn't lied to you, you definitely wouldn't have meddled in other people's feelings."

"I'm not that kind of person!" Liu Yuqian shed a tear in grievance, and looked at Zhou Yun sadly, "You know what I hate the most is meddling in other people's feelings!"

Zhou Yun had no choice but to hug Liu Yuqian.

"Okay, don't cry, there are so many people watching, you don't want them to be imaginative, do you?"

Liu Yuqian sniffed, raised her head, and wiped her eyes.

Zhou Yun sighed in his heart.

This matter is really full of twists and turns, all over the place.

Because of Liu Yuqian's emotional problems, the filming of today's scene was not very smooth, with frequent NGs. In the end, the filming took four hours longer than expected.

Anyone can see that Liu Yuqian has emotional problems.

When Zhou Yun went back to the lounge to change, he heard someone whispering, "What's wrong with Liu Yuqian? Why does she look so unhappy?"

Another person said: "She doesn't seem to want people to know that she is in a relationship with Xu Caisheng. That's right. She is a female star. Even if Xu Caisheng is handsome, she is just a photography assistant. The two people's identities are too far apart. Yes, it's normal for Liu Yuqian not to let others know."

"Ah? She despises Xu Caisheng? Then she shouldn't be with Xu Caisheng from the beginning." The first person who spoke was apologetic to Xu Caisheng.

Zhou Yun just felt helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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