I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 346 Sudden intimacy

Chapter 346 Sudden intimacy
Zhou Yun stayed in the lounge for a while to let go of her mind, and after about half an hour, she was ready to go back to the hotel.

On the way she and Zheng Xiaoju walked towards the parking lot, they happened to meet Xu Caisheng standing at the corner smoking a cigarette by himself.

At this time, the night had fallen, and the light in this corner was relatively dim. When we approached, we could see the face clearly.

Xu Caisheng looked at Zhou Yun in surprise, as if he didn't know how to react.

Because both Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju knew about his secret relationship with Meng Ran.

Xu Caisheng was startled, without saying a word, nodded slightly, and was about to leave in a hurry.

Zheng Xiaoju glanced back at Xu Caisheng's back, curled his lips in disdain, and said, "What an annoying person."

Zhou Yun smiled when he heard Zheng Xiaoju's words.

At night, just after ten o'clock, Zhou Yun took a shower, dried his hair, and was about to go to bed, when a call suddenly rang on his cell phone.

The call was from Liu Yuqian.

Zhou Yun answered the phone.

Liu Yuqian seemed to be drunk, and her tone of voice was drunk, "Xiaoyun, let me tell you, I really didn't know that Xu Caisheng's grandson was in love with Meng Ran, otherwise I would never have dated him." I'm so depressed right now, Xiaoyun, I've drank a lot of wine, but I'm still so depressed!"

Liu Yuqian seemed to be really drunk.On the other end of the phone, her voice was getting louder and louder, and the last sentence was almost like shouting.

Zhou Yun felt uncomfortable when he heard Liu Yuqian's words.

"Yuqian, are you alone now?" she asked.

Liu Yuqian said: "Of course I am alone, how dare I find someone else to drink with now, Xiao Yun, I can only call you in the whole crew, you are a good person, I can see, I know You don't really want to talk to us, but you can't help but care about us, can you?"

Liu Yuqian suddenly smirked, "You are too easily deceived."

Zhou Yun: "...you are drunk."

"I know I'm drunk, but... But, Xiaoyun, I really never thought about meddling in other people's feelings." Liu Yuqian suddenly became excited, "I, Liu Yuqian, am not that kind of person!"

"I know, I know you're not that kind of person, but where are you now? You're not alone in the bar, are you?" Zhou Yun asked worriedly.

Liu Yuqian laughed out loud.

Zhou Yun didn't know why she laughed.

After Liu Yuqian finished laughing, she said, "Of course I can't drink alone in a bar. What if this is caught on camera?"

Zhou Yun asked: "Then where are you now?"

"Of course I'm alone in the hotel, and no one will know if I'm so drunk." Liu Yuqian slowed down her tone not without feeling lonely.

Zhou Yun was silent for a moment, then said, "Drink less."

"I thought you were going to say, come here."

"Do you need me to come?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Forget it, you rest." Liu Yuqian seemed to wake up from the wine, at this moment her voice was suddenly hoarse, sober and calm, "I'm sorry to call you so late and disturb you."

Zhou Yun felt a certain loneliness in Liu Yuqian.

hang up the phone.

Zhou Yun tossed and turned on the bed, still unable to fall asleep.

She has some concerns in her heart.

Although this concern is not what she actively thinks about.

It is often difficult for people to control their hearts, such as sympathy and pity for the murderer that should not appear, such as the delay in making a firm decision when they should make a quick decision.

Zhou Yun reminded himself over and over again that Liu Yuqian just met by chance, filmed a movie together, worked as a colleague for a while, and said something.

But that was far from being a friend.

Moreover, she didn't appreciate Liu Yuqian very much.Her enthusiasm and initiative always betrayed some unknown intention.Zhou Yun knew that Liu Yuqian's initiative to approach her might not be purely out of attraction between people.But, but, no matter what, she was a familiar person.

Even if a stranger is drunk and walks staggeringly on the road, normal people will have a heart of compassion, worrying whether he will be hit by a car, let alone a person he knows.

Zhou Yun sat up from the bed, covering his face with one hand.

After hesitating again and again, she called Liu Yuqian.

But Liu Yuqian didn't answer.

Zhou Yun wanted to go to Liu Yuqian's room to see the situation by himself, but it was only when the incident came to an end that she realized that she had never been to Liu Yuqian's room, and she didn't know which room she was in.

Zhou Yun immediately called Liu Anshi and told him about the situation.

Liu Anshi said that he would immediately arrange for someone to go and have a look.

Only then did Zhou Yun feel relieved.

After half an hour, Liu Anshi sent a message back to Zhou Yun: She is fine and has fallen asleep.

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and then fell asleep himself.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yun went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast, and saw Liu Yuqian with a swollen face.

She didn't even have any makeup on, just sitting on a seat by the window with a plain face, eating a piece of cake expressionlessly.

Zhou Yun took the milk and bread and took the initiative to sit down beside Liu Yuqian for the first time.

"Oh, Xiaoyun." Liu Yuqian raised her eyes and glanced at her, "Sorry to bother you last night."

"Don't say that." Zhou Yun concealed his worry, "Our drama is about to wrap up, you should take a good rest."

Liu Yuqian shook her head and chuckled, "How can it be, the company has already accepted another play for me, and I will be joining the group in a week."

"In such a hurry."

"I can't help it. A young actor like me can only make more money by making more movies." She propped up one side of her face with a lonely expression, and looked at Zhou Yun with a smile, "And, if something like this happens , I don’t want to be alone, and the job is pretty good, it gives me something to do.”

Zhou Yun looked into Liu Yuqian's eyes and said, "If you want to chat with someone, I'm here anytime."

Liu Yuqian glanced at her in surprise.

Zhou Yun said: "I know that I am really not very enthusiastic and proactive towards you at ordinary times, I hope you can understand."

Liu Yuqian shook her head and laughed, "Is there any understanding or not..."

"My personality is like this. I can't get close and acquainted with people quickly, and I can't confess my thoughts to people from the beginning. So sometimes, I really admire and envy your personality." Zhou Yun said, "Wherever I went, I really didn't expect this incident to have caused such a serious blow to you. I just thought that it would be fine if you knew about it. If you don't know, you can't keep it in the dark. Maybe I do this a lot, but I think I want to do this, so I told you, I thought you would just slap Xu Caisheng twice, and break it cleanly. You went to drink to drown your sorrows, I really didn't think of it."

Liu Yuqian finally smiled.

"I did slap him twice, you bastard!"

Zhou Yun and Liu Yuqian looked at each other and smiled.

On the day Zhou Yun wrapped up, Yan Zhenzhen, Liu Yuqian, and Meng Ran also wrapped up.

Shen Yao prepared a big cake for them and held a small farewell party.

Naturally, there was no shortage of praises at the farewell party. Zhou Yun is now accustomed to other people's compliments on her, so she can respond and thank her naturally.

After leaving, Zhou Yun hugged everyone, including Liu Yuqian and Meng Ran.

But Liu Yuqian and Meng Ran didn't hug each other, and they didn't even look at each other, as if the other didn't exist.

Zhou Yun saw Xu Caisheng in the corner of the crowd.

He seemed to have breathed a long sigh of relief, and his expression was vaguely excited.

Was it relieved that Liu Yuqian and Meng Ran had left?

Zhou Yun looked away indifferently and left the crew.

Zheng Xiaoju had already packed all the luggage in advance and put them in the car.

A group of people drove to the airport.

The car was prepared by the crew, and it was parked at the airport, and someone would come to pick it up later.

They checked in, went through security, and entered the lounge.

After a while, Meng Ran and her team also came in.

The two turned out to be on the same flight.

Such a coincidence.

Zhou Yun greeted Meng Ran.

Meng Ran came over, opened her hands, and hugged Zhou Yun.

"Sister Xiaoyun, it's great to meet you here. I didn't say goodbye to you on the set just now." Meng Ran said.

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "It's okay, didn't I say it? There will be a long time in Japan."

Meng Ran shook her head and said, "I know it will be difficult for me to have the opportunity to work with you again in the future. You are an amazing actor."

"Xiao Ran, as I said, the future will last forever. Let's not fight for the day and night, but for the long stream of water." Zhou Yun said, "As long as you don't give up, at the age of thirty or forty, who said that we have no chance to cooperate."

Meng Ran looked at Zhou Yun in surprise, and said, "Oh my god, I'm thirty or forty years old, I haven't even thought about what will happen after such a long time."

Zhou Yun: "I haven't thought about it either, but they are waiting for us in the future, so we all have to work hard."

Meng Ran nodded, her eyes were a little red.

"Sister Xiaoyun, you are the first person who told me so seriously that I will definitely be able to do it in the future."

"Really? Then I'm honored." Zhou Yun said in a low voice, "In the future, if you can not interfere with the drama, try not to interfere with the drama. I know that sometimes it is not up to you to decide, but when you can make the decision, don't forget this. thing."

"Yeah." Meng Ran nodded, and as soon as she lowered her head, tears flowed out, "I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have delayed you so long."

Zhou Yun patted Meng Ran's face and said, "I will forgive you this time."

Meng Ran smiled through tears.

"Miss Xiaoyun, you are so kind."

"Because I know you are fine too." Zhou Yun said.

Meng Ran: "I will work hard."

"I can do it too."

People in their team looked at the scene of these two people talking intimately with some surprise, because they knew very well that Zhou Yun and Meng Ran were not so intimate when they were on the set.

How did it suddenly become so good?

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(End of this chapter)

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