I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 347 Live Interview

Chapter 347 Live Interview
After wrapping up, Zhou Yun didn't take a break, and turned on the crazy mode without stopping.

Advertising shooting, live streaming, commercial activities, brand activities, program recording, evening commercial performances, award ceremonies, magazine shooting, character interviews, etc...

Zhou Yun was busy turning into a spinning top, spinning so hard that he didn't know what year it was.

These are all debts she owed before.

But equally, her income has skyrocketed amidst the insanely busy work.

In the report of Chengqian Entertainment, she alone supported nearly one-third of the KPIs, Li Ci supported the other third, and other people made up the remaining third.

When the company's executives held meetings, they joked that if Zhou Yun could shoot less movies and more business, each of them could increase their year-end bonus by another [-] or [-].

Everyone else is the patron's father, and Zhou Yun is their patron's mother.

In this crazy money-absorbing rhythm, people who usually complain about Zhou Yun's single-minded focus on filming can only shut up obediently.

By mid-November, one person finally couldn't hold back.

That night, at nine o'clock, Zhou Yun rushed back to Shanghai with Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun, only to find that someone was waiting for her in the middle of the night.

Zhou Yun looked at the man standing in front of the car in surprise, a little unbelievable.

She uttered a cry of surprise and rushed towards him.

Song Chi grinned brightly and opened his hands to catch Zhou Yun.

"Why are you here? How do you know I'm coming back at this time?" Zhou Yun's eyes seemed to be shining with stars. Looking at Song Chi like this, he completely lost his usual restraint, "Aren't you busy yourself?"

Song Chi smoothed Zhou Yun's wind-torn hair, and said, "I've been fine these few days. I asked Sister Lan for your itinerary, and I'm here to pick you up."

Zhou Yun happily kissed Song Chi on the lips.

"Good performance, I will give you a reward."

"Send off the beggar with this one click?" Song Chi held the back of Zhou Yun's head, bowed his head and kissed him involuntarily.

It was very windy at night, and the hair of both of them was flying in the wind.

Zheng Xiaoju clicked his tongue twice in a low voice.

Cao Jun glanced at Zheng Xiaoju and joked, "Are you envious?"

Zheng Xiaoju nodded without shyness, and said, "Of course I'm envious, which girl wouldn't want to have a boyfriend like Brother Chi."

Cao Jun laughed.

Zheng Xiaoju suddenly squinted at him and asked, "When are you going to find a girlfriend?"

Cao Jun didn't expect Zheng Xiaoju to ask him suddenly, and was taken aback for a moment.

"Fate," he said.

Zheng Xiaoju asked him with a narrow smile, "Do you like Miss Xiaoyun?"

Cao Jun blushed and jumped up, with a little anger, "Don't talk nonsense."

Zheng Xiaoju pouted, "Are you kidding me, why are you so serious?"

Cao Jun had nothing to say.


"All your things have been moved to my place, so go to my house tonight." Song Chi said to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise, "Have you moved all over? You're moving too fast!"

Song Chi shrugged, "You are too busy, if I don't act faster, this matter will have to be delayed until next year."

"Sorry." Zhou Yun said softly, "I didn't expect to be so busy, it exceeded my expectations."

Song Chi: "It's okay, if you're busy, I'll do the logistics for you."

Zhou Yun raised her face, a fair face seemed a little transparent in the dark night, and the wind also made her eyes a little more confused.

She said, "So, we're going to be living together from tonight, aren't we?"

Song Chi: "Are you willing?"

Zhou Yun rested his head on Song Chi's shoulder and said, "Of course."

This is an unquestionable answer.

A long time ago, Zhou Yun already had a definite answer in his heart.

Zheng Xiaoju was stunned for a while when he heard the news, then he came to his senses and asked, "So, from now on, I'm going to Brother Chi's house to look for Miss Xiaoyun?"

Song Chi was in a good mood, nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right."

Zheng Xiaoju suddenly covered his eyes with his hands, "My God, so I will have the opportunity to see Brother Chi's naked body in the future?"

Her tone couldn't hide her excitement.

Song Chi didn't expect Zheng Xiaoju's reaction to be like this, and stared in shock.

But Zhou Yun laughed loudly and said, "Xiaogu, be more reserved."

Zheng Xiaoju said excitedly: "How can you be so reserved, ah!"

Zhou Yun: "Student Zheng Xiaoju, I want to seriously remind you that Song Chi is my boyfriend."

"Yeah, I understand. Sister Xiaoyun, don't worry, I will definitely supervise my brother-in-law's every move. If there is any woman who covets him, I will report to you as soon as possible." Zheng Xiaoju said excitedly.

"Wait?" Song Chi asked, "Why did you suddenly want to supervise me again?"

Zhou Yun nodded his head in agreement, "That's what makes sense."

Song Chi: "Hello?"

Zheng Xiaoju's eyes sparkled, and he couldn't contain his excitement along the way.

"This matter is kept secret in advance, it has not been made public yet." Zhou Yun reminded, "Don't tell others."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded, "Understood!"

In this way, Zhou Yun moved into Song Chi's house.

Song Chi lives in a large apartment on the top floor, which he bought himself.

The apartment is very large, more than enough to accommodate him and Zhou Yun.

It could be seen that in order to welcome Zhou Yun, Song Chi specially cleaned up and everything was in order.

The environment here is much better than the apartment provided to Zhou Yun by Chengqian Entertainment.

But Zhou Yun had never lived with a man before.She couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and even her heart beat faster.

Song Chi showed her around the house and introduced each room to her.

Every room is strange, and then gradually become familiar.

During this process, Zhou Yun didn't feel at all that he would become their master in the future.

Song Chi discovered Zhou Yun's crampedness and restraint during the process.He hugged Zhou Yun at the top of the stairs, hoping to relieve Zhou Yun's restraint through the intimacy of his body.Zhou Yun did find some comfort in this familiar contact.She said, "Your house is beautiful. I like these paintings on the walls. Did you buy them?"

There are many flower sketches hanging on the walls of Song Chi's house, mainly oil paintings and pencil drawings, especially the huge flower sketch in the living room, which occupies nearly two-thirds of the wall area, which makes people feel like they are in nature.

Song Chi said, "There are some that I bought, and some that I drew myself."

Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi in surprise, and asked, "Can you still draw?"

Song Chi smiled and said, "I have studied for a few years."

"It's amazing." Zhou Yun looked at the paintings around him in surprise, and asked, "Which ones did you draw?"

Song Chi put one hand in his trouser pocket, put his other arm around Zhou Yun's waist, and said, "Guess."

Zhou Yun couldn't figure it out.

These paintings do not look like the level that beginners can draw.

In terms of art, she didn't know much about it.

Her growth environment did not provide her with such a learning soil.

Song Chi took Zhou Yun downstairs and sat down on the sofa.

"I was worried before, what if you don't like these paintings." Song Chi said with a smile, "I'm ready to lock them up in the dark room."

Zhou Yun said in surprise: "Why don't you like it? These paintings are so beautiful, you will feel good when you look at them."

"I also like the feeling of having more flowers and plants at home, but if you grow real flowers and plants, it is easy to attract mosquitoes." Song Chi smiled.

Zhou Yun nodded: "That's true."

Song Chi: "As long as you like it, Xiaoyun, I'm glad you can live here."

He kissed Zhou Yun's ear.

Zhou Yun's legs curled up on the sofa.

"What if we quarrel?" Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi muffled a laugh: "You can let me sleep on the sofa."

Zhou Yun responded to Song Chi's kiss.

"That's what you said."


Early the next morning, before dawn, Zhou Yun heard his cell phone ringing.

She put her phone on vibrate last night, because she knew that the phone would ring very early the next morning, and she didn't want to disturb Song Chi.

Song Chi was still fast asleep.Zhou Yun got off the bed cautiously, walked outside the room with his mobile phone, and then answered the phone.


"Sister Xiaoyun, Cao Jun and I have already arrived downstairs." Zheng Xiaoju said, "There is an interview for the morning news this morning, so we have to leave immediately."

Zhou Yun said yes, "Wait for me for ten minutes."

She hung up the phone and turned around, only to find that Song Chi was standing by the door in a pair of underwear, with his arms folded on his chest, looking at her with a smile on his lips.

Zhou Yun stared at him in astonishment, and asked, "I thought I didn't wake you up."

Song Chi shook his head and said, "You didn't wake me up, are you going out?"

"Well, there is a live interview for the morning news." Zhou Yun scratched his hair and said, "Time is running out, I have to go down quickly, they are already waiting for me downstairs."

Song Chi stepped aside so that Zhou Yun could re-enter the room.

He still stood at the door, maintaining this posture, watching Zhou Yun hurriedly put on his clothes.

"I thought we could have breakfast together today."

Zhou Yun asked, "Do you have any other plans for the morning?"

"I have an appointment at ten o'clock," he said.

"Then why don't you go with me?" Zhou Yun said, "The live interview starts at [-]:[-] and ends at [-]:[-]. We can have breakfast together."

Song Chi raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you really inviting me to go with you?"

"Anyway, they all know we're together, so there's no need to pretend." Zhou Yun put on his clothes, stepped on the carpet with bare feet, walked up to Song Chi, stood on tiptoe, and took the initiative to kiss him on the lips, " Get dressed quickly if you're going with me, I don't have time to wait for you."

Song Chi smiled happily, "It will be done in three minutes."

Jeans, T-shirt, and a jacket.

It's over in a minute.

Zhou Yun was rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the bathroom looking for a new toothbrush.

Song Chi directly picked up a set of toothbrush cups on the shelf, put them in front of her, and said, "I've prepared them for you a long time ago, and this is for you."

Two people stood in front of the mirror at the same time, brushing their teeth.

White foam squeezed out of both of their mouths.

Zhou Yun could see the excitement on Song Chi's face.

She found it both funny and touching.

After washing their faces and brushing their teeth, the two went downstairs together.

At this time, it was just dawn, and the sky was pale.

Song Chi took Zhou Yun's hand and walked to the parking lot, and got into the car together under the shocked eyes of Cao Jun and Zheng Xiaoju.

Zheng Xiaoju asked in surprise, "Will Brother Chi go with us?"

Song Chi stretched his legs and asked, "Brother Chi is going with you, are you happy?"

Zheng Xiaoju blinked and said, "Brother Chi treats us to breakfast, we will be happy."

Song Chi snorted, and said to Zhou Yun: "You little assistant, you usually look honest and honest, so you are so powerful."

Zhou Yun held up the mirror to comb his hair with a smile, and said, "It's pretty good, you won't suffer a lot outside."

Seeing this, Song Chi reached for the mirror and held it up for her.

Zhou Yun concentrated on combing his messy hair.

"Sister Xiaoyun, this is the outline of questions for the live interview later. Sister Lan told you to prepare it in advance." Zheng Xiaoju handed over a stack of bound A4 papers from the front co-pilot. Here's a sample answer."

This live interview is to promote "Days", a publicity opportunity that Yao Yuanfeng specially talked with the TV station.

Zhou Yun flipped through the question outline, which is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is about the behind-the-scenes footage of her filming "Days", the second part is about her views on the profession of an actor, and the third part is about love and career balance.

Because Zhou Yun didn't want to mention his relationship with Song Chi in the show, the show team played a side ball.

Zhou Yun frowned, looking at the question: "How do you balance filming and dating time?"

Zhou Yun wanted to cancel the content of the third piece, these problems made her feel uncomfortable.

But looking at the time, it is estimated that it will be too late.People are live broadcasting, and a large part of the content is temporarily canceled. Where can I prepare the corresponding replacement content?

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, holding back his own thoughts.

Song Chi asked: "What question makes you so embarrassed?"

Zhou Yun said: "They will ask me at that time, how to balance love and career, and when I plan to get married, similar questions."

Song Chi understood immediately.

"The audience is more concerned about these topics."

"I know, I just don't like to talk about these topics openly." Zhou Yun said, "To be honest, I don't think these topics have anything to do with other people. Everyone has their own way of life. I don't want my life to Attitudes and methods are openly commented on by others, and they don’t need to be commented on.”

Song Chi pondered for a moment, and said, "It's half past six, and there's still an hour and a half before the live broadcast. It's still too late to contact them to change the interview outline."

"Forget it, this will cause them a lot of trouble. I will tell Sister Lan to communicate in advance next time. Forget it this time." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi held Zhou Yun's hand, "You can make such a request."

"If someone tells me that the script has been completely changed when I am preparing to act, and asks me to get familiar with the new script within ten minutes and perform according to the new script, I will remember this person for the rest of my life, and at the same time, I will keep mentioning this at various times. People, scold this person, so I don't want to be this kind of person."

Song Chi smiled: "That's true."

When Song Chi walked into the TV station with Zhou Yun, all the staff were shocked.

Many of them knew that Zhou Yun would come to participate in the live interview today, but they didn't know that Song Chi would come with Zhou Yun.

This was totally a surprise.

Especially many little girls, when they saw Song Chi, their faces turned red with excitement.

Don't think that people in this industry won't be excited when they see stars, they are just more likely than ordinary people to see the ugly reality under the glamorous appearance of stars.

But when they meet someone who looks the same, who is a true star, they still adore, respect, and even fall in love with.

At ten past seven, the makeup artist puts on Zhou Yunlai.

Twenty minutes later, the host came to have the final communication with Zhou Yun.

At [-]:[-], Zhou Yun sat in front of the camera, waiting for instructions from the director.

Song Chi stood behind the camera with the staff, looking at her with a smile.

Seeing her looking at him, he gave her a thumbs up.

Zhou Yun smiled sweetly.

The host asked: "I can cue later, did Song Chi also come to the scene?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Then we have to ask his opinion."

The host immediately asked loudly: "Song Chi, can we mention later on the show that you were also on the recording site of the show? I asked Zhou Yun, and she asked what you meant."

The staff at the scene looked at Song Chi in surprise.

Song Chi folded his hands on his chest, and said with a smile, "Okay, but I'm unkempt, so the camera doesn't want to shoot me."

The host smiled and made an OK gesture.

"Thank you for coming to our show." The host said, "My girlfriend likes you very much and is your fan. Knowing that you are coming to record my show today, I must ask you to sign her autograph."

Zhou Yun nodded and said briskly, "No problem."

At this time, the director's voice came back from the two people's ears: "The countdown to the live broadcast is one minute."

Zhou Yun cleared his throat.

The host noticed that there was only sponsored brand mineral water in front of Zhou Yun, and immediately made a gesture and said, "Please prepare a glass of warm water for Zhou Yun."

Immediately someone went.

Half a minute later, a glass of warm water was placed on the table.

Zhou Yun said thank you.

Take a sip of warm water.

The live broadcast begins.


The morning news show has a large audience, but half of it is tuned to the car radio, which is only audible.

"Welcome Zhou Yun to our show. A month ago, Zhou Yun won the best actress in the Horizon unit at the Venice International Film Festival. This is a very remarkable achievement!" The host praised at the beginning, "Many friends around me We are very much looking forward to the movie that will help Zhou Yun win this award. The name of this movie is very common, it is called "Days". Xiaoyun, please tell the audience of our show why this movie has this name, okay ?"

Zhou Yun opened his mouth and said: "Actually, why the movie is called this name, you have to ask the director, he wrote the script, and he also chose the name. According to my understanding, this movie is actually about a couple who are the most common couple. Our life is composed of ordinary days one after another, laughing, crying, quarreling, reconciling, holding hands, kissing, shopping together in the supermarket, eating together, when we recall the relationship with a certain person , In fact, many times we think of such details, and it is these details that build our memory.”

"What kind of character are you playing in this movie?"

"To be precise, I played a man's memory, the girlfriend who appeared in his memory."

"Then who is playing this man? I don't see it shown in the information."

"This requires everyone to go to the cinema to watch it. This is a secret, and it's no fun to say it now."

"Well, I thought I could hear the preview from you today. I can't wait to see this movie. I have a friend who attended the internal viewing meeting. He told me that your performance is very delicate. , It’s not like a rookie at all, this is how he described it to me, he said that you have a talent for empathy that makes all the younger generation of actresses jealous.”

"Don't say that, there are many great actresses, and they all have talents that I envy."

"Then Xiaoyun, do you have any young actresses you want to work with?"

"I really want to work with Sister Ning Yao. I met her at the Venice Film Festival before, and she encouraged me a lot."

"Ning Yao also said in an interview with the media before that your performance is impressive."


"You are the most popular movie actress now, and you made your relationship public not long ago. I think the time should be difficult to arrange, right?"

"Well, it's a little bit. No matter how much time you spend together, there's always too little time for two people to be together, but we all support each other's work."

"Haha, I am really supportive. The audience friends may not know that at this moment, Song Chi is on the recording site of our show. You don't know. When I saw Song Chi walking into the studio with Zhou Yun , I was stunned, I have to confess, although I love my girlfriend very much, and I also support her, but I have never supported her to this extent, I have to do a self-criticism."

There was a whistling sound in the studio.

Zhou Yun waved his hand and said, "He happens to be free today, so he said that after I finish the show, we can go have breakfast together."

"Whoa, the two of you are falling in love right now, aren't you?"

"Well, no, I can't fall into your trap. I'm here to promote the movie today."

"Hahaha, well, let's get back to the topic. On the day of the premiere of "Days", there will be a premiere ceremony, right? May I ask, will Song Chi attend the premiere ceremony?"

"Hey, Teacher Zhisen, why are you so gossip?"

"It's not me gossiping, but everyone wants to know."

"Then if you want to know, just pay attention to our live broadcast on the day of the premiere of "Days"." Zhou Yun said.

"Xiaoyun, your mouth is really too strict. I can't help it. Audience friends, you can't blame me. I really tried my best." The host said with a smile, "Okay, that's the end of our interview today. It’s almost over, thank you Xiaoyun for participating in our show, and thank you for our off-site support Song Chi, thank you! Let’s start with a commercial, and we’ll see you after the commercial.”

This is the end of the live interview.

 Six thousand words chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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