Chapter 349 Wait for me to come back
Xu Guiying hadn't been so angry for a long time.

Normally, she would have left the table long ago.

But she had already agreed to Yu Zhiyang to let him act in this play.

Yu Zhiyang finally softened his attitude, finally got a smile on her face...

Xu Guiying held back the tone again.

She had heard a long time ago that female stars in the entertainment circle had high self-esteem and were defiant. According to the investigation information, even Zhou Yun had a good temper.

Xu Guiying didn't think much of these female stars in the entertainment industry.Even if Zhou Yun won some kind of international actress this time, so what?The actress is nothing more than... Xu Guiying uttered the word "actor" contemptuously in her heart, and the emotions irritated by Zhou Yun were slightly comforted.

The meeting broke up unhappy.

Xu Guiying returned to her office.

After a while, the secretary knocked on the door and came in, telling her that Yu Zhiyang was here, just outside the office.

A smile appeared on Xu Guiying's face immediately.

She said, "Call him in."

After a while, Yu Zhiyang walked in.

Xu Guiying said to the secretary: "Go out, no matter who comes to me later, they will say that I am not here."

The secretary nodded knowingly, turned to leave, and closed the door intimately before leaving.

Yu Zhiyang stood at the door, a little at a loss, with his hands clasped by his legs.

It's been a few days, but he still hasn't gotten used to it.

Xu Guiying walked in front of him, and she, who had previously shown herself as the "Iron Lady", had a rare tenderness in her eyes.

She reached out to hold Yu Zhiyang's hand.

Yu Zhiyang backed away like a conditioned reflex, "Sister Guiying..."

Xu Guiying looked at Yu Zhiyang with affectionate eyes, and said, "Yu Yu, are you still avoiding me?"

Yu Zhiyang lowered his head and pursed his lips, as if he was going through a struggle.

Xu Guiying took a step forward, and said softly: "Look, you tell me that you want to act in Zhou Yun's play, and I agree. As long as it is what you want, I can help you achieve it."

Yu Zhiyang did not speak.


"There must be some reason why she had to agree to let Yu Zhiyang act in our play." Once in the car, Zhou Yun vowed to express his judgment, "I provoked her so much, and she endured it." , with her temper, it is impossible to be so tolerant."

Zhou Lan said: "No matter what the reason is for her to agree, since she has agreed, she can't go back on her word. This is also very good. Let some things go straight, and she will not take Joe in the future."

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan, call Yu Zhiyang out if you have a chance. I want to chat with him. Since he has signed an agreement with us, I will chat with my future hero. Is it okay?"

Zhou Lan: "No problem, but because of Xu Guiying's possessiveness towards him, Xu Guiying may not let him come alone."

"I don't care about her." Zhou Yun said, "Xu Guiying is really the person I hate the most in the past two years, not one of them."

Zhou Lan: "I feel the same way as you."

The two reached a consensus on Xu Guiying's affairs.

"On the day of the premiere of "Days", who are you planning to invite?" Zhou Lan talked about another matter.

"Song Chi and Yu Chu are definitely going to be invited." Zhou Yun said, "Then, on your side, Wang Jing can also invite. By the way, Shen Yao also told me before, asking me to send him an invitation letter , he will come to participate."

Zhou Lan asked in surprise: "Will Shen Yao come? Hasn't he not finished yet?"

Zhou Yun said: "Regardless of whether he comes or not, since he told me so, I must still send him one."

"it is good."

"Don't forget to invite his wife at the same time." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan said yes again.

Zhou Yun: "I don't know if Gu Huaichun has time, I'll give him a call."

Gu Huaichun heard that it was the premiere of "Days", and said, "Then I will come despite all difficulties."

Zhou Yun smiled, "Really?"

"Really, I happen to be free that day, look at how lucky I am." Gu Huaichun said, "That's interesting."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "That's interesting, where is Yin Zhou? What has he been up to lately?"

"I'm filming, so he might not be able to come." Gu Huaichun said, "The film he is filming now has a fierce director who curses people every day on the set."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "Who? Such a bad temper."

When I used to watch the news, I often saw in the news that the director had a bad temper and was easily irritable, but the few directors she worked with had a good temper, and none of them lost their temper easily.

Gu Huaichun: "You don't know him, I don't remember the name of an unknown director."


Gu Huaichun said again: "Wait, Song Chi will go that day too?"


"This is so embarrassing, a rumored boyfriend, a real boyfriend." Although Gu Huaichun said so, he looked like he was waiting for a good show, "The reporters will be so excited when the time comes."

Zhou Yun scolded directly: "Fuck you, uncle, if you want to be embarrassed, you will be embarrassed."

Gu Huaichun: "When you see sex, you forget your friends. If you have Song Chi, let me go, ha ha."

"Stop farting."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun said to Zhou Lan, "Gu Huaichun has one here."

"The company plans to let Li Ci go to support you as well." Zhou Lan said, "This is your most important movie, and you are the only one responsible for the box office. Many fans went to the movies."

Zhou Yun immediately thought of Li Ci's familiar and narcissistic face.

"Please." Zhou Yun said, "Just don't put Xu Siyao in for me."

"Don't tell me, the company has such an idea, but don't worry, I rejected it." Zhou Lan said, "This premiere is very important. The word-of-mouth of this movie has been tested, and it won't be bad. , but we have to build momentum in the country, use word of mouth as much as possible to call on as many audiences to watch this movie, the current box office pre-sale situation is not very ideal."

"How about box office pre-sales?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "Currently, the box office pre-sale on the first day is only [-] million. Everyone knows that this is a literary film. Although many people pay attention to you, they don't want to see this movie. They can only rely on the publicity. effort."

"I've done a lot of publicity these days." Zhou Yun sighed.

Zhou Lan: "Don't be discouraged. Movies are like this. Every movie ticket is bought by the audience with real money. In the final analysis, it depends on how many audiences are willing to buy tickets to enter the movie theater. There is no way for our movie to do it. Commercial promotion is originally a low-cost literary film, and we can only hope that word of mouth will ferment and drive the box office, at least the box office of this movie should not be less than [-] million."

Now the domestic film market is easily one billion or two billion, and [-] million box office is really not enough to watch.

But for a literary film with a cost of only a few million, the box office of [-] million is considered a very good result.

What Zhou Lan is doing now is how to prevent the box office figures of this movie from being attacked by others as box office poison.

Sometimes, people in the industry know what's going on, but if an actor has such a label on her body, it will definitely be detrimental to her future development.

Zhou Lan said: "I will release some promotional drafts on the day of the premiere, saying that the film has not been released yet, and it has already paid back its capital by selling distribution rights in other regions at the Venice International Film Festival. I'm afraid that someone will make a fuss about the box office, saying that you have made investors lose everything."

"I'll leave these to you." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

In these matters, Zhou Yun fully believed in Zhou Lan's ability.

Arguably the single most important event in November is the release of Days.

In order to let more people know about this movie, Zhou Yun accepted a lot of interviews from the self-media during his already full schedule.

These interviews are unpaid, but these self-media are bloggers with millions of fans.

This is the publicity route formulated by Zhoulan.

"These bloggers are all selected by me. They usually pay attention to you. In their tweets, they usually praise you. Although each blogger has only a few million followers, the sum of them is not to be underestimated." I am confident in the word-of-mouth of this movie, so our most important thing now is how to get off to a good start, so that the box office on the first day will not be too low, which will affect the subsequent film schedule.”

Of course Zhou Yun listened to Zhou Lan.

As a result, Zhou Yun from the nine self-media outlets used the time between meals and transitions to complete the interviews with them.

Some interviews are in text form, and some interviews are in video form.

For these nine interviews, Chengqian Entertainment and Xindun intercepted different topics for marketing.

In order to promote "Days", Zhou Yundu took over the recording of two programs in order to promote the movie as much as possible before "Days" was released.

Zhou Yun couldn't coordinate his time, and the last two programs were recorded late at night.

During this non-stop itinerary, the pre-sale box office of "Days" finally picked up, slowly increasing.

The day before the premiere, a topic appeared on Weibo: how hard Zhou Yun worked to promote "Days".

This topic is not managed by her company, but her fans have independently summarized a long picture, which is full of Zhou Yun's itinerary during this period, expressing their distress for her.

After Zhou Yun finished reading the long picture, he realized that she had made at least three announcements every day during this period of time.

Maybe it was too numb, she didn't even realize it.

Because tomorrow is the premiere, Zhou Yun finally finished work before nine o'clock tonight.

She took a shower and lay comfortably on the bed. At about ten o'clock, Song Chi came back.

He had appointments with the heads of several projects in the company at night, and he didn't come back until now.

Zhou Yun suddenly remembered that Song Chi had been waiting for her to come back almost every time during this time. This was the first time she had been waiting for Song Chi to come back recently.

(End of this chapter)

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