Chapter 350 One Night

"You're back." Zhou Yun sat up from the bed.

Song Chi took off his coat, put it on a chair beside him, unbuttoned the collar of his shirt, walked to the edge of the bed, sat down, stretched his upper body, put his arms around Zhou Yun, and kissed her on the lips.

"I kissed and hugged me as soon as I came back." Zhou Yun complained with a smile.

Song Chi must have drunk a little wine.

Zhou Yun smelled a little alcohol.

But fortunately, not thick.

Song Chi couldn't tell from his face either.

"Don't like it?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun caressed Song Chi's face and said, "Why did you come back at this time tonight? I thought I could see you earlier tonight."

Song Chi said, "I have something to talk about tonight, when did you come back?"

Zhou Yun said: "A little earlier than you, alas, I've been so tired recently, running around, and always answering other people's questions, every day is like fighting a war."

"Tell Zhou Lan, don't make such a busy schedule."

"Oh, I can't help it recently. Many things have been squeezed together. But the premiere is tomorrow. After the premiere, it should be better."

Song Chi smiled and said, "That shouldn't be the case."

Zhou Yun: "Huh?"

"After the movie is released, there is still more publicity to go." Song Chi said, "This situation is estimated to last until a week after the premiere."

Zhou Yun let out a long sigh, and leaned against Song Chi's body.

"I don't want to fight anymore."

"Want to lie flat."

Song Chi hugged Zhou Yun's soft body, laughed uncontrollably, and said, "Are you serious? If you're serious, I'll call Sister Lan right away. We'll go get a marriage certificate tomorrow, and I'll take care of you in the future."

Zhou Yun squinted, "You just know I'm not serious, so you dare to promise so easily, right?"

Song Chi raised his hand and swore: "The conscience of heaven and earth, my promise can be fulfilled at any time."

Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi quietly, as if he wanted to look into the depths of his eyes.

Song Chi kissed Zhou Yun's lips again.

Zhou Yun put his arms around Song Chi's neck and said, "We've only known each other for a year."

"But I feel like I've known you for a long time." Song Chi hugged Zhou Yun and lay down on the bed, "I never thought that I would love someone so much. I used to watch those TV series and movies, and the people in them I love you so much that I can't let go, I think it's too nonsense, but after getting to know you, I know that there is really someone who can make you give up all your principles."

"real or fake?"

"Really." Song Chi said seriously, "What about you?"

"Of course I love you too." Zhou Yun pressed his cheek against Song Chi's arm, "I never planned to fall in love at all. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't break my principles."

"I know."

"You know what a fart." Zhou Yun cursed softly.

Song Chi laughed again.

What Song Chi didn't say was that he actually liked Zhou Yun's vivacious aura, not pretentious, not pretending, just laughing and cursing.Of course Zhou Yun is not the gold inlaid jade in "Dragon Inn", but sometimes Song Chi can really see a shadow from the corners of Zhou Yun's eyes and brows.It was a casual smell.

You may not remember when, everyone began to think that Song Chi was a "gossip insulator", as if no one could get close to him.Some media described that there is an invisible barrier around him, which isolates everyone.

In fact, when Song Chi first debuted, he was not as cautious as he is now.His transformation came in one night.At that time, he was still participating in the draft competition, his popularity was high, and he had many illegitimate meals.Once, a dancer who was supporting them accidentally made a mistake and fell on top of him.Song Chi knew that it was a normal mistake.However, at that time, his group of fans suddenly seemed to have lost their minds and went crazy. They organized and attacked and insulted the dancer, calling her shameless, calling her a bitch, and all kinds of ugly words.This overwhelming scolding was the first time he realized the power of this terror - after that, Song Chi's character actually changed somewhat.

He has always maintained a respectful attitude towards his fans.He thanks them, but doesn't want to get close to them.At the same time, he also keeps a respectful distance from all those who cooperate, no matter what time it is.Song Chi recognized a truth, a helpless truth, as an idol, as an idol projected by countless fans, his very existence would bring troubles to those around him.The taller and more lush a tree grows, the more nutrients it can draw from the soil.

Have you ever seen a small tree grow under a big tree?

When Song Chi first heard the name Zhou Yun, he actually felt a little guilty.He knew what was going on and what the truth was.So when his fans slandered Zhou Yun like locusts crossing the border, he hesitated about what to do to treat Zhou Yun better.At that time, Luo Yuhu said very casually: "If you want to clarify, people may not be willing to clarify. There are many people who scold her, but she became popular overnight. Anyone is willing to do this matter, let alone talk about it." Maybe they planned it all by themselves.”

At that time, he was actually very annoyed by Luo Yuhu's words.

Of course he knows that there are many people who will do anything to become popular, but not everyone will do so.

Let him think about it, he wanted to add Zhou Yun's WeChat at the beginning, but he wanted to observe what kind of person she really was, didn't he?

Song Chi bent his arms and pillowed them under his head.

Zhou Yun was already asleep.

He recalled these unimportant pasts, but couldn't sleep.

To this day, he feels a little unreal.

Song Chi never thought that he would fall in love at such a young age, nor did he ever think that at such a young age, there would be someone who wanted to marry her for the rest of his life.

This is incredible.

Song Chi didn't even know how it all happened.

He turned to look at Zhou Yun. In the dark room, Song Chi could only vaguely see Zhou Yun's outline.

He subconsciously kissed Zhou Yun's forehead again and again.

This miraculous, purely subconscious action made him a little dazed.

He felt an uncontrollable impulse in his body, as well as a rising and unresolved desire.The faint fragrance emanating from the depths of Zhou Yun's hair was mixed with the black silence, completely enveloping him.


When the sun rises, the sun shines in.

Zhou Yun opened her eyes bewilderedly, and some vague and entangled fragments flooded into her mind.

She wondered subconsciously, was that a dream, or something that really happened?

When she made a lazy, innocent voice, Song Chi opened his eyes quietly, looked at her, and smiled with the corners of his mouth, she remembered everything.

(End of this chapter)

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