Chapter 351 Golden Wings
It was a sunny day.

Zhou Yun never imagined that it was already November, and he could still see such a vicious sun, poisoning the world like a laser.

This day is her big day.

Even if Zhou Yun didn't feel this way herself, everyone around her would remind her that way, and everyone reminded her in a different way.

Yao Yuanfeng was the first to appear on the stage. He still used his exaggerated and greasy expressions, and used overwhelming rhetoric to express his excitement and support for Zhou Yun: Dear Xiaoyun, I can’t wait to see you , you are the most talented and gifted actress I have ever met, "Days" is the beginning of our cooperation, I am very happy to witness your success and glory, I believe this evening will be another important glory Moment, waiting for you!
Zhou Yun’s pupils were shocked, and his first reaction was that this text should not have been written by Yao Yuanfeng, but by a secretary he had arranged to write. It was written in such a “translator’s tone”, as if he was reading a translated foreign novel. .

She replied: Thank you Mr. Yao, see you tonight.

He Yong was the second to send a congratulatory letter: I don't know how to express my pride to you. You are now an undoubted first sister and a role model for all the artists in the company. Tonight belongs to you!

Zhou Yun thought to himself, could He Yong and Yao Yuanfeng use the same secretary?
By the third person, it was finally normal.

It's Yu Chu: Xiaoyun, I'm so happy for you. See you tonight.

Afterwards, Wen Xi, Liu Yuan, Wen Binglan, Jiang Xin...all the friends she met in the entertainment industry sent her congratulatory letters. Everyone knew that today was the premiere of "Days" and it was Zhou Yun's big day.

What surprised Zhou Yun was that even Liu Qingqing sent a message of congratulations.

Zhou Yun felt that he hadn't heard from Liu Qingqing for a long time.

A rather bad news, the project "Luo Yan" that Zhou Yun was interested in before, in the end because Liu Qingqing had already signed the performance agreement in advance, the play was abandoned, because one of the male lead was cheated and had to be replaced retake.The second male lead has a lot of roles, especially with Zhou Yun who has a lot of rival scenes.Liu Qingqing had no choice but to stay on the set and reshoot with the actor who was temporarily recruited by the set to save the scene.

In the past year, it was very obvious that with the skyrocketing rise of Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao, Liu Qingqing stayed in the filming crew and did not go out for activities for a long time. There was a faint tendency to reshuffle the ranks of female artists.

Both Liu Qingqing and Su Yan lost a few endorsements - these endorsements were of course not Xu Siyao's turn, mainly because Zhou Yun and Wei Ruxue divided them up.

If Zhou Yun ruled the beginning of the year and the golden autumn, then Wei Ruxue is the queen who ruled the midsummer.The two of them occupy the top two of this year's list of popular female stars, and they are well-deserved.

Zhou Yun felt a kind of cruelty from the bottom of his heart.

People who are not popular want to be popular desperately, and those who are popular also face the threat of passing away every day.

Zhou Lan heard Zhou Yun's emotion and laughed at her: "Miss, you are only twenty-four years old now. When you were young, your rising momentum was so good. Even if you do face the danger of dying one day in the future, it will be at least ten years old. It's something that will happen in the next year, so don't worry about it now, okay?"

Zhou Yun emphasized: "I'm not worried that I'll be out of breath one day, I just suddenly felt this way this year, and I want to share it with you."

Zhou Lan said speechlessly: "Besides you, I'm afraid I can't find anyone else who would feel overwhelmed on the day of the premiere of his movie. You are really a brave person."

Zhou Yun: "..."

"Why are you talking so meanly now?" Zhou Yun clicked his tongue.

Zhou Lan patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder, "Don't be too busy making fun of me for being mean, the most important thing for you today is to keep yourself beautiful, it's best to be so beautiful, walk on the premiere red carpet, kill all flash."

"Exaggerated." Zhou Yun said, "The kind of beauty you mentioned can only appear on Cleopatra."

"Who knows what Cleopatra looks like? Maybe not half as good-looking as you." Zhou Lan is now more confident in Zhou Yun's appearance than Zhou Yun himself.

Just horrible.

Zhou Yun couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Why does it feel like everyone is paying attention to this premiere? I suddenly feel a little nervous, what should I do?" Zhou Yun covered his heart.

Zhou Lan held Zhou Yun's face in both hands, suddenly showed a gentle and kind expression, and told her seriously: "It's normal to be nervous, this is your first premiere, but, my dear, don't babble, Time waits for no one, now, immediately, immediately, go to the beauty salon!"

"..." Zhou Yun felt that Zhou Lan was crazy.

On the way to the beauty salon, Zhou Lan's phone never stopped, and the two phones rang one after another.

Here, she is still acting coquettishly in a coquettish tone, "Of course you have to come tonight, how can I do without you, you are my most important friend, otherwise? Do you want me to give up the seat in the first row? To someone else?".

Over there, she picked up another call and switched her tone of voice in an instant. It sounded like she was talking to someone in the company, and she spoke as fast as peas, without pausing for a word.

"Today Zhou Yun's name and the word "Day" with the title of the book must appear in the title of all drafts. If you connect with all the media, since you have taken our red envelope, you have to do what you should do for us. No matter what the reason, unless the author who wrote this manuscript has won a Pulitzer or a Nobel Prize, otherwise, he must do as we say."

In the past, Zhou Yun might have felt that such a speaking style was too strong, but now Zhou Yun can calmly accept Zhou Lan sticking out his tongue like a snake letter by her side.

On this busy, [-]-hour non-stop rotating earth, I have no choice but to admit the fact that if you are prepared to do everything in a good manner, you will inevitably encounter perfunctory endings. Either this time or next time.

It was a really beautiful day, the sun was shining, the air was fresh, and everyone I met was so warm and caring.

When the sun gradually sinks to the west, with the outline and color of the setting sun, the sky is laid out in front of everyone's eyes like a magnificent oil painting.

Zhou Yun changed into a gorgeous dress prepared for her by VX, got in the car, and set off for the venue where the premiere was held.

S Theater.

Zhou Yun turned to look at the man sitting next to her, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, from head to toe, so that every pore revealed an elite temperament.

The setting sun coming in from the window put a golden wing on his brow.

This time, Song Chi sat beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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