I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 353 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 353 The Uninvited Guest

Jiang Xin's answer made the reporters a little dumbfounded.

Who doesn't know what a strict director Jiang Xin is?

When filming "Ask the Heart" before, there was news that Su Yan had made a bad face and cried on the set because of Jiang Xin's strict requirements.

As a result, such a famous director with high requirements and high standards, actually praised Zhou Yun full of praise?

Complimenting is one thing, being willing to say that an actor is what other directors are eager to cooperate with, of course, masters of speech know what it means.

This means that Jiang Xin appreciates Zhou Yun from the bottom of his heart and is willing to support Zhou Yun.

The reporters present all had a common thought in their minds: How good is Zhou Yun's performance in "Questing the Heart"?It can make Jiang Xin praise her like this uncharacteristically.

With the appearance of Li Ci and Gu Huaichun one after another, the atmosphere on the red carpet was heated to the peak.

Naturally, they all praised Zhou Yun.

The reporters suddenly realized that something was wrong.

It is true that these stars in the entertainment industry will generally flatter each other. If I praise you and you praise me, they are both good-looking.

But these days, these boastful words are not simple words of the scene.

Each of them said a lot with a specific target, and it was not the so-called polite speech skills.

They can feel a very strong signal that these people admire and praise Zhou Yun from the bottom of their hearts.

The reporters looked at the list of guests, and all the ones who should appear on the stage have also appeared on the stage, and the one who should appear next should be Song Chi.Or Song Chi will play with Zhou Yun, Wen Bing, Yao Yuanfeng and the others.

It depends on the way of appearance.

The main event is about to appear, and the reporters are waiting in full force, looking at the other end of the red carpet.

The black car drove slowly.

The door is open.

A high-heeled foot sticks out.

is a woman.

Is it Zhou Yun?
The cameras were all aimed at that side, ready to take the first moment when Zhou Yun got off the car.

A woman in a sea-blue diamond-encrusted gauze skirt bowed to appear on the stage, walked out, raised her head, brushed her long hair, raised the corners of her mouth, looked at the audience outside the red carpet with a bright smile, and waved her hand.

Someone from the audience yelled, "Yaoyao, I love you!"

The woman who appeared on the red carpet was Xu Siyao who had a very unpleasant experience with Zhou Yun.

It was a guest who was neither on the guest list nor anyone expected.

Even the media reporters were stunned for a moment.

The flash flashed twice, and then everyone remembered as if waking up from a dream, and began to take pictures.

Xu Siyao walked onto the red carpet slowly, greeted everyone with a bright smile, and then walked towards the interview area.


At this moment, the backstage was already in chaos.

"How did Xu Siyao get up there? Where is the person in charge over the red carpet?" The person in charge of the normal activities is a person from Xindun. He knows very well that Xu Siyao is a member of the blacklist for tonight's event. He saw Xu Siyao walking on the red carpet. At that moment, he could almost hear Yao Yuanfeng roaring in his ear, patting the table and scolding him for being a pig.

Who didn't know that Xu Siyao was the person Zhou Yun didn't want to see the last time!

But she has already walked on the red carpet, and it is useless to find out who put her on the red carpet at this moment. He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and notified the person in charge of the infield, "Go to the door immediately and stare at Xu Siyao. If she can't get the invitation letter, she won't be allowed to enter!"

The person in charge of the infield was stunned when he heard the order, and asked, "Then, if we don't let her in, should we keep her outside? There are many people outside taking photos?"

If people really knew that Xu Siyao was blocked at the door today, it would definitely overshadow all the limelight of the premiere of "Days".

This kind of thing cannot happen.

Therefore, the person in charge of the activity made a decisive decision and said: "Find someone to lure her in, and drive her away after she avoids the attention of the media."

"Drive, drive away?" The person in charge of the field was even more shocked, "She is Xu Siyao, and we just drive her away like this?"

"She came here uninvited, so what's the matter with letting her participate? You just put her in the infield today, so you won't be able to use it for work tomorrow!" The event manager yelled angrily.

The person in charge of the infield heard the scolding, what else could he say, and took the order to carry it out.


Xu Siyao stood in the media interview area, accepting the interview with a smile.

"There were rumors that you and Zhou Yun didn't have a good relationship before. You came to this premiere today, does it mean that the previous rumors are all false?"

Xu Siyao replied: "In fact, my relationship with Sister Xiaoyun has always been very good. Some things happened before, which made fans and friends mistakenly think that I had a conflict with Sister Xiaoyun. In fact, it was all a misunderstanding."

"Did Zhou Yun invite you to today's premiere?"

Xu Siyao replied with a smile: "This premiere is the premiere of Xiaoyun's first film, and this film also helped her win the Best Actress in the Horizon section of the Venice International Film Festival. I want to come to support Sister Xiaoyun! Everyone should support Sister Xiaoyun's movie more!"


Zhou Yun, who was already sitting in the car and was about to go on the red carpet, saw that the car was still not moving, and asked why. The driver, who was waiting for orders with his ears on, touched his nose in embarrassment and told the truth.

Zhou Yun didn't react for a moment, as if someone had rushed to her with a pair of iron gongs, and thumped loudly.

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded.

Xu Siyao's move really caught her off guard.

"So, what's going on?" She turned to Song Chi.

Song Chi spread his hands and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you seem to have been forcibly touched."

Zhou Yun's eyes widened, and she finally had a sense of reality, her voice suddenly raised, "Is she crazy?"

Song Chi grabbed Zhou Yun's hand and said, "Don't worry."

"This is... too shameless, isn't it? Who invited her?" Zhou Yun clearly remembered that he had made it very clear that Xu Siyao and Yu Siantian could not appear on this red carpet.

The driver said: "Miss Zhou, it has been confirmed just now, none of us sent her an invitation letter, she forced her way in."

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say for a long while.

Breaking into the red carpet... Only Xu Siyao can do this!
"I'm convinced, I'm really convinced, I never imagined that a person can be so thick-skinned." Zhou Yun felt that his good mood was like being poured a basin of cold water.

Song Chi said, "Don't let her affect your mood."

The driver also said, "Don't worry, she won't be able to enter the infield."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Can she enter the infield?"

"The people on the other side of the field have been notified, and they will stop her from going in." The driver said, "President Yao also knows about this, he has already... Ms. Zhou, my colleague just told me the new news , she has been taken away."

The car in front had already stopped. Director Wen Bing got out of the car and waited for her at the entrance.

The driver started the car and drove slowly.

Someone outside opened the door.

Song Chi said to Zhou Yun: "Today is your home game, don't let an unexpected visitor affect your interest."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "No."

Song Chi squeezed Zhou Yun's palm, then got out of the car, replaced the man at the door, and carefully put his hand on the top of the car door.

A tsunami of screams and cheers has come from ahead.

The heels of the high heels that Zhou Yun wore today were ten centimeters high, and she had to carefully stand firm before she could stretch out her upper body and stand upright.

Song Chi took her hand.

This is the first time they have held hands in a formal event.

The moment they held hands, the screams seemed to tear the sky apart.

(End of this chapter)

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