I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 354 The Movie Premiere

Chapter 354 The Movie Premiere
Walking the red carpet with Song Chi feels amazing.

Song Chi held her hand and walked towards the sea of ​​stars woven by flashing lights.The cheers and screams kept boiling and continued, as if they were going to overturn the night sky.

Both Zhou Yun and Song Chi are frequent visitors to the red carpet. Facing this situation, even though they are already familiar with it, they will still be overwhelmed by their enthusiasm.

Song Chi carefully helped Zhou Yun tidy up the skirt, and said, "Let's go."

Wen Bing and Yao Yuanfeng were waiting for them in front of them, and they appeared together.

There are so few main creators of the film, and there are only a few people after it.

But their style standing together is not inferior to the lineup of any crew.Zhou Yun and Wen Bing walked in the middle, Song Chi walked beside Zhou Yun, and Yao Yuanfeng and his wife walked beside Wen Bing.

Photographers frantically pressed the shutter, not wanting to miss any moment.

Take pictures together, take pictures alone.

Zhou Yun is the muse and darling of photographers on the red carpet.

Every photographer was shouting Zhou Yun's name enthusiastically.

This scene made Yao Yuan happy.As the boss of Xindun, how could he not be happy that an actress who will have more cooperation with Xindun is so popular with the media.

It's just that Mrs. Yao, who is also a woman, quietly concealed her jealousy.

As Yao Yuanfeng's wife, she can see countless young and beautiful girls appearing like a flash in the pan every year, and then disappearing like fireworks.Every year, very few can gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.But Zhou Yun's appearance is so strong, as if there is a force that destroys everything to protect her.No one has more momentum than her.

She used to be an actress too.Very few people know about it.After marrying Yao Yuanfeng, she completely stopped acting and became Mrs. Yao with peace of mind.

There was a time when she saw those well-known actors flattering her in front of her, and she felt that her decision was right.Xiying is the best choice.

But after a long time, she didn't know what was going on. One day, she was watching a movie starring Ning Yao in the cinema, and saw Ning Yao's elf-like face weeping on the screen. I want to hold someone in my arms.She suddenly began to miss that period of acting.When she first entered the industry, she also thought about becoming an outstanding actor, but those ambitious ambitions were wiped out in mediocre endings again and again.She finally realized that she did not receive the bowl of rice given by God.

It's not that she died, she never really opened that door.

Tonight, Zhou Yun was wearing a long dress, as elegant and beautiful as a goddess of moonlight. She was not reserved, and her behavior was not very ladylike, but the aura exuding from her was unexpectedly noble.

Go to the interview area.

Everyone's questions basically focused on Zhou Yun and Song Chi.

A reporter asked: "The two appearing together this time, is it an official announcement?"

Zhou Yun widened his eyes in surprise, and asked, "So the previous ones don't count?"

Another reporter asked: "Were the two secretly in love before? Several times the two have come forward to deny the relationship, saying they are just friends."

Song Chi smiled and said, "I didn't lie when I denied it, and I was just friends at that time."

The spirit of gossip among the reporters was burning, and someone asked a crucial question: "Then what made the two of you go from being friends to being a couple?"

Before Song Chi could answer, Zhou Yun glared coquettishly at the reporter who asked the question, and said bluntly, "Why are you so gossip?"

This problem is so sloppy in the past.

Everyone haha ​​size.

Zhou Yun took Wen Bing's arm, pulled him between her and Song Chi, and said, "Song Chi is not the leading actor tonight, but Director Wen is. Don't gossip like this. You are professional reporters. Brother and sister." Let's be professional!"

She didn't say it in a harsh tone, but rather like a little girl acting like a baby.Not only did everyone not become angry from embarrassment, but roared with laughter.

But Zhou Yun's words reminded them that everyone is still very concerned about Wen Bing, a new director who turned out to be out of nowhere.

Asked questions one after another, Wen Bing usually doesn't like this kind of crowded occasions, he is easily nervous, and he is in front of the camera, so he answers slowly.

Zhou Yun smiled happily.

After Wen Bing finished answering, a reporter asked Zhou Yun why he was smiling so happily. Zhou Yun said: "Because when filming, he always thought I wasn't relaxed enough, and asked me to do it again and again, and finally saw that he was not relaxed enough." when."

Wen Bing smiled helplessly.


The interview session ended with laughter.

The red carpet session also ended amidst the laughter.

Walking into the infield, the seats are already full of people, waiting for them to enter.

Following the host's introduction, they walked inside.

The audience cheered and applauded.

Here are their friends, film and television producers in the industry, film bloggers, media reporters, and lucky viewers.

Soon after they were seated, the lights dimmed.

The movie begins.


A whole leaden gray sky, covered with clouds like overlapping peaks.

The camera zooms out slowly, and in a wider field of vision, a barefoot woman in a blue dress walks along the tidal sideline.

She sat down with an expressionless face, and beneath that expression there seemed to be a deep, lingering sadness.

Then, she looked towards the camera.

Her eyes look directly at the camera, and at that moment, her gaze seems to be directly connected to the depths of people's souls.

She is talking to you.

"He once said that he would love me forever, but it turns out that forever is only one year and twenty-four days, and there is always a time limit."

You thought it was just her monologue, but in the next second, another man's voice sounded, and he said, "I told you a long time ago that he is not a good person, he is not worthy of you."

At this time, you know, oh, there is another person.

At this time, there is a doubt in your mind, why did this person not appear in the camera?

You saw a star suddenly fall out of her flushed eye socket.

You can't even remember, were her eye sockets red last second?When is it red?
Then you heard his panicked and cautious voice: "You, why are you crying? Isn't it worth crying for him? Isn't he just a boyfriend, he is not blessed to become an ex-boyfriend, you are afraid that you will not Do better men like you? Let me tell you, it’s impossible, no matter how bad it is, I’m still there, am I not much better than that idiot? Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun, don’t cry, okay?”

She stopped crying, and another layer of emotion, doubt, had appeared on her sad face that hadn't completely faded away.

She looked at the camera blankly and asked, "Do you like me?"

Time seemed to stand still.

The tide ebbs and flows.


Still his voice: "She doesn't know, I've liked her for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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