I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 355 The End of Time

Chapter 355 The End of Time
The first forty minutes of the movie are as beautifully shot as prose poetry.

It looks like he recorded all the good times with his girlfriend from the boyfriend's perspective.

Eat together, watch movies together, go shopping together, play games together, sleep together... They quarrel, then make up, laugh, then hug, get sick, and cuddle with each other.

Everyone seems to have entered a period of memories. These pictures are full of too many personal emotions, just like a documentary, and the sense of reality lingers in the hearts of every viewer.

Until an unprecedented conflict broke out between the two.

In this conflict, the lens is completely focused on Zhou Yun alone, and it is a ten-minute long shot completed in one go.

Zhou Yun looked directly into the eyes of every movie viewer, sat on the sofa, slightly raised his eyelids, and said, "I thought you would be different from other men!"

Wen Bing's voice said: "What's wrong with you?"

There was already impatience in the voice.

During this time, the two quarreled frequently, which lasted for nearly two weeks.

Zhou Yun smiled disappointedly with red eyes.

"I'm fine, go to sleep."

"He Yun, can you make it clear what you want? During this period of time, I have been working overtime every day. I am very busy. I am really tired. I don't want to guess your mood after I come back every day. Can we have something to say? Straight up?"

With tears in his eyes, Zhou Yun suddenly smiled and asked, "Do you still remember what you told me at the beginning?"

"What did I say?"

Zhou Yun said: "You said that you will be the person who understands me best in this world."


Zhou Yun stared at the camera in silence, her gaze seemed to pass through the screen and reach the hearts of the viewers.

At this time, her facial features seemed to slowly blur into an oil painting.

When Zhou Yun was filming this scene, he made a lot of preparations and designs at the beginning.But Wen Bing didn't like it after shooting five times in a row.Zhou Yun was about to collapse at the time. He didn't know what Wen Bing wanted, and Wen Bing couldn't tell what he wanted.

The two of them were sitting on the set, staring at each other.

There was ten minutes of such a silent confrontation.

Wen Bing said, "Drink."

Zhou Yun nodded: "Drink."

The two drank like this.

Then, Wen Bing began to tell Zhou Yun the story of him and his ex-girlfriend.The story is actually nothing special, not novel, and there is nothing worth mentioning. It is similar to every ordinary love. When you are in love, you can’t wait to pick the moon for each other. Wasted time and petty quarrels.

"It's so easy to love someone, but why is it so difficult to love someone all the time?"

Zhou Yun suddenly seemed to have been cut open at that moment, and a ray of light shot in from above.

The light fell on her.

She suddenly understood that in this scene, He Yun lost her temper, cried, shed tears, had nothing to say, turned her head to remain silent, and all the changes were actually all asking this question.

At that moment, the question entered her entire emotional state.

So, she played it again while losing her temper, Wen Bing said yes, and she played it again with her emotions, Wen Bing also said yes.

In the end, Zhou Yun sat in front of the camera and acted until he ran out of words.

She didn't know why Wen Bing hadn't shouted, she just sat there.

When I finally looked back, I saw Wen Bing sitting behind the camera with tears all over his face.

Zhou Yun's eyes flickered for a moment, and Fuzhi smiled helplessly like a soul.

Suddenly, a layer of inclusive, gentle, and considerate light appeared on her face.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but the moment she opened her mouth, she lost her mind again and was dazed for a few seconds. When she came back to her senses, she didn't say anything, got up, and left the camera.


Wen Bing kept this shot.

At this place, everyone knows what kind of story this movie is about.

Immediately following this shot is a long monologue.

In the monologue, Zhou Yun packs up things, leaves the apartment, looks for a house, communicates with the landlord, runs, works, one scene after another, and every scene, whether she is alone or with other people, can be seen in one Occasionally, I saw the fleeting absence in the aftertaste of her eyes.

"I know that I haven't fulfilled my promise, but unfortunately, I don't want to fulfill it anymore." This is the last sentence of Wen Bing's long monologue.

When this monologue was read, He Yun was happily playing a game with a group of friends, Truth or Dare, and when she got a Dare, everyone asked her to choose the most handsome boy among all the boys and give her a kiss on the cheek.

She generously picked a boy, and completed the big adventure amidst everyone screaming and booing.



A morning before dawn.

Looks like the very beginning of the movie.

Zhou Yun was walking on the beach alone.

The sea breeze blew her long hair up.

As she walks, the camera moves along with her.

Then, slowly, the speed of the camera can no longer keep up with her speed.

Slowly, she became farther and farther away in the camera, farther and farther away.

The back of the boy she kissed in the truth or dare game came in from the left. He ran a few steps and caught up with Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun turned his head, saw him, and smiled at him.

As for what kind of smile it is, I can't see clearly, they have gone too far.


The movie is over.

The ending song sounded, and the credits list began to roll.

Zhou Yun sat in his seat, his eyes were red again.This is her second time watching the movie, and she is less excited, nervous, and uneasy about the unknown than the first time.She knew what the movie was going to look like, and she was completely immersed in it.

She also has a new understanding of this ending.

When she was filming, she thought this boy was He Yun's new boyfriend after they broke up.

They are getting farther and farther away in the camera, which means that He Yun's life is getting farther and farther away from the narrator of this movie, that is, Wen Bing, and he is no longer able to catch up.

He Yun and her new boyfriend left his life completely.

She thought it was just that.

But in fact, the story ended long ago at the sentence "I don't want to realize it anymore".

Zhou Yun turned his head and whispered in Wen Bing's ear: "Director, actually, the boy who was kissed by He Yun in the truth or dare game is you, right?"

In the dark, Wen Bing did not speak.

The lights in the auditorium suddenly turned on.

Zhou Yun saw Wen Bing's face filled with tears again.

——I don't want to realize it anymore.


Zhou Yun heard thunderous applause suddenly, and she saw all the people around them standing up, and the smiles on each of their faces were so sincere and brilliant.

(End of this chapter)

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