I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 356 Post-screening interview

Chapter 356 Post-screening interview
Maybe everyone has had such an illusion, maybe one day they can stand on top of the world and get applause from the whole world.

Zhou Yun once thought about it, and once delivered an "award acceptance speech" alone in the bathroom.

In those ordinary, success-hungry days, the only time one can be honest about one's own ambitions and desires is when one is alone.

I always put on a mask involuntarily at ordinary times, or be modest, or show off, or be dull.

Exposing ambition and desire seems to be a very dangerous thing.

This matter does not need to be taught by anyone, and they are hidden in the bottom of my heart without a teacher, and they will not be exposed.

When Zhou Yun stood in the auditorium and heard the applause resounding throughout the auditorium, she suddenly thought of the little girl in her childhood.

At that time, did she dare to believe that many years later, she would have the moment like today?
Zhou Yun came to his senses and ordered himself not to think any more.Thinking about it again, it's time for tears to splash in the screening room.

The host had already taken the stage, and after everyone's applause fell, he opened his mouth and invited Wen Bing, Zhou Yun, and Yao Yuanfeng to the stage.

There was another round of applause.

Because both Wen Bing and Zhou Yun were still trapped in the emotions of the movie, they couldn't get out completely.

Yao Yuanfeng spoke first with a breezy face and asked, "Do you like this movie?"

The audience area answered in unison: "Like it!"


Yao Yuanfeng said happily: "Seeing that you like it, I feel relieved."

The host introduced: "Mr. Yao is the producer and boss of this film. May I ask Mr. Yao, why did he dare to give the green light to such an innovative film?"

Yao Yuanfeng said with a smile: "Because Wen Bing is a very talented young director, I have always done things like this. As long as you are talented, I will trust you completely. Whatever you want to shoot, as long as the domestic policy allows , I will find a way for you to help you find enough funds to start filming. In addition, when I saw the script written by Wen Bing at the time, I thought this film would be very good. Our domestic films have never had any particularly classic love films. When I read the script, I was thinking, this is actually the story that resonates most with young people today."

The host also did his homework on the filming of "Life".He knew that when the film was filmed, the funding was only a few million. Under normal circumstances, it was impossible to hire an actress of Zhou Yun's level, let alone support a whole film crew.In this case, Yao Yuanfeng just wanted to satisfy Wen Bing's wish, so that he could willingly help him to shoot the next commercial film.

The host didn't want to hear Yao Yuanfeng pretending to be aggressive, so after taking care of Yao Yuanfeng on the scene, he immediately brought the topic to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun is the biggest selling point of this movie-at least in the market.

"I heard that when Xiaoyun acted in this movie, he lowered his salary a lot?" the host asked curiously.

Yao Yuanfeng's breezy expression froze immediately.He immediately became dissatisfied with the person in charge of today's premiere, where did he find the host?Why are you talking so innumerably?Do you have to tell everyone at this time that Zhou Yun lowered his salary back then?In other words, isn't it because Yao Yuanfeng didn't pay enough for the film?

However, this sentence reminded him that he would have to give Zhou Yun a bonus in the future to make up for his salary.

We will continue to cooperate more in the future.Yao Yuanfeng is not a really picky boss, he was only willing to pay a few million to make this movie, purely because he thought the movie might not make any money.

If it hadn't been for Zhou Yunlai to act, at least there would be a platform willing to buy the broadcasting rights. He might not even be able to give a few million, at most one to two million.

The only reason he gave the green light to this movie was to win Wen Bing's heart.He was really optimistic about Wen Bing at the beginning.

Even he didn't expect that this movie would become like this.

Before it was released in China, tens of millions of copyright fees have already been transferred.

Yao Yuanfeng was thinking about his own calculations in his heart, and Zhou Yun answered the host's question.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhou Yun himself actually didn't want to answer the matter of lowering his salary for acting. Zhou Lan explained that if this kind of thing can be kept from being known, try not to let people know, otherwise it will affect the future market.When someone else comes to her to act in a play, they will use this as an excuse—you are willing to reduce your salary for playing "Days", why can't you lower your salary for my play?

Zhou Yun said: "The main reason is that my manager and I both liked Director Wen's style."

"Working with Director Wen, what kind of person do you think Director Wen is?" the host asked.

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "He is a man with a delicate heart, and he is also very cute. Every time the filming encounters a bottleneck, he will ask me to drink together. The two of us are drinking and chatting on the set. , chatting and chatting, I know how to shoot later, in fact, today is the second time I watch the movie "Days", and the experience is different, and I found a lot of things that I didn't find when I watched it for the first time. I found out that although I thought Director Wen was very good at capturing the subtle relationship between men and women, there are still many more details that only he can control."

The host nodded repeatedly.

"Director Wen, what impression did she leave on you during your cooperation with Xiaoyun?"

Wen Bing had recovered, he smiled and said, "Fortunately, she came to act in this movie. After she finished acting, I can't imagine another person who can act in this movie."

"Wow." The host sighed in surprise, and said, "Director Wen is very satisfied with Xiaoyun. I wonder if the two of you will have any cooperation projects in the future?"

At this time, Yao Yuanfeng took the initiative to come out and interjected: "Xiaoyun will soon participate in Director Wen's next movie, which is also produced by our Xindun, "One Mountain Two Tigers", everyone can look forward to it!"

Zhou Yun complained in his heart: It's just a cameo role, don't play tricks, it seems to be a very important performance, okay?

Of course, this complaint can only stop in the bottom of her heart, she can't demolish Yao Yuanfeng on the spot.

The interview is over.

The host asked today's guests to express their thoughts.

Naturally, media reporters were recording and cameras were filming.

Song Chi was the first to be named.

As Zhou Yun's boyfriend, he is the most important one among today's guests.

But Song Chi waved his hands, and refused to get up anyway, indicating that someone else would come.

Others found it strange, not knowing why he refused to cheer Zhou Yun on at such a time.

Only Zhou Yun knew what Song Chi meant, and he didn't want his voice to overshadow the attention and praise this film and her performance deserved.

(End of this chapter)

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