Chapter 357 This Autumn
Headed by director Jiang Xin, other guests expressed their impressions after watching the show.

All compliments.

The premiere was over, and the media went back one after another, working overtime to write manuscripts.

Yao Yuanfeng organized a party, and invited the insiders who came to watch the movie today to celebrate together.

There are media and audiences at the premiere, and it is a public place.The party is a completely private coterie.

Yu Chu grabbed Zhou Yun's hand excitedly, and said, "When did your acting skills get so good! I'm so jealous!"

Zhou Yun was particularly pleased by Yu Chu's reaction.

Being able to get the approval of a good friend is a recognition that cannot be replaced by other recognition.

Zhou Yun hugged Yu Chu and said, "Thank you for coming to join us today, I love you."

Yu Chu: "Oh, what do you say about whether you love me or not? I love you too."

At this time, Gu Huaichun popped up and said, "Why don't you two go to bed hand in hand, do you need me to open a room for you?"

Zhou Yun pierced the air with a sharp eye, "Do you need me to stick your mouth up with tape?"

Gu Huaichun smiled smugly, he was not at all the handsome and sunny male star in the public impression, but like an ordinary college student who likes to play tricks and be cheap, "I am so proactive and caring to help you find a room, but you don't know me well Hearts, it’s really chilling, I’m hurt.”

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes.

Song Chi was stopped by Yao Yuanfeng just now, and after chatting for a while, he came over.

He was wearing a tailored black formal suit, and his hair was also styled to look very Young Boy. He looked very much like the young nobleman mentioned in the novel.

But Song Chi was never a young nobleman, and even Zhou Yun vaguely felt that, like her, he disliked this kind of persona very much.

Of course, Song Chi can appear in front of everyone with the most exquisite and elegant appearance under the magical hands of the stylist, but he will never approach himself to this image, he will really loosen the black tie and laugh out loud. A row of clean and straight teeth, and then when you think his image will always be so perfect, he makes a real funny face at you.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

Before Zhou Yun could answer, Gu Huaichun took the lead in complaining, saying, "Your girlfriend hurts my heart with her sharp teeth."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes again.

Song Chi put his arms around Zhou Yun's waist, and said with a gentle expression, "Nice job."

Gu Huaichun's eyes widened in disbelief, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he said angrily, "It's like a bird of a feather, a black-hearted couple, no wonder the two of you can get together, it's really not a family, and you don't want to enter a family."

Zhou Yun smiled smugly, and was particularly satisfied with Song Chi's answer, saying, "This makes the masses' eyes sharp. With your virtue, you won't be able to find favor wherever you go."

Yu Chu's laughter was as sweet as a silver bell.

"It's really a mistake to come tonight." Gu Huaichun said, rolling his eyes.

At this time, Yin Zhou suddenly appeared.He came late, walked into the crowd, smiled gently at Zhou Yun, and said, "I'm sorry, I was too late to catch the premiere, congratulations, I heard that everyone likes this movie very much. "

"You're finally here!" Zhou Yun said pleasantly, "I thought you wouldn't be able to come today."

Yin Zhou is currently filming on the set. Gu Huaichun also said before that Yin Zhou probably won't be able to spare time.

But Zhou Yun still sent an invitation letter to Yin Zhou.After all, when she was filming "The Eighth Heartbeat", she and Yin Zhou had a very good relationship and were friends.Even if he couldn't come, Zhou Yun still wanted to express his invitation.

Yin Zhou smiled and said, "I'm also surprised that the director finally agreed."

"Let's eat something first, you must not have eaten." Zhou Yun looked around at Yin Zhou, looked at Gu Huaichun, and asked, "Did Yin Zhou lose a lot of weight?"

Gu Huaichun nodded and said, "Yes, I think so too."

Yin Zhou shrugged and said, "I can't help it. The director said that you should be thinner to be photographed in ancient costumes, so you can only suppress yourself to be thinner."

"This is the truth." Song Chi continued, "Before I filmed "Questioning the Heart", the only request Director Jiang made of me was to be thinner, saying that I was a steamed bun in the mirror image."

"You're so skinny and still look like a steamed bun?" Yu Chu's eyes widened in disbelief, "Are you actors still letting us actresses live?"

Zhou Yun put his hand on Yu Chu's shoulder, shook his head, and said, "Anyway, when I was filming "Questing the Heart", I didn't dare to eat more than one mouthful."

Gu Huaichun clicked his tongue twice and said, "It's not easy."

At this time, Wen Xi, who was tall and could not find a trace of fat on his body, walked over with an elegant and impeccable posture, looked at Zhou Yun and the others, and asked, "What's not easy?"

Gu Huaichun stared at Wen Xi for a long time, but he didn't have the nerve to say how hard it was for them to keep in shape.

In front of Wen Xi, no one had the nerve to say that it was not easy for him.

As a top supermodel representing China's supermodels in the world's Top, Wen Xi is even strict with herself to the point of harshness.A team once filmed Wen Xi's documentary. Through that documentary, everyone knew how to become a top supermodel.Three meals a day with strict recipes and calorie intake, no extra calories will enter her body, she has maintained fitness and exercise for ten years, never stays up late, and has a healthy schedule. Everything is to keep her healthy The state of being able to walk on the runway at any time for ten years.

Zhou Yun took Wen Xi's hand and said, "Nothing, thank you for coming today."

Wen Xi hugged her and said, "You're welcome, you did a great job, I like this movie very much."

These people are Zhou Yun's friends.Some of them knew each other, and some didn't know each other. Today's opportunity brought them all together, talked, chatted, and gradually became familiar with each other.

Even Liu Yuqian hurried over at the end.

And that night, the biggest surprise was that Yao Yuanfeng told her in the middle of the night that the box office pre-sale on the first day had exceeded [-] million.

Pre-sales of more than [-] million at the box office on the first day may not be a big achievement for many movies, or even a poor result.But for Days, it means a lot.An authoritative box office forecasting agency gave a forecast that "Days" is very likely to break [-] million at the box office.This is a good thing for Zhou Yun.

Many times, people tend to use one standard to measure an actor: whether this actor can carry the box office.

This standard is very philistine, but it is also very realistic.

Why is Shen Yao able to have such a high status in the movie industry?Because the box office of the movies he starred in is so good, it is a milestone that every filmmaker can't avoid.

If Zhou Yun's first movie can break through [-] million at the box office, she will have an additional label: Carrying the box office.

For many production companies, this is the primary factor when considering whether to use an actor.

What Zhou Lan was most worried about before was that the literary film "Days" did not do well at the box office, which made the industry question Zhou Yun's ability to carry the box office.

"Days" is finally about to premiere.

Zhou Yun said in his heart that he was not nervous, it was a lie.She deliberately drank a little too much alcohol at the after-screening party, just to sleep more peacefully at night, and not to be unable to sleep because of worrying about the box office premiere results the next day.

The film crew sent out the post-screening impressions of each guest, and the draft said it was "greatly acclaimed".

Some film doctors who were invited here posted film reviews on social media, and they were all positive reviews without exception.

Even the harshest film critics did not attack the sincerity of the film, saying only that the balance between artistry and creative form was not perfect, so much so that Zhou Yun's performance was needed to buffer the abruptness of the creative form.

This is actually already a good review.

On the day of the premiere, Song Chi, Gu Huaichun, Yin Zhou, Li Ci, Wen Xi, Yu Chu, Liu Yuqian, Wang Jing and others posted Weibo to promote "Days".

Zhou Yun started to run the road show.

The box office on the first day came out: 2300 million.

Yao Yuanfeng directly distributed dozens of red envelopes in the "Days" film crew.

It was a terrific first-day box office hit.

Zhou Yun reposted the film's celebration poster.

Who knew, someone sneered at her on Weibo: The box office on the first day was only 2300 million?This is the so-called hottest female star of the year?
These words are really harsh.

But Zhou Lan was obviously well prepared. The public relations team she prepared immediately arranged a large number of trolls to comment on this Weibo: A movie with a cost of less than 500 million yuan had a box office of 2300 million on the first day. How many movies can do that?

At the same time, the drafts of Zhoulan's arrangements have also been uploaded.

The 2300 million premiere box office made Zhou Lan heave a long sigh of relief. With a sharp knife in hand, she has the confidence to fight.

On various social platforms on the Internet, news of Zhou Yun's new film starring at the box office can be seen everywhere.

In just one day, Xindun and Chengqian Entertainment jointly spent nearly two million publicity funds.

That's not even counting the before and after.

But the burning of publicity funds also brought visible results to the naked eye: the next day, the box office increased instead of falling, reaching 3000 million.In just two days, the box office broke 5000 million.

This number used to be Zhou Lan's good hope for the movie "Days", but it was realized in two days.

They all underestimated the appeal of this movie among young people.

In this peaceful age of singing and dancing, the separation and reunion of love is the smoke and war in the lives of young people. Every picture they see in "Days" can find a corresponding moment in their memory.

As a result, many girls cried with tears streaming down their faces, and many boys also had red eyes.

How many people have never loved someone from the bottom of their hearts, and how many people can walk to the wedding scene with the person they loved the most?

As for the matter of feelings, time has passed and circumstances have changed, and in the final analysis it is impossible to let go.

This is a season that has begun to shed leaves, the leaves are turning yellow, and the evening wind is getting cooler.

They watched the movie, walked in this beautiful season, recalled the person they were, raised their heads, looked at the sky, and then waved their hands to say goodbye to a person who has been away for a long time.

Cheers to this fall.

(End of this chapter)

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