I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 363 The Word of the Fallen Leaves

Chapter 363 The Word of the Fallen Leaves
On this day, Zhou Yun was going to see Xue Qin.

Shroud is there too.

"Words of Fallen Leaves" is about to start filming, and before the filming starts, they need to communicate in advance.

For example, Xue Qin proposed to make Zhou Yun fatter.

"This is about a person who has lived overseas all year round. What happened after returning to China, I want Zhou Yun's image to be more ordinary, not as smooth and flawless as he is now." Xue Qin proposed her opinion.

When Zhou Lan heard this, he immediately objected, saying, "This is not acceptable. Zhou Yun still has so many endorsements. If her image becomes ugly, it will greatly affect her impression in the minds of brand owners."

Xue Qin slapped her forehead with one hand, and said to Shi Luoqi: "So I said earlier that we should not hire such big stars to act. They are scruples about one and the other. There are too many constraints."

Shi Luoqi patted Xue Qin's shoulder with a smile, turned to look at Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan with a smile.

"Is there no room for discussion on this matter?"

Zhou Lan hesitated for a moment, as if she was thinking about it. After a while, she said, "It's not impossible at all, but you can't uglify your image. Director Xue, how much do you like Xiaoyun being fat? You won't change." Become a fat man? The one with a belly? If that's the case, I will never agree."

Zhou Lan put on a posture of "it's useless to persuade me".

Xue Qin sneered: "You don't need to become a fat man, just like your body."

Zhou Lan: "..."

Her eyebrows immediately raised, and she looked down at her figure. She was bulging forward and backward, and there was no fat on her body. Compared with female stars, it was really incomparable, but among ordinary people, her figure was already very Not bad, okay? !

"Do you care that I'm fat?" Zhou Lan couldn't help but stare at Xue Qin in disbelief.

Xue Qin nodded and said, "It seems that this level is acceptable?"

Zhou Lan felt that he was being teased by Xue Qin.

Zhou Yun glanced at them awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"If Zhou Yun expects to be beautiful and like a goddess in this film, then I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible." Xue Qin's tone and her expression have some unexplainable meanness, and she speaks very directly , You are not welcome at all, "The Language of Fallen Leaves is different from "Days". What I want to shoot is a more realistic scene."

Zhou Lan said directly: "In this kind of play, you want to find someone with good acting skills, a young one, and a well-known one. Besides us, Zhou Yun, who else can you look for?"

She and Xue Qin were a little tit for tat.

Xue Qin raised her eyebrows and said, "You think I have no alternative?"

"Do you think your candidate is better than Zhou Yun?" Zhou Lan asked back.

The two stared wide-eyed.

Shi Luoqi finally stepped forward to smooth things over at this time.

"Oh, well, it's true that the two of you are confronting each other here, how embarrassing Xiaoyun and I are for talking about it?" Shi Luoqi said, "Can't you just talk about it if you have something to say?"

When Shi Luoqi spoke, Zhou Lan and Xue Qin finally did not refute like a cockfight.

Shi Luoqi looked at Zhou Yun again, and asked, "Xiaoyun, what do you think?"

Zhou Yun said: "As long as the request is not particularly excessive, I will try my best to satisfy Director Xue, I understand."

Xue Qin asked with a straight face, "In your eyes, what is a particularly excessive request?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "Let's discuss this kind of situation in detail. If it is really helpful to character creation, it is acceptable to be strict. If it doesn't make any sense to character creation, it is too much for me to ask ordinary people. of."

"..." Xue Qin frowned, "Isn't it the same as if you didn't say it?"

Zhou Yun said: "Director Xue, you believe me, as long as it is a good request, I will definitely support it, no matter what, I am a very good actress to cooperate with."

"Really?" Xue Qin looked disbelieving, "From your manager, I can't see it at all, just let you grow some flesh, and your manager's reaction is that big."

Zhou Lan took a deep breath and rolled his eyes.

Zhou Yun said: "Because she is my manager, she wants to protect my interests, I hope you can understand this."

"It seems that you have your own ideas." Xue Qin said, "The actresses I met before basically listened to their agents. You don't need to listen to your agent?"

Xue Qin looked at Zhou Yun suspiciously.

She is not a director who grew up in China. She has been working as an assistant director for Chen Zian before. Although she is not well-known, she has met many actors and dealt with many actors with Chen Zian.

In the process of dealing with each other, she actually realized an obvious difference.Young actors generally stand behind the agent, and the agent has the final say on many things.The agent’s opinion largely determines whether the actor can act in the play—this is very different from foreign star agents. In China, the agent is more like a school dean, and these students have to listen to Her job.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Director Xue, besides talking about my figure, do you have anything else to say to me today?"

She didn't answer Xue Qin's question directly.

Because she couldn't answer Xue Qin, she really didn't need to listen to Zhou Lan.

There are many things that require Sister Lan to communicate with the other party. If so, Zhou Lan's attitude and authority will be greatly compromised in the eyes of the other party, which will not be conducive to subsequent communication in all aspects.

Seeing that Zhou Yun didn't say anything, Xue Qin curled her lips and said, "I'll show you the script."

She took out a printed and complete script from her black handbag and handed it to Zhou Yun, "This is the finalized script, take it back and read it first, don't lose it."

Zhou Yun took the script, nodded, and said, "OK."

"Contact me directly if you have any doubts. Don't think about it by yourself. I don't like you acting out of your own understanding." Xue Qin said again.

Zhou Yun smiled kindly and said, "Director Xue, although I am not an acting major in a professional school, my professional attitude is professional."

Xue Qin shrugged her shoulders and said, "I hope you are not just as nice as you say."


Saying goodbye to Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other and rolled their eyes at the same time.

"She still has the bad temper, she hasn't changed at all." Zhou Yun changed his good-tempered image just now, and shook his head speechlessly, "I can't even imagine how strict she will be when the filming starts."

Zhou Lan also changed his difficult attitude just now, and instead turned his head to persuade Zhou Yun, saying: "Those who are capable and talented have bad tempers, so suppress your temper and leave the villains to me."

"I've never seen Wen Bing have such a bad temper." Zhou Yun complained.

(End of this chapter)

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