I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 364 It has nothing to do with her

Chapter 364 It has nothing to do with her
"It's really rare to see a director with such a good temper as Wen Bing." Zhou Lan said, "You are very lucky. The Jiang Xin and Wen Bing you have met have both good tempers, but in fact, this is also very similar to you now. You still remember when you went to film your first film, that role with very few roles, you were unknown at that time, and you were scolded bloody by the director in several scenes."

Zhou Yun nodded thoughtfully.

"But I'm so popular now, and I haven't seen Xue Qin put on a better attitude. The way she treats me always feels hostile. This shouldn't be my illusion, right?"

Zhou Lan said: "I think she's just like that. She's not very tactful. Whatever she thinks in her heart, she expresses it on her face. That's pretty good."

Zhou Yun: "I don't think so, I can even foresee that I'm going to be tortured to death by her on the set."

"Isn't that what you've been saying all the time? As long as the show is good, it doesn't matter how much torture you have." Zhou Lan joked.

"I'm sorry, I found it easy to set up a flag, but it's quite difficult to actually realize it. I'm not so consistent with my words and deeds." Zhou Yun smiled bitterly.

"Oh, it's okay. If she really went too far, I'm still here." Zhou Lan said, "According to my experience, this kind of person is willing to say ugly things first, but the subsequent cooperation process is actually smooth. The kind of person who can say anything at the beginning, just to deceive you, and then give you all kinds of troubles, it feels like a fly flew into his mouth."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Make this movie well, with Shi Luoqi here, there is a high probability that this movie will be able to enter the three major film festivals." Zhou Lan said, "We will strive for the best actress in the main competition this time."

"Sister Lan, you have started painting cakes again." Zhou Yun said speechlessly.

Zhou Lan raised his chin and said, "I'm also very confident in painting cakes now."

Zhou Yun raised his forehead.

"Wei Ruxue and Liu Qingqing will also participate in the Blink event in the afternoon." Zhou Lan reminded Zhou Yun, "Don't start a conflict with them."

"How could I conflict with them." Zhou Yun shrugged and said, "I can control my temper."

"You've been a little out of control recently, I found." Zhou Lan said worriedly.

Zhou Yun immediately retorted: "No way!"

Zhou Lan: "Anyway, let me remind you of this. There is no need for you to have this conflict with them. In the future, your main battleground will definitely be in the film industry. They are not on the same track as you."

"Don't say that, it's not like I won't act in TV dramas anymore." Zhou Yun pouted lazily.

"All in all, you should take good care of your scenes, and don't confront people head-on. All conflicts are left to me. You have to maintain your public image." Zhou Lan explained, "In your current situation, As long as there are no moths, it will get better and better in the future, that's for sure."

"Why are you drawing cakes for me again?"

"I'm serious with you." Zhou Lan said, "You are not afraid of transformation at all, do you understand me? The age limit for actresses in movies is much smaller than that of TV dramas. I'm not saying you can't make TV dramas, but you I also have to admit that in the current market, there is too little space for actresses to play roles in TV dramas, but in movies, the types of roles you can play are much richer, and your performance space can be wider.”

"What you said makes sense." Zhou Yun nodded in agreement, "However, sister Lan, don't make me look like an artist, I'm not an artist."

Zhou Lan rolled his eyes.

"Why do you think I think you're an artist?"

"It depends on your enthusiasm for painting cakes for me."

Zhou Lan: "..."

Zhou Yun has not officially announced the identity of Blink's spokesperson. She attended Blink's event in the afternoon as an invited guest.

Originally, she just wanted to walk the red carpet, take photos, participate in activities, and hold a show, and it was over.

Who knew, when she just walked into the infield, she heard Wei Ruxue chatting with other people before she had time to find her seat.

"Why should I fight for this finale? It's just an ordinary event. What's the matter? Do you think Zhou Yun has a higher status than me if he walks behind me?"

Zhou Yun turned his head to look.

Wei Ruxue looked at Liu Qingqing with disdain, her hands folded in front of her chest, it seemed that something unpleasant happened between the two of them.

But Liu Qingqing smiled and said, "Why is it that Sister Xue always has a high status and a short status, making it seem like she is in opposition to class."

Wei Ruxue choked on Liu Qingqing's words, and didn't speak for a while.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Zhou Yun, suddenly laughed again, and said, "I said, "Why do you insist on blocking me and stabbing me a few words to make me unhappy? This is after watching the movie queen, and I just wagged her tail specially." right?"

Wei Ruxue turned her head to look at Zhou Yun, and said in a serious manner, "Zhou Yun, look, it's really different after taking the Best Actress. Someone will vent your anger on you soon."

Zhou Yun frowned slightly, and said, "Why did Sister Xue say that? I didn't take any anger at all, why did someone vent their anger on me?"

Wei Ruxue poked her chin towards Liu Qingqing, and said, "Ask her, she said eccentrically that you are the finale today, and you are the biggest celebrity, but you are telling me, when did this circle disrespect seniors so much? "

Hearing this, Zhou Yun understood.It is estimated that Liu Qingqing said something that pierced Wei Ruxue's glassy heart, so Wei Ruxue put on a show here.

Wei Ruxue is arrogant and has a bad temper. Zhou Yun had learned from her when she was still in Chengqian Entertainment.

Zhou Yun thought to himself: This is an unsettled entertainment industry.

"Oh, I didn't even understand." Zhou Yun had an innocent expression on his face, "However, when I came out, my manager gave me a lot of instructions, so that I must not cause trouble, so I'll go first, Sister Xue , Sister Qingqing, you two talk slowly."

Zhou Yun put on a posture of "nothing has anything to do with me", and ran away without saying a word.

Only when she was stupid would she put herself in and become a living target for their rivalry.

There were a lot of people in the field, Zhou Yun sat down in his seat, and immediately greeted other people, talking and laughing, posing enough social gestures of hello and me.

As for the situation with Wei Ruxue and Liu Qingqing, Zhou Yun didn't bother to know.

However, even though she thought so, when she saw Wei Ruxue and Liu Qingqing walking over unscathed, she was still a little disappointed deep in her heart.

In Zhou Yun's chest, there is still a heart of eating melons that is not a big deal to watch the excitement-as long as the melons have nothing to do with her.

"It's really fast enough." Wei Ruxue sat next to her, and she sat down with a sneering sarcasm.

Zhou Yun turned a deaf ear, smiled and waved to a camera that was taking pictures of her, saying hello with a bright and brilliant smile.

(End of this chapter)

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