I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 368 Part 3 Audition

Chapter 368 Three Stage Audition
Zhou Yun entered her lounge, and after a while, the cell phone rang suddenly.

It turned out to be Gu Huaichun calling.

Zhou Yun answered the phone and asked, "It's a rare thing. It's rare to see you call me on your own initiative."

Gu Huaichun sneered, and said: "I don't take the initiative to call you, and I haven't seen you take the initiative to call me."

"I'm not single now, why did I take the initiative to call you?" Zhou Yun retorted.

"That's right, you're not single now, if I take the initiative to call you, doesn't it appear that I have bad intentions?" Gu Huaichun was also not to be outdone.

Zhou Yun: "...If you have something to talk about, if you have nothing to do, get out."

"Something happened."

"Then say it."

"I have a classmate who is going to audition for your "Words of Fallen Leaves" today, please take care of me." Gu Huaichun's tone didn't have any intention of asking for help, and he still seemed to be dragging something.

Zhou Yun can't blame others. After all, when Wang Jing was able to make the second part of "Dark Sky", Gu Huaichun put a lot of effort into it.

Without Gu Huaichun nodding, Wang Jing, who was not well-known at the time, couldn't attract the attention of the producers.

Zhou Yun sighed and said, "Let me tell you the truth, the producer of this show is Shi Luoqi, the director is Xue Qin, and I'm just an actor, so I really don't have the right to speak."

Gu Huaichun: "I know, I didn't expect your words to be effective. I just did my duty of human affection. That's my classmate. If I don't make this call, I can't bear it."

Zhou Yun: "Okay, what's the name of that classmate of yours? When the time comes, I will take care of it within the scope of my ability. look for him again.”

"Yeah." Gu Huaichun said, "His name is Wei Zhichang, and his acting skills are pretty good. Anyway, he is better than me. In school, he is the one who is praised the most by the teachers."

"Okay, I got it." Zhou Yun emphasized again, "I'm not telling you lies, I really can't do anything about this drama, the heroine of me is still looked down upon by the director, I always feel that she would want to replace me."

"Hey, this director has integrity. You have to introduce me. Now it's not easy to find a director who doesn't want to use you, but wants to replace you." Gu Huaichun began to speak meanly again.

"Get out." Zhou Yun scolded, "Anyone who looks down on an excellent actress like me must be blind."

"Okay, I see. I'll go and tell Director Xue right away, you scolded her for being blind."

"Shut up, I'm too lazy to tell you."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun raised the corner of his mouth.

Sometimes, it really happens by chance.

Some people didn't like each other when they started working together, but later they became friends, making phone calls and trying to squeeze each other out.

Some people did not have any conflicts after the cooperation, but it just passed so plainly, and the few months of filming were like plain water, without the slightest taste or memory.

Gu Huaichun is the former, and Li Ci is the latter.

Half an hour later, the final round of auditions began.

This is a theater that Shi Luoqi specially borrowed for the audition.

Zhou Yun sat in the dark place in the back row.

Six male actors took the stage one by one to perform.

These six male actors are all newcomers, but they are not pure newcomers. Judging from their resumes, they all have several years of performance experience, most of which are stage plays and drama performance experience.

After Zhou Yun read the resumes of these six people, he probably understood the orientation of the selection.

I don't want to use well-known actors, but I don't want to use pure newcomers.It means that the audience must have a [-]% sense of freshness without being too green.

From the perspective of the script, the role of Wen Long actually has the largest performance space, and also has the most roles among the three male characters.

The first male actor to perform was Chen Zhiang.

He was a candidate for the role of Zhong Qiulai.

The part of Chen Zhiang's audition happened to be a part of him calling Wen Duoyan, urging Wen Duoyan to return to the United States.

There is no acting in this paragraph, it's all about the lines.

Chen Zhiang held his mobile phone, stood on the stage, and entered the performance, feeling a little excited.

The second actor to perform is Zhang Mo, and his acting style is exactly the same as that of Chen Zhiang.Zhang Mo acted more restrained, his tone was not very excited, but there was a lot of drama in his eyes, the patience at the beginning, the impatience later, and the incomprehension written directly on his face, and other emotions.

These two performance methods are both valid in this script, but Zhou Yun prefers Zhang Mo's performance.

Because she simply felt that Wen Duoyan would not fall in love with an emotional man. Wen Duoyan himself is a person who is easily irritable and loses his temper. Being with another emotional man will not last long.

This is her intuition.

Xue Qin and Shi Luoqi did not announce the result on the spot.

Next came the audition for the role of Meng Fanyan.

Wei Zhichang was the first candidate.

Because of Gu Huaichun's recommendation, Zhou Yun was more concerned about watching Wei Zhichang's performance.

The part of the audition is the part where Wei Zhichang met Wen Duoyan for the first time while sitting on the plane.

Zhou Yun somewhat understood why Xue Qin wanted to try this part. The most important function of Meng Fanyan's role was the impact Wen Duoyan had on the contrast between his "good image" at the beginning and his "bad image" at the end.

Therefore, whether this "good image" can be established at the beginning is the key to the establishment of Meng Fanyan's role.

Wei Zhichang is wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and leather shoes today, looking like an elite.

He sat on the chair, slowly took off his glasses, put them in the box, then took out his notebook, and wrote and drew on it.

During the whole process, his demeanor revealed a lazy and elegant temperament.

The second actor who auditioned for Meng Fanyan was much better than Wei Zhichang in appearance.

Wei Zhichang's appearance is not bad, upright, gentle, and elite.

But the appearance of the second actor is handsome.

He has deep eyes that are easy for women to look into.

Zhou Yun sighed when he first saw this actor.She knew that Wei Zhichang's chances might not be great.Sometimes, casting actors is like this. Maybe another person has made sufficient preparations and is [-]% close to the role from hair to fingernails, but when the next person comes out, he is not prepared at all. Do it, but with just a smile, or a glance, it seems that there is an illusion of a soul possessing, Ok, he is that character, he is that character.

The two people who auditioned for Wen Long were both college students, and they also matched in age. The performance of these two people was a bit different. Zhou Yun thought that there was basically no suspense. The boy named You Tianda was basically the same as Wen Long. , with a somewhat stingy and uninhibited temperament, talking with hanging eyes, the other boy is still a little too young, he usually looks like a gentle person, that kind of tugging, the traces of acting are a bit heavy.

After the audition, Xue Qin invited six people back without announcing the results on the spot.

After the people left, several people sat together for a meeting.

Shi Luoqi asked Zhou Yun: "Does Xiaoyun have any ideas?"

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "There is almost a tendency."

Shi Luoqi nodded and said to Xue Qin: "My feeling today is the same as my judgment last time."

Xue Qin nodded and said, "Me too."

Shi Luoqi said: "Let the three of us write out our choices and see if they are consistent."

The staff brought paper and pens and handed them over to the three of them.

Not surprisingly, the choices of the three were exactly the same: Zhang Mo, Feng Chaotian, and Luo Zhiheng.

Xue Qin glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise, as if she didn't expect that Zhou Yun's choice would be the same as hers.

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "Actually, Wei Zhichang, another actor who competed for the role of Meng Fanyan, I think it's a pity. He also performed very well. It can be seen that he prepared very seriously, but Feng Chaotian's image is not good enough. Huge advantage."

"Director Xue also said the same thing." Shi Luoqi said with a smile, "The two of you agree."

Zhou Yun looked at Xue Qin in surprise.

Xue Qin coughed lightly twice, picked up her phone, as if someone had sent her a message.

"Then the actors are settled like this." Shi Luoqi said, "I will go to sign the contract with the three of them, and we will meet together later and read the script."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Shi Luoqi asked: "Have you fixed your makeup?"

Zhou Yun said: "I tried makeup once before, but I haven't told me the result yet."

Xue Qin said: "It's not bad, the main reason is that you are still too thin, and you need to hang more flesh on your face."

Zhou Yun nodded, "I'm already working hard to eat, and I hope I can meet the requirements before filming starts."

"It's not a wish, it must be done." Xue Qin said, "Wen Duoyan is not such a beautiful and fashionable girl, she doesn't care much about her appearance."

"Okay, I will definitely do it." Zhou Yun said, "I will add some more meals to myself, and eat two pieces of chocolate before going to bed."

After the audition, Zhou Yun is going to the company to meet Zhou Lan.

After getting in the car, Zhou Yun called Gu Huaichun.

"Wei Zhichang actually performed quite well, but another actor who competed with him is more in line with his image, so we decided on another person."

Gu Huaichun said: "He himself told me that after the audition, he knew he was useless."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun didn't expect Wei Zhichang to be so keen.

Gu Huaichun: "He said that when you see another person, your eyes are different."

Zhou Yun sighed and said, "I feel very sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Isn't this what actors are like? Maybe they won't succeed once in a hundred auditions. You and I are just the lucky ones." Gu Huaichun said, "Many of my classmates can only They are no worse than me when they play supporting roles with a few lines, and they even perform better than me, sometimes I am ashamed to see them."

"I feel that compared with them, I am just a little bit more lucky, but I feel sorry." Zhou Yun said, "I know, I have experienced this feeling before."

 Second more!

(End of this chapter)

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